Deer Demon Race

Chapter 268: Don't make a Japanese dragon bag

The cool down time of "Take off the robe and change position" is quite long, knowing that she can't fly, the deer demon shook his head hard to reduce the dizziness, staying a little awake, and then shook his body, "illusion"!


   More than a dozen white-robed monsters shook out, and the Seventeenth Mother snorted coldly, wiped out the large white conch in her mouth, and blew to her mouth: "Woo..."


   The deer demon has a "black cry", and is not afraid of mentally disordered attacks. More than a dozen phantoms are still fleeing out crookedly.


   Before the white snail was removed, the seventeenth mother gave a "噫" in surprise, then pointed her mouth and changed her tone: "Om!"


The latter sound was similar to the "roar" of the deer demon, causing the air to oscillate, spreading outward like waves, and being affected, each phantom was shaken and distorted, but the blood of the only real body was turbulent, and the deer demon's mouth was sprayed with blood. out!


  'S real body has been exposed, and the seventeenth mother is rushing over. The deer deer can't control much, and rushes to the ground, "Escape"!


   This riding ground is for the magicians to practice spells. The ground is all mud!


   Just fortunately to dive a little bit, but there is no mud barrier, I heard Seventeen Niang singing: "True dragon is like mud and water!"


"Earth Escape" in the mud was like in the water. After the dragon girl's voice, the surrounding soil became more like water, and there was an undercurrent surging in it, pushing the deer monster up and preventing him from diving. !


   The singing of the seventeen mothers came again: "The tides of the four seas are attached to the dragon's tail!"


   The soil is like a real wave, undulating, and there is a large turbulence in it, which continuously washes on the deer demon!


   Every impact caused him to suffer a big shock, and he was dizzy and dizzy!


   This is a factual injury, "Wu Chi" is invalid.


Then, after hearing the sound, he turned around again, surrounded by the eyes of the demon peeking around, Master Lu was "thrown out" by the mud and fell on the ground. The new grandma stepped on his chest and asked, "Is the husband different? Demon? In front of the king, I want to escape?"


   My Lao Lu and the Demon King don’t fight much!


Stepped on by her slender feet, she couldn't move anymore. Today, she lost her face. The Dragon Girl turned her face suddenly. She didn't want to fight her and she didn't use many of her skills. Miles?


   He was still muttering, the evil dragon pestle came again!




   "I want you to talk to the Nujia?"




   "Slave housekeeper, are you not good at spiritual practice?"




   This evil dragon pestle is strange to say, somehow it was tempered, and with heavy blows, the deer demon's forehead swelled and the red envelopes were green and red, but the skin was not broken!


The deer demon body is also hard, and it doesn't lose too much than the dragon body of the demon general realm. After only a few more strokes, the seventeenth mother stroked her shoulders with her long hair, and finally asked: "Husband, who will have the final say in the future?" "


   The deer deer felt that he was definitely hit by a concussion!


   is a bag full of big and small, I can't notice the pain, it's just numb, my eyes can't open, my ears are also buzzing, and I can't hear the seventeen mothers at all!


   But in his knowledge of the sea, a ghost sneered and passed it to him: "Master Lu, your lady asks, who will have the final say in the future?"


The deer demon groaned, with a weak voice: " old deer...the dragon is still...not a day...the sun will...the head...the head grows...overgrown Bag, also...calculate...not to be regarded bag!"


   Hearing that the boy was still hard-mouthed, the Seventeenth Mother was furious, and she had to raise the evil dragon pestle again, only to find that Master Deer had fainted.


   The Seventeenth Mother hummed twice, put away the evil dragon pestle, removed her feet, and shouted to the demon onlookers: "Bring your master back!"


   Goubao waited for a swarm of bees to surround him, Kaitai fell at the end, and smacked his lips and said: "Grandma will call again later, I will be the first to come, I don't want to die!"


  When the demon deer carried away the deer deer, the seventeenth mother secretly spit out her tongue: "My dear, it turned out to be so happy after the fight. I can't blame the sisters for beating the brother-in-law so much!"


   The white deer who was being carried secretly opened his eyes, thanks to my old deer's quick response, he didn't pretend to be dizzy, and he didn't know how many more he would eat, but today, in front of his subordinates, he lost his face!


   Days can't pass!


  The dragon girl is fierce, no wonder the young lady of the Green Jiao wants to escape from the Dragon Palace!


  Master, my old deer wants to retire and cannot marry such a fierce hunger!


   was carried back to Futaodong, the demons withdrew, and Gou Bao called and flew to look for Qingluo.


