Deer Demon Race

Chapter 275: New Year (1)

When Fushan and Luyao were brought to Yuanshan by the holy monkey, it was still the early morning of the 30th year.


  As a demon general from Jingping Mountain, he has a small vision. At this year's end, he actually saw a demon saint and a luxurious lineup of seven demon ancestors.


   The Nongjiao King of Saruyama is only considered to be of low status, and there is no right to speak on this occasion!


  The big guys present, except for the sacred ape clone that flew all the way, had only seen Xiwang two or three times before.


   Such a scene made him, the leopard demon, tremble.


   At the top of Saru Mountain, there are a lot of big rocks with weird shapes, one piece to the east and one piece to the west, and some of them are broken and reattached together.


   Without too much delay, I was in the middle of a few chaotic rocks on the top of the mountain. In front of all the big brothers, I looked west and said, "My old lady accepts the Deer Demon Hundred Treasures as a disciple today, and asks you to wait for a gift!"


Say what?


   Who is taking Babao as a disciple?


   This old ancestor looking west, seems to be Mrs. Sacred Ape?


   The white deer of the dog day hides so deeply, the King of Filling Water is dead!


   Beast mother, I even dared to hate him before?


   I swear to God, from now on, I will only pretend to be grandchildren!


  The deer deer knelt in front of Xiwang again, kowtowed three times, and shouted, "Tui'er, see Master!"


   Unlike a human monk, there is no need to give incense to the ancestor master, and it simply ends the apprenticeship ceremony.


   And this is the second time to apprentice, in fact, the ceremony is over in the Dragon Palace, here is just a look.


   Then kneel down to worship the master.


   When meeting with the demon ancestors of Sacred Monkey Mountain, there is no need to kneel again, just bow and scream.


   The sacred ape couple didn’t come up with the gift, so it’s really not accepted. After the deer deer saw the gift, the golden mane laughed and said, "The sacred ape master ordered, we didn’t bring the gift!"


Mofang also laughed and said, "I heard a few days ago that you, the great demon general, has already made a kiss with the Dragon Palace, and the dragon girls are all at home? Your mother-in-law’s family is wealthy, and you will be better than our poor demon ancestors. , Wait for you to get married, and make up another one!"


   Bai Lu Yao dissatisfied: "Is it really rude to give it?"


   Twenty-one, late game, 虺虺, no injustice, all shook their heads one by one.


  The deer was angry and gritted his teeth and said: "I am really poor. In the future, every ancestor will come to ask for Xuanzhong wine and drink on the ancestors' day. Do you think it should be blamed for rudeness?"


   Do you want to use your disciple's name to eat and drink? West Wang took out the mahogany stick and tapped it lightly!




   She was really just a light blow, she had already left a lot of hands, but the deer deer screamed and was knocked to the ground by a stick, feeling the bone pain all over her body, as if it were about to crack!


  Master’s peach stick is much heavier than the evil dragon pestle!


This is the first time Xiwang beat him. The deer deer kept holding his hands for a few times before getting up and moving around. Only after he realized that the bone fracture was just an illusion, he hurriedly said with a sad expression: "Master, I've had a bad time at home. Beaten again?"


Xiwang hummed: "You are a junior, and you should be toasting as a teacher during the festival. You don't have such a scorn, and you lose your face as a teacher! His wines are thin and he sounds like a mysterious middle grade, to the demon general. It’s only comparable to Huang Shang, not as good as Xuan Xia, don’t want to be worse, the gods do not help, your black-winged Pengfei will take five or six days to go to the scorpion family. Is the delay in cultivation cost-effective?"


  虺虺 teased the little monster Zixi on his shoulders, and said with a wry smile: "Madame, the guest who came to your door, how dare you take a thin wine to pass it?"


   innocently said: "The ancestor's family has Zhu Xuan's top grade green pine, you will be a guest on behalf of your wife, and I will send you pine cones to eat!"


   Jin Mane also laughed: "My family is not richer than my brother Dianfa, but Xuan Zhongpin also has it!"


   gritted his teeth and looked at Xiwang and said, "We are all oil-free. Madam speaks, but he will shave it!"


