Deer Demon Race

Chapter 241: Crying Frog

   At noon, Yuan Xiang and Lang Lang led the team of wild little monsters and finally arrived at the gate of Doufengling Mountain.

   The demon king, the Patriarch of the Lord of the Mountain Lord, personally greeted him at the gate of the mountain. The reception standard was already extremely high. The land of no masters had to wait until the monsters were able to worship the wild demon who entered the gate of the mountain.

   Lang Lang was laughing and laughing with Gou Bao, Lao Wen, Biyan, and Xiaoshan Jing.

   All the way up the mountain along the mountain path, there are the Dinglingling demon and the little demon curiously looking at the new climbing team.

   Yuanxiang turned to Gou Bao and whispered in a whisper: "There are still one hundred and seventy-six people who have been brought to the mountain field!"

   Goubao nodded, and asked Quan to take him to Futao Cave to speak.

   Over there, the Ten Thousand Flower Valley Demon Generals and Demon Ding each took the hands of the two wild little demon, talking affectionately, and climbing all the way.

   Yuanxiang was a little alert, and Gou Bao whispered to him: "It's okay, Master Lu told him before he left. Most of the time he guarded against bad things after being spent, but he was only in love with the queen, we are just fine!"

   After the whisper, Gou Bao yelled: "Everyone except the little demon on duty, come to Futao Cave!"

   So all the little monsters in the mountains rushed to gather outside Futao Cave. Fortunately, the front of the cave is wide and the monster number 300 can stand.

   When the wild demon team arrived, all the people from this mountain also arrived. Gou Bao said to Huang Huaniang: "After the flower, the lord ordered, the wild demon is here, let me say a few words first!"

The Bailu demon is not at home, Huang Huaniang is not afraid that his few demon will be able to play with flowers, and she is determined to take advantage of the demon king to at least pull away most of the wild little demon, but don't be in a hurry, holding the Shura girl's hand and smiling. Authentic: "This is your mountain farm. The master is not there. Since you are in charge, let's talk about it!"

Give another gift to the Banshee King, and Gou Bao said in a loud voice: "Listen to the new little demon, my masters are busy with business. I'm not at home these few days. Let me wait with you before I leave, after one month as a guest. If you want to stay, you need to follow the rules of the mountain range! If there is a violation, the light is hot, the middle is peeled, and the heavy is open! Our strict regulations are not just a joke!"

   "Master said, wait for you two influx of the body every year, I will give it to next year..."

Gou Bao is a simple and honest person. There are not many little monsters in Benshan who fear him. Before he was finished, several of them clamored and interrupted him: "Teaching, why the newcomer is better than our own. Have more?"

You don’t have to look, Yuan Xiang can also tell that it is Bending Xiuye’s servant by her voice. It was originally the same as Peng Yaoxiao, Leopard Monster, Rabbit Roar, etc. It was the sixteen alien beasts sent by Huang Huaniang to become a monster. , But the bloodline is weird. He is still only a little demon until now. He has not been promoted to the demon. He often claims to be the number one among the little demon. There are so many demon on the mountain that he has not regarded him.

   That girl was always arrogant and he was the one who decided to settle the case. On this occasion, Yuan Xiang's teeth were itchy, but Gou Bao was speaking for the master of the house. He had confessed before, so he endured it first.

   originally said that he would not enter the fluid twice a year, how did he change his mind? The wild little monsters were also dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything while waiting.

Gou Bao glanced at Xiuye ​​and said: "Listen to me! The master said, my mountain demon, who loves bragging and boasting that fights are hot, in fact, how many supernatural powers I have learned, and my skills are still very tight, please Ye Xiao The demon teaches him to wait to be a demon! It's just a guest on the mountain field, and Master Lu is also good to give it away. Within this month, if you want, the wild little demon can fight against the mountain, but you are not allowed to be killed. The rest is at will, the winner Get a reward of incompetence, and the loser will go to Spicy!"

   The Little Demon of Wind Ridge has become accustomed to being arrogant. Wild little monsters have experienced a lot of life and death, the most cunning and cruel. Dogs that bite people don’t bark, but don’t like bluffing. Hearing Goubao’s words, they were a little confused. What the mountain lord meant, when he came, just wait. Want to beat up the little demon in his mountain farm?

