Deer Demon Race

Chapter 254: Strange goods can live


   The deer demon looked dumbfounded.

   Pies fall in the sky, did Dragon King take the wrong medicine?

   Seeing the white robe demon's stunned look, the Dragon King said again: "Enter the Zuilong Palace, this king promises you a dragon girl!"

   The saint ape put down his hands on his chest, looked at the frowning and contemplative old lady, and then at the unflattering white deer demon, this boy is not handsome!

   Xiaoshanjing was blocked by the armrest of the bone chair, jumped to the armrest, and wanted to ask: Grandpa Longwang, do you have a dragon girl three inches tall in your house?

   I am in the sea, I want to join the family!

  The dragon king suddenly changed his rhythm, and the deer demon couldn't keep up, hoping that Ai Ai said: "Dragon...Long lord, I...Lao Lu is a mountain demon. It's hard to make a living in the sea!"

  The Dragon King waved his hand: "Don't worry! This king replaces a big island to live with you, no smaller than the Demon King Mountain Field!"

After answering the worries of the deer demon's back, the Dragon King looked at the holy ape and said: "Knowing that you are waiting for the mountain demon to be poor, I hope this white deer demon will come to the family of the king. , Haibao Hundred Boxes!"

   The old lady didn’t mean to speak yet, the holy ape first said "Bah": "If the Holy Bear Mountain is in your hands, what magic weapon is needed? Really rich, you send ten copies of the ground products!"

This servant’s pole is indeed sharp. There is no magic weapon comparable to the Dragon Palace. The ground-level products are only a joke, so it is impossible to give it to him. Long Po stood up and said: "This deer with long legs, if he wants to come , Why does the old ape stop?"

   Sage Ape said angrily: "When did this sage say to stop? It's just barely usable in the mountains. What do you want him to do? This big demon will be worth two magic weapons?"

   In the main seat, watching Long Po got up, the Dragon King sat down, but still stared at the White Deer demon with scorching eyes.

The six sea-monster ancestors were astonished, Long Po said: "This white deer demon will come to the road, which is very suitable for our Dragon Palace. The old ape can rest assured. Our couple can swear to the heavens and recruit them to be sons-in-law. They will not harm him, only him. good!"

Long Po said sincerely and sincerely, the holy ape was also uncertain. The Dragon Palace was rich in wealth, but Yuanshan was poor. If it were not related to the treatment of the old woman, seeing how the dragon king and his wife were willing to be slaughtered, he wanted to ask for more benefits. It really made Bai Lu. Forget it!

   The sacred ape was already stunned, and Long Po asked Baibao again: "White-robed demon, are you a deer demon?"

When the deer demon nodded, Long Po said: "This real ambergris in the hall is not offered by the whale demon, but produced by the dragon clan. It is the most beneficial for cultivating spirits and does not produce much, so he waits for the demon ancestor’s home. You can only get some rewards. If you enter the Dragon Palace, you will be granted the permission to be useful every day for all seasons!"

After talking about the first benefit, Long Po said again: "Are you still raising antlers? Antlers and dragon horns have something in common. Raising antlers from dragon horns will benefit you greatly! When you become an adult, I will allow you three pairs of dragon horns. , Raise a good horn out!"

   The third benefit came one after another: "When you enter the family, the demon general Shixuan will be the next grade, the demon king Shixuan will be the top grade, and the Dragon Palace guarantees you will continue to use it, four copies each year!"

   There are so many benefits, the deer demon is completely dull at hearing, and his heart is moved.

   Qing Jiao, the rumors about Rilong Bao are scary!

  I'm afraid of what Kraken look down upon? Isn't it a skill to be able to eat soft rice?

   What's more, Xuantian sent Lao San Zhang to count, but now there is another monk who wants to take the life of Lao Lu. Lao Tzu hides in the sea to become the son-in-law of the Dragon King. Isn't it much safer?

   The small mountain spirit stared at the white deer demon, thinking: "Sure enough, my brother is good fortune. He wants to respond, and I will also follow into the sea, and I must not be thrown into the mountain!"

