Deer Demon Race

Chapter 267: Evil Dragon Pestle

   When the rooster crowed twice, the white deer demon woke up on time again.

   Get out of bed gently, and the Shura woman's eyelids moved twice, but she hasn't woken up yet.

   He pulled the door gently and went out.

   This time in the past, it was the time for the deer demon to refine the characters, and the inner bedroom was occupied by the dragon girl, so it was not easy to use the study.

   Habits are hard to change, the deer deer still walks upwards.

   There seems to be a dark figure in front of the study?

   Fix your eyes, isn't that the fox demon adding fragrance?

Seeing him, Tian Xiang whispered with a bitter face: "Brother, your lady is hard to serve. I heard that you get up early and use the study room, so you get up early too. She went to visit Chisha River, but I wanted me to stay here. , Telling brother to only work, but not allowed to go inside!"

   Such a sensible and virtuous?

   is an accident by the deer demon.

   He walked into the study, and the fox demon followed up, urging him: "Brother, do you want to see the inside? The slave family must not tell her!"

   The last sound was a Meiyu, and the deer demon surrendered: "It's good to add fragrance, my old deer needs to work hard, don't bother you!"

   Fox demon sneered twice, as if he was about to make a big move, deer demon hurriedly said: "I teach you a few words, you can practice writing by yourself, don't say anything!"

Called Fox Demon since he pulled out a book from the shelf, turned the page, looked at it in the dark, but it was the erotica where the goblins were fighting, and the deer demon snorted angrily. Tian Xiangyuan was deliberate. After the molesting, he smiled and changed. One.

   turned the opening page and asked the fox demon to pick out a dozen or so characters that she didn't know. The deer taught her and told her to write on the ground without interruption, before she started to practice characters on the fine plaster.

   Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan think they have to be ordered, and ask questions in the future.

  I practiced the characters until dawn, and the fox demon finished memorizing the characters, and then he probed over.

   This fox demon memorizes words much more hotter than the little demon day. He knew it when he was in Lingtao Peak. The deer demon asked helplessly: "How do you learn Chinese characters?"

Tian Xiang said: "When I first opened up Lingzhi, I liked to go to the village to eavesdrop at night. Before going to bed, many people were talking about the fox demon luring scholars. I am a fox demon. I want to lure scholars. How can I not read? "

   The deer demon had no choice but to teach her to recognize a few more, so he got up and went out, ready to change the Shura combat skills.

   Seeing him go out, Tian Xiang only remembered, and hurriedly chased it out and called: "Your lady is talking about Li, after practicing the characters, I will go to Doufengping to discuss matters!"

   was disturbed by the Shura girl yesterday, but forgot that the dragon girl asked him to discuss matters with the housekeeper demon Ding.

   had no choice but to fly high and went to Doufengping. Seeing in front of the tea garden in mid-air, Qingluo had already practiced combat skills. It was earlier than usual. She was also a very strong temper.

   Qingluo, these few days have to coax me little, the deer deer first landed in front of the tea garden, and said that he was going to Dufengping to discuss matters, and would not accompany her to practice this morning.

   When rushed to Doufengling, Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan had already arrived, and most of the other demon in charge had also arrived.

   The stone cave for body tempering is on the riding flat. When the deer landed, the cattle ran out of the cave and asked, "Master, my grandma?"

   This silly cow, thinks that Fu Taodong is teasing him a lot, and sleeps in the hole for body tempering at night.

   The deer demon rolls his eyes, how do I know? Stupid Niumo thought that the master I slept with the dragon girl?

   After waiting for a while, the seventeenth girl with fluttering hair flew down from the top of the mountain, and looked at the demon Ding Weiqi, pulling Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan to the side for questioning.

   My old deer was ignored?

When the last one of Kaitai arrived, the seventeenth mother stood in the center and said sternly: "For the first time, grandma hasn't said anything, so I won't punish you! Later, I will call to discuss the matter early. I will arrive after daybreak. The penalty day is three times hotter. !"

