Deer Demon Race

Chapter 253: Whose waist is hard

   Facing the demon sage and transforming the gods, the sacred ape is really true, but the old woman said that she would speak out, and he would not say a word for the time being.

This was just a mutual squeeze before the negotiation, but the Dragon King asked and reprimanded. When asked about this, Xiwang was unwilling to lie down and be small, and replied: "We are holding the Dragon Soul Lantern. If the Dragon King is willing to change it, If you don’t want to, I’ll take it to the enemy, and let the eighteen or nine fire dragons go out and burn them together. It’s also a good treasure!"

   Take all the eighteenth generation ancestors of your Dragon King family to burn!

   Madam Xiwang was unwilling to be outdone, and her tone was as aggressive, but in front of the demon saint she proclaimed herself an "old lady", making the deer deer behind her face bitter.

   You thought you were softer than the holy ape, so what about the strategy of turning the enemy into a friend?

  The Dragon Soul Lantern is the most important thing in the Dragon Palace. Even though it is a home beg, the Dragon King and his wife dare not lose sight of it. Since the Dragon King is tough, he can force his family to do a fight with the Xuantian faction. He took the opportunity to fish in the troubled waters to save the child or grab the body of the miscellaneous hair. The other party was humiliated thousands of years ago, and the monster has a monster temperament.

The breath of the Dragon King has grown thicker, and Mrs. Xiwang sneered again: "But want to grab it? There are nine demon ancestors and hundreds of famous demon kings waiting outside this door. Please come out at the same time. The old lady just let the dragon soul lamp open. , And see if he can wait and howl? Or do you try to catch the old lady, so that the **** dare not move?"

  Mother, I don’t want to be in front of the Dragon King, and Mrs. Xiwang also splashed around. If it really fights, will my old deer come here to die?

   Looking for the small mountain spirit, the boy has changed to jump on the shoulder of the holy ape, making it clear that he will find the backer first.

  Looking at the holy ape who stretched out his hand and scratched his head, Long Po said softly, "Dragon King, if we damage the ancestral dragon soul again, we are not filial! We are always visitors from far away, please come to the palace to serve tea and discuss it slowly!"

   "No tea!" With a roar, he realized that the object of the roar was Long Po. The dragon king hurriedly lowered his voice: "No tea, come in!"

   His couple turned and entered the Dragon Palace first, and the six demon ancestors led the holy ape to follow.

   There are jewels all the way, the aura in the breath is full, and there are a lot of things that I don't know, but they are good things, and the eyes of the white robe monster who walked at the end glowed.

  Long Palace Hall is even more so. The censer is burning in the hall, and there is a very refreshing scent. After smelling two mouthfuls, the cold sun in the sea is bright, and the ghost is also very energetic!

   This scent is of great benefit to the soul, the deer demon's face does not change its color, but he breathes deeply in his nose, so I can inhale more.

  The Dragon King and his wife walked to the main seat of the hall. The Holy Ape was not welcome. Before the main house greeted him, they looked west to the east and sat down on the grand master's chair made of pitch-black dragon bones.

   After the sword was not drawn, the small mountain spirit had jumped back on the shoulders of the deer demon, the deer demon carried him, and obediently walked around behind the holy ape to serve as a follower.

   The sacred ape couple has already sat down, and the Dragon King said to the eldest son, Ao, and so on, "Sit down when you wait!"

   After he said this, Xiwang turned his head to look at the deer demon: "What are you doing behind the pestle? Come up and sit down!"

   This will not give the Dragon King any more face, a demon ancestor, a demon saint, then there is the seat of my old deer?

  Deer deer think about it, it’s better to offend the Dragon King than to offend Xiwang. I still obey the order, move forward, and really sit down under Xiwang. When I think about it, I put the small mountain spirit on the side seat and took a seat.

   Mo Guan Xiu, there are four monsters as guests, and eight to accompany guests!

   I'm really afraid of the holy ape who hasn't said a word, the red tape won't make the Dragon King turn his face again, but his face is worse.

  The Dragon King said: "Ms. Ape, I know that you are extraordinary in the demon ancestors, but this king's family cannot tolerate your presumptuousness. It is believed that the fifteen demon ancestors will come together. Did you really get you to change the dragon soul lamp?"

Threatening the old lady, the holy ape finally said this time: "Oh! Lao Long, it’s not a idiot. This old lady is really able to resist this saint. Fifteen demon ancestors are going to catch her, and you can add you, Ben. Sage will catch your hunger, and see who gets it first! In your family's realm, your abilities both increase by 20%. Give it a try?"

