Deer Demon Race

Chapter 251: Dragon Palace

   On the shore of the North Sea, the coastline is the dividing line between the home of the 虺虺 and the siren.

The    虺虺 land boundary borders this sea area. Thousands of years ago, the demon ancestor was killed by the holy ape, and now it is under the control of a crocodile demon ancestor.

   The holy ape is coming again this time, not to fight, but to keep some etiquette.

   and his party flew to the beach, the sacred apes gathered their anger, transformed themselves into the sea hundreds of miles away, and shouted at the four seas: "Old Dragon King, this sage came to your house as a guest and brought the dragon soul lamp!"

   His voice spread, and many seas made countless waves. Under the sea, there were dragons turning over, giant scorpions showing their backs, big whales screaming, mackerel screaming, and shrimps and crabs scattered.

   waited for about a quarter of an hour. The sea was rolling along the coast. A yellow dragon appeared and turned into a young man in a hard armor. He bowed and said: "Please wait, the sages are coming!"

  The holy monkey looked at him, and hummed and asked: "The sages are here as guests, and there is no demon ancestor in the Dragon Palace to spread the word? How can you send a demon king?"

   Huanglong Yao replied: "Although I am only a demon king, I am a dragon son. The sea monster is called me twenty lang. It is a good time to add a general Fubo in the sea area of ​​the crocodile!"

Huanglong showed his bones hard and didn't panic at all, the holy ape said: "Is it afraid that the demon ancestor will come alone and be killed by the holy? You dragon is brave, but you are pushed out at this time, I am afraid it is not a dragon. Mother-in-law, raised by concubine?"

   Bailu Yao finally knows why Xiwang did not allow the holy ape to go out, Jiangshan is easy to change his nature, he is so ridiculous and addicted, how can there be no reason to go out?

   Relying on the dragon soul lamp is full of dragon king ancestor souls, which must be taken by the dragon palace, other conditions are estimated to be unnecessary, and there is no need to worry about his family.

   If it weren't for the dragon son in front of him, Xiwang would have waited to add a few more bags to the head of the godslayer, stared fiercely, and scolded: "Say! My lady is speaking, you guys, don't say anything!"

  While going out, Mrs. Xiwang was able to keep her temper, and resisted not verbally saying "My mother".

   The deer deer was relieved.

   The corners of the dragon's mouth twitched twice, and his face quickly returned as usual. He answered the words of the holy ape: "The holy ape is not bad. My mother is not a dragon-po, and he was born in the side of the Dragon King!"

  Longzi, who is the name of Twenty Lang, looked to his wife again to see him: "Seventy years ago, after Ao Xiang and Seventeen Sister came back, they mentioned that they had met his wife!"

The dragon king’s family, dragon sons and dragon daughters, are sorted separately. Twenty Lang is older than 17 Niang, so she is called "Seventeen Sisters." A bit, but the younger generation of the holy ape?"

   The identity of the deer demon is a bit hard to say, but the holy ape and Xiwang can't make a vocal introduction to the dragon king concubine of the demon king realm.

   White-robed monsters are only the demon generals, and the small mountain spirit can't sense it. This dragon son couldn't help but wonder, the holy ape couple didn't say anything, just treated them as entourage and exempted them from courtesy.

   This white robe entourage was a big thorn. Longzi didn't show his respect, so he stood still.

   呸, but the power of the holy ape!

   The demon saint-level conversation, except for Mrs. Xiwang, it is difficult for the general demon ancestors to cut in. The deer demon followed, except for thinking about helping the small mountain spirit to inquire about the way to advance, and indeed can only be an attendant.

  Holy Ape, Mrs. Xiwang regarded him as a blessed commander, some of the critical junctures, and he expected him to make a proper decision, but he didn't really regard him as a follower in his heart.

   Longzi accompanied him. After another two quarters of an hour, six demon ancestors came out on the beach. The head of the tall, round-faced rosacea asked: "Holy Ape, you really brought the Dragon Soul Lantern?"