  The "Japanese Spicy" that the mountain monsters said is already used!

   The deer deer looked at the sky, and it was indeed bright, because Kaitai was late.

  Doufenglingqiong, the demon king, the demon general, plus eighteen demon stewards, can only stand and discuss matters on this doufeng ping.

Kaitai nodded and bowed, still wanting to argue a few words, Dragon Girl has already turned the topic: "Today's discussion, the first thing is to expand the mountain field, Doufengling is already the Demon King Mountain Field, and the boundary needs to be expanded to the outside world by hundreds of miles. , Grandma has asked Master Kuli to tell the old ancestor Kuli that the two small mountain farms in Baili will ask him to wait for the relocation. You will wait for the manager to care about what needs to be added, just report it!"

   It’s only the third year to settle down in Doufengling, the mountain field is about to be upgraded?

   Yes, although Master Lu is still far away from promotion, grandma is a demon king, shouldn't it be the demon king mountain field?

   Deer demon can't fault it either.

  I’m late today, but it’s not good to be remembered by my grandma. Kaitai hurriedly mentioned: "Grandma, I want to go up to the mountain field. We have not visited the mountain or the peak circle yet!"

Seventeen Niang obviously thought about it, and replied: "There are forty-four monsters in the mountain field. Only you wait for the eighteen to take care of things. There is no shortage of idle monsters. use!"

In the name of a husband and wife, it’s not too easy for the Dragon Girl as the Demon King to seize power. Yesterday’s benefits were enough. Seeing that after Kaitai, the housekeepers are concentrating on their ideas, and they haven’t asked their own masters. , Lu Yao hurriedly "cough cough" twice, and when the Seventeen Niangs and Demon Ding all came over, he said: "Lady, I was originally a demon general of Huang Hua's family branch, and I have a good relationship with Empress Hua. Lishanchang is only three. Nian Gong hasn't been paid once in 2016, so why ignore the Wanhua Valley?"

   The seventeenth girl frowned and asked: "Oh, what do you mean by your husband?"

The deer demon said: "Move away from the other family's mountain field within Baili, and call the police Shanding to visit Baili, and Moxu's other family will settle down again. It will not hinder the lady's spiritual sense and the harmony between the world and the earth, that is, that is it, anyway. It will take a few years before we can talk to Huahou!"

   The seventeenth mother followed the kindness and nodded and said: "Just according to your husband, this matter will be postponed for a few years!"

  The Eagle Demon White Shoulder listened, and hurriedly called: "Grandma, Master, we only have four police shanties. The little demon already complains about heavy errands. If you expand it by a hundred miles, where is it enough?"

Before the Seventeen Niangs, Deer Demon replied: "As I said, some flying little demon will be newly used in the next year. Now that it is urgent, we are looking for hundreds of birds to transform the demon and replenish the police! "

Seventeen Niang stopped: "Xinhua Little Demon, it's a waste of money. The mountain farm is not rich, and it will take a few months! The slave family thought, there will be not much to build in the mountain farm in the future, I'm afraid it will be used. There are no more than two dicks; if there are feeders, two **** are not needed when requisitioning grain; it is better to transfer Baiqiao and Xiaoshi two to Jingshan; for Qiniu and Kaitai two, change one to requisition! Six! As Jing Shanding lacks the flying demon, the slave family asks the demon to go back to his hometown and recruit hundreds of flying demon with their chests changed. It saves some money and is really useful!"

   Go back to my hometown and recruit a hundred? Does she have cronies to use?

   Deer demon said: "Lady, recruiting little monsters from your hometown is easy to use, but you have already turned your breasts. You can become a demon in a few years.

"Which family is the reason?" Seventeen Niang snorted and said: "This is the second thing to discuss. There are more than 20 idle monsters in the mountain field, except for the tiger monster Dashun and the two in the room. How can the rest be idle? If you have one's own body, you must do your best. There is no reason to let him be idle! You should watch the door as well as the door!"

   At this time, the demon in charge were all taken aback, and the deer demon said: "In the holy monkey mountain, every family is like this. The demon can only take care of things at most. How can you do it by yourself?"

