Deer Demon Race

Chapter 284: Daoxuan

   Dao Xuan Youyou woke up, looked at a disciple kneeling in front of him, squatting next to the cat demon town house, and asked: "The Soul Tribulation Sword is only a hundred years away. What's the important thing to call me back?"

   There are dangers going back and forth to Jiuyou, the disciples are aware of it, so he doesn't need to emphasize it any more.

It was purely just returning from the Nine Nethers, the soul and the body had not yet fully merged, and the reaction was a little slow. After saying this, I felt swelling on both sides of my cheeks, air leaks in my mouth, and a bit of sweetness on the tip of my tongue, with doubts. Raising his hands to touch it, his left hand is still thick: "My teeth? How can my hands be like this?"

   On the ground, the eldest disciple Yuan Yishou "Woo", crying and crying: "The disciple is a deadly sin! The disciple’s inadequate care, humiliating Master's Dharma body, I still ask Master to deal with it!"

   The corners of his eyes twitched, and Daoxuan released his divine mind, and sensed tens of thousands of miles!

   Four thousand miles away, three creatures of the same rank are going away, and there are three lower ranks who are still protecting them. Are they the culprit who caused the humiliation of their own bodies?

Above his head, the majestic palace composed of the guardian formation is still there, and there are three of the same level above it. Daoxuan looked up and hated the predecessor’s expressionless face. The Taoist with a straight eyebrow smiled and drunk on the wine gourd with Kagura. Ha ha!

   Seeing him raising his head, the Taoist asked with one eyebrow: "Friends, I will wait a long way to help, but I still can't solve the big formation? Please come inside and serve tea?"

   Hearing the obvious gloat in the voice, Ai Qiqing jumped up and was about to point to the sky and curse.

   Dao Xuan screamed out first, and hummed back: "Pan Dao is so downhearted, so I won't let you come in and watch jokes anymore. The Xuantian faction is not going to welcome guests today, please wait outside!"

When    was preempted by the master, Ai Qiqing glanced bitterly at the sky before kneeling back.

   The Taoist with an eyebrow is not angry, but smiles. Regardless of how to deal with the problem, I will not allow it. My family has seized the opportunity of the adult’s favor, and then forcibly crossed his home to fight for the demon land, and the other factions can't control it!

   Underground, Dao Xuan Shen Min swept through the Dao Palace again, and didn't notice the Peacock Demon. Did he finally find a way to escape, colluding with foreign thieves to enter the Dao Palace?

   Where is the ancestor tree?

   The disciples are not doing well, what about the spiritual roots in Dao Gong?

   After a while, Daoxuan asked, "There is such a big change out of the door. Why don't you see the fourth, fifth, ninth, and twelfth?"

   Yuan Yishou cried and said: "The fifth and the twelfth are out; the old nine or seven hundred years ago was killed by the peach demon; the fourth one died today and he has not come back alive!"

   Daoxuan took a deep breath and said in a slow voice, "It was not urgent seven hundred years ago. Let me talk to my teacher first, why is it like this in Zhimen today?"

Yuan Yishou hurriedly knocked the Dragon Palace double sages to the door and asked about the secret method of the heavenly demon that had been blamed thousands of years ago. In the dark, the sacred ape couple avoided the sense of spirit, broke in and took the master’s body, so that he did not dare to move. The woman robbed the storeroom, Taoist ancestor tree, spiritual roots, and Tibetan scripture pavilion. One of the eyebrows was hidden on the back of Lao Qi with the invisibility talisman. She had already sneaked into the Taoist palace and had the opportunity to save the Xuantian Sect. Fifty-one-six-thirty-sixty-six details, without adding any oil or vinegar at all.

   Yuan Yishou replied, in the Dao Xuan induction, outside the eastern boundary, another strong man of the same rank entered the country, thinking that he was rushed to the rescue, but I don't know whether it is the Huashen monk from the Taihuamen or the Wujimen.

