Deer Demon Race

Chapter 285: White Pond

  Ma's life affected his spiritual energy and blew himself up, his own avenue was not lost, and he was able to come back alive, but the bones were taken away by external forces, which was equivalent to destroying the most important avenue.

   Daoxuan asked Zhang Yifu again: "The enemy of your Dao Dao is just a monster?"

   Zhang Yifu nodded shamefully: "I was just a demon back then, now it should be a demon general!"

Daoxuan shook his head: "Although he is only a demon general, he has already been married to an important demon to get Shura's eye! Your enemy of the Dao Dao, this time you have taken the old four jade bones, and we are afraid that some interference... ."

   The black cat interrupted and said, "I was going to escape, but he