Deer Demon Race

Chapter 277: New Year (3)

In the void clouds not far away from the Xuantian Taoist Palace, looking at the huge and towering Tao Palace phantom, the Dragon King was covered by the power of self-detonation, and then swept by the white light. Yuan Ying blew himself up in a fight? Is it okay?"


The holy ape hummed: "Your old husband is stronger than the old bear, the old beast, and the old master of miscellaneous hair. There are so many treasures. The Nascent Soul Avenue is weird. See if he has the power to explode with golden mane? Your old husband guessed that he wanted to protect the jade bottle before he was willing to be hit by that beam of light!"


   The previous one was indeed far worse than the golden mane blew in the morning. The Dragon King moved without hindrance. The jade bottle in his hand continued to pour the sea water, and the deer demon put away his worry.


   The deer demon didn’t speak, and focused on the battle. The holy ape said again, “The old lady’s invisibility method is really easy to use. The little miscellaneous hairs are not small. They can detect the Dragon King couple, but they haven’t noticed us!”


The illusion of Yuanyishou in the sky disappeared, and the demon boy in his hand was no longer seen. Madam Xiwang red eyes and murmured: "I was only three hundred years old at the time. Yao, it's so big!"


  The deer demon asked with a strange voice: "Yaoyao?"


   Madam Xiwang turned her head, glared at him, and said angrily: "That's his name. You used to be the little saint. You worship my old lady as a teacher. You must call him a teacher... junior!"


   1300 years old demon age, call him junior? At least it should be called a senior, right?


   When it comes to children, this master is unreasonable. The deer deer hurriedly nodded: "Oh!"


   Mrs. Xiwang turned to the holy ape again: "Godslaughter is not proud of you, you can only hide this secret method from the Nascent Soul monk. If you really wait for the transformation of the gods, you will be caught, and you must hurry up!"


   Sacred Ape scratched his head and said: "The Dragon King can't break this formation, and I can't get in either!"


  The sacred ape couple hides by secret method, watching the battle from close range, the Nascent Infant is hard to notice, but the deer demon is because of his low realm, and Mrs. Xiwang will cover it for him!


   Listening to the words of the couple, the deer said: "The Master Guild has been spotted by the same rank, so it’s not as good as my Master!"


The holy monkey looked at him with a bad face. The great sage who moved to the mountain has always been stingy, and Bailu Yaodun has a guilty conscience, but only by stepping on him to hold him up and changing his mood, can he persuade the red-eyed demon boy to be his mother. : "Master, Junior Brother was pinched in the hands of that Yuanying, so he sneaked in. Will we have a chance to save him directly?"


   West looked stunned, and shook his head: "The miscellaneous hair that deserves a thousand swords, besides the thought curse, is still pinched in your hand, and you can squeeze the bitter Yaoyao with your thoughts. How can there be a chance?"


   Lu Yaocai said: "Then master must go in and hold back. Don't just lean on to the younger brother, revealing his traces, and alarmed the younger brother. It is really difficult to find the old miscellaneous body with the life of the younger brother!"


   looked at him and said, "Being a teacher, bah! Is the old lady so unbearable?"


   The deer demon looked at him and nodded honestly.


   Xiwang was furious: "If you are not here, I will reward you with a few sticks, so that you will know the sin of disrespecting the teacher!"


   Bai Lu demon smiled bitterly, and looked to the west in silence for a while, then asked: "The child is suffering over there. If you don't find a chance to save him, what can I do?"


  The deer demon smoothly pointed to the dragon king and Longpo in the sky ahead: "My old deer's house-in-law, said that when my mountain demon were poor, their eyes were in the sky, so Master didn't want to earn some face back?"


   Hearing what the deer demon said, the holy ape was all heartbroken. He glanced at him and gritted his teeth and said, "His warehouse?"