  Holy Ape, consider considering my old deer and Xiaoshan Jingli. When you wait for the big guys to fight, we are afraid to return!

The ape’s abilities are unknown, but the old ape knows it. The scene a thousand years ago is still vivid. The Dragon King is not stimulated by him, and only asks angrily: “What is it necessary to return the Dragon Soul Lantern? Otherwise, the lamp and you will release this king's ancestor soul!"

The Dragon King became subdued in disguise, and Mrs. Xiwang turned to the main topic: "Thousands of years ago, the Xuantian sent a miscellaneous hair ambassador, who killed this god, saying that the old lady and the child have the bones of the demon, supplemented by the secret method to swallow them, and there will be heaven. Demon's Hope, said that the secret method is in your house, and our family only has a single seedling. Only when the gods kill you call the door to ask for the secret method and make grievances with your family!"

   The holy ape knows that Mrs. Wang Xiwang has the hope of the sky demon. Back then, the only son of the holy ape mountain was rumored to have the bones of the sky demon.

   The North Sea Dragon Palace area does not border the monks. The Dragon King and his wife were only half-believing when they heard about this for the first time.

  The Dragon King asked aloud: "Xuantian faction? Seriously?"

   Mrs. Xiwang sneered and said: "The miscellaneous hair disciple said personally! The miscellaneous hair is a god, and it is the calculation of this **** to kill your family to make your family suffer innocent disaster!"

  The Dragon King asked: "You want this king to have a fight with his house?"

Mrs. Xiwang nodded and said: "My family wants to go to Xuantian to pick up the treasure, but it is a little obstructive. It is not easy to show up. You couple are looking for old enemies. Good work!"

The Dragon King shook his head: "This king hasn't dealt with Renxiu, but he also knows that since ancient times, the way of heaven is dependent on people, and there is a **** in his family. If he can't kill him, he will be a vengeance in the future! How can you steal it? Save the child, do you really fool the Dragon Palace?"

Earlier, Xiwang said that the enmity a thousand years ago was caused by her child. Seventy years ago, Ao Xiangxian, Seventeen Niang, etc. came back from Lingtao Peak, plus the news that the sea monster sent to the Sacred Ape Mountain for thousands of years came back. The Dragon King also guessed the story of Lao Yuan's loss of his son.

   "I only have a single seedling for my old lady. It is important to save the child, but you are not the only helper!"

Glancing at Long Po, then looking westward with a sneer and said to the Dragon King: "Sure enough, it is the biggest sun-dragon bag. It has been calculated for nothing. You are still afraid of enmity? So you don’t have enmity. There are forty-nine of the gods in Xumishan Continent. Many, it will be played out in thousands of years, and when the human race swallows Liliyuan and borders you, it will stop? At that time, you will be kind to him, and will not go to enmity?"

   Hearing the news, the six demon ancestors who were sitting with him took a deep breath and exclaimed in unison: "Forty-nine transforming gods?"

   The Dragon King was bluffed, and Long Po also asked aloud: "Where do you hear it?"

Xiwang sneered and shook his head: "I don't care where I heard it! Xuantian Sect Transformation God is mostly not at home. You and your couple really dare not go. We will bring the dragon soul lamp back, burn it through his house, and go straight in. Grab the baby!"

This is a lie. She holds the child with the same lifeblood in the hands of the monk, and she and the holy ape do not dare to use the magic weapon that is ten times hotter. To deal with the Xuantian faction, what the holy ape mountain lacks is not combat power, and It is the great demon saint who attracts and deals with attention!

   But the previous words have already set off a huge wave among the demon saints and demon ancestors of the Dragon Palace in front of them!

   even the surrounding sea monsters are counted. How many demon saints of Luzhou in the North Ju?

   There are forty-nine gods in Xumeshan Island? Will type it out?

  The world is connected to the seas, and in the seas he waited for, there were also those who fled from the seas near Mount Xumi. There are many news about this than the mountain monsters. I knew that the Xumishanzhou monster clan was about to be extinct!

   But the news of forty-nine gods in Xumeshanzhou is still the first news!

Seeing the dragon palace demon ancestors whispering to each other, astonished at each other's secret words, looking west then turned to the holy ape: "Go to the surroundings to transmit the sound, and spread it farther. Ask the demon saint in the sea, is there anyone who wants a dragon soul lamp? If that’s the case, whoever helps the old lady save the child, the Dragon Soul Lantern will give him away!"

