Deer Demon Race

Chapter 279: New Year (5)

   The dark flames of the giant cat's black hair burned the soul so badly, and the giant hand of the sacred ape method actually melted part of it in the burning!

   The holy ape hissed and snorted coldly, but the gesture did not stop, and the melted can hand pinched the giant cat.

After    caught, the holy ape exerted so much force that he squeezed the giant cat screaming, and then he appeared and shouted, "Remove the fire!"

   The giant cat really obediently put away the black fire.

   Yuan Yishou held up the demon boy high, and sternly shouted: "Old ape, let go of the cat demon, and withdraw from the Taoist palace, or curse your boy!"

  Whether this age-old Yuan Ying is strong in the outside world and sluggish inwardly, the deer demon can't see it, but it has already been said to kill the demon boy, but at this time it automatically regresses. It is weird to think about it!

   "Master, check the cat demon carefully!"

   The deer deer has put on Shura's eyes, but it is a pity that his cultivation level is too low. The giant cat in the hands of the holy ape is like a golden mane.

   He turned around again, blinked, hey, on the corpse of Ma Yiming that he inadvertently glanced at, how could there be two bones like blood and jade?

  The dead soul infant can't stop Shura's eyes?

   When the corpse cools, the jade bone will disappear, and the corpse of this weird Nascent Infant will also disappear. You must hurry!

   Over there, the holy ape coldly snorted: "Cat demon, let go of the consciousness!"

The giant cat shook his head desperately in his hand. Yuan Yishou was already mad, driving a thought curse. The demon boy's Yaoyao cursed on his hand twitched his hands and feet, foamed at the mouth, and was restrained by the secret method. No sound could be seen. .

   "My mother's son!"

   Watching the child be tortured by that little miscellaneous hair in every possible way, Madam Xiwang's heart is broken, tears are dripping like a thread!

   The holy ape also wanted to go mad, but she was a little more sober than Mrs. Xiwang, and her heartache was so painful that she acted fiercely and brought the cat demon to her front.

   stretched out his five fingers and grabbed his belly directly while the cat demon screamed. The sacred ape had to see and understand, and death would seize the last ray of hope!

   "Stop it!"

   This sound came from six or seven directions of Yuxu’s trapped fairy array!

The deer deer was already flying to the horse’s dead body. Hearing these few panic and shouts, he finally relieved his heart and laughed during the flight: "Master, the old miscellaneous body is in the cat demon's belly, you don’t need to cry. ......"

  Ms. Wang looked away before she could wipe away her tears, she hurried to the holy ape, and sternly drank the cat demon: "I'm vomiting myself, or the old lady piercing you?"

   The white deer demon no longer pays attention to the cat demon, for fear that the jade bone will disappear again, the three tail feathers of the wind chaser on the white robe shake, urging the fastest speed!

   I didn't spit out Daoxuan's body, I was afraid that it would be cut into pieces. The old ape and the ape woman went crazy, and the giant cat who could do nothing else had to open his mouth and spit out Daoxuan's body that had been hidden in his belly for thousands of years.

   finally saw this small face and small eyes, covered in cranes, waist and waist!

   Let Xiwang gritted his teeth and raised him!

   Although he looked like he was dead, and breathless, West Wang didn't care, and he slapped the face with his forehand and backhand "Papa Papa"!

   "Stop it!"

   Yuan Yishou shouted loudly, Yu Xu fell into the immortal formation, each Yuan Ying also shouted loudly, on the Dao Palace virtual shadow formed by the formation, the light pillars had gradually stopped, and he could no longer besiege Long Po.

   One eyebrow moved his brows slightly, he was about to sell a flaw, so he left with some injuries.

   Without the beam of light, Long Po could help the Dragon King with all his strength. He was a little reluctant, not to mention that there was an angry old ape below, and one of the three transfiguration gods fell out of him when he beat him. He was the unlucky master of Tao Xuan!

   After the great prosperity of the human race, I don’t like being beaten by the demon saints. It has always been the other way around!

I have already asked my family’s love, and Dao Xuan’s flesh body fell into the hands of the old ape. No matter what the outcome is today, the Xuan Tian faction has already suffered a big defeat, so I have to change it back. After losing the demon boy’s chassis, he had made enemies before. Can his family stop the grumpy old ape? Can you block the northwest side of Taiyi Gate again?

  Opportunity has appeared, no more risk taking!

   It's a pity that the Dragon Kings and his wife were mostly focused on the following. The offensive was too perfunctory, and they were injured at this time, a little fake.

   While thinking about how to fight for the injury, Xiwang ignored all the shouts, making full strength and waving her slap!

   "Pop, papa!"

   "I told you to be a kidnapper and grab my mother and child!"

   "The disciples who told you to be inferior to pigs and dogs tortured the aging mother's child!"

   "Pop, papa!"

   Daoxuan's flesh and face quickly turned purple.

   There are **** teeth falling out and flying out!

   In this world, Xiwang is a very top demon ancestor. If it weren’t for the strength to save this body for a child, if you really took out the peach stick, you would be able to directly smash the soulless body of the incarnation!

   The eyebrows of the Taoist brow were beating, and it was not easy for the demon ancestor to slap the gods!

   Over there, the deer deer finally flew to Ma Yiming’s body, took out a double-headed knife in his pocket, and immediately dissected the body and took the bones!

This double-headed knife was obtained after the Lingtao Peak battle several decades ago, after killing the hottest bull demon of the Star Picker family. It has been hidden to this day. It is regarded as the sharpest weapon in the pouch. If it can't be cut, The deer demon can only consider whether the emotional master will help at this time.

   Although Ma Yiming is the body of Yuanying, the physical body is not very good. This is a new body. Fortunately, it can barely cut the bones!