The deer demon nodded: "I don't know how many treasures there are in the storehouse of the Huashen sect? Master went to find the old miscellaneous body, and I and the master looked for the storehouse. If they could all move back, and then contact the Dragon Palace, how much face would they have? , But to go back after the robbing of things, I must divide 30%. The disciple, in front of the dragon girl, has always been unable to look up, so I can earn some face back!"


Xiwang said "pooh": "You are so shallow, but you are only concerned about the good! Compared to the Longgong family, the demon ancestors who have no injustice and grind their teeth are poor, and they have been killed for thousands of years, you demon. When you move your lips, you want to divide it into 30%? You can't do anything about robbing the warehouse, and you won't allow it!"


   The deer demon said angrily: "Master, how can I dismantle the bridge after crossing the river?"


   Xiwang waved his hand impatiently: "You have some scraps in the corner!"


   Low cultivation base, no demon power? The deer deer complained.


The three of them were hiding their words. The towering palace formed by the Xuantian Sect’s magic circle has been filled with sea water by the Dragon King. For fear of spreading out to drown mortals and cause a catastrophe, the Dragon King has put away the jade bottle magic weapon. Pour water again.


   How dangerous is it to fill such a majestic and spacious palace with a huge amount of sea water?


   The weight produced by the huge amount of sea water directly acts on the Yuxu Sinking Immortal Formation. Every disciple in the formation, the lowest qi cultivator, is using the strength of milk feeding, and the spirit energy is poured into the formation desperately!


   is similar to the two demon saints directly attacking the big formation, and it is still under constant pressure!


   Dragon King puts away the jade bottle, it is Long Po's turn!


   The jade is empty and the immortal formation is struggling, and the power of heaven and earth to suppress the Dragon King and Long Po is much less. The main beam of the great formation is affected by so much sea water, and its power is also declining!


   After easily evading the two beams of light, Long Po stepped on the waves and chanted: "The true dragon is frozen for thousands of miles!"


In the sound of    singing, following her feet standing on the waves, the sea began to freeze, and quickly spread around!


  The sea water that stretched farther and farther, hundreds of miles around, melted into ice very quickly!


  The Dragon King also fell, stepping on the ice, suppressing it with the power of the demon saint, and not allowing the ice that formed to rise!


   Using physics to explain, the density of ice is lower than that of water, and the volume of ice formed by water must be larger than that of water. Ice is floating on water.


   The huge amount of sea water tens of feet high in the sky is completely frozen, it is going to expand, and it has to be supported on all sides!


The upper end of    was suppressed by two demon saints, and this natural mighty force swelled downward and in all directions at the same time!


   The eight beams of light are blocked by this huge layer of ice, and they can hardly cause any harm to the two demon saints above!


Above the Taoist Palace, the huge palace phantom finally couldn't withstand the natural mighty force outside of the spell. Like a real entity, it rattles everywhere, cracks are growing, and the building inside is collapsing!


   When the first crack in the palace phantom formed by the great formation was born, the hidden Xiwang was called the holy monkey: "Go!"


The palace phantom was groaning and was about to break, Yuan Yishou was screaming and screaming: "Disciples keep their heart, don't mess around, and form a formation after the ice is behind! Brothers and sisters, break the huge ice! Old. ....."


   Yuan Yishou was frightened, and suddenly a loud laugh interrupted him: "You don't need to call your master, there is a deity who will block your house for a while, and the robbery will take this pair of dragons!"


  The big formation is about to break once so soon, I'm afraid that before the other gods come, they can't stop the dragon king and his wife. At the last call, he is going to call the horse for his life, and immediately use the soul-inducing incense to call the master's soul back!


The formation was broken, and a huge chunk of ice with a thickness of hundreds of feet and a radius of hundreds of miles fell down, and no one could stop it. Is it alive?


   Many of the low-level disciples who are still shallow in practice and not strong in Taoism are screaming in shock, trying to flee in fear, but don't know where to flee!


The eight beams of light swept back and forth, leaving the dragon king and his wife. Their power was changed to the giant ice. They wanted to cut it into pieces. Unfortunately, Long Po’s spell has not yet ended. If it breaks, a huge amount of ice will fall after a few breaths, so how much time can I do?


