Deer Demon Race

Chapter 278: New Year (4)

On the north side of the Dao Palace, the black cat, whose hair is so dark that it absorbs the surrounding light and is like a giant elephant, is located next door. The secret room on the left side of the secret library is very empty. Only a piece of crimson is placed on the central table. Bloodstone, there is a treasure bag under the bloodstone.

   Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound on the blood stone, and a small head grew out of it, and then the head left the stone, and his arms, legs, and body grew out. He was originally a Nascent Infant with the same height as the blood stone, completely naked.

   The sound caused the giant cat next door to turn his head and stare at the wall.

   Little Yuan Ying's face vaguely resembles Ma Yiming's appearance. After he was born, he moved a few hands and feet, and he began to grow taller and bigger.

After a while, he no longer looks like a little Yuan Ying, but a horse that lives out of his life. He walked to the table, took out the little robe and the robe from the treasure bag, shook them and put them on, Three sticks of incense was taken out of the treasure bag, and the door was opened to go out.

   Pushing the door next door, Ma Yisheng walked in, Chong Nong Mo Giant Cat said: "Uncle Town House, if things are urgent today, I am afraid I will wake up Master!"

   The giant cat nodded, and vomited again: "The one who repairs your way is sloppy and reluctant to use magic tricks. He goes to death everywhere. Beware of the day when you meet the opponent, so that you won't live again!"

  Ma Yiming laughed and said: "The poor Tao was originally a waste material, but it was collected by Master's great grace, and I didn't want to repay it. Fortunately, I got a glimpse of this way. When the door is inconvenient, I happen to be sent to death. I only have comfort in my heart!"

   The giant cat with hair like thick ink snorted coldly, and regardless of him, walked out the door and looked at the war in the sky under the corridor.

   Ma Yiming came out behind him and looked up together.

   Before the first rupture of the great formation, a Taoist with an eyebrow appeared, Yuan Yishou closed his voice, and Ma Yishou's life was suspended and the idea of ​​burning incense to awaken Master was suspended.

Above the Taoist Palace, two demon saints and a god, plus their own guards, are interacting with each other in battle, and the magic weapons are exhausted. More than that, the aura fluctuates fiercely, it is estimated that it can be noticed from thousands of miles away.

The sacred ape couple can hide their bodies without being sensed by the weaker spiritual sense, but they have to live and hide well, and there must be no demon energy leaking. A heavier shot will definitely be felt. The Xuantian Taoist Palace has its own characteristics in all directions. This kind of restriction is impossible to sneak in. Today, with the help of the Dragon Palace, when the Jade Void Immortal Formation is destroyed and destroyed, how many restrictions are shaken and broken, taking advantage of the instant opportunity, I have to sneak in with the deer demon.

   I found the flaw and entered the west side of the Xuantian Taoist Palace. The halls and halls were empty, and the spiritual sense was swept away. Only some mortal handymen were hiding in every corner and shivering.

   The disciples of all realms of the Xuantian Sect have all gathered in twelve schools, forming a big formation. In addition, there are only a few important places such as the psychic room, and the rest are only demon slaves.

   The neighborhood they entered, but they didn't even have a demon slave.

   finally came in, and the holy monkey sighed softly: "Old lady, that guy is clearly aware of it, I thought it was all right!"

   Madam Xiwang hummed: "I have my own abacus, and the old lady was also caught by him. Fortunately, no matter what he does, it will be done without delaying the old lady to save the child!"

  The holy ape asked: "Which way to go?"

   In addition to his proximity, in the entire Taoist Palace, in addition to the place where the twelve disciples of the Xuantian Sect gathered, there were two Yuan Ying in the north and one in the east.

   The two demon saints hit the door, and when it was important, there were still three combat strengths left, and their positions must be tight, so he asked.

   "Ask first!"

   Although my heart was irritated, I only remembered the child, but the disciple had explained that the opportunity was only in the miscellaneous flesh, so I looked forward to suppress my temper, so I didn't think about the child!

   Peach petals flashed past, she appeared in front of a side room, opened the door, smiled at the dozen or so mortal handymen hiding in it and asked, "How can you hide here?"

   Her smile has a similar effect as "charm"!

