Deer Demon Race

Chapter 251: The wolf is coming

The broken soul has to be pulled by good luck, and finally it will not continue to break down.

The ghost's body continued to melt away, and in the end only a head remained, floating in the sea of ​​knowledge, and continued to hum and sing "Dragon Soul Homecoming" in his mouth and nose.

The avatar of the holy ape didn't know what to remind, and yelled: "Yao Chi looks west, purple air is coming from the east!"

In response to the cry of the saint ape, in the real world, on the white robe beside the bed, with the purple "Rui" on it, some good fortune was transported back to the deer demon.

As Zixia hummed, the broken soul was pulled by the black crow, and finally gathered a faint deer soul, with good fortune infused, opened his eyes and came back alive, and then hummed softly in response to the ghost.

Finally survived, the avatar of the holy ape exhaled: "The old woman and the holy body are already on the way!"

In the tranquil and quiet "Dragon Soul Returning Home", countless spirit powers repaired the ghost's body, and the demonized deer consciousness slowly recovered.

The humming sound continued, and the cold day was reborn, hanging in the sky of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the spirituality returned, casting a cold brilliance.

After breaking and standing, you have to replenish the soul power of your own clone. This cold day is more spiritual, and there are layers of halos swaying around with the sun. In each layer of halo, there is a sound transmission "Dragon Soul Return". Country Music".

With the rebuilding of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the dragon horns that had only been gnawed in the day also digested more, and a section of velvet antler grew on the top of his head, which seemed to contain the power of thunder.

In the real world, Bailu Yao opened his eyes and said to Qingluo: "Qingluo doesn't need to worry anymore, I'm fine!"

When Qingluo let go, the deer demon got up and wore a robe, walked outside the cave door, and looked down at the driving ridge of his house.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness has been completely stabilized, and there is more strong soul power after the transformation of the **** clone is broken, but that belongs to the master deer, the ghost only makes up for what it has originally, and dare not draw it anymore, simply not seeing the heart, and making a request Go back to the gray robe.

Just after being released from the sea of ​​knowledge by the deer demon, she flew back to the study, and the Shura girl in a nice black dress was chasing out. Zixia had a bad temper for a while, and mocked: "Bah! I don't know how to be ashamed!"

Qing Luo glanced at her, sneered at the corners of her lips, ignored it, and went out to accompany Master Lu.

After standing still for more than half an hour, the holy monkey and Xiwang appeared in front of the study together.

Qing Luo hurriedly knelt down and kowtow.

The saint ape said: "That monk's spirituality is stronger than the original saint, so I can't help it! But the Zhiben saint's true body did not come out to harm you, and he should have been hiding in your mountain field for some time!"

The deer demon nodded, and Madam Xiwang squinted her eyes and said: "It's not nothing! We are still waiting for the demon kings and demon admirals to reach the 21st realm. The old lady puts some tricks on the grass and trees in your mountain field, and the clone goes directly into it. , The old lady will have a sense of self, only the hard to prevent from the demon, you should be more careful!"

This is her 60,000-year-old wood demon's method, and the holy ape can't.

The deer demon answered and ordered: "Qing Luo, go call Ban Xuan, Gou Baolai!"

The Asura girl trot down to the Futao Cave, but the holy ape and the west looking all disappeared.

Banxuan lived only in the hall of Futaodong, came sooner, and ran to the deer demon: "Master, don't sleep well with the little grandma in the middle of the night, what can I do?"

The deer deer stared at him for a while, and said, "Be harder at night from now on. With your'True Eyes', keep your eyes on the movement of the mountain field!"

Yao Yao was taken aback, and asked, "But a thief has entered the mountain? Didn't the police and the garrison be aware of it?"

The deer deer shook his head and said to him: "Don't ask the rest, just stare more at the back!"

Banxuan smiled bitterly: "I have to sleep at night, how can I be affected every night?"

The deer deer snorted: "You also have black eyes on the left and right, you can't see it if you stay up late!"