   Such a heavy ice cube fell, and a disciple with a low cultivation level, I was afraid that it would be directly smashed into meat sauce!


   The place where the Xuantian Taoist Palace is located is a few hundred miles in radius. There is only a city at the foot of the mountain. It is a living quarters for servants who specialize in serving the immortal masters. But in that city, the number of mortal servants is also hundreds of thousands!


   The ice cubes smashed down, the city will all be turned into powder!


   Such a big killing, a little bit should not be recorded on my Xuantian faction, it is all the evil deeds of the Dragon King and Long Po!


   "You don't need to call your master, there is a deity who will block your house for a while, and the robbery will automatically take the pair of dragons!"


   This joyful voice came from the back of Ai Qiqing, who controlled the beam of light desperately to crush the ice!


   The host who speaks is very happy!


In the voice of a long smile, a piece of talisman paper appeared on Ai Qiqing's back, and it flew up. In mid-air, the thin talisman paper bulged and swelled, giving birth to limbs and facial features, and finally turned into a back double sword and white eyebrows. The tall and thin old man with white beard and white robe, on his face, two white eyebrows are all flush, like the word "one".


   Ai Qiqing and Yuan Yishou were separated in two places, but they exclaimed in unison: "A real man with one eyebrow!"


The Taoist with an eyebrow glanced in a certain direction on the Taoist Palace, and then chuckled: "I am Taiyi Sect, and I follow Taiyi Tianzun with a little Taoist tradition, but I will also have some stealth means. There is nothing left or right in the door. Friends Ai Daoist twice When you visit, let him take a look, but when it's useful, I'll tell you to wait for the juniors to laugh!"


   With the effort of his words, Jade Void Falling into the Immortal Array finally couldn't bear it anymore, it was completely broken and dissipated, and the huge ice smashed down with howling!


   Eight beams of light swept desperately, and only a small part of them could be broken!


   One eyebrow Taoist glanced through the invisible holy ape, but it was too late to think about it. Since the other party hadn't drunk it, taking advantage of the big battle, the holy ape couple took the deer demon and flew into the Xuantian Taoist Palace!


   Taking advantage of the broken formation, Taiyimen Huashen's mouth smiled, and he stood up, and the yin and yang swords flew into his hands behind him: "Slash!"


  The two swords of the gods slashed out, the huge ice block of hundreds of miles that made people feel breathless, was directly cut open by one vertical and one horizontal two sword qi soaring into the sky, first divided into four pieces!


   On the ice, the dragon king and his wife hummed together, and the dragon po sang: "Return the water to the dragon!"


   After she said this, released part of the freezing spell, hit the huge ice in the city at the foot of Daogongshan, and instantly returned to water!


   But falling from such a high sky, even if it's just a huge wave, it is enough to destroy the whole city, causing the common people's city to collapse!


  The Dragon King took out the jade bottle again, and threw it down: "Go back to the sea and chase the dragon wave!"


   The huge water that was still in the air was dragged by the jade bottle and no longer fell.


The Dragon King and his wife were making up to help ordinary people, but the ice cube that hit the Taoist Palace was still falling. The Taoist man with an eyebrow and two swords kept flying, and the sword energy was rushing into the sky. With a wave, the broken ice falling all over the sky flew out: "Pan Dao deal with Dragon King, your family team up against Long Po!"


   The huge ice in the distance rumbling down, smashed countless mountains, and shook the ground!


   In the violent shaking, the Xuantian Taoist Palace stood undamaged!


   The Taoist with an eyebrow was hidden on the back of Lao Qi with a talisman, in order to be the first to arrive at the critical moment, to save Xuantian and send one to change the way to the outside for Taiyimen. Who knows that he has bad intentions?


   But I have already accepted the love, Lai can't help it, it's better to call the master back again, Yuan Yishou gritted his teeth and shouted: "Form a formation!"


   So, the majestic Tao Palace phantom appeared again!


   (End of this chapter)



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