Deer Demon Race

Chapter 266: Self-extinguishing fire

   Qingluo jumped on Xiao Shipeng's back, really want to fly out, righteous, the deer deer was afraid that she might make a mistake, and hurriedly said to the seventeenth mother: "I will go and see, don't cause trouble!"

   The dragon girl nodded slightly, and the deer deer flew out, yelling as she flew: "Steel bone! Steel bone!"

   In front of the study room, Dragon Girl said to Tian Xiang and Yu Wei: "Call some female demon, move their mattresses into the hole below, and grandma will bring her own!"

   Steelbone chased and picked up Master Deer. He hurried forward and chased him, cursing as he flew: "You know, this guy is a vain name, don’t you know how to slow down?"

Secretly, an invisible existence also muttered and cursed: "If you don't be your master, if you don't want your crappy man to have an accident, this saint is in charge of you to die, and the demon saint will protect you from chasing your concubine? But a joke. You can see it!"

   Black-winged Peng demon flies fast, but it's not really ignorant about it. It's just that the little grandma will notice it, so she secretly slows down, always keeps her sight in sight, and doesn't get behind.

   I don't know where Qing Luo is going to fly to vent her anger in her anger, but Bai Lu Yao hasn't figured out how to persuade him to catch up.

   This matter, no experience!

   Before Xiao Shi was called by Qing Luo to fly east, she looked at it, and the deer deer realized: "Is she going to return to her family? Asura King's temperament, will she be allowed to return to the mountain?"

   Mengluo Mountain is in the southeast of Mengluo Mountain, and the distance is only more than 700 miles. It's just that the king of Shura said that he would not admit their relatives and would not allow them to return to Mengluo Mountain.

It is unrealistic to tell most demon kings and demon generals not to love fraternity. This is especially true for deer. Qingluo’s annoyance is that after arriving at Doufengling, she thought that although her family did not have the name of the house, she was the only pet, and there was no demon yet. Ji Laifen, in addition to the status, Master Lu is much better like the King of Italy, and he is more hardworking and will be pregnant with the child sooner. Isn't it the main room? How can I know that the ancestors who look west, set a kiss silently, do you still talk about the usual practice of the monster race? Even if the other party is the Demon King, and he was born in spells, so is his grandmother and brother, how much can he make a difference? Even if the Banshee King and Master Deer are in a different room, and the ancestors decided on the name, how can they use their strength in the future? Master Deer is even more hateful. He knows it, and he just kept it secret. No wonder the yin and yang of the ghost a few days ago, laughing at grandma, just watching a joke!

   Therefore, her anger is not directed at the main house for the time being, but at the ghost, the deer master, and the demon ancestor!

   But in front of the demon ancestor, how can there be room to speak in his current state?

   If there is no real fire, how can you not feel good about it?

   When I saw Mengluo Mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, Qingluo's eyes were red, and Xiaoshi was told to go down to the mountain gate.

   Before King Shura changed his mouth, he was really not allowed to return to the mountain!

   By the mountain gate, there are two Shura people sitting on chairs, and the remaining six or seven little demons are on duty.

   Seeing Qing Luo who jumped off Hei Wing Peng's back, the two Shura tribesmen looked at each other, their faces a little embarrassing.

   Qing Luo ignored those little demons, and stepped forward and called: "Qianluo, Suoxu, are you two at the door again?"

   Shura, who is named Qianluo, said: "Qingluo, King Shura has an order, and I don't recognize you as a girl, so you are not allowed to go back to the mountain!"

   Qing Luo coldly snorted: "He doesn't recognize his sister, but I am still Shura? I'm here and won't go back to the mountain! Qian Luo, you know how to fight in three ways?"

   glanced at the other one again: "The beard is still not useful, only one style?"

   The so-called stubborn humming uncomfortably: "It's better than using nothing at all!"

   When Suo Xu said that, he would still only "cook the sea". Qingluo ignored him and only stared at Qianluo: "I, Qingluo, as Shura, learn combat skills from the tribe Qianluo!"