   Twenty-one sighs. I wanted this generation of teachers to come home to eat the most, but it was a pity that Xuan's top grade was difficult to get, and it was useless for the demon ancestors, and Pingdingshan didn't bother before.


Moved the great holy iron skin to stand on this holy ape mountain for more than 7,000 years. The demon ancestors who came here have come before and after, and Xiwang is an old monster for tens of thousands of years. It's also a good thing to be willing to run on behalf of you, so by the way, I will ask for the benefits for the apprentice.


   The deer demon knows that by taking Master’s stick, the benefits become stable and affordable!


  Today’s apprenticeship, several demon ancestors are present. Although they have not received the gift, they are not counted as the one with the golden mane. There are five benefits in a year. Over the years, how many demon kings will this permanent meal ticket envy? He glanced at twenty-one with joy, and said: "My ancestors, forgive me, I am poor, but my generation is low. If I come to the door on behalf of the master, each family will send a stubborn plant, which is a little expressive!"


   looked at him and said, "Don't be ashamed, stand aside!"


   When the deer deer retreated with a smile, he looked west towards the holy ape.


   The Great Sage moved to the mountain and said to Jin Mane: "I am calling you today, there is one more thing!"


  Golden Mane's heart "cocked", and said nervously, "Holy Ape Lord, please say!"


   Sage Ape said: "This Sage wants to ask, you know what is embodied in the sea, but the bodhi tree?"


   When the holy ape said "you know the sea", the golden mane has rushed to his feet!


   Looking west and snorting coldly: "Being a guilty conscience!"


   The previously unknowing 虺虺, no injustice, endgame, twenty-one, teeth grinding, are all surprised and inexplicable!


   Sacred Ape looked at Feidou's golden mane: "In front of this sage, you want to get off too?"


   Now it’s dry, the White Deer Demon immediately wiped out an eye-like object from his mouth, placed it on his left eye, and stared into the air!


   is just the body of the demon ancestor, and somewhat resisted the Shura eyes, and the jade bone was not visible for the first time!


  The golden mane of the yellow light flew into the air, and the Danshandan suddenly appeared in front of it, smashing it down with a huge shadow!


   Knowing that the Danshan pole cannot be avoided, the golden mane groaned and spit out a budding white lotus, and there seemed to be a few drops of dew on it!


   This white lotus blooms on top of each other!


  In a short time, the fragrance of lotus spreads far away!


The deer deer has long known the power of the Danshandan. The white lotus spit out by the golden mane is a very soft magic weapon. It is really a plant for refining. It is very soft and strong. The bloom at that moment seems to bring infinite power, and it actually resists it. Dan Shandan!


  The golden mane turns into yellow light, flashing across the sky!


   Looking west, the holy monkeys all screamed: "Huh!"


   Then, the true body of the holy ape disappeared in the same place, the next moment it turned into a huge body, appeared in the distant sky, just before the yellow light, grabbed it to the golden mane!


  Do not allow this monk to go away, the holy ape is already one body with the physical body!


   The golden mane knows that he is great, and a linden tree flashes out behind him, and once again he cries out strangely: "The Great Freedom Bodhisattva!"


   In his body, a golden light appeared again, turning into a monk's appearance, combined with the Bodhi tree, suddenly turned into a golden eight-armed Bodhisattva, all eight arms facing the big hand of the holy ape!




   "Monk Du Ji!"


   The holy ape roared and roared, and realized that the golden monk was crossing oneself again!


   Dan Shan Dan flew back to the hands of the holy ape, and was lifted and smashed to the Eight-armed Bodhisattva!


   The white lotus that has been in full bloom has only one power and cannot bloom again. It appears in Golden Mane's hands again, and it is useless for a while!


  The eight arms of the Bodhisattva made a seal in pairs, and he murmured: "Be at ease in the sky, thousands of sentient beings are in distress!"


   whispered, in the Buddha's handprints, thousands of "swasts" were born, layered on top of each other to block the Danshandan!


  The power of carrying the mountain in the hands of the holy ape is absolutely different from the power of flying away!


   When this pole goes down, the tens of thousands of golden light "swastika" dissipates, and the golden light of the Bodhisattva's body starts from the eight arms, and the crack extends all the way until it is completely broken.