Probably the context has been understood, Daoxuan raised his head and raised his voice: "Xuantian faction is in danger of being destroyed. Daoxuan deeply thanks you for not forgetting the friendship of the same clan. If you want to take care of the chores at the door, you should not wait for foreign guests. Please retire all the time. After a few days, you will come to the various factions to apologize!"

   The Dragon King and his wife and the holy ape would not turn back when they wanted to. Hearing what he said, the hatred of the golden armor said: "Then I will go back first!"

   Daoxuan looked miserable, but he didn't seem to have any redness or swelling on his face. He only replied politely: "Senior laborers, come back to apologize in a few days!"

   Leave first with hatred, a Taoist man with a brow, drunk and godly, and then leave. Daoxuan is so kind and eloquent to answer the courtesy. It is indeed a superior demeanor, without any honour or disgrace.

After the four gods retreat, the fifth **** of transformation rushed to the eastern border. Daoxuan called again before saying to the kneeling disciple: "The two gods of Donghua Gate are not yet reached. The second child greeted him outside the southern border, and persuaded him to go back, just like what he had said before as a teacher!"

  He Yilei, whose body is like black charcoal, replied: "I must obey the teacher's orders!"

   immediately turned into a ray of light, and went south, the speed difference was not far away!

   After the second disciple He Yilei left, Daoxuan used his right hand to pull the dust on his waist.

   pulled it out, um, the upper half of the adamantine handle was pulled out, and the lower half of the handle was left on the belt with the silk thread!

   Yuan Yishou cried again: "Master, the disciples don't know when the old ape pinched the whisk!"

   Fuchen and Crane's are two magic weapons that I have at hand, the most useful, I didn't notice the spirituality before, so I pulled it out and looked at it.

   My family was not dead, the old ape couldn't take away the magic weapon, he thought it was his hands and feet, and he ruined it.

   Daoxuan was expressionless, threw away the whisk, got up and took off his belt again, doing his own work, trying to get out of the crane and take a closer look.

   Master hasn't returned for more than a thousand years. The Dao children who served him have all died in Jindanjin. Yuan Yishou wanted to step forward to help undress, but he held back.

Daoxuan did his own work, took off the crane cloak, and looked through it carefully, only to see that on this robe, the most critical pieces of gold thread have been pinched off, causing the overlaid characters to fail, and the magic weapon to lose its spirituality and become a waste product. , The repair is not possible, only the silk thread material can be removed.

   Daoxuan slowly folded up his robe and placed it gently on the chair, side by side with the broken whisk.

   only wearing a little clothes, he slowly lay on the ground.

Then, he shook his hands and feet, with tears in his eyes, rolling and screaming: "Ouch heaven, master Daozu, my magic weapon! Ouch, my Taoist ancestor tree! Ouch, my Buddhist scripture pavilion! Ouch, my storeroom! Ouch! Yo, my spiritual root..."

   In front of him, since the first birthday of the Yuan, each Yuan Ying banged his head: "Master forgive the sin! It is useless for the disciples. Master forgive the sin, please master to punish!"

   "Oh, the demon slaves I caught! Ouch, the group of worry-free students I raised! Ouch, there are two short-lived ghosts! Ouch, I am so angry!"

  Where is the prestige of a semi-differentiated monk, purely like a country lady!

   He was rolling on the ground for a long time, before his first birthday, and knocked his head for a long time. He didn't dare to stop or persuade him.

After a while, the eleventh Zhao Yimeng had an idea, and raised his head and shouted: "The disciples are eager to wake up Master, Brother Six has not yet counted the warehouse, Senior Brother Ten has not counted the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, I wonder if there is still left! "

   Daoxuan jumped up, pulled half of the dust on the chair, and slapped Zhao Yimeng's face: "If a thief enters Baoshan, it will leave you a little bit? Daydreaming, you stupid wooden chicken!"

Zhao Yimeng didn't dare to hide. After being beaten by him for a few times, there were blood stains on his face and neck. After Daoxuan opened his hands, he said: "Master, the following disciples are still forming a big formation, and they haven't looked at it. The body of Senior Brother Four!"

