Deer Demon Race

Chapter 242: Saruyama

   In the past few days, the world's fortunes have gradually become scarce, and it is about to end.

  The location of Yuanshan Mountain, the deer demon only knows that it is in the realm of the unjust ancestors.

   flew over from Doufengling, more than 10,000 miles away, and landed several times in the middle, asking the surrounding monsters about the location.

  The land of the two demon ancestors in the end and the unjustified, there is no threat of foreign enemies, except for a few outside to support, there is no war, the big and small monsters have a more comfortable life, and there is a peaceful scene everywhere.

   The monsters get bored, so many new things have been created, but unfortunately the deer monsters on the way do not want to appreciate it.

   It took more than two days to really see Saruyama.

   This mountain is the holy land of tens of thousands of monsters on the Sacred Ape Mountain. During the thousands of years when the Sacred Ape was sanctified, he often used magical powers and kept rising. Now the height far exceeds the surrounding peaks, and it occupies a very wide area.

More than a thousand years ago, the sacred rhinoceros broke into the ape mountain, and the mountain was broken. The unjust ancestors have repaired for more than a thousand years. The sacred ape returned to the mountain for a few days and repaired it himself. Nowadays, in addition to the shortage of spiritual roots, for the demon saint The aura is too thin, and looking at it with the naked eye, the mountain is still majestic.

  The mountain field of the unjust ancestors is only a few hundred miles away from the Saru Mountain. For thousands of years, little monsters have been sent to guard, and now a directly governed monster king has been sent to listen.

   It was hard to get to Saru Mountain, the steel frame flew half a circle around the foot of the mountain, and the mountain gate was found before landing.

   The deer deer and the steel frame approached to land, and there were more than a dozen little monsters guarding the gate under the mountain gate. The leader demon called: "Grandpa Holy Ape Mountain Field, no miscellaneous monsters will be a nuisance!"

   The deer demon walked over and said: "Dro Fengling Ling Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, please see the holy monkey master and the ancestor of the west, please be informed!"

He came on a flying demon, probably not even a demon king, the demon said: "Grandpa Holy Ape, how noble are the ancestors of the west, the mountain has been busy these days, and the demon guarding the mountain are not blessed to see you, where is you? This white-robed demon can see you if you want?"

Seeing his arrogant appearance, the deer demon sighed, and said with a serious tone: "I have some origins with the holy ape master and the ancestors of the west. The ancestors and holy monkey masters know that they will surely let me see you up the mountain!"

The demon sneered and said: "White-robed demon, you are a demon general? Where do you dare to talk nonsense? Such a lie, don't say that you don't have to send it to yourself, so I will send it to my hand. Dare to report it!"

   The deer deer was speechless, and the steel frame behind him couldn't help cursing: "Blind, how much effort does it take to spread the word? It really delays the matter of the holy monkey, beware that the law is too respectful to skin you!"

   Hearing the sound of the steel frame, the demon changed his face directly: "Oh! How dare you come to the monkey mountain to play sideways, don't find the wrong place? Believe that grandpa's smoke cannon fires, and if the king Jiao goes down the mountain, you will be skinned!"

   There are also some in the monster world. The deer deer was too lazy to waste time with him, became angry with his dantian, and shouted: "Deer demon Hundred Treasures, please see the holy monkey, the ancestor of the west!"

   He originated from "low hissing" and "roaring". Although this violent shout did not use magical powers, the volume was huge, and echoes echoed in the mountains.

   yelled like this, which must have alarmed the mountain. The demon was taken aback and wiped a long knife from his mouth: "You don't run!"

  Of course, the deer demon didn’t run. The demon knew that his own realm was low, and he couldn't beat the demon general in front of him. He only instructed the little demon: "You know how to live or die, come to our monkey mountain to make trouble, quickly let go of the smoke and cannon to sue the king!"

   The little demons took out the smoke cannons, but before they sounded, Mrs. Xiwang in a red palace dress suddenly appeared in the air, frowning and asking: "You crappy doctor, how come you come only a few days later?"