   The deer demon was already very excited, but there was no free lunch in the world, so he asked: "My old deer came to the house, what do you want to do?"

   Long Po sternly said: "Cultivation with your heart, you can help relatives and juniors when you can help, and there is nothing else to ask for!"

   is so good? The deer deer had already wanted to agree to it, so he remembered Qingluo, Goubao, etc., and asked aloud: "Long...grandmother Long, there is a Shura girl in my old deer house. May I bring her here? There are some confidants who are close to the demon, I'm afraid they will follow!"

   Long Po frowned lightly, pondered, and then said: "Same as a parent, other son-in-laws must not be able to, so please be kind, allow her to take her, and never let her go to the sea!"

   The deer deer was relieved, and was afraid that the dragon girl was ugly and could not get married, and asked, "Mother and grandmother, who is the dragon girl and me?"

   Long Po said: "Now the fifteen niangs to the nineteen niangs are all waiting to be married in the dragon palace. Except for the ninth niangs, the rest are all the children's birth, you can choose whichever you like!"

   Just after Longpo finished speaking, Mrs. Xiwang, who had been silent for a long time, finally sighed, "You Yang!"

   The holy monkey exclaimed: "Old woman..."

   The deer demon turned his head and looked, looking west, there were two lines of tears on Madam's face.

   Except for what she claims to be a child wiping tears at Lingtao Peak, it is too rare for this strong female demon ancestor to cry!

   The deer demon was surprised, and looked at him from the west: "Bai Lu'er, would you like to worship my mother as a teacher?"


   The deer demon is dumbfounded again.

  The Dragon King and Long Po have changed their faces!

   Xiaoshan Jing looked at Xiwang, looked at the Dragon King couple, pulled off their pants, stretched out their little hands and scratched them.

   Xiwang wiped away the tears on his face, and said with a sneer: "The Dragon King's family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the ancient secrets are well known. Fortunately, the old lady is not a black eye, but I did not expect you to be the Youyang!"

   She has lived too long, and there are too many memories in her mind. If the Dragon King and his wife were too eager, it would be hard to remember.

   glanced over the six demon ancestors on the opposite side, then looked at the dragon king and his wife, and looked west and asked: "Youyang is here in the world, the Dali demon clan, do you just want to take it for yourself?"

  The Dragon King and his wife did not answer her. They looked to the deer demon and continued: "My mother is different from his couple, and there is nothing to say about it. After I explain it to you, you can choose it again!"

   Looking west, he asked the Dragon King and his wife again: "I want to make it clear, these demon ancestors of your family, are you allowed to follow?"

   I never expected that Lady Ape would know what You Yang was, and I was afraid that she would not give the White Deer Demon to Dragon Palace, and Long Po sat back in the main seat in disappointment.

The holy ape family allowed even a mob to listen at the same time, and told the demon ancestors to leave and lose their faces, and the dragon king said: "Ape lady said straight, there is no need to hide, he is the king's confidant, so he won't spread it! "

   Mrs. Wang turned to the Bailu Demon and asked him, "Bailuer, do you remember what you need to respect during the Demon Yuan Festival?"

  The festival is celebrated every year. After you set yourself up in Doufengling, you have to personally preside over the Yaoyuan Festival ceremonies. How can the deer forget it? Except for the last respect to the demon, the one who respected the sky and the earth and the sun, moon and stars in the front.

  When the White Deer demon nodded, he looked to the west and said: "Apart from this world of birth, my demon race needs the most respect for the sun, moon, and stars. What do you know?"

This time, the deer demon shook his head and looked west without explaining, and then asked: "In the ancient world, the monsters were rampant, the monster clan was prosperous, dominating the heavens and the earth, and the heavens were in control of the heavens. Since ancient times, the bloodline of the alien beasts has gradually weakened, the monster race has fallen, and the humanity has prospered instead?"

  What happened in the ancient world, how can my old deer know clearly? The deer deer shook his head honestly.

   Mrs. Xiwang smiled bitterly: "In the ancient world, there are ten days!"

   "There are ten days?"

   The memory of the previous life is consistent, but the deer demon dare not say.

