Deer Demon Race

Chapter 276: New Year (2)

In Xuantian Taoist Palace, Yuan Yishou suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes shone brightly, changing his frail appearance.


   The hurried voice immediately spread to every corner of the Taoist Palace: "There is an enemy! Toll the bell! Stand up! Warn the six factions!"


He is just a Nascent Soul, but Dao Fa has its own uniqueness. It has a sense of the tens of thousands of miles of land controlled by the sect, and the sense of the gods. In this respect, it is not much worse than the transformation of the gods, so Dao Xuan talent Don't worry, let him be in charge of the Xuantian faction for thousands of years.


Before    spoke out, he sensed that eight of the same level and two more tyrannical existences broke into his own land from the northwest!


   In this world, various races have established conventions. If high-level creatures just pass by on a borrowed ground and do not want to conflict with the local creatures, they can fly by the edge of the wind tens of thousands of feet high, but these powerful creatures in the divine consciousness fly relatively low!


   After entering their own realm, the two more powerful beings immediately accelerated, abandoning the eight other beings of the same order behind, and rushing to greet this side.


   You can tell in an instant, it's an enemy or not a friend!


   Northwest, coming from Sacred Ape Mountain, there are two demon saints and eight demon ancestors!


   After two or three days, the old ape who screamed and screamed at the border finally couldn't hold back his temper? Who is the other demon saint of helper?


  The various sects of the human race are still in the same mood to the outside world. If they know that the demon race is in violation, there will be a **** to save it. Two demon saints will be great?


   Old Ape, your life root child is still in the hands of this faction, and you don’t believe that it can break my jade void and fall into the immortal array!


After    Yuan Yishou was warned, in the Taoist Palace, one by one Yuan Ying flew to the main hall of the martial art, and the golden cores shouted tens of thousands of disciples, and they practiced their positions according to the daily practice to fill all parts of the Jade Void Immortal Array.


   There is another rapid and loud bell ringing throughout the Dao Palace.


In the partial hall on the north side of the Taoist palace, there is a large group of black ink. This black ink seems to have absorbed the surrounding light, making the partial hall very dim. When the bell is alarmed, two bright green light sources suddenly light up, and the whole group is black. It also stretched and stood up. It was originally a giant cat with a body like an elephant and black hair like ink.


Under the hills surrounded by the buildings and fences to the east, the ground is made of stainless steel, and there are countless prohibitions. One end of a silver chain buried in the ground at an unknown depth is tied to a colorful peacock. After hearing the bell, The peacock stood up and looked at the sky in doubt.


   The silver chain is tied to the pipa bone of a peacock.


Behind the peacock, on the top of the mountain, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy climbed up the treetops, only covered by peach leaves under his crotch, and the rest was naked. He yelled to the sky in the bell, "Hahaha! Come on! Smash! "


   In the main hall, Yuan Yishou ordered the Yuan Ying to arrive one after another: "Fourth, you keep it as a precaution, first prepare the soul incense, if the enemy is ferocious, if you have to do it, please ask the master to return!"


   Ma ordered nodded and obeyed, Yuan Yishou said again: "Lao Ba, first go and bring the ape boy, pinch my hand, I am not afraid that the old ape can turn the sky!"


   Dou, who had just entered the gate of the hall, turned around and left to catch the demon boy.


   Zhang Yifu, who came in by mistake with him, said: "Big brother, the fifth and the twelfth are not in the door!"


   Yuan Yishou nodded: "You can hold it without them!"


   immediately shouted: "You first enter the battle, and each perform your duties! The disciples of the psychic room passed orders to the various factions blessed by the Xuantian faction, behind closed doors, guarding the jurisdiction, and protecting the people, until the decree arrives!"


   So, the Yuan Ying who rushed back turned and went out again, filling in the big formation formed by the disciples.


   Yuan Yishou and Ma Yiming, who had received the order first, flew into the main hall in the air.