   Although it’s been a long time, it’s definitely going to be beaten sooner or later, but the mountain owner clearly rewards the elixir and encourages fights. It’s really an accident. The bones are broken, and the demon energy that has been worn out is not a nourishment of the elixir?

   There is a good saying that two plants do not flow every year, what is going on with the change?

   The White Deer Demon is not at home, so he changed his mind to reduce the benefits to the Wild Little Demon. Is it not easy to be considerate of the future, so squeeze out more and let Wanhuagu choose? Huang Huaniang smiled all over her face.

  The Land of No Owner, the wild little monsters are all doing their own things. After these three or four thousand miles, they only got a little familiar with each other. When they heard Gou Bao's words, they all looked at each other, and no one made a sound.

Among the little demon in this mountain, he had already exploded his lungs, and Xiuye ​​took the lead and roared: "Why does the master of the mountain raise his ambition and destroy his own prestige? Just wait for the small servants, single fight or group fight? We all give him a fight. Get down!"

Gou Bao said: "After the single fight, if you still have to fight in groups, you can do it again! He hasn't had a lot of supernatural powers after he hasn't tempered his body. If he can't beat them, how can he have the face to receive more elixir? If you have more than three games, you can get two stubborn bodies!"

The little demon in his own mountain field knows that the sun is hot, he is sick, black face, golden shot, etc. At this time, he is also dissatisfied with the cultivation industry. Just leave the mountain worshippers, and you can go to the Ding Tulou in Zhushan every morning before breakfast, and learn magical powers and temper your body with me! But if you flee from the mountain again, you will definitely have a meal after you chase it!"

"The master said, starting from the next year, the Little Demon in the Doufengling Mountain will be compared every year, and there will be no distinction between the little demon and the mountain. Every year, the top two in the 100 will not enter the stream, and the top ten will have three! !"

  Lao Wen was by the side, whispering to Huang Huaniang: "It's broken, Drifting Ridge will use magical powers to hook these little monsters, do you want to raise the price?"

Huang Huaniang replied angrily: "If I dare to raise the price and get rid of the wild demon, the white deer species...the kind of baby, it will really drag on for decades! The price increase has to be coaxed back to Wanhua Valley. , Think of other ways!"

   Seeing Lao Wen's bitter face, Huang Huaniang said again: "I allowed you to get close, because I see you have some ability, is it possible to love you pretty? I can't think of a way, and I won't be allowed to get close again!"

   forced Lao Wen to rack his brains.

After listening to Goubao, some of the wild little monsters were still thinking about it. The eight-legged pretty spider monster said: "My name is Yuzhu. Many years ago in the old place, the mountain lord had spared his life. , I am also willing to fight against the little demon of this mountain.

  Look at him as a female demon, handsome in appearance, and his desire to cultivate a career is numb, and he wants to take advantage of it. Diao Yao jumped out cleverly and said, "I'm here to fight you!"

  The demon, the demon of the master of the mountain, rushed forward and pulled his own future family: "You must not lose your mind, it will be so hot to lose!"

   glared at Gou Bao: "She is also a banshee. How hot is a banshee when she loses?"

   Xiuye ​​has a cheap mouth, and just wanted to ask, "Why can't the banshee?", Qian Yao Banxuan over there rushed and said: "Tricky and lost, the husband's husband will be hot for her!"

   Black-and-white 鲊 This is for fear that the world will not be in chaos, and I don't know how to fight this female spider demon, and lose it tricky? Biyan stared at Yao Yao fiercely, and Su Ji over there had already said: "Secondly! Tricky, I see your master reluctantly!"

   Diao Yao glared over, and smiled bitterly with blue eyes: "You really can't beat her!"

  The frog demon said that, the piercing eye circles suddenly became red. Seeing that he was about to cry, Blue Eye had to surrender, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, I call a little demon to be hot for you!"

   Now, Jin Jizi, Kaitai, who are used to spoilers, are not forgiving, and shouted: "Brother Biyan, how can I ask the little demon to do it for you?"

   was run by a few of them, and stubbornly pinched the thigh of the blue-eyed master: "It will coax me and ask me to accompany you in the early promotion. You are more ambitious!"

