Deer Demon Race

Chapter 265: Fire in the backyard

   looked at the scenery all the way, waited until the Futao Cave, and then looked to the deer demon: "You will gather the demon!"

   In front of the seventeenth girl, just one sentence is called Lu Yaohongxiang.

Jingping Mountain still has a demon-gathering drum, which is tempered by Filling B himself, which has a far better sound transmission effect. However, he has not lived in Doufengling for a long time, and he usually relies on running errands to pass orders. Implements.

   Seeing that the deer demon ordered the demon to gather the little demon, and embarrassed in front of the rich and powerful dragon girl, he sighed and stopped: "No miles needed!"

   The demon ancestor raised his head and uttered in person: "All the monsters in Doufengling, don't need to be on duty, all belong to Futaodong!"

Today, the little demon who requisitioned food, brewed, and built the little demon did not go out. Hearing the call of the demon ancestor, the two of the mountain men at the foot of the mountain ran the fastest. The rest of the police and the little demon in the mountain were only dubious. After a while, But also flew back.

   Xiaoshan Jing jumped out of the bamboo forest, carrying the tail of a fat bamboo rat in his hand.

   The demon and the little demon who were idle around came out of the Fu Taodong.

   Didn’t you order to prepare to welcome guests? The Shura girl in a green shirt came out of the room together with the bat demon Yuwei.

  Master Lu has only a wry smile, and has suffered a big loss. Recently, the unusually low-key ghost smiled triumphantly in his consciousness.

   By the side of Xingtan, the avatar of the holy ape is grinning too, if you call you a dog, the demon general dare to bump into the holy man and be beaten by the old woman several times!

When the monsters arrived, Mrs. Xiwang pointed to the seventeenth mother and said the words again: "This is the wife appointed by the ancestor for your mountain lord. The demon king from the barren mountain has extraordinary roots. You will wait for the future. Each must be respectful!"

   Demon King?

   Grandma in the house?

   yelled and stared wide-eyed among the demons. I was scared to the grandma in the main house before, but how can I still live in the future?

   Goubao and Biyan looked at each other. If they remember correctly, this beautiful woman should have been the dragon girl who came to Jingping Mountain decades ago!

  Master Lu wanted someone to be a lunatic, so accurate?

   In the past, Master Lu was beaten, and Lao Wen laughed at him for being fat, how could he know that it will be fulfilled?

   This is the Dragon Girl of the North Sea, but how do you say it is from the Great Barren Mountain?

   The ancestors were also there, and they wouldn’t fail to recognize the identity of the Dragon Girl, that’s a secret!

   Qing Luo is struck by lightning, with an unbelievable face, is the Demon King amazing? What about the good Yaozu convention?

Except for Xiaoshan Jing and Shanmending guarding the two little monsters, the others who heard about it were a little frightened. Those who were envious of the master's Yanfu, turned their eyes on Qingluo and Shiqiniang. There was silence.

   looked west and stared: "Did you hear what the old lady said?"

   Now, "coaxing" to boil: "I hear you!"

   looked west and turned to Seventeen Niang: "Take good care of the family, and the couple will live in peace!"

   The Seventeenth Lady blushed slightly, and said: "Follow the Master's order!"

   looked west and stared at the deer demon, and Baibao woke up from shock, and followed: "Follow the master's order!"

  The Dragon Girl arrived for the first time, and Xiwang wanted to leave her in the town, so she stepped aside and said, "Say it!"

   Seventeen Niangs gave Xiwang another salute, stood in the center of the venue, and uttered: "The demon of the mountain field manager, sign up to see you!"

   Seeing is the fact, the deer demon can only secretly complain that the master is not righteous, without telling it first, he is extremely passive, thinking that the time is still early, and there is no time to explain to Qingluo!

Although Master Lu did not see joy on his face, he was not opposed to it. He was a little confused. He thought he knew it before. Grandma called Li, and Gou Bao didn’t think much about it, so he hurried forward: "Teach a demon boy, give me a cow demon Goubao. See you, grandma!"

   After him, Biyan, Yuanxiang, Bandian, Su Ji, Qi Niu, Yu Wei, Dahou, etc. appeared one by one.

   Seeing Yelling again, the other party is only a demon after all, and the seventeenth mother is calm and free, and no longer has the first gaffe.

   After seeing the boss demon, the next is the idle demon such as steel bone, half mystery, red pattern, long tail, head jackal, dead ghost and so on.

