Deer Demon Race

Chapter 255: Apprentice

   Hearing the name of "Universal Starlight Technique", Dragon King and Dragon Po blushed together.

   The real dragon in the world is a special existence among the alien beasts.

   Especially after the prosperity of humanity, if there is a dynasty supported by monks in the human race, the emperor often prides himself on having the aura of a real dragon, so that the dragon has more majesty and magical powers in the eyes of humans.

In fact, there are more than one sea dragon palaces, most of them retain the ancient heritage. For thousands of years, apart from the ancients who used the essence of the sun and the moon to cultivate to the sky demon Yinglong and Zhulong, who has the dragon family ever produced is worthy of praise The power?

There used to be a celestial demon, Huanglong, who was a dragon clan who was cast under the power of mankind for thirty-three days. He was ranked among the twelve golden immortals. It was mixed for eight days, but it was a pity that it spread to the anecdotes of the earth. , This is the most talked about: no victory in every battle, no victory in the same rank!

  The reason is that the dragon has been passed on for thousands of years.

  In the land boundary, the dragon's tyrannical body is an advantage, and the inheritance for thousands of years is also an advantage, but at the same time it is a disadvantage and a shackle!

   The way to cultivate a true dragon is naturally rejected from the roots of other ways. If you can't practice other ways, you will switch to the power of the master, all of this!

   is not a family of dragons. The same is true of phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, and Xuanwu.

  In the realm, by virtue of its tyrannical body and no loss of inheritance, it has always ruled the roost in the same rank of spirit beasts, and has even been widely spread in the mundane world of humans, and is regarded as heaven and earth spirit beasts and sacred beasts.

However, these spirit beasts, as far as the dragon clan is concerned, have inherited the way of true dragons for thousands of years. They are fortunate enough to be promoted to the sky demon. The two dragons and Zhulong will only fight for the next eight days! It can only be used in Lei Bu, Rain Bu, and Fire Bu. It is very rare to reach the middle eight days. If you are unsatisfactory, you must go to be a dragon driving a dragon, pulling a mighty power to cruise the heavens!

  Tenlong is the most likely to pull a cart to go out, followed by Phoenix and Qilin.

   The name of the true dragon was originally only praised by the human emperor.

   abandoned the demon clan and embraced the real Huanglong, one of the thickest golden thighs in the two worlds, and finally raised his cultivation base for eight days, but it was a pity that there was no victory in the same level!

   In the heavens, the so-called dragons, phoenixes and other so-called spirit beasts are in much better conditions than the eight days, but if they are really strong, how can the "dragon liver and phoenix marrow" become a delicacy for the heavens and the heavens?

   Even if the dragon liver and phoenix marrow are the heavenly beasts raised by the heavenly immortals and the heavenly monsters on the bottom eighth floor, it is because the dragon and phoenix tribes are not very powerful in the heavens. Otherwise, how can they allow the same clan to cook all year round?

   Among the famous magic weapons, dragon tendons are often mentioned.

   Because of this, the heavens actually have a dragon-slaying station dedicated to slaying dragons!

   is strong in the earth, but embarrassing in the heaven.

   Since ancient times, the rest of the strange beasts, if there is no inheritance, more than half are inferior to the dragon and phoenix clan!

Sacred Ape Tinhide was only born in the wild, but only by marrying a good wife and aunt, he was able to cultivate to the "universal starry technique" passed down by the heavenly demon in the last eight days. The twin demon saints of the Dragon Palace cooperated by the demon ancestors!

   The power of the sky demon's secret method passed down from the eight heavens can be seen in general!

But no matter how greedy you are, you can only be greedy. The Dragon King family, including those dragons, chicks, pythons, etc. who have a complex bloodline and follow the path of the true dragon, can no longer learn other methods and embark on the path of the true dragon. The road, there is only one way to go to the dark, at least in the boundary of the land!

In the voice of West Looking inquiries, the deer deer was thinking that the monk Miao De said at the time that Rao Hu demon’s life would be a great opportunity. It turned out not to refer to the magical powers of "bathing the sun through the quiet", but this round of tempering Rihua. You Yang?

  The deer demon asked: "Madam, the moon spirit tempers the demon energy, the Nikka tempers the body, what is the use of Xinghui?"

Mrs. Xiwang replied: "Xinghui can quench the magic image, magic weapon and magic weapon! If you can borrow the power of the three lights, one hundred years later, you may be truly invincible at the same level! Dare to say that the Demon Ancestral Realm is invincible, and the killing of that day to escape all the time is actually even more worthwhile!"

   On the main seat, the Dragon King and his wife sighed together. Even if they were willing to pass the Dragon Palace to the west, they would not be able to learn the art of starlight and could not quench the law. Fortunately, they can still use the moon essence and sun.

   The deer demon asked again: "My old deer has this round of the sun to help the demon clan's Nikka body temper, won't it be burned out again?"

   Xiwang shook his head: "How can my old lady know? And your embodied Youyang can't be achieved without the appearance of your body, how can you help other demons to temper their bodies?"

   The deer deer was puzzled, and looked west: "Always wait for you to try it first, so that you can successfully temper your body, and if you have something like it, then you can teach other demon!"


   Do my old deer experiment first?

   So if you want to burn it, you also need to burn my old deer first?

  The deer demon said anxiously: "Madam, I still have to save my life to treat you, how can I go to risk?"

   looked towards the west, an angry face appeared: "You should be the truth, you can't kill the avatar, why is it so easy to die?"

   Madam Xiwang is more confident than he himself, but the deer demon couldn't help but feel guilty: "That's right!"

Xiwang looked at him: "You can't escape! So I entered the Dragon Palace, you asked his family to ask you to use Nikka to temper your body first? Nikka's power, I waited for the demon sacred demon ancestor to determine the effect. It's not big, but how can there be fewer dragons and grandchildren in his family?"