   Sacred Ape was not wrong, as expected, he was afraid that he would kill him. The Dragon Palace passed down six demon ancestors, and they dared to welcome them after they gathered together.

  The lineup of welcoming guests is not small, and the hunchback of the deer demon who once appeared in Jingping Mountain is also among them, ranking second.

   was the first to ask about this. It was the Dragon King Jiada Lang, who had fought a thousand years ago, and the holy ape recognized it, but he had been ordered by his wife not to speak, so he really didn't say anything.

   Mrs. Xiwang did not know the eldest son of the Dragon King, so she took out the Dragon Soul Lamp and held it in her hand.

   Long Zi Da Lang rushed forward to give a salute: "Madam Rong Me, look at the Dragon Soul!"

   Looking west, he passed the Dragon Soul Lantern and let him watch.

The dragon king family is very strong. Thousands of years ago, the holy ape also suffered a lot of injuries. First, he grabbed a few dragon sons and dragon girls, and finally grabbed the dragon po, forcing the dragon king to submit, but at this time only six demon ancestors came. Here I added another look to the west, but I didn't believe he dared to run away.

Da Lang caught it carefully and looked into the lamp. Although the dragon soul in the inner part was damaged a little, it was fortunate that it was still there. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said a few words with excitement, but he couldn't hear a word on the spot. arrive.

   Mrs. Wang looked sideways, and when he finished speaking, she held her hand up.

   Rosacea squeezed the Dragon Soul Lantern in his hand, and was reluctant to let go: "Send back to the soul of the Dragon Ancestor, the Dragon Palace feels the love of the virtuous couple, you can say anything, the lamp is held by the truth!"

   Xiwang sneered and asked: "You see, this lady is stupid? I can't agree, don't want to take it back in the Dragon Palace, my dear, nineteen dragon souls, I can keep them for a long time!"

Da Lang wanted to try again for one or two. Under the Dragon Soul lamp holder, there were petals of peach and peanuts, which turned into a virtual hand, and the five-finger wheel flicked his palm, and the dragon soul lamp was gently touched by Mrs. Xiwang. Pick it back.

Da Lang was shocked. After Ao Xiang came back 70 years ago, he praised that Xiwang, like his husband and old ape, is also an outlier of the same level. He didn't want to be true. Only a virtual hand made by the Faxiang could not be used by himself. Rival.

   is related to the child, and Xiwang is actually not at ease, afraid that the Dragon Palace has a means to recruit the dragon soul, and has already tempered the dragon soul lamp. If you really want to fight, this dragon soul can still listen to her.

   Of course, the other party has a "Dragon Soul Returning Home" song.

   Da Lang stared at the dragon soul lamp flying away, and the other five Ao Xiangs didn't dare to move.

   A voice sounded at the beach: "Neither come to be an enemy, please come to the Dragon Palace to serve tea!"

   This is a female voice, mixed with the waves of the shore, grouped together, the sound is in harmony, it is very wonderful and pleasant, I think it was made by the Long Po.

  Dalang bowed himself: "Please come to the Dragon Palace to serve tea!"

   asked the holy ape and his party to go to the Dragon Palace, Da Lang turned his head and said to the twenty Lang who was the first to pick up the guests: "Twenty brothers return to your waters!"

   Twenty Lang nodded, then greeted the holy ape, looked west, turned back to the original appearance of Huanglong, and went into the sea.

Da Lang also introduced several demon ancestors who came with him. Except for the hunchback, the chief crocodile of the sea area with a blade on his body armor. The other three are the ray, gull, and shell, all of which are It is called the official title of the demon class, and the name is not introduced.

  The six demon ancestors who came to greet each other, except for the gull-phase and the shell-phase, were inversely faster than flying in the sea.

   Sacred Ape and Xiwang brought the deer demon and small mountain spirits and flew into the air in the middle of the sea.

  The eldest son of the Dragon King is a black dragon, and the rest are big ao, the crocodile is a sea crocodile, and the ray is a devil fish. Each is huge in size, setting off waves.