   Daoxuan dropped the whisk, tears came down again: "Oh, my short-lived fourth child! My short-lived fourth child!"

Glancing at it, Yuan Yishou still took the lead in knocking his head loudly. Daoxuan gritted his teeth for a while before saying: "Get out of here, let's go to see the fourth, the sixth to the warehouse, and the ten to the Tibetan scripture pavilion. See what things are left!"

   Daoxuan shouted again: "Tell them to withdraw from the big formation, and no one is allowed to leave. Today, they will all be sent to the station!"

   Yuan Yishou led the Yuanying brothers to their feet, the old six Qian Yilu, and the old Shihu rushed away with a shock. The rest surrounded Daoxuan with the giant cat and flew to see Ma Yiming’s corpse and life stone.

Except for the ancestors of Yuan Ying, there are a total of tens of thousands of disciples who have formed the Jade Void Immortal Formation. Few have seen this ancestor of the God of Transformation who propped up the martial art. , The phantom of the towering palace in the sky has disappeared, and the spiritual roots have been robbed away. Daoxuan is distressed to consume aura!

   Compared to monsters, monks are more dependent on spiritual roots!

  When he reached Ma Yiming’s corpse and saw his abdominal cavity was cut open, Yuan Yishou asked, “Master, the fourth junior brothers used to be turned into powdered powder, and they can be reborn again. Why do they fall today?”

   Daoxuan ignored him, looked at Ma Yiming's body again, and asked Mo Mao: "The town house, but there are two demons of the Asura and Asura tribes sneaking into the Dao Palace with the old ape?"

   The giant cat shook his head: "Not seen!"

   Zhang Yifu hurriedly said: "Master, not a monster, but the enemy of the disciple's Dao, that white deer demon!"

   Daoxuan tilted his head to face him and asked, "Lao San, when do you have an enemy of the Dao?"

   Zhang Yifu hurriedly told about the fact that the White Deer Demon had taken Fuyun away from him near Lingtao Peak, and reported all the news he inquired about afterwards.

   Daoxuan question: "Ling Taofeng?"

This time I finally asked Yuan Yuan Yishou replied: "After the old ape was retired, the disciple went to the west according to the plan that the master had confessed before going away. It was just that In that realm, there are many mysterious peaches of middle grade, which attracts several demon kings to occupy the surrounding area. It is quite weird, and the spirit cannot be sensed. Seven hundred years ago, the fourth child was not at home, and the old nine borrowed the demon king to disturb the people. I didn’t want to lose my life because the incident went in. Only then did the disciple know that it was the Ape Lady!"

Daoxuan sighed: "I only knew that the old ape is very capable, and I don’t want the ape woman to be difficult. If I catch her child, she dared to throw a splash on the **** of transformation. For a while, I can’t kill it. I just flew. Hurry up, come back first, alas! Fortunately, Tao Yao is only the cultivation base of the demon ancestor. If not, his family will be enough to turn the North Ju Luzhou upside down!"

He looked at Ma Yiming's body again: "There are several ways to overcome the fourth wicked fate, but looking at his body, it should have been taken by the Asura clan. The third is the enemy of the avenue, as well as the eyes of Asura. On the body!"

   "Jade bone?".

Dao Sect is far less proficient in monsters than Buddhism. Among the disciples of Yuan Ying, Dou Yiyi reads the books and loves to listen everywhere. He is the one who knows the world the most, but the foundation is still shallow, and he belongs to the Xuantian School in Beijulu. He was only accepted as an apprentice after Zhou was stable.

After a tumult and letting out some depression, Dao Xuan thought to explain to his disciples: "The world has said that Asura and Asura love to eat hot corpses, they are actually taking jade bones for food! That jade bone, also known as Dao bone, Gathered by the Dao’s mysticism, it’s a pity that apart from the monsters, you and me as a cultivator can hardly perceive it. It will only appear between the dying and the dead. If it is taken away, the Dao will be lost first! The old fourth blew himself up. Become a powder, the avenue is still there, you can be reborn, the dao bones are taken, the avenue is lost first!"

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