Deer Demon Race

Chapter 264: Husband is not easy to live

   It was late September when a dozen or so monsters were carrying turtle monsters into one and clam monsters.

   This time it was not just passing by. The two families had already got married and had to keep their salutes. After crossing the coastline for more than ten miles, the line stopped and waited.

   The Demon King of the North Sea entered, and the Thunderbolt Spirit Monster immediately noticed it and flew to ask.

   Hearing the tone of the ancestor of the spirit monster, the demon ancestor in the holy ape mountain did not know the two marriages, and the seventeenth mother told each other, under the order of the dragon king and the dragon po, to visit the holy ape and the lady Xiwang at the ape mountain.

  虺虺 didn't dare to teach himself, so he hurriedly sent a message to Saruyama.

   Madam Xiwang was taken aback. She only wanted to hide it until the end of the new year. Unexpectedly, Long Gong was anxious, so she sent out the Dragon Girl!

   Fortunately, the Sacred Ape Mountain borders the North Sea and is the border of the 虺虺, and it does not border the Golden Mane, and no incident has occurred.

   The saint ape sent a voice message back, and asked Xiaoying to send a confidant demon king to lead the dragon girl to the Ape Mountain, and the news should not be leaked.

   It turns out that the saint ape has been in contact with the Dragon Palace secretly, just who he is secretly guarding against, thinking about the monk curse that made a long time ago, Xiaoyu guessed that he was not called the Demon King, and personally led the Seventeen Niang and his party to the Ape Mountain.

   When I arrived at the Yuanshan Mountain, the seventeenth mother saw that the spiritual energy was thin, and the mountain was repaired in some parts. The spiritual roots were all new plants, and the husband's family was indeed poor.

   When I saw the holy monkey and Mrs. Xiwang, the seventeenth mother went to worship again, nicknamed "Master" and "Master".

   After giving the ceremony to the Dragon Palace, the seventeenth mother blushed slightly and said: "According to the order of the father and the queen, the slave is asked to go to the husband's son-in-law's house and learn to take care of some mountain chores for him!"

   Mrs. Xiwang suddenly understood that this is the first to send the dragon girl to find her husband, no, the husband is here.

   Old lady's disciple, really want to be a Japanese dragon pack?

After all, it’s hard to get involved with the apprentice’s housework. Rilong Bao is Rilong Bao. Xiwang only warned: "There are some inconveniences. !"

  The major events discussed by the Dragon Palace are also scheduled for the New Year. Sacred Ape Mountain borders the human race, and the situation should have been more severe. The seventeenth mother said ashamed: "It is the slave family who has come and lost.

   Xiwang explained: "It's irrelevant, just beware! The two entourages, my daughter-in-law, may hide some of the Sea-Monster's roots and feet? If not, I will stay in Yuanshan first and send it to you after the new year?"

The demon that came with it was an albatross and became a demon. They were very good at flying long distances. They were all flying little demon. Seeing that they didn’t have much to do with them, only the two demon, Guiyi, carried a tortoise shell on his back, and there were also two on his shoulders. The large mussels are a monster in the water at first glance.

   Seventeen mothers said: "Guiyi has the blood of basalt. Although Shuanghe is not a relic from ancient times, it is also a natural alien. They are just monsters, stubborn in nature, and can't hide them for the time being!"

   looked west and said: "Then stay in Saruyama for the New Year!"

Thinking of the dragon girl's delicacy, I am afraid that I cannot be without a waiter. In order to avoid being ridiculed by the dragon in the future, he turned to the west and said: "Tian Xiang, you go with the old lady and daughter-in-law, and wait for her until the end of the year. Don't be naughty, be careful. My mother called you howl!"

   turned his head back and said to the seventeenth mother: "I'm a fox demon, with the blood of a celestial fox, and can support the face of your dragon girl!"

   Tian Xiang stretched out his tongue and went out to give a salute: "Tian Xiang has seen... seen..."

   I'm not sure what to call it, so I looked back and looked west.

   I looked west and thought, all going out to train my husband, and I don’t have to dress to be reserved, so I taught: "Call my grandmother!"