   Swim or fly, they all go northward at extremely fast speeds. Except for the blue sky and blue sea that they pass by, the deer demon and small mountain spirits sometimes glance at some islands, but they can't see the rest.

   This flight took two days.

   The sacred ape is revisiting the old place, without Da Lang's greeting, he already knows the place.

   The place where all the demons stopped is the Beihai Dragon Palace under the deep sea. A huge vortex floats on the surface dozens of miles in front of the sea, and dozens of miles of seawater around it is brought to revolve around.

   Black Dragon, the eldest son of the Dragon King, uttered a clear groan, probably greeted the following, ready to pick up guests.

   Then, he said: "Holy Ape, Madam, please go into the sea!"

   After this hello, several behemoths made some waves, and they all sank into the sea.

  The holy ape and Mrs. Xiwang are all courageous, and when they look at each other, they go into the sea together.

I thought that the White Deer Demon could not avoid the water, Madam Xiwang wanted to protect him. Before going into the sea, the demon would first take a deep breath and then spit it out, forming a thin air layer around the body, and the demon general could hold back his breath for time. It's already long, and with these capacities, he can breathe for a day or two.

   supernatural power "airbag".

   Looking west, the sacred ape will take him to fly, and he only takes care of the small mountain spirit.

Being able to follow the sacred ape couple to the North Sea, and to go directly to the Dragon Palace, is already the top treatment. I couldn’t even think of it before. As expected, I didn’t have to wait for these decades. The small mountain spirit who had been in search of opportunities in the sea had already laughed. Along the way, watching the surface of the Caspian Sea get closer and closer, his small eyes become a slit, and his facial features are all wrinkled together, still smiling.

   The water splashed around him, his eyes turned blue, and he was already in the sea.

   There are only some plankton in the line of sight.

As the dive gets deeper and deeper, the surroundings slowly darken, the deer demon can see at night, but what can be seen under the deep sea is not far away, but there are some dim lights like lanterns, most of them are in pairs, guess or some The glowing eyes of the behemoth.

   Flying down, the pressure of the sea is getting heavier and heavier. It is estimated that the monsters who are not good enough will find it difficult to the end. The deer has practiced his body tempering method, and the "airbag" is not afraid.

   The six demon ancestors called "xiang" in the dragon palace led the way and flew down for a quarter of an hour before they saw the underwater dragon palace.

The dragon palace is shining from far away, and it is very conspicuous in this dark deep Before flying closer, I realized that the dragon palace is surrounded by an atmospheric cover, dry inside, there is no sea water, and it is shiny. It is a string of night pearls hanging high, illuminating the dragon palace like daylight.

  The Dragon Palace occupies a large area, which should have hundreds of acres of land. There are piles of coral, jade, tortoise shells, giant animal bones and other sea treasures. On the top of the Dragon Palace, there are whirlpools leading to the sea surface, which is probably to ventilate the dragon palace.

   The deer deer stared at the luminous night pearls on the top, and at the light, the beads were mellow, much better than the dim bright stone in the mountain demon cave!

  His beast mother, my old deer will not come here in vain for this trip to the Dragon Palace, and there will be no other benefits, so I have to go along with dozens of night pearls! With the holy ape covered, the Dragon King's family would never turn their faces over some shining things!

The six Dragon Palace demon ancestors took the lead to enter the gas mask. In front of the Dragon Palace’s main entrance, there was a couple standing. The female is not very old and his face is a bit cold; the male is tall and has a red beard under his jaw. , This man and woman, with antler-like dragon horns on their heads, did not maintain a full human form.

The sacred ape, the west looking, the deer demon, and the small mountain spirit entered the dragon palace gas mask. The red-bearded man asked blankly: "Old ape, he called the door for no reason thousands of years ago and killed the four demon ancestors of the Dragon Palace. Why do you come to flattery again today? My Dragon Palace? Don't you be ashamed?"

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