Banxuan cried out: "Master, it's all about asking for life, so why should I call me like this?"

The deer demon said: "You work harder to make up for your sleep in the day, and when you catch the thief, the lord will let you take care of yourself!"

Black and white stared at him: "How many uninfluenced plants are there?"

This boy is thick-skinned, and he loves to bargain. It's rare to be fooled. The deer demon gritted his teeth: "Huang Shangpin!"

Yao Yao immediately turned into a simple and honest appearance: "Master, don't worry, my old man is staring, and I will tell you to sleep well with my little grandma!"

The deer demon reminded: "The thief and policeman Shanding can hardly be aware of it. You have to treat him as a ghost and be careful!"

Next, Gou Bao has run out of Futao Cave, and Ban Xuan scratched his head and said: "My mountain farm, in addition to the master raising a female ghost, the dead ghost also raises a camel ghost, shouldn't it be him?"

The deer deer shook his head: "No, today's ghost is dead, just tell you to guard against it, for fear of regenerating!"

In half-sense doubts, Qingluo and Yu Wei followed out of Futaodong again, and Gou Bao ran to the front first: "Master's name is me?"

The deer demon asked him: "Which monsters have entered and exited the mountain field recently?"

I was called in the middle of the night, and it was called by the Shura woman herself. I was worried before, and Gou Bao was also suspicious. As usual, the brewers go out to find fruit, collect grain, collect grain, feed the animals, cut grass, collect firewood in the house, build the stone, patrol the mountain, and check the entrance and exit. There will be more than ten days before the steel frame is sent to the master. Far door, and then come back to the mountain."

Lu Yaofang thought about this a lot, and the holy ape's voice sounded in his ears: "Call all tomorrow, this holy helper, look at him and wait for the sea!"

After the sound of the holy ape, the deer deer said to the dog, "If you have been out in half a month, you will call tomorrow. Master, I want to see!"

Gou Bao said yes, the deer deer looked at the female bat demon who was walking side by side with Qingluo, and asked, "Yu Wei, have there been any abnormalities in the mountains these days?"

"Something unusual?"

The bat demon frowned, thought for a while, and shook his head: "Master, Xiuye ​​suffered a serious injury yesterday and won a match; the little grandmother went to talk for the little bit, and Yuzhu replied that she should be a female Bodhisattva like a queen of flowers. Yes, I waited for the Jin Demon Ding to accompany a few more times, but I did not want to be a Hun family, and I had cried for a few games after hiding. The little demons all say that he wants to find a little bit to win back; the dead ghost’s squad, the master has to show favor, and listened to the supernatural powers for a few days, but recently jumped off again. I went to amuse it a few days ago, but he was chased by the bull. Rao, the internal organs are almost beaten out by the silly bull; Golden hitter bet with Su Ji again, betting that he can win Hua Hua's favor and can get close, but he was broken by the old fever and lost the bet; Lao Ban brought back his black butt. The female ape must be given to the black noodles. Later I found out that the bottom of the pot was smeared. After the old spot was chased and beaten, it was Kaitai's idea to scream. He; and the little monsters on the mountain have less fights; the monsters are all anxious, asking when will they separate the little monsters, and all of them are waiting for them. I don't know which of these things is considered abnormal."

The deer deer couldn't tell the miscellaneous things for a while. After thinking about it, "You wait until you go back to sleep, and I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Gou Bao, Yu Wei, and Banxuan were sent back to Futaodong. After the deer demon stood for a while, he asked Qingluo to go to bed by himself, and he simply went to the study to practice characters.

Qingluo was not asleep either, staring fiercely at the gray robe on the bamboo pole, and went to practice combat skills at the gate of the tea garden.

After daybreak, the deer deer also practiced Shura combat skills, and after Gou Bao finished explaining his supernatural powers, he called Yi Yao Ding and Xiao Yao to the door of the study.

The holy ape is invisible, helping the deer demon to check the divine consciousness one by one.