  You can't escape!

   It seems to be what Monk Miaode once said?

  His beast mother, Dragon Palace promises so many benefits, I originally wanted my old deer to take risks first!

   also said to swear to heaven, will never harm me?

  The Dragon King and his wife were not convinced at this time, the Deer Demon no longer hesitated, got up and walked in front of Mrs. Xiwang, knelt down and "bang bang bang" three beeps: "My Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, I would like to worship Madam as a teacher today!"

   Madam Xiwang just breathed a sigh of relief and nodded her head and said, "My old lady is not like his family. I will just coax you first. To put it bluntly, since you are willing to apprentice a teacher, you can only tell you the benefits!"

   stretched out his hand, holding multiple stacked nets: "This magic weapon is considered to be predestined with you. Today, you are going to be a teacher. It is an old lady meeting ceremony!"

   On the main seat, Long Po's gaze shifted down, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

   actually didn't give away magic weapons, and didn't care about face, even the six demon ancestors of Longgong didn't care.

   Bailu demon watched carefully, and there was a faint thunder light on the Internet. It should be the fake Tianluo net that Zhang Laosan gave to the Tiger King at the time. It was snatched by Mrs. Xiwang at that time. Is it a magical weapon that can be a magic weapon?

  How many magical uses have been made eighty-one stacks?

   The Demon-catching Net back then gave big horns, and I don’t want to get a more spicy Tianluo net imitation. If I want to come to my old deer, I really should have a net in my fate!

   It's just that the ghost repairing thunder method; after the dragon's horn is nourished, the antler on the head gradually has the power of thunder; this day, the imitation of the net, seems to have the magical effect of thunder method?

   It’s just that the Dragon Palace bosses are staring at it.

West Wang said: "Get up, you are far away from the Jin Demon Ancestor. You can't use the'Ten Thousand Phase Starlight Technique' to refine the phases, but after you go back, you can learn the Tempering Artifacts first and wait for it to become a magic weapon. You can use it when you are in tatters, and one can go to another family's three!"

   Listening to what Xiwang said, think about the old ape only carrying a magic weapon to carry a mountain, but he arrived at the Dragon Palace for a dozen pieces, and this deer demon is a magic weapon, and his magic weapon is indeed difficult to control, and it can't exert its power. Only then did Long Po put away his mocking face, and the six demon ancestors also corrected a bit, among them, Ao Xiang recalled the wailing under the peach stick.

   The majesty of these two mouths never depends on magic weapons!

  When the deer demon got up, he looked west and turned to the holy ape: "God slain, the old lady accepts the disciple, how are you going to meet?"

   The old woman said that, but she still admitted the relationship between husband and wife. The great sage moved to the mountain and couldn't help but feel happy. She just touched her body. What kind of baby is there? Is it possible that Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn gave him away?

   Bailu Demon saw the opportunity and cried, "Master!"

   Hearing this sound, the holy monkey grinned openly, with a bit of anguish.

   looked west and cursed: "He has many words in his white robe, it is already ugly, you just add another one to him!"

   The sacred ape just woke up and told the deer demon to turn around. He closed his eyes and sensed for a while, pinched his fingers, and drew a mountain under the purple "Rui" on the back of the deer demon.

   In the induction of the deer demon, painting the white robe up the mountain is very heavy.

When the sacred ape stopped, small silks were separated from the supernatural power of the word "Rui" for good fortune, and the mountain peaks just painted became distorted. After a while, it ceased to be a painting. It was changed to the word "Yue", which is also a legal text. !

   This is the mountain power borrowed by the holy ape. Although it is impossible to have a mountain weight right now, it can grow with the deer demon's own demon energy. It is a really hot magical power!

   Deer demon smiled and thought, there are many things about filling in water, but I finally didn't give my old deer the wrong name!

Over there, Mrs. Xiwang looked at the Dragon King and his wife: "I borrowed your family’s Dragon Palace to accept a disciple, and I don’t ask you to give gifts to your couple. I will tell him about marriage today! But my wife’s disciple, I don’t want to go to the sea. Long, you need to marry your daughter here!"

   Long Po changed his face, and the dragon king stared: "Why?"

   Madam Xiwang snorted coldly: "You have to climb up first, and then your dragon son, Longsun, can use him to quench your Otherwise, why don't you pull it out for nothing?"

  Dragon King said: "That Youyang only sees the clues, so how can you take it seriously? If this white-robed demon is burned to ashes by Rihua, wouldn't it cause my daughter to be a widow?"

Xiwang sipped "pooh" and snorted coldly: "My old lady is a disciple, where is short-lived? Tell your family, today is just a marriage, and wait until he borrows from Nikka, and then gets married. The old lady used his marriage to resolve her old enmity with the Dragon Palace. It is credible to wait for Youyang to spread out, and the demon saint who came to climb the door will step through the threshold of Yuanshan!"

I can only follow the way of the real dragon. I really want to borrow the Nikka body to temper my body. The descendants of the dragon race will benefit a lot from now on. Now they can only be married. When he really tries it out, once he changes the rules of the Dragon Palace, it is okay for a daughter to go out. !

The family has a big business, and it is unrealistic to find the old ape to repay the grudges made thousands of years ago. After that, you have to use Youyang to temper your children and grandchildren. Xiang Longpo, wait for her to make up her mind.

  This matter is feasible, Long Po hesitatingly asked: "But you have to call the dragon girls, which one will you decide?"

Xiwang shook his head and said: "There is no need to choose again! The dragon girl who came to Jingping Mountain back then, the old lady boasted that she was beautiful when they met, and wanted to ask her to become a gangster. The old lady took her dragon ball again, just as a betrothal gift, she was not born. Fate?"

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