In the waters around Beiju Luzhou, the Dragon Palace is the most powerful, but it is so powerful that it will inevitably have some friction with the surrounding area, and there will be many hatreds. Seeing that the old ape really wants to get up and shout, Long Po stopped: "It's done, no more Shaking the prestige, we should go to the Dragon Palace!"

  The family wants the ancestral dragon soul, and the family wants to save the child. Whoever is in a hurry will give in first, but the west is on the point. There is more than one dragon palace to save the child, and the ancestral soul can't replace it.

   After Long Po talked, the six demon ancestors straightened up, and it seemed that they were going to have a fight with the monk's family.

For a couple of more than 20,000 years, the Dragon King certainly understood what the Dragon Po meant. He was beaten by the old ape and killed four demon ancestors and dozens of demon kings. The hatred is not big, although it is the killer of the two stupid sons. , But if it was really the monk’s calculation, at least half of it would have to be calculated on that monk’s sect, it would not be the dragon soul lamp, it should have been asked for an explanation!

   The two demon saints in the house, but there is no way the iron-skinned old ape in front of him knows that it has been calculated, so he can really swallow that calculation?

   I just wanted to force Xiwang to submit, but instead of these two being ruthless and hard, I had to submit myself, asking for revenge, asking for the dragon soul lamp and doing the same thing.

  The Dragon King snorted: "What do you say if you don't return the Dragon Soul Lamp afterwards?"

Xiwang sneered again: "Your ancestor, do you think my old lady is rare? Set a certain time, the broken lamp will be returned to your house, but if you dare to miss the appointment and delay the old lady to save the child, it's no wonder the old lady and the **** hit the door. , Fight with Dragon Palace first!"

  The strength is not as good as the old ape, and he is not hard to speak. It is not as proud as the ape woman. The dragon king sighed in his heart, and said: "This king crosses the sea, and the promise has never been ruined!"

   Long Po said: "There is also the life orb of our seventeen mothers, also come!"

   looked west and nodded: "When the agreement is made, I will return you as well!"

  The Dragon King asked again: "How rebellious that you stole the Dragon Soul Lamp back then?"

   Xiwang blinked, and said, "That guy has already worshipped the ape mountain gate, and is willing to give the dragon soul lamp, and his life will be in the care of the old lady, but you can't kill it again!"

Long Po waved his hand: "If you don't kill, you won't kill. It's just that the six daughters of the queen have hired new husbands and sons to live. Then you can tighten your family members and put them into the sea to make your tongue. They were killed by us. No wonder!"

   looked west and smiled and said: "Long Po, don't worry, let him be courageous, and dare not enter the sea again!"

   The two ladies agreed, and the Dragon King said: "Set a date!"

  Come to think about it, turn around and ask the white-robed monster: "Bailuer, when do you think it's better to act?"

  The deer deer who should be admonished is a blessed general, and he can turn bad luck into good luck. Xiwang is really a little superstitious about him, and only asks for questions on important matters.

The Dragon Kings and the six demon ancestors were all surprised. After they entered the hall, they were very small and stubborn, and they were always greedy to absorb the real The big guys pretended not to see it, not a careless one. Demon General?

   Behind Long Po, an erect eye pupil appeared, looking towards the deer demon.

   The big guys all came over, Bai Lu Yao had to stop taking a deep breath, and said with a wry smile: "Madam, it's only two or three years before we can do anything!"

   "No way!"

   Madam Xiwang stopped drinking: "Where can I wait? It must be within this year!"

It's July, and the peaches of Ueno on the Dafengling Ridge are almost ripe. This year, only half a year is left. It was too hasty, but was stared at by the phantom of the vertical pupil on the back of Long Po. The deer demon felt like sitting on needles and cried. : "Then go on New Year's Day and let his family have a good year!"

   "Okay, it's set..."

When    looked west, he was interrupted by Long Po's exclamation: "You Yang?"

   "You Yang?"

   Madam Xiwang listened to her for a while, thinking, where did the old lady ever hear it?

  She was still thinking about it. After Long Po on the main seat screamed out of control, she whispered a few words with the dragon king, and the dragon king stood up suddenly: "White robe demon, would you like to enter the Dragon Palace? This king promises you a dragon girl!"

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  It is difficult to generate electricity with love for a long time, so I hope to support it.

   The chapter name of the previous chapter was wrong, it should be chapter 252, but it can't be changed on the author's platform, so I had to leave it. This chapter is 253.

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