  When the Asura girl hurried back after hearing the news, she could hardly recognize the deer demon's face except for her white robe. She was frightened and said: "She is so fierce? Does she want to kill you to remarry?"


   The deer deer is holding a token, pressing his face to reduce the swelling, look at him, and said without a good air: "Call Goubao and bring all the Ten Thousand Flower Valley tokens, this card has the effect of reducing swelling and silt!"


   A few dog treasures, the little demon was officially named in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. After the promotion of the demon, each has to be given a token. The Huanghua's family token is made by the Lingnan wood, which has the effect of reducing swelling.


   Qingluo listened, and was busy going out to find him.


   turned around and took a fright. It turned out that outside the door of the cave, the main room in the white shirt was already standing.


   The deer deer was busy stroking his head: "Uh, it hurts!"


   Qingluo's body froze, and she had never had the experience of being a little girl. It took a while before Ai yelled, "Milk...grandma!"


   Seventeen Niang hummed: "If you want to kill him and remarry, will you still give a sigh of relief?"


After saying this, the dragon girl walked into the cave and threw the big antlers on the deer deer first, and then said: "Don’t say that the slave family bullies you at the realm. If you are not convinced, you will fight tomorrow. You are not allowed to hide the antlers. Besides, Allow you to have magical powers and let you escape from the riding ground without hitting you! But if you are caught, it will be useless to pretend to be dizzy!"


   This tigress enters the house and doesn’t make any sense. How will my old deer be a master in the future?


There was a twitch on the deer demon's face and the fire for a long time. He still couldn't bear the breath, put down his hand, and said angrily: "There is a sparrow demon under my door. He was knocked over by his opponent for decades. He is worse!"


The Dragon Girl sneered: "Then fight again tomorrow! The slave family is not unreasonable, see you are worth a few days! Before the husband nodded, the mountain field affairs should not interfere, but Jingshan Ding lacks the bird demon, I really prefer Xinhua, There is no need to recruit some slaves? There are also some alien species over there!"


   Seventeen Niangs willing to give in, the deer deer felt a little more comfortable, but his head was still a little dizzy, so he nodded and said: "If you recruit a hundred, you can't afford it any more!"


   The seventeenth woman nodded, then turned her head and asked Qing Luo: "Can you still feel stunned?"


   Qing Luo said: "Yesterday Japan was not with the milk... Grandma was angry, but this blast kept the secret..."


   Seventeen Niang said: "It's not sincere, then you smashed the bracelet that your sister gave?"


   Qingluo couldn't help blushing, and argued: "I want to cut him, but I lose the bracelet to make it easy..."


   Knowing the sea, the ghost sound of squatting on knees is like mosquitoes and flies: "Shameless!"


The seventeenth mother laughed softly, and then took out the bracelet that gave her from her sleeves: "I heard you call'grandma', but it's like an enemy who is about to slash with a knife. If you still want to call'sister', Take the bracelet back!"


Qingluo lowered her head, took the bracelet back, and the dragon girl handed out a small jade bottle: "This is a special essential oil made by my sister's family, specially for..., it is the best to reduce swelling. Put it on him! If I provoke you again, I will tell my sister that I can move my sister, and I am not afraid of his thick skin!"


   Qingluo took the essential oil, and tentatively asked: "Sister...sister Xu Master will take the Demon Ji into the door again?"


   Seventeen Niang snorted: "Then you have to ask about the evil in my sister's hands... pestle!"


   Although the other party is an unshakable main room, he can help his family alone for more than a hundred years. Qing Luoton laughed with him: "After that, I will listen to my sister!"


   Knowing the ghost in the sea, gritted his teeth again, and cursed in the softest voice: "You shameless!"


  The deer deer on the bed was stunned. The tigress only took a few words and took Qingluo for his own use. How powerful?


He didn't know that before going out, Long Po and his sisters worked together to help Shichi Niang formulate a set of strategies for training her husband. She was in Long Palace when she was young. For this set, Shichi Niang had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run. , The ears have been tainted for too long!


   Seventeen Niang left, leaving Qingluo to apply medicine to Master Lu.


   Going out again today without a face, the deer demon pointed to the door of the cave and said, "Close the door!"


   Qingluo blushed: "Master has a serious head injury!"


   he didn't want to, but he really moved over, preparing to close the door.


   Lu Yaobai glanced at her and shouted, "Master! Master!"


   After a while, the impatient voice of the holy ape reached his ears: "Didn't you tell your partner to close the door? What do you want this saint to do? Later, the wronged saint will eavesdrop on the old lady's ears?"