   The Bodhi tree that propped up the Bodhisattva shattered, and the golden mane that flew forward again screamed, bleeding from the seven orifices, taking advantage of the effort of blocking the holy ape!


  The broken golden light bodhisattva fragments flew to the side, gathered again, reorganized the monk phantom, and was pinched by the giant hand of the sacred ape!


  Before being crushed by the great hand of the holy ape, the monk sighed: "Huang Shier, Lao Na can't save you, return to the kingdom of Buddha to see the Buddha!"


   After speaking the last word, the monk's clone shattered and turned into some spirit power into the air.


   Not waiting for the holy ape to catch him again, the golden mane looked up to the sky and roared: "I am one Buddha and my mother, I will go to see the Buddha!"


After    roared, the demon aura in his body vibrated layer by layer, from the inside to the outside, it turned into a sound: "Boom!"


   Dharma, magic weapons, and flesh and blood were all shattered into dregs for a time, and the huge and unparalleled power expanded outwards suddenly!


   The idle clouds in the high sky are pushed by the huge force of self-detonation, condensed into a white cloud circle and spread out. The more and farther it pushes, the white cloud circle becomes thicker and thicker!


In the mountains near   Saru Mountain, all the grass and trees swayed in the huge gust of wind. On the nearby mountains, the long grass was instantly crushed to the ground, the branches were broken, and some were even uprooted!


   On the Ape Mountain, all the demon robes were all shaved hunting, and the pink Zixi grabbed Yao Yao’s hair with both hands and buried his head deeper!


   This is the self-destruction of the demon ancestor level magic image, magic weapon, and flesh and blood superimposed together!


   Fushan's legs were really soft, and he sat on the ground.


   The burly body of the holy ape flashed back to the top of the mountain, his face was ugly!


   Seeing no injustice, the holy monkey rushed to the west and his wife shook his head: "It's careless, let him blew himself up!"


   looked to the west and gave a white look: "The death of the gods is to save face! You have the spirit of twelve minutes, he has the monk's help, and the magic weapon of the white lotus. Can you stop the self-destruction?"


   The holy monkey sighed: "This monk is really capable, he is estimated to be about the same as the Dragon King, but he is also a good opponent, but it is a pity that Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn!"


   The deer demon also sighed: "It's a pity that Mochizuki's rhino horn, and his bones!"


   The holy monkey stared back angrily: "Don't learn to speak from the sage, quickly use your magical powers, and take a look for him!"


   Deer demon cried: "Is this too?"


   The holy monkey hummed: "Do you know what the old monk is capable of?"


Fortunately, there is a sacred ape, "Bath Day Tongyou" hardly needs to be cooled, even looking to the west even looking at the six demon ancestors, as expected, they all purify some yellow light, and ghosts have less opportunity. repair.


   There are many monsters who heard the eight-armed Bodhisattva's words on the Ape Mountain, but in the sacred ape divine consciousness, the Dragon King and his eight demon ancestors are flying over the Sacred Ape Mountain!


   Time is running out, and Nongjiao King, including the king, had to wait to come back and then purify.


  Finally, after purifying Twenty-one, the deer demon pulled Fushan and avoided behind the rubbish: "Hurry up!"


   The holy ape commanded no injustice: "Go to the Golden Mane Realm at the end. The Demon King he directly belongs to, don't let go of any one of them. Just catch them and ask, and the rebels just kill! You four guard the Ape Mountain!"


   Behind the stone, the deer deer's voice came out: "The ancestor of the evil spirit, there is someone damnable below the demon king, please catch some back, I'm useful!"


Mrs.    Xiwang said: "If there are still changes, Saruyama can't keep it, the four of you are important to protect your lives, just protect some white deer! You child, you should send Wuyuanshanchang first!"


   only said that he was recruiting apprentices. How did you know that you are going to fight today? He even took the baby out of the house, and Xiaoyu nodded, flew away in a hurry, and sent the mobs to Wuyuan Mountain Field.


   Simply arrange a few words, and the holy ape couple disappeared and flew away with "Fushan"!


   The demon clan recognizes creatures by not only relying on their appearance, but the "white deer demon" has only a slight original smell. Twenty-one looks at it and it is fake. I can't help but wonder. What's the use of this?


   (End of this chapter)



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