   Tian Xiang said: "I have seen young grandma!"

   Seventeen Niang nodded her head in return, then frowned again.

   The beauty of this banshee is a bit jealous of her own, and she is a confused Hu Meizi, take it to the door, isn't she thinking of the girl? The other maid standing behind Xiwang was about to lose a bit of color, and she had to look at her. The seventeenth mother said boldly: "Knowing that the master loves the slave family, but this sister is afraid of disagreement with the slave family, please Change that one!"

Hearing that she didn’t want her, Tian Xiang’s mouth narrowed, and he looked to his forehead and said: “The family doesn’t speak foreign languages, so it’s okay for Xiaoxiao to give it to you. I’m afraid you will complain about my mother in the future! Her blood is a kind of beast. Some weird animals are hermaphrodites. According to reports, when the blood is thick, men and women will change suddenly. Even though there is no male appearance, you must guard against it. The old lady dare not ask her to wait close!"

   was said to have broken roots, Xiaoxiao lowered her head and Hongxia burned to the base of her ears.

  Is there such blood? The sacred ape, who is not deep, has been just watching, but now his eyes widened, looking at Xiaoxiao, and decided to stare hard in the future, and he must not be too close to the old woman!

   Wenjing Banshee might become a male demon in the future? The seventeenth mother immediately dispelled her previous thoughts and turned to Tianxiang: "Sister, don't go to your heart. You are really too obsessed with men. I didn't want you to accompany you before, so I was offended. Don't blame the slaves!"

   Although I said so straightforwardly, and I think Xiaoxiao is not beautiful enough, it is a fact that the fox demon is more beautiful than her.

   Tian Xiang chuckled and said: "Young grandma doesn't know, that master nicknamed "take advantage and run away". Back then, in Lingtao Peak, he took advantage of the maidservant. The young woman should beware of something!"

   is still on the mountain, the fox demon began to file a lawsuit, and looked angrily: "In front of my old mother, I dare to arrange it. I really don't like the young couple. Are you really itchy?"

Frightened the fox demon, Xiwang explained to the seventeenth mother: "That disciple ignorant of her some good points back then, and ran away before finishing teaching her words. Only then did she remember her hatred until now, and she is sometimes wrong! This fox is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You only use it until the end of the new year. You can protect yourself against her. The old lady is really no one to change it to you. If not, go to his mountain field and see what is suitable!"

   That Hu Meizi still has an innocent look, Seventeen has a headache, and her husband is really not easy to treat.

When asked about the Yi Yao, the Seventeen Niang Dao was used to communicate with the Dragon Palace. The flight was very fast, and it was full of little demons. Xiwang agreed to take it with her, and only asked to leave the two in Yuanshan to accompany Guiyihe. Double.

  Leave Seventeen Niangs to stay in Saru Mountain for one day. On the second day, Xiwang personally sent her and Tianxiang and the Demon to Joyriding Ridge.

   Just staying on this day, Seventeen Niang said a lot with Xiwang, and gave her body to make up for Xiaoxiao the civet cat demon, and also had a generous gift to buy the fox demon to add fragrance.

After coming back from the Chengzu Festival, the kingfisher monsters successively sent the small chicks to sell. After the deer deer woke up from the wine, it was accidentally by Qingluo and did not regret it. He told the rotating little demon Shanmen Ding to be unfamiliar, and the Shanmen first bought it. Next, Yuan Xiang or Biyan went to check the weight match, and then released the animals to Chisha River.

To release some lives, there is no good fortune. However, the deer deer feels that he has eaten so many small chicks, and he should give back one or two, leave more vitality for these little creatures, and do something if they can do it. Think of another way, lest the mystery of the horned horns of the small chicks is discovered and made public by others, it will really go extinct!

   It would not be too difficult to exterminate a kind of creature, especially one that can make huge profits. Even the kingfisher demon is saying that there are fewer and fewer chisha in the Chisha River.