   More than a dozen mortals were startled at first. Seeing her smile, they were all bewildered. They only smiled blankly, and then asked, "Do you know where the Xuantian Sect hides the body?"

  How secret is Daoxuan's body, how would the handymen know? Xiwang was only hoping for a chance. He sighed and asked, "Where is the warehouse?"

Because they often have to take care of flowers and plants, clean, deliver meals, slurries, and pour feces, there are many private exchanges in the city below the mountain. !"

   "The 16 rows of large wing rooms behind the Taoist ancestor tree are all!"

   "My master cousin is on duty..."

   It was messy, Xiwang frowned slightly and asked, "Where is it?"

   Most replied from the north or northeast. The remaining ones who said west, east, and south were probably idiots who didn’t even know the location. He looked west and said, "I show it to my mother!"

   is unified now, the directions are all northeast, and there are two Yuan Ying in the induction.

   The warehouse is tighter than the old miscellaneous hair? How can I keep one over there? Xiwang asked again: "Which important places in this school do not allow you to wait?"

For the handymen, the refining room, the psychic room, the Tibetan scripture pavilion, the refining pharmacy, the warehouse, the main hall, etc. are not allowed to go to the heavy ground. stop!"

   With her voice, more than a dozen handymen all fell asleep.

   looked west and turned to the holy monkey and said, "Go to the east for the damned one. Look at the important place. If it really matters, steal it if you can steal it or grab it if you have to! But if you look at something wrong, quickly turn back to the north!"

   The holy monkey nodded, and walked away.

   Looking west and carrying the deer monster, he flew to the north warehouse.

   The deer deer thought, the Xuantian Sect is indeed a huge fat. According to the servants, there are 16 rows of large wing rooms in the warehouse. How much supplies are stored?

  Sixteen rows of large wing rooms, even if most of them are low-end things, who is the mountain demon poor? The dozen or so treasure bags from the last time I loaded the book are all carried on my body, and the bags are added, and they must be picked up and filled!

   There are not enough treasure bags, how many books can I get from his family’s Jingang Pavilion?

   Approaching the two Yuan Ying in the induction, but there are some isolation restrictions in front of him, and he stopped looking to the west, not daring to step forward again.

The demon ancestors of Sacred Ape Mountain are all sparsely capable and lacking magic weapons. The Ape Mountain Sutra changed thousands of years ago, and there is no inventory at all. The disciple is right, and he is teased by the dragon woman when he gets married. The child must be saved first. This warehouse must also be grabbed!

   But business matters, wait for the **** side to succeed, the old lady will grab it!

   In this Miscellaneous Family Dao Palace, countless spiritual roots have been obtained, and the spiritual energy is really rich, even better than the previous monkey mountain. Do you want to take away the spiritual root?

The deer demon couldn’t see which roots were. He hovered in the air as he looked west. He couldn’t help but look left and right. He saw an open field surrounded by a wall in front of him, with a tall tree growing in the middle. In the spring, the trees are still bare, but there is a vague flow of spiritual energy, which is definitely not a common product.

   The White Deer Demon asked, "Master, is that a plum tree? What grade is it?"

   Xiwang said unhappily: "You haven't heard those ordinary people say? This is the Taoist ancestor tree, the middle grade of the prefecture level!"

   The deer demon said in surprise: "Why is the Taoist ancestor tree a plum tree?"

Looking west, he snorted: "The Dao Ancestor was on the road under Li Shu, so he named Li. That old plum tree has moved to the heavens, but he couldn't transform the demon! Before the two worlds were separated, Dao Ancestor was there. Thirty-three days, I took the branches and cut them into hundreds of plum trees, all of them were like the mother tree of the old lady, drew out the immortal energy, and gave them to all the Taoist families in the realm. The Taoists are all called Taoist ancestor trees. , The fruit of Li Guo is called Dao Zu Guo, all of which are prefecture-level middle-grade!"

   Lu Yao's eyes shined: "Move back?"

  Saruyama is indeed missing, Mrs. Xiwang nodded fiercely: "Yeah!"

   robbed the Taoist ancestor tree, and transplanted the pre-level middle-grade Lingzhi to Yuanshan. If the aura is not enough, it will die, and all the surrounding spiritual roots should be removed!