After the fourth Yuan Ying was integrated into the formation, the spiritual power of tens of thousands of Xuantian Sect disciples was drawn by the formation, and a towering palace group appeared in mid-air. It stretched for nearly a hundred miles in all directions. The shadows are somewhat similar to the Dao Palace complex. They also have side walls and pavilions. Not to mention that the real Xuantian Dao Palace is protected in the center and underground. There are four light beams of different colors sweeping back and forth in it, and each one kills. Powerful.


   Since then, every time a Nascent Soul is added to the formation, and a disciple is governed, the palace phantom above his head will rise a little higher, and if it expands more than twenty miles away, there will be one more beam of light sweeping.


In the center of my town, there are also the second child He Yilei, the third child Zhang Yifu, the old six Qian Yilu, the old seven Ai Qiqing, the old eight Dou Yi, the old ten Hu Yizheng, the old eleven Zhao Yimeng, today to welcome the enemy, stay The fourth horse was alive and spared, and there were still eight Yuan Yings who could participate in the formation. Yuan Yishou felt a little more at ease.


   The old ape really does not care about the life and death of the demon boy, and should be able to support other gods to help!


   In the psychic room, the disciples have quickly passed the distress message to the other six major factions in this continent. As long as they resist for half a day, the nearest two gods, Taiyimen and Yuxiaomen, will be able to arrive!


   You have to take a risk every time you go to the land of Jiuyou, there is no need to wake up Master for now!


   Just thinking like this, Dou grabbed the twelve or three-year-old naked boy and rushed to him: "Big brother, the demon boy is here!"


   Yuan Yishou pinched the back of the demon boy's neck, and said coldly: "I see you old ape, how can I save you!"


   The young man laughed and laughed: "If you don't need him to save, if you slaughter all these tens of thousands of miles, you will still be my old man, or you won't recognize him!"


   Dou said with a sneer: "You know the heart by the sound, the evil barrier is the evil barrier, the thing that God can't tolerate!"


   A thought curse was planted in the sea of ​​knowledge, and his neck was pinched in Yuan Yishou's hands, but the young man was not afraid, looked at Dou slantingly, just sneered.


   Genichishou suddenly looked to the southwest and frowned.


   Dou made a sound that was far inferior to him, and asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"


   Yuan Yishou coldly snorted: "It was the monk Miao De who came to spy on him. I asked Lingshan Temple for help when I was waiting? Wishful thinking, don't worry about him, the Eighth Junior Brother will go into the battle first!"


   Dou gave his command and flew to his place to enter the array. Yuxu’s Immortal Array expanded for another twenty miles, and the number of beams shot into the sky increased to seven, only Yuan Yishou’s own home was not integrated into the array.


   In the process of induction, the two demon saints were too fast, and they whizzed past 20,000 miles. They were far away from the eight demon ancestors behind, and they were getting closer and closer to the Dao Palace!


   "The enemy is approaching, be alert!"


After    Yuan Yishou drank, the sky lifted up his phantom, and even the demon boy held in his hand was there!


The two races of shemales have their own differences in cultivation. There is a difference between the demon pill and the golden pill. On the next level, the monks gather the elementary infant, and the demon ancestor condenses the phases. However, what Yuan Yishou turned out at this time was not the world, but a kind of shadow photos of the same scene, so that the other party could clearly see the demon boy in his hand.


  He is going to curse this demon boy to show to the great sage moving mountain, if he ignores it, he will really curse him to death and drive him crazy!


   is just a poor eye, seeing the two demon saints flying by Qingji, Yuan Yishou was shocked!


   There are two giant dragons, one red and one white, and there is no old ape at all!


   Yuan Yishou tentatively asked, "But the North Sea Dragon King? The Xuantian Sect has no feast with the North Sea Dragon Palace, so why dare to come here?"


I could see clearly that the two giant dragons flew to the outside of the huge Yuxu fairy formation in the blink of an eye. After stopping, the scarlet dragon king spit out like a rolling thunder, which shook the ears of the disciples below: "What's wrong with the dragon palace in your family? The sky demon secret method has caused the Dragon Palace to be robbed, and dare to say that there is no festival?"