   Under the gaze of the crowd, the frog demon was forced to helplessly, so she nodded her head with tears: "Beastgirl, it hasn't been hot for decades, I don't know how it can stand it!"

   stunned and asked the spider monster, "What if you lose?"

   Spider Demon Yuzhu "chuckled" twice: "If I lose, it will be hot!"

  Looking at her pretty appearance, she didn't want to be a let go. The little demon from this mountain all booed and booed constantly. Huang Huaniang also changed her face: "So cruel?"

   Lao Wen smiled bitterly and replied: "The wild little demon is not ruthless, and he would have died long ago. Back then, only three or four dared to fight one!"

   There are spider monsters in front, and there are more than a dozen female demons in the wild little monsters, and they all said that if you lose, you can get hot, it doesn't matter.

  Only when he went up the mountain, Master Deer was going to give away his body. Regardless of whether he stayed in a month or not, this uninfluenced strain must be obtained first, and the male demons are also willing to fight.

   Goubao called to pick up some leaves, draw and match, prepare to fight, but the trick and the spider demon jade beads do not need to be drawn, and they have been determined to be their opponents.

   This mountain demon doesn't believe in evil, thinking that Master Deer wants to supplement the body of this mountain demon, deliberately disarming the new wild demon, and instigating his own delineated hunk family to go to war and earn an insidious plant.

   Early promotion to the demon, so that we can get rid of the bed together.

   Yaoyao thought, Gou Bao is not a joke, with blue eyes and crying face, Yuan Xiang looked at Xiuye ​​and only sneered, probably gloating, so he decided not to pick up this cheap and not allow the female demon he designated to play.

   There are not many little demons in this mountain, and some little demons are unwilling to participate in the battle. In the end, only more than 90 participated in the draw, and the wild little demons are almost half empty, and no one can get the more than 90 leaves.

   Xiuye ​​is known as the hottest little demon in this mountain. At this time, he naturally did his part. Looking at the remaining wild little demon, he arrogantly shouted: "The rest, I have made it up!"

   Yuanxiang "puchi" laughed out loud.

   Goubao's mouth twitched twice, and he was kinder and persuaded: "Don't eat alone, give some to others!"

   Xiuye ​​reluctantly reluctantly said: "Then I will hit fifty, no less, and the rest will be divided among them!"

   tricky said: "I divide ten more!"

The other arrogant male little demon and demon in the future **** family, they all wanted to be unable to compete, and soon divided the remaining more than 30 ~ wild little demon came far away, the dog called a rest day, Ming I woke up early and didn't want to get out of a lizard demon: "Master Lu has a good heart, and he will reward me with elixir the first day. They are all impatient, so I should wait until tomorrow!"

   shot rounds around: "My name is Shou Gong, and the wild demon is the first in the lottery. The brother opposite is here!"

  The little demon in this mountain has the most succumbs, holding a bunch of leaves, and the first is in his arms, "haha" jumped out: "I want to fight, I'm not worth it! Come on!"

   The sparrow demon stood on the bamboo shoots a little bit, "Bah".

   hasn't circled the Hun Family for a while, he has been staring at the eight-legged spider demon Yuzhu greedy.

   The two have already fought together in the field. They tried a few times to study their careers. Seeing that the lizard demon is really not good at it, it turned out to be a big snake, started "greedy", and bite it.

   The lizard demon moved slowly. He bit the tail and screamed twice. The tail was disconnected. The body was holding the snake's head and slid down. The hand was cold, and the "swipe" all pierced Xiuye's throat!

   The snake monster has a big life, and Xiuye ​​will not die if he is pierced in his throat, but he is still thumping underground, and the lizard monster has jumped on his head again and has to chase after it.

   Goubao screamed: "Shou Gongsheng!"

  The lizard demon stopped, bending over and shouting to Xiuye: "Brother open your mouth, and I will come here!".

   Diao Yao was tricky and realized something was wrong. Turning his head to look at his master, he was squeezed in the corner with tears all over his face.

Before the second scene started, Gou Bao saw that the sick black tiger demon had climbed to a high place, staring at the fight, and the sound transmission said: "Master is leaving, I will not lose you after dealing with you, if you like, you can Go to the earth building to listen to the magical powers and practice the tempering method!"

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