The first thing I looked at was the steel frame. The Deer Demon looked very carefully, but there was only an uncontained gray mist in the Peng Demon's sea of ​​consciousness, which was clean.

But I don't know that Duji didn't leave Buddha thoughts on the steel frame at all. After this incident, I will look for the Peng Yao in the future, not afraid that he will not submit.

The most wonderful transformation lies in the change of one's own mood, without any curse.

Except for the steel bones, the other demon and little demon didn't see any clues.

After a while, Huang Huaniang heard the news and brought with him Jiugao, Lao Wen and other Ten Thousand Flower Valley monsters and monsters. She said, "There was nothing wrong in the past, but I will live in your mountain field afterwards. Come?"

However, it was suspected that the white deer demon was annoyed by drawing the wild little demon, and this guy was looking for an excuse to chase her away.

The deer deer smiled bitterly and explained that it was a monk curse again. Huang Huaniang said: "Yes, it's said that you are using magical powers to search for thieves. All the people from Ten Thousand Flower Valley are here, so please take a look, lest you become innocent!"

The deer deer's complaint was actually not polite, and with the help of the invisible holy ape, he watched them all again.

They are indeed innocent.

The matter had to be put on hold for now.

The sacred ape didn’t take care of it, and Mrs. Xiwang felt a little guilty. Apart from arranging some means to prevent the monk from going up the mountain to kill the deer deer, she also took the initiative to sort out the sapling of the ling apricot tree for him. The 60,000-year-old monster, there are some better In the memory of the heavens, her methods are much better than Twenty-One, and the speed at which Ling Xing Miao absorbs spirituality and advances will greatly increase.

In two or three days, a large number of demon kings and demon generals from the Golden Mane family, the 虺虺 family, the Molar family, the Wuyuan family, and the end plate family gathered in Longtoushan again.

Under the gate of Longtou Mountain, there is a Leopard Demon King with his tongue nailed, so that all the Demon King and Demon Generals who rushed to know that this Holy Ape Lord is not good tempered.

At the order of the twenty-one ancestors, Huang Huaniang finally took the demon generals to leave the driving range, leaving only Lao Wen on the mountain.

Knowing that it was a pretense, Bailu Yao got the consent of the holy ape couple, but did not go to Longtou Mountain, the unjust ancestor tried to persuade the holy ape to dispel the invading intention, telling the demon king and the demon generals. All invaded, and it was difficult to ask for the little saint.

At this time, a large number of demon kings and demon generals knew the purpose of summoning them, some were frightened, some were excited, and some were at a loss.

No matter how to sort out and clear the curse, there are monsters in the lower level who are willing to use them for the monks.

The low-level monsters have limited literacy, but after such a big matter, even after being misunderstood, the Xuantian faction boiled again, all kinds of information flew out, the monks above the gold core of the vassal sect were summoned, and Yuan Ying rushed to Taiyi. Go to the gate, the Yuxiao gate, and be ready to ask for help at any time.

One day later, a Yuan Ying named Ma Yiming came to Holy Ape Mountain, and he begged the Holy Ape to stop fighting, otherwise he would curse and kill his child first, and then go to war with the Holy Ape Mountain.

Sacred Ape pointed at Yuan Ying and cursed, roaring that sooner or later he would hit the Xuantian school gate, and kill his family together.

In persuasion without injustice, the holy ape squeezed the horse to death, and let the strange Yuan Ying return to deliver the letter. After a long period of temper, he asked the demon ancestors to notify the hundreds of demon kings and nearly 10,000 gathered together. The demon will return to each house.

Most of the demon king and demon generals who ran in vain breathed a sigh of relief and did not want to go desperately, but the holy ape is now in this world, looking at the bad temper, the previous peaceful days may end, the more clever demon king, demon Jiang is already thinking about adding magical artifacts and reorganizing the door when he goes back.

The demon king and demon general just started to evacuate from Longtou Mountain. The sacred ape's figure flashed and appeared in the driving range. He said to the deer deer looking west and standing on his shoulder: "Let's go!"

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