   Baibao rushed to the steel frame, without hearing the previous dialogue, jumped down and pulled her, shouting: "Your brother doesn't recognize his relatives, let's go back!"

   Qingluo kicked him with her foot: "Wensheng go away!"

  Kicked several times, the deer deer didn't let go, Qing Luo said coldly: "Trusted grandma cut you!"

   The two of them were pulling here, Qian Luo hurriedly winked at a flying demon and told him to fly back to the mountain to report.

   Pulled a few times to make the Bailu demon anxious, hugged Qingluo, put it on his shoulders, and forced to carry it away.

   The female monster couldn't get rid of punching and kicking, and she shouted, "Let go, wait until I find the combat skills, and then return to the mountain!"

   The deer demon stopped and asked in surprise: "Ask for combat skills?"

   Qing Luo snorted twice on her shoulders, and said, "In addition to combat skills, grandma has to ask for Shura eyes!"

   The deer demon let her down: "Sura's eyes?"

Qingluo glared at him for a while and kicked again: "It is the eye left by the great Shura after his death. Other peoples use it to see the jade bones of the born spirit. Grandma also wants to be the demon king. Can you help me? ?"

  This foot is for kicking the yin. The deer deer leans down slightly, puts force on his thigh, and said: "Of course I would like to help you find the bones, but if your brother doesn't recognize your relatives, can you still get benefits?"

   Steel bones and Xiao Shi are all on the side, the deer demon still dare not say that even if you are promoted to the female Shura king, you will not be able to fight the dragon girl.

   Qing Luo said angrily: "How can I know if I don't ask for it? Otherwise, my grandma will be angry for the rest of my life? There must always be room for contention in front of the ancestors!"

   turned around and returned to the mountain gate, rushing to Qianluo said: "Asura's clan, my combat skills will be passed on to me!"

   Qianluo smiled bitterly: "King Shura is still angry, afraid that he will punish me!"

   Qingluo glanced at him, pulled out the black-bone lancet, and swiped it against the throat with one knife.

   Qianluo turned over the chair, jumped away hurriedly, and drew his sword to fight.

   The deer demon looked, this is a fight back to her natal family, is it really good?

   Suoxu and those little demons were also dumbfounded.

   Watching Qian Luo pull out the knife, Qing Luo sneered twice, and the black bone knife was raised and cut!

   The surrounding silk knives vaporized into enthusiasm.

   "Cook the sea"!

   This is a big move. Qian Luo was frightened and hurriedly swung a knife on his body. The third type of Shura combat technique "ceded land"!

Knowing that Qianluo couldn't beat Qianluo, the "boiled sea style" was cut open, so Qingluo stopped and stared at him: "Send another little demon to report to my brother, and say that Qingluo's "boiled sea style" has been completed, please Learn combat skills with the same clan, and ask for Shura's eyes!"

   Qian Luo scratched his head, winked at the little demon over there, and another flying little demon went up the mountain.

  A few just waited for the result.

   The first little demon flew back first, and said to Qian Luo: "The original words of the great king, that is not useful, learn to please others, not to pass it!"

   Qingluo's face is ugly, Baibao thinks about it, stepped forward and took her hand. The Shura girl made two blows, but didn't break free.

After waiting for a long time, the second little demon came back and said to Qianluo: "The original words of the great king, the Shura people pass on combat skills to each other, all of their own will, he doesn't care! The Shura eyes in the ancestral hall are called me. When you come down, I will only send you to Qian Luo, so that you are not allowed to borrow from foreigners!"

   After speaking, the little demon handed Qian Luo an eyeball.

   Qing Luo cheered, and rushed forward: "Sura's eyes are here first!"

   Qian Luo looked at the deer demon over there, embarrassed: "The order of King Shura, no foreigners are allowed!"

   Qingluo stared at him: "Are you stupid? He knows how to Shura combat skills, just half of Shura, which is a foreigner? Do I need Shura eyes to find jade bones?"

   Qianluo let go and let her **** Shura's eyes.

   Qing Luo said again: "Those two combat skills, Qian Luo teaches me!"

   Qianluo looked around, nodded and said: "Here is a mixed bag, change the place!"