   Hurry up, the bones will fade!

   Yuan Ying-level jade bone, the entire pubic bone is in both sections, more than what you see in the seventeenth mother, and the grade is better!

   The big guys over there, at this time, there is not a little demon general who can care about ruining the body of Yuanying. Besides, the horse will be able to live back even if he blows himself up, and he will not take it in his heart when he sees it!

  Ma Yiming said, the more severely damaged the corpse, the faster it will be resurrected, so it will be resurrected immediately after the self-destruction, and it will be headshot by Xiwang. Today is the second death, and it will take a while to regenerate.

   Master's body was found by the old couple. Yuan Yishou's heart was ashamed. Seeing that he was ruined by Mrs. Xiwang, he finally couldn't help but twitched the corner of his eyes and yelled: "Peach demon! Don't stop, this deity curses you child!"

   Who wouldn’t threaten?

   Xiwang ignored it, and the holy monkey said: "You just curse!"

  The method is related to the thick black giant cat. He really pulled up Daoxuan's left hand and placed it in his palm. In the sound of "Kacha Kacha", the five fingers and flesh and blood were all shattered into a mass of blood!

   You tortured my son, and I tortured your father, oh, it’s your master.

   Yuan Yishou wanted to slap himself in the face, knowing that he was in a state of chaos, so he fainted, and hurriedly changed his words: "Take my master's body in exchange for the demon boy!"

   released the prohibition again, and let the demon boy speak out.

Yaoyao panted, even if she wanted her parents to kill all the Xuantian faction and vent her hatred of thousands of years, she also had the ecstasy of seeing the dawn of escape, and the sadness of finally seeing the blood relatives, she shed tears and said: "Haha Hahaha! Daddy, my mother is here!"

   Hearing the voice of the demon boy, he stopped his movements when he looked back, and then wept again: "My mother, the child who is struggling!"

  Beside the corpse of Ma Yiming, the deer deer caught a glimpse of something, and then yelled, "Master, there are three sticks of incense in the waist of this servant, will it be useful?"

Hearing this **** sound, Yuan Yishou was frightened and frightened. If only his body is destroyed, the master’s soul will return, he will turn to ghost cultivation, or take away his home. Although he will take a big risk, if he succeeds, he has to start all over again, but there is still something left. There is a glimmer of hope; but if the soul is ignited, the master's soul will be dragged into the body, or it will fall into the hands of the old ape, and then be killed, it will be like the master, and there will be no chance to turn to ghost cultivation!

It is different from the time when the master died and was strongly supported by the Yuxiaomen. There is no Xuantian faction that transforms the gods. I am afraid that there will be countless calculations in the blink of an eye. There is also the death hatred of the holy monkey mountain. , Absolutely can't get there! Yuan Yishou hurriedly called out again: "Old Ape, Tao Yao, replace my master's body with Yao Boy!"

  Holy Ape, Xiwangqi sneered and nodded, Yuan Yishou said again: "Your family asks the Dragon King couple to stop first!"

   After going through hardships, I finally got to this point, and I was reunited with the child. Mrs. Xiwang looked up and called: "In-law, stop, wait for the concubine to change back to the child, and then argue with his family!"

Except for the exchange of the Dragon Soul Lantern and the agreement with the Sacred Ape Couple, the Dragon King and his wife also came to vent their anger. They have not eliminated the anger that has accumulated for a thousand years, and they are not happy enough. However, Xiwang's population is called "in-law", think about marrying away. The daughter of the most sacred monkey mountain gradually stopped.

   are relatives after all.

   An eyebrow Taoist cursed secretly, the chance of injury is gone!

   Your own Taiyi Sect has to pass on the magic method. If the three demon saints join forces, should they be able to escape?

   Yuan Yishou yelled again: "Dear brothers, it is important to control the disciples to protect the big formation, I will negotiate!"

Hundreds of feet away from the west and the holy ape, the deer demon finally cut off the last piece of **** jade sighed: "Oh! I finally got it! For your little grandmother, get some benefits. It's not easy!"

In the secret room of the side hall not far away, the one-foot-high bloodstone "clicked", causing a crack in the road, and gradually spreading away. It seemed that there was a horrible howling, and then half of the bloodstone completely fell off and howled miserably. The sound ceased.

   The bloodstone that fell off rolled on the wooden table, then fell to the ground, and smashed to pieces.

The deer demon raised his head and heard from a few miles away, the Yuan Ying, headed by the Xuantian Sect, was saying: "Old ape, lady ape, you have the dominant position. Now that you have changed people, you are afraid that you can To kill my Xuantian Golden Core and above, Yuan Yishou tried to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, and let you destroy the body of the master. If you dare to respond!"

   He spoke a bachelor, but Bai Lu Yao was speechless: "This shameless man, can't be beaten to say so confidently!"

   Mrs. Xiwang responded angrily: "Little miscellaneous hair wants to deceive again!"

Yuan Yishou sternly said: "Pan Dao swears to the Dao of heaven, not to deceive, otherwise he will die by the thunder of heaven! Waiting for a few more from the Luzhou God of North Ju, who can protect my Xuantian faction, dare to change with you. !"

   looked west and said: "The old lady can also swear to the way of heaven, change back to the child, and then care about your family's miscellaneous furs someday!"

   Yuan Yishou shook his head: "You have been in Lingtao Peak for a thousand years, and the old ape has also been hiding from the world for a thousand years. How can you dare to believe that you have such a temperament? There is also the Dragon King family present!".

  Which one will you ask your family to do things and calculate everywhere? West Wang couldn't help but get angry: "Bah!"

  In the distance, the white deer demon who wants money without life shouted: "Master, his house has to wait so we can go around!"

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