Mrs. Xiwang took a deep breath, and then formally began to explain: "In the memory of my old mother, there is nothing left! There are ten days in the ancient days, and all the years are exposed to the sun. How can the weak creatures have vitality? , And strange beasts frequently appear. In addition to the moon spirit tempering the demon qi, it can also use the sun to temper the body, so..."

   "Nikka tempering body?"

   Not only the deer demon asked these words, the holy ape and the six demon ancestors also exclaimed together!

  Only the Dragon King and his wife on the main seat looked as usual, while the Xiaoshan Jing was anxious and useless. It was none of his business, he just had his own chance.

  In the first full moon after becoming the Demon Empress, the deer demon received the knowledge that demon gas is oil, and Nikka is fire. Whenever a spark enters the body, the demon body will burn into ashes, and no one can save it!

   After a few decades, was it five steps or the old plague?

Looking west lightly nodded: "In ancient times, the demons could use the sun to quench their bodies, because the sky had ten days! Although the ten suns will appear at the same time, these ten days are named Sun, Haoyang, Chunyang, and Shaoyang. , Zhengyang, Yiyang, Quyang, Xuyang, Last Yang, and Youyang are all different! If ten days were as strong as the sun, the Haihe River would have dried up long ago, and life would be dead! Because ten days are different from each other, they neutralize each other. , So that Nikka is not flammable, so that my monster race can take this opportunity to quench the body and be tyrannical forever!"

   There are such secrets?

  The unknowing sacred ape, the six demon ancestors of the Dragon Palace, and the white deer demon each gaped their mouths. The little spirit stomped on the arm of the chair.

After he was digested, he looked west again and said: "It's a pity that the Wu Clan, who swears not to enter the heavens, fought with the Monster Clan for tens of thousands of years. After tens of thousands of years of fighting with the Monster Clan, he came out with a powerful earth witch who could rival the 33 Heavenly Demon, named Hou. Yi, the calculation was bad. In order to break the foundation of the monster clan, he rashly shot down for nine days, leaving only a sun. From then on, the lonely sun did not grow, making it difficult for the monster clan to use Rihua to temper its to hear it. The eldest son of the Dragon King, Da Lang, asked aloud, "Why do you say that the Wu Clan's majesty is calculated? "

Xiwang sighed: "He is determined to only calculate the monster race, but he did not expect that the secret of the longevity of the witch race has been closely related to the tenth day. Since the shooting down on the ninth day, the witch race will be weak and die of old age at most for a thousand years. , Only a thousand years of life, how many skills can be cultivated? In the last battle of the lich, the sky demon fell, and the earth witches lost their lives! Since then, the witch clan has declined faster than ours, and Houyi is a witch clan. The chief culprit, he should; later generations of monsters were slaughtered by human monks much, and after a long time, I don’t remember Houyi, who destroyed the foundation of the monsters, but only hated the goddess Nuwa, who created humans, and scolded her for harming the monsters. In my memory, I still remember the rumor that the Nuwa empress was unhappy in the heavens, and stayed behind closed doors all year round!"

   "Nuwa and Houyi are now worshipped only by the human race, but the people of the race have admitted to be the chief culprit!"

   "The secluded sun of your sea-consciousness is opposite to the sun. You can really borrow its power, or you can use the Japanese flower to quench your body, and reproduce the ancient strong clan!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Xiwang sighed and said again: "Bai Lu'er, the reason for that great ability to deceive the mother tree under the tree, the old mother can already guess a bit, he may see that the human race is booming, our monster race There will be a day of extinction, or to seize a ray of life for the monster race in this realm, so as to relieve the pain of Nuwa! After all, he is Fuxi, both the older brother of Nuwa, and the husband of Nuwa... ".

There were some tears in West Wang’s eyes: "What he handed down was the'universal starlight technique' that was only known to the eight heavenly demons in the heavens. It killed the old mother and mother tree, but he wanted to use her to bring down the realm and let the demon race I can borrow the power of the sun, moon and stars again!"

   "Bailuer, would you like to worship my mother as a teacher?"

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