   There is no need for the little monsters below to sign up individually. More than two hundred numbers are all squeezed together: "A gift to grandma!"

   The old ancestor looking west was present, Qing Luo bit her teeth and bite, still did not dare to lose her temper. When the little demons finished seeing the gift, she aggrieved and stepped forward: "Qingluo will give a gift to grandma!"

Knowing that this monster is the deer next to the Bailu Demon, she is the only one who is the only one among the monsters. She is still very rare among the monsters. She has made up her mind to not allow the deer to be in contact with the deer before she gets married. , Took the Shura girl's hand: "Call my sister from now on!"

Last night I asked Mrs. Xiwang and Tianxiang, they knew that Gou Bao was the most useful demon on Joyriding Ridge. When Qingluo nodded, the seventeenth mother took her hand and said to Gou Bao: "I saw you for the first time today. , Goubao reported that the demon each received a yellow middle-grade plant, and the little demon received two uninfluenced plants, count...grandma's reward for entering the door!"

   Yao Yao Ban Xuan jumped up with joy, this grandma is more magnificent than Master Deer!

   Kaitai, Biyan, etc. have another level of excitement. When this grandma came, in addition to her own reward, the hunk family could also get two uninfluenced plants. It was one step closer to the promotion demon. It was hard!

  The newly joined wild little monsters are also happy. This is the benefit of worshipping the mountain gate. If you are not careful, you will be rewarded!

   The number of monsters in this mountain, Gou Baomenqing, stepped forward to report: "Grandma, there are 44 monsters in this mountain, 274 little monsters, and one mob. Little grandma is not counted!"

   Seventeen mothers took a look at Tian Xiang. The fox demon, who had gained a rich body last night, stepped forward, took out the elixir in her pouch, and counted it to Gou Bao to distribute it on her behalf.

   Xiaoshan Jing’s body is the only one, a big jade bottle, shake it, it’s empty!

   Xiaoshan looked up and asked: "Sister-in-law, my body is a big jade bottle?"

   was noncommittal about this title, and the dragon girl replied: "This bottle is very capable of sealing aura. After you go out, you can spill the urine in it and bring it back to the mountain!"

   Yes, it really is a couple!

  I even know the essence of Xiaoshan, it turns out that Lu Lao... knew that the disease was born, so he kept my grandma from me, and the ghost is laughing at this!

   "Sister, this is your body!"

In Qing Luo's anger, the seventeenth mother had personally brought her a jade bracelet, which is a defensive magic weapon. Although it is not the top level, it is just right to send a Shura girl who can't know how to use magic. She later showed that she was caring with the Dragon Girl.

   In addition to the small mountain spirit and the Shura girl, there is a colony of poor ghosts in Doufengling, all praise this grandma's grandma!

The Seventeenth Mother also sighed. The Dragon Palace is wealthy, but the Dragon Son and Dragon Daughter and Dragon Sun also have a large nest. The father, queen and mother are not too partial, and there is a limit to what they can really ask for. If you want, you have to save money and look for another income.

   Goubao is famous for distributing the demon's elixir, and the little demon's is led by the masters of Ding. Amidst the joy of the monsters in the mountains, the seventeenth mother asked Goubao: "Can there be a clean, spacious place in the mountain field?"

   Goubao replied: "The driving area is more spacious, and grandma must be clean. Nothing else is allowed!"

   Seventeen Niang nodded: "I will leave today. Before tomorrow, the housekeeper will come to Fengling to find grandma to talk to the master!"

   The White Deer Demon has been thinking about it for a long time. Hearing this, the grandma is in front and the master is in the back, and suddenly understood: "This lady may not be sent home to warm the bed, is she going to seize the rights of my old deer first?"

   Do you want to hand over power to your daughter-in-law?

   pulled Qingluo, the seventeenth mother turned to him: "Excuse me, please take my concubine and take a look at the room!"

   The deer demon had no choice but to lead the way, leading the master and the dragon girl to the study.

   Yu Wei thought, afraid that he would use his own home, and was a little worried about Qingluo, so she followed.

   Xiwang waited and stopped outside the study room, and the seventeenth mother went in and read it again. She didn't see the Ye Mingzhu and the real ambergris that the Dragon Palace had asked for. She thought there was still something obstructive, so she didn't mention it, just praised Master Lu for receiving more books.