  The two masters and disciples who were about to rob were looking around with the eyes of the culprits, and the holy ape’s voice sounded: "The old lady has not done anything?"

   Mrs. West Wang asked: "Why?"

   Saint Ape replied: "To the east is a half-constrained peacock demon cold screen, a place that really matters!"

   Madam looking west wondered: "That peacock demon escaped with the old bear? Is he not dead yet?"

   Saint Ape replied: "Xu wanted to use his supernatural powers to strengthen his disciple's Dao Xin, so he didn't kill him. The other few who escaped with the old bear will never be seen again!"

   The Xuantian school warehouse is in the same place as the body of the miscellaneous hair?

   The east is not a critical place, but there are two Yuan Ying here, and the possibility suddenly increases.

No matter how great the possibility is, it’s just a guess. There is only one chance. There is an invisible restriction in front. Once it breaks through, it will alarm the little miscellaneous hairs. If you can't find the old miscellaneous hair, everything will be empty. If you can't save the child, there will be no more Mind to rob?

   Although the possibility is very high, I look forward to thinking about it, but he is still not relieved, and said to the holy ape: "The gods are hidden first, pay attention to everywhere, the old lady enters, but whenever there is movement elsewhere, you chase it!"

   The holy monkey nodded, looking west, leaving the deer demon behind, turning into a petaled peach blossom, directly breaking the restriction!

   Petal Peach Blossom just touched the restraint, deep inside, the thick black giant cat looking up at the sky suddenly stabbed his back and said sharply, "There is a thief!"

   Don’t need to remind the giant cat, the horse’s life is already felt!

   Suddenly, Yuan Yishou, who was holding the demon boy's presiding array, was frightened and inexplicable, turning around and looking eagerly toward the North Hall, regardless of the beam of light!

   In the process of induction, suddenly there is a Nascent Soul-level powerhouse in his own Taoist palace, and he is still the most important sect, and he is rushing into it!

   Giant cats and Ma Yiming have skyrocketed!

   Petal-petal peach blossoms gathered out of Madam Xiwang, right in front of Ma Yiming and Black Cat.


  Ma Yiming yelled out of anger, clenched his fists with both hands, brought out the giant fist phantom, and looked westward and smashed!

   Like a group of thick ink giant cats, regardless of his life or death, turned around and fled!

   Looking west, the peach stick has been swung down, UU reading www. The first stick smashed the giant fist, and the second stick hit it again, smashing the horse's head!

  Ma Yiming no longer has the ability to explode today, and the corpse only fell softly!

   The buildings here overlapped, and I saw that it was hidden. Looking west, I immediately landed, and flew to the different rooms in a hurry!

   When the Nascent Soul’s corpse fell, his face was a little relieved. As soon as the deer deer took out Shura’s eyes, a bad premonition flashed in his heart, and asked urgently: "Master, is there something else?"

   The holy monkey replied: "Unconsciously!"

  The deer demon stomped and said: "Catch that giant cat!"

   This is different from the old woman's order, the holy ape hesitated, "Ying Zhen" and the theory of great luck have the upper hand, flashed to the fleeing thick black giant cat, and squeezed it with his big hand!

   Yuan Yishou looked at him, and just breathed a sigh of relief, a big hand was born out of thin air in front of the galloping giant cat, and another demon saint appeared in the induction!

   It’s the third time today. How did you get in, the Xuantian Taoist Palace, which is usually inexhaustible?

   Angrily, Yuan Yishou knew who the two thieves were behind, and sternly shouted: "Old ape!"

   Like the back hair blown up by an elephant-big giant cat, it flew up one by one, and then turned into the soul-scorching Ming Yan, burning to the big hand that was caught!

   Yuan Yishou screamed: "Old Ape, I will kill the demon boy if I am poor!"

   The White Deer Demon also ignored the exposure, and shouted: "Master, catch him!"

   The peach petals flew past, revealing a pale face of Mrs. Xiwang. She has already flown all of these restricted wing rooms twice. There are secret vaults and heavy treasures, but there is no messy flesh.

   can't find the miscellaneous hair body, everything else is not important.


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