   The two Shura looked for a hill nearby and flew up to pass on combat skills.

   The deer deer had to wait with Gang Bone and Xiao Shi.

   Qian Luo will come down in a while, Dao Qingluo will practice again, don't bother to disturb her.

   So, continue to wait.

   It was not until dusk that Qingluo came down, and the deer deer couldn't help but fly up. Seeing that she had practiced panting and sweating all over, she hurriedly called: "It's getting dark soon!"

   Qing Luobai glanced at him, and the deer demon walked over and said: "Bodhisattva, go home and rest, practice tomorrow?"

   Qing Luo said angrily: "When the grandma knife is more profitable, you will really be hacked to death, the monk of the plague creature!"

   The deer demon stepped forward and pulled her hand. This time he didn't struggle any more and was obediently led and flew down.

   In front of the gate of Meng Luoshan, the deer demon fisted Qian Luo and Xu Suo and said, "Thank you!"

   Qianluo turned his head and ignored, he had to ask for an answer: "Don't thank me, I'm useless!"

   Qing Luo hummed to Xu Suo: "Is it possible to say something wrong? Next time I come, I will definitely be more than you!"

   While sighing, the deer demon embraced Qingluo's waist, jumped on the steel back, and shouted, "Go back!"

   held Qingluo in her arms, and the white deer demon's little thoughts were warm all the way, and the female demon just sneered most of the time.

   Back to Dufengling, the bed in the study has been moved to Futaodong, Tianxiang is outside the study, smiling at them: "Young lady has stopped, order not to disturb her today!"

   Afraid of Qing Luo being angry again, the deer demon hurriedly pulled her into Futao Cave, then called Gou Bao and Biyan, whispering, not to reveal the identity of the dragon girl.

   Fu Taodong originally used to live in the house of Master Deer, only Huang Hua Niang borrowed to live for a while when she came, but it has been vacant since then, and now she lives back again.

   Bedding and other things, Yu Wei has asked the female demon to prepare them, and all the washing items have been moved down.

  Back to this old room, the deer demon couldn't bear the hard work of Qingluo. After the new year, he realized that it was useless and said to her: "You have a tighter tone, I will tell you the truth!"

   Qing Luo stared at him for a while, then said: "Say!"

The deer deer hugged her and lay on the whispered: "In My Sacred Ape Mountain, there are still many monks' eyes and ears. I just kept it from before that she was originally a dragon girl from Beihai, at home.... .."

   said it all over again.

   I heard that the main house is so powerful, and the Shura girl was sluggish for a long time before finally giving up: "The two demon saint family, the Beihai dragon clan, no wonder the ancestors disregarded the convention!"

   finally shed tears: "Grandma jumps again, and my brother is willing to help. The main room is also hopeless. I want to bow my head in front of her to be a kid?"

   The deer demon lightly nodded: "Sura does not shed tears!"

   wiped away the tears, Qing Luo gritted her teeth and said: "Then grandma will be promoted to King Shura early. I don't know what her temperament is. Her family is strong and she is still the Demon King. If you bully me, you have to fight back!"

   The deer demon nodded and said, "Why are Shura's eyes used? Master, I will go out in the future, so I have the opportunity to help you get some bones back!"

   The Shura girl shook her head: "I'll talk about it when I change it. Grandma asks you, so the ghost is laughing so happy today?"

   Ghost? Laughed for a day in the sea of ​​knowledge!

Seeing the deer demon nodded, the Shura girl got up and said, "How much sweat I have, I will wash it off! She is still not married, even if she is a child, grandma will choose the cheap one for more than a hundred years! Come back and get the female ghost robe to make the bed. !"

   The Asura girl took the basin out, and the deer demon knew the sea, and the ghost said anxiously: "Master Deer talked to her, I didn't laugh!"

   The soul of the deer said: "I heard it all!"

   The ghost was about to cry in a hurry: "Please give me a break and help me!".

   Deer Soul sighed: "Whether you be a man or a ghost, you must be sincere!"

   Ghost screamed: "You are a ghost!"

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