  The deer demon said: "I have seen the ancestor, I have something important, and I have come to report to the holy monkey and ancestor!"

In just a few days, the demon guarding the mountain gate hasn't seen the holy ape and Mrs. Xiwang, but I heard King Jiao said that the old ancestor Xiwang loves to wear a red palace costume. It should be... it shouldn’t be fake, right? ?

   Before Madam Xiwang could speak, the figure of the holy ape flashed out again, and asked aloud: "Great Demon General, what do you want to report to this saint?"

   The word "this saint" was exited, but I had never seen it before, and the demon of the mountain gate and the little demon also hurriedly knelt down.

   The deer demon gave another salute and said, "Holy Ape, I’m here to be big, please ask for a place to talk, and let my old deer be slow!"

   The sacred monkey moved his hands, grabbed the deer monster and the steel bone, and then disappeared.

   Madam Xiwang stayed where she was, frowning and asked the kneeling demon: "Why the Bailu demon doesn't follow the rules and dare to scream in front of the mountain gate?"

   Unsure of the white robe demon's details, the mountain gate demon dare not talk nonsense, only vaguely said: "He...he is impatient, and you can't wait to pass it on!"

   Mrs. Xiwang nodded, and shouted in the air: "King Nong Jiao, call this gatekeeper Demon Ding Howl, change one later!"

   After leaving this sound, Madam Xiwang disappeared again.

   was grasped and moved by the holy ape, and the scenery in front of him could not be seen clearly. In a flash, he reached the ape mountain. When he was left behind, the deer demon first looked around.

   The sawdust is still being stepped on, and it has been loosened by insects, and the foot is broken.

The place where    landed was a small piece of flat land beside a mountain stream, and there was a peach tree of Cangqiu next to it.

   looked a little farther, what he saw was very desolate, and there was no trace of construction, but some little demons were digging caves.

  While the deer demon was looking at it, the holy monkey asked him, "What's the matter?"

If the holy ape is also in the "Curse of Transformation", you don't have to think about living or running, so you can rest assured of the great sage who moved to the mountain, but you have to say it to Mrs. Xiwang again. The deer demon simply said: "When Madam arrives, my old man Said the deer together!"

   The holy monkey frowned and said nothing.

   Bai Lu demon turned his head again: "Steel bone, you go farther!"

   The Black Winged Peng Yao saluted the holy ape, and left to look for the mountain monster to speak.

   Not long after, Mrs. Xiwang also turned back.

Lu Yaocai heard the Buddhist verses of Miao De more than forty years ago, and was secretly planted with the Buddha's thoughts of the Huashen monk. A few days ago, he gave birth to the "crossing curse". Fortunately, it originated from the "bath day tongyou". Supernatural powers, purifying the curse, the content of the words that crossed oneself, and the fact that the pig demon who was a fellow pigeon was cursed many years ago, and the ghosts helped to purify, tell me carefully.

   A demon saint, a demon ancestor, frowned deeply at hearing.

   Sacred Ape asked: "According to the monk's thoughts, this saint ran to help the old Xiong, and the old Xiong ran away when he saw him. Doesn't he want to pass the Buddha curse? Is it kind?"

   After finishing speaking, he smiled from "Hey": "It made Ben Sheng wonder for thousands of years, Ben Shengyuan is not so fearful!"

   The White Deer Demon didn’t give a cheer and didn’t answer him. The Holy Ape asked again in doubt, "Monk Miao De is also cursed? Isn’t it a man who cultivates it?"

  The deer demon really didn’t know, he shook his head and replied, "I don’t even know the old deer!"

   Over there, Mrs. Xiwang turned her debut phantom in silence, and flew into the forehead of the White Deer Demon.

   The sacred ape patted his head, and a phantom walked out, and entered the world of the white deer demon on the Dantian Sea.

  While the deer demon knew the sea, Mrs. Xiwang looked up at the cold sky and muttered: "Cold day? Where did my old lady hear it?"