   If the Xia Chi is extinct, he is also one of the chief culprits. If he can make up for it, he can make up a little, just for peace of mind.

   got the guidance of the sacred ape clone, the deer demon has omnipotent identification of the twenty-eight stars in the sky, can not go wrong, has begun to formally practice the "all-phase star radiance technique", after three to five months of cultivation to completeness, you can draw and borrow the star brilliance.

The Tianluo net given by Xiwang when I was apprentice, and the deer monster also took it out when practicing the characters. There is actually only one character on it. I guess it should be "Luo". The power of thunder and lightning above is "Luo". Spontaneous.

Spy on the finished artifacts is a lot more difficult than obtaining the character description. The magical meaning of the "Luo" character is unknown when it will be obtained. On the Tianluo website, the "Luo" character is full anyway, so there is no need to add any more. , The character will not be available for a short time, the deer demon is really busy, so I throw it aside first.

  In all kinds of busyness, until the little demon of the mountain gate flew to report, the old ancestor of West Wang was outside the mountain gate and asked the master of the mountain to go and pick it up.

   My old deer is such a respectful master? The demon ancestor, when he goes to the demon general mountain field and his disciple's house, must he report it at the gate?

   I wondered, but the deer did not dare to delay, so he hurriedly called Gou Bao and waited to greet the guests. He rode a steel frame on his own and flew to the foot of the mountain to greet him.

   Waiting to see Tian Xiang and the little demon surrounded by Seventeen Niangs, the Bai Lu demon is sluggish.

   glanced at the Black Wing Peng, then looked west and said: "This is the demon king who escaped from the great barren mountain. Seeing that it is very virtuous, I will make an appointment for you as a teacher, and you will have a good time with her!"

   Master’s nonsense didn’t care. This dragon girl didn’t mean that she had to become a demon king before she was willing to marry. How could she come now? Wouldn't it be hard to wait and take the initiative to warm my old deer?

   As the deer demon looked at it, the Seventeen Niang had no expression on her face, and she couldn't see the joy or anger at all.

   reported that the bird demon fell behind the steel frame, and before he came back, the remaining two little demon of Shanmen Ding were about to jump up!

   My master of the mountain, I have worshipped Mrs. Ape as a teacher, so he was so spoiled, and he was given a family, he was a demon king, looking beautiful and majestic, he deserves to be a grandma!

   The two little demons who had been called by Xiwang knelt again: "Shou Gong, Da Yu, kowtow to grandma!"

   Ignore the White Deer Seventeen Niang only said to the two little monsters: "Get up, you will have a reward tomorrow!"

   Gecko demon and pig demon climbed up happily, with a flattering look on their faces, but when I saw them back, I didn't know what their temperament was, and they didn't dare to slap their noses.

   No matter what, the master brought him to Joyriding Ridge by himself, so he could not hang outside the mountain gate. The deer deer had to bite the bullet and said, "Master, lady, please climb the mountain!"

   This is the first time that the Seventeenth Mother has been to Cycling Ridge. It was not easy to fly straight up, so Xiwang took her hand and stepped up the stairs step by step.

  Half way, today Shanmen Ding’s guard demon greeted him with a roar: "Roar to the ancestors!"

Driven Ridge is right by the Chisha River. Although the water volume is not large, the original dragon body can barely swim in the river. The Seventeenth Mother is a little happy in her heart. Called Mrs. Lean and looked west.

   Wrongly looking to the west, this is the demon of the bloodline? It was the first time I saw the dragon girl because it was the first time I saw it, unlike the tiger and the leopard to the cattle and sheep.

   Deer demon is not surprising. Five Steps said that he turned his true picture on the big chestnut tree. He took a nap for two or three dollars and was frightened. From then on, he was not allowed to go to sleep in the big chestnut tree for five steps.

   Madam Xiwang held on for seventeen years, and told the rabbit demon in front of her: "Don't pay the courtesy, and stay close to your grandma in the future!".

   yelled and stood up blankly, thinking: Which grandma? I often lean against my grandma. Don’t I be afraid of being skinned by the master?

   Seventeen mothers stabilized her shape, still a little flustered, and cried out: "This husband's house is really not easy to live in!"

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