   What happened to Dragon Palace back then? The old ape’s temperament, would he pass this word?


  Is it possible that the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain have eliminated the thousand-year-old grievance?


   Yuan Yishou "cocked" in his heart, and exclaimed: "Where did the Dragon King hear the rumors? No such thing!"


  The Dragon King shouted again: "This matter is easy to discern. If you dare to gamble on a curse on the spot in the name of Heavenly Dao and your family's patriarch, this king folds and leaves!"


  The junior Luo Yijie, who was good at avoiding the catastrophe, died, and he wanted to swear in the name of the patriarch, Yuan Yishou suddenly stopped speaking.


  The Dragon King sneered twice: "This king heard that you would be stupid to wait for the monk Xiangzhi Tianxia Yaozu, as expected!"


  Another white dragon body screamed with hate: "Miscellaneous thief, if you don’t tear down your house, it’s hard to get rid of the hatred of the dragon palace!"


   Then, the two dragons transformed into a human form and flew into the formation.


   Entering the sky above this great formation, there will be great power of heaven and earth pressing on the Dragon King and Long Po, and then transforming into the body of the gods, and the movement in it will be difficult and slow. The seven beams of light of various colors will all be shot at his husband and wife!


  Those beams of light, just look at it, and you know it’s so lethal!


   With the power of heaven and earth, the Dragon King and Long Po dispersed to avoid the beam of light. The Dragon King took out a jade bottle from his body and dumped it down.


   There is water flowing out of this jade bottle. When it comes out of the bottle, only the thumb is thick, but when it splashes down, it grows by a factor of ten. When it falls to the bottom of the towering palace supported by the formation, it is like a torrential river!


   Tens of thousands of miles away, away from the coast of Liyuan, Sacred Ape Mountain’s Yaoyao’s house, the sea water receded slightly.


   The lord of the Dragon Palace borrowed this jade bottle to pour the North Sea water. As long as the demon spirit is maintained, the water can be poured continuously!


  The Dragon Palace, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is by no means the ability and a rotten pole, there is nothing comparable to moving the great holy iron!


  The surging water quickly scattered over the bottom of the palace phantom of more than one hundred miles. Long Po waved a few times, and the waves rose and scattered the chasing beams of light!


  Dragon King and Long Po were suppressed by the power of the formation, but the beams of light of all colors were dissipated by the waves, and immediately gathered again, crossed and chased, but it was difficult to catch up for a while!


  The jade bottle of the Dragon King kept pouring into the sea water, the original majestic palace became a piece of Zeguo, the water level continued to rise, and the speed was fast!


   These sea waters are pressing on the top of the Xuantian Taoist Palace, watching the splashing waves, the monster boy in Yuan Yishou's hand is laughing strangely!


   Yuan Yishou’s eyes twitched and then roared: "Dragon King, if the water overflows and kills many people, you will definitely be condemned by God!"


   Dragon King sneered, and replied: "So your family's big formation is more stable, it really makes Shui Man go out, so please make a judgment on yourself, whoever loves to hack whom!"


   Yuan Yishou had no choice but to disperse the shadow photo illusion, and Tsuma said with his life: "Old four speed!"


   Ma nodded when he was killed, and flew towards the top of his head.


   Yuanichishou himself quickly merged into the formation.


With him joining, the towering palace shadow in the sky rose much higher, forcing the Dragon King and his wife to fly higher. The palace shadow spread out nearly 30 miles and spread out flatly, and the water level poured into it fell down. Suddenly lowered.


   The horse flew up, easily broke through the large phantom overhead, flew over the sea, and flew towards the Dragon King!


  The Dragon King said with a light "噫": "Are you impatient to live?"


   has transformed into a huge dragon claw phantom, grabbed it to meet the horse's life, and grabbed it easily!


   Not waiting for him to squeeze the flesh, Ma Yiming laughed and said, "Impatient!"




   The eighth pillar of pure white light has already risen, and it shoots directly in front of the exploding blood group!


   I'm sorry, I changed it a little bit, it took a few minutes


   (End of this chapter)



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