The seventeenth mother stroked her shawl with her long hair, and said with a serious face: "Husband, slave family, the rules are not like this! Regardless of whether you are the demon king, demon general, demon boy, you are protected by the master's house, and you can use it on weekdays. You have to do it!"

   The deer demon actually agrees with this principle, but the holy monkey mountain loves it, and does not want to be independent and special, and reluctantly persuades: "Lady, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, and follow the customs in the countryside!"

The seventeenth mother took a long breath and said to the demon in charge: "In addition to these two things, today I still wanted to discuss the two things of planting trees in the back of the mountain and looking for supplementary income. I complained that my grandmother did not make up with your master, so I will recruit you. When you wait, nothing happened. Time wasted for nothing. You wait and go back first!"

   The demon looked at each other, turned around and left one after another, the deer said: "Miss, I will take you around the mountain field again?"

   Seventeen Niang shook her head, and asked him softly, "The husband has a good friendship with the Queen of Flowers? I heard that it is a famous female Bodhisattva from nearby, and there is friendship with the night?"

   Seeing that something is wrong, Lu Yao shook his head hurriedly: "Heaven and earth conscience, I and the queen of flowers are clean!"

   Hearing what he said resolutely, the demons did the same thing yesterday, this husband didn’t cause too many romantic affairs, and the seventeenth mother smiled: "I can't bear the family affairs, let the slave take care of it?"

   Although the beauty is smiling like a flower, the deer deer only feels bad, and Qi Ai replied: "I...I have been in charge of it all the time, the lady is new here, I am afraid that you will be born!"

   Seventeen Niangs approached again and lowered her voice and asked, "Isn't it good to practice with great concentration? You have to follow the chicken when you marry a chicken, and you have to follow the customs when you come to the village? The husband of the Dragon Palace has also been there. What is the custom of marrying the Dragon Girl?"

The Jiao lady exhales like orchids, as she gets closer and closer, the deer deer's heart "bumps" and messes up. Before answering, she has grabbed the collar of her robe with one hand, and has a golden pestle with a thick arm in her other hand. , Smashed head-on!

  Dragon Banshee King, whose humanoid arms looked slender and tender, she was grabbed by the collar, but it was as heavy as a giant. The deer demon could not get rid of the left and right sides when she launched the "juli".


   The evil dragon pestle is hitting the deer deer's head, hitting him as a gold star!

   knowing the sea, tucked her knees and squatting sad Zixia raised her head: "I know the retribution is unhappy, and I will teach you how to make a Japanese dragon bag!"

By the side of Xingtan, the invisible sacred ape clone "hehe" smiled: "Tsk! Beihai Dragon Girl, UU Reading is really a wicked personality, and I can't blame the Qing Jiao for running away, no worse than my wife! "

   The Seventeenth Lady grabbed the deer demon's white robe collar, and then whispered viciously: "Tell you not to let the slaves take care of things!"

   The second hit came again.


   After being hit by gravity twice in a row, the deer demon was already dizzy and swollen, feeling that the dragon girl hadn't stopped her hand yet, she hurriedly spit out a big antler from her mouth.

   "Dare to fight back?"

   Seeing him wipe off the antlers, Seventeen Niang finds the reason again, and the evil dragon club strikes again for the third time.

   The action is so fast!


  Looking at the charming beauty, she turned out to be a wicked woman. Why did my old deer die so hard?

   His head was hot and dizzy. For fear of being beaten by her into a concussion, the deer demon didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and the big antlers hurriedly threw them out.

   "I...I...I protect my life with antlers..."

   The fourth blow of the Evil Dragon Pestle was about to come, and after a "pop", the deer demon hurriedly changed his position and escaped. The latter part of the sentence continued to shout: "It's for your life, the lady, don't interrupt it!"

   The Seventeenth Mother had already caught an antler in her hand, stopped the evil dragon pestle, and gave a light "Huh", threw away the antler, and flew after the deer again!

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