   The Asura girl couldn't hear the holy ape, she just closed the door and listened to Master Lu's mouth saying: "Annoying Master asks Master, is it okay for Lao Lu to retire? This murderous family is really unbearable!"


   Qing Luo looked around, really talking to the holy ape? Suddenly make a big red face!


   just retiring? Will the ancestor agree?


   The Shura girl stared again, expecting the result.


The sacred ape hummed again: "The two families are married. If you retreat, is it called enmity? As a monster, you can't stand these sticks, and you dare to call it hot? In the past, your master was beaten. Secretly happy?"


  Master, my old deer is incomparable with your iron sheet!


   groaned in pain, in fact, the deer demon himself knew that it was impractical to retreat from family, and he only had the fantasy of just in case!


   In the Jingping Mountain back then, how did my old deer get into the water in his mind, just looking at her beauty, dare to come up with the words that asked her to be a wife? Once it is true, who knows such a result?


   After being quiet for a while, the deer deer said: "Master, I want to sleep, don't listen to it, or go back and tell Master to go!"


   The sacred ape "pooh" said: "The mallet only listens to you!"


   After waiting for a while, the deer demon tried to call: "Master! Master!"


   There was no reply, thinking that he really wanted to eavesdrop. No matter what, wherever, I couldn’t resist even a little bit, and the deer demon didn’t care about it. Then I asked the Shura girl: "I told you to close the door and blush?"


  The retiring matter seemed to be fruitless, and the Shura girl was also a little disappointed. Hearing this question from Master Lu, he hummed and replied: "Where is there any blush?"


  The deer demon beckoned: "Come here! I want to see your female bodhisattva, whether it is for that sister or the master!"


   "The adulterer and the silver woman!" The ghost in the sea of ​​knowledge was furious, and quickly screamed: "Let me go out! Master, the disciple has been a ghost, my life is terrible!"


   Woke up early the next day, the deer deer went out sneakingly, sneaked out of the cave, and patted a few times in front of Xiaoshi's cave: "Xiaoshi! Xiaoshi!"


   Waiting for the matter to be sleepy, he got up and opened the door, and the deer said: "Master will take you to the king's house of Jinyu!"


   Xiaoshi shook his head and said to the deer demon: "Don't think about it, my grandma said yesterday. Without her permission, if we dare to carry you out, I will accompany the dead ghost and cultivate 30 times a day!"


  The deer demon whispered angrily: "You are a dog, do you listen to the master or the grandma?"


Xiao Shi thinks about it and replied: "Of course I listened to the master if I knew something like this! But the grandma also said that the master should dare to hide outside and told her to come and catch her. Don't blame her, please let the master weigh it by yourself!"


   Deer demon glared at him a few times before calling, "Go and sleep with you!"


Depressed and walked out, not wanting to go outside the Futaodong, the dead ghosts were surrounding Tianxiang to flatter, Hu Meizi looked obsessed, the black tiger demon seemed to be fascinated, seeing the deer deer come out, yelling "Master", he still didn't want Go away.


   Fox demon didn't care about him, changed his smile, and said to Deer demon, "The bag on my brother's head was scattered quickly. Why didn't you go out yesterday? I didn't even look at it!"


After saying that the deer deer is uncomfortable she laughed again: "Your lady told me to be here early, to tell you that you will not disturb your practice during the day and go for a ride after sunset. !"


   The deer demon sighed, walked to the study, Tian Xiang shook off the dead ghost, and followed in anxiously.


   Bailu asked: "Why are you following again?"


   The female fox blinked her big eyes: "Learning Chinese characters! Your wife is not there, does my brother want to make up for it with me?"


   I was molested by her before, and I can still say a few words, but now I am afraid that Hu Meizi turns around and complains to the Dragon Girl, but I don't have the courage anymore, and just smiled bitterly: "Yes, I can teach you that!"


   Today, it’s strange. I don’t have the energy to do anything. I always have difficulty concentrating. I hope that the time will go slower, but I am always anxious. Several kinds of cultivation have no effect.


   There is no way around, until the last trace of afterglow dissipates.


   I don’t make Japanese dragon bags!


   is not really fighting with the demon king, my old deer will not even have the courage to escape from the Dafengping,'s not worth it!


  A few clubs, just want to beat the old deer? Dreaming!


Where there is oppression, there is resistance!


   The deer deer took a deep breath and walked toward the riding flat tragically.


   Ps: Free 600 words to send, really can't update more, school is about to start, everyone understands.


   (End of this chapter)



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