The holy ape also stared at the cold day for a while, and soon lost interest, turned his head and looked around, there was a deer soul and a ghost in the sea of ​​knowledge. After looking at it twice, he asked: "White deer monster, ghost ghost Can help you purify the monk's thoughts, why not make her absorb the purified soul power and make her so weak?"

   The deer deer was surprised and asked: "The shattered Buddhist thoughts, can ghosts absorb?"

The saint ape rolled his eyes and said: "The thought of transforming the gods into the Buddha can actually increase with the thoughts, and curse the demon. This saint does not know what kind of way he is, but the determination is also transformed by the soul power. You have to purify the soul power back to the ghost. Kindness is nourishing, how can she not absorb it?"

   The deer demon then asked the ghost: "Why don't you talk to my old deer?"

   Zixia lowered her head and said nothing, fearing that after she had completed the reification, how could she say if she would provoke the white deer to move evil thoughts?

   I can’t remember when I heard of such a cold day as the sea and sky, Mrs. Xiwang retracted her gaze, turned her head and said: "Sacred Ape Mountain Demon Ancestor Boundary, there must be many curses in the end of the game, Twenty-one Two!"

   The end game was originally from the sand demon, and there are many sand demon in his boundary; the twenty-one boundary is located in the southeast, and the monsters that escape from the desert and Lingtao Peak must pass through his house first, and it is indispensable.

   Sacred Ape nodded: "The ones below are slowly cleared back, at the end, twenty-one or two, but you need to let the deer demon magical powers see the sea of ​​consciousness first to be clean!"

The White Deer Demon hurriedly said: "Holy Ape, ancestor, my old deer is inadequate. Without the help of ghosts, purifying the pig demon who has been cursed for forty years will almost fall short. If the two ancestors are cursed, How can I get rid of them for them!"

   The holy ape hummed: "With your supernatural powers, you can be successful. The sage or the old lady is here, can't you make up for your weak soul?"

   The deer demon only relieved a little.

   The holy ape looked to the west again: "I'll leave You will take care of yourself, don't go out indiscriminately!"

   Xiwang ignored him, and then asked the deer demon: "The Dragon Palace rebellion is already a little bit eye-catching, Bailu demon, when do you think it's better to do it?"

   The deer demon exclaimed: "I can find it so soon?"

Mrs. Xiwang nodded and said with a serious face: "The curse of the monk who transforms the gods is said to be taught by the Bodhisattva for 30 days. You can produce magical powers for purification. The illness is no longer in a hurry, but the child can’t wait, let’s talk about it, when is it good to do it?"

   The ghost raised his head in amazement, and the deer demon was also stunned. He thought for a long time before asking, "Two miles away from Liyuan and Dahuang Mountain? Is it hopeless?"

   Madam Xiwang nodded: "Li Liyuan, the old elephant ignores the old osprey in the Great Desolate Mountain directly to drive the old woman out of the country! If you want to find a helper, you can only count on the Dragon King's house!"

The deer deer smiled bitterly: "It is always necessary for the Holy Ape Lord to go to the border to curse more. There will be three to five years, so that the Xuantian faction can rest assured, so that things can be done! The Dragon Palace rebellion can be captured first, ask more clearly, look at the Dragon Palace. Very useful! If it is really useful, just go to the Dragon Palace!"

   Madam Xiwang glared at the holy monkey: "I can't wait for three to five years, my mother can't wait! Damn it, I will change to curse in two days!"

   The holy ape was urged, but he had no face to save his own child, so he nodded and shouted, "Let's go!"

   Withdrawing from the deer demon consciousness, the holy ape looked to the west and said: "The old woman and him rode to the Peng demon and said, "I will drive back to the mountain, and I will take the deer general to see the two deer consciousnesses, and then I will send it back to the mountain!"

   was caught by the holy ape and flew out of the ape mountain. The deer demon didn't even hear the demon king who was being skinned by the demon king.

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