After a few gossips, the seventeenth mother said: "In front of the master, the slave family also explained to the husband that the slave family is willing to marry the husband, but the husband must be promoted to the demon king before they can be married. Before this, it was just a marriage! Go to live with Sister Qingluo in the cave below, give the study room to the slave house, and wait for the construction of Dingzao to build a living room, and then you two will be returned!"

  Listen, the newly built is the main bedroom!

   Qingluo bit her lip again.

  The deer demon finally said: "The lady is really going to live long in the Ishan field?"

   Seventeen Niang nodded: "The original...mountain field of the slave family has been abandoned, so I will find the way of the demon ancestor in the Hujun Mountain Field.

   With such a great determination, I really want to live for a long time!

   Although I can’t warm the bed, it’s okay. Although my own lady is beautiful and beautiful, but she only touches it when she gets married. Isn’t it because her eyes are dark?

   Looking west, she asked the seventeenth mother if she still needs help. The Dragon Girl shook her head and replied: "As for the ancestor of Kuli, I still have to greet the master, and the rest of the slave family can take care of it!"

   West looked nodded and turned to the white deer demon: "The old lady gave you a kiss, don't rely on your husband's status to neglect your daughter-in-law and cause her to complain, and the old lady will call you!"

   The Shura girl's eyes blushed, she is not just a demon king, and the ancestor is too partial!

   The deer demon nodded, then looked west and said: "Then the old lady will leave!"

   As he flashed to the west, the holy ape spoke to her: "Twenty-one man, I have already told, the old lady will go back to the mountain!"

After the demon ancestor flashed away, Qing Luo shook off Shi Niang's hand, took the bracelet she had put on, and smashed it to the ground, glaring at the demon demon: "I have long known the disease? The demon clan's practice? Why don't you talk to grandma. ?"

   Behind the seventeenth mother, the fox demon covered his mouth and laughed.

   As the white deer knows the sea, the ghost raises his head and laughs.

   Seventeen Niang withdrew her hand, she didn't say anything with a cold face, to see how the Bailu Demon could solve it.

   Bai Lu demon smiled flatly: "Master's dear, the relationship is very big, how can I dare to vent?"

   Qing Luo shouted angrily: "Isn't she a demon king? My brother is still King Shura, how big is the relationship?"

This big room father and mother are both demon saints. Among the elder brothers, there is a demon ancestor, and the family directly has a nest of demon kings. It is related to the alliance between Sacred Ape Mountain and Beihai Dragon Palace, but my old deer is still in the future and tells you, your brother It's not comparable.

   Seeing that the deer demon was speechless, Qing Luo was even more angry, and suddenly drew out the black-bone lancet, and slashed at the front of the deer master!

   The speed of the sword was extremely fast, and the deer demon was taken aback. Fortunately, he had been practicing against her, and the reaction was not slow, so he hurriedly stepped away and walked away.

   Seventeen Niang looked at the excitement coldly, and she didn't care about the nostalgia, Yu Wei did not dare to come forward to persuade, Tian Xiang smiled.

  In the eyes of the seventeen mothers, the white deer demon is a bad husband, but just dodges. The speed and knife skills of the Shura girl are too weird. If you don't use spells, your demon general should have been cut long ago? He could avoid it!

   With emotion like this, the Shura girl didn't even cut her a few slashes, she became more angry, raised the black bone knife, and suddenly slashed it!

   After this cut, there was a slight heat rising around!

   These heats were originally inspired by the intent of a knife after slashing all around!

   The first Shura combat technique, "Boil the Sea"!

   Qingluo slashed, and within a few feet of the deer demon's surroundings were full of hot knife intent. The white robe was cut several times by her black-bone knife, and the meat was injured.

   This is the first time Qingluo has used the "boiled sea style" in a battle. Seeing that the situation is not good, the deer demon hurriedly launched a "tiger jump" and jumped out to avoid it.

   just took a slow shot and got cuts in more than ten places on his body!

   She was not playing with her black bone knife. She was injured in more than ten places, and the white deer demon instantly bled all over her body.

   Monster fights, this is not considered an injury, the "regeneration" magical power is already working, and Bailu Yao doesn't care, only the seventeenth mother yelled, "You can stop!"

   "Boil the sea" was released, and her family no longer had the ability to cut down on that servant. The Shura girl glared at the madam who suddenly appeared, put away her knife, and jumped down to Futao Cave: "Xiao Shi!"

   She yelled twice, and the matter came out: "My little grandma is called me?"

   Qing Luo called: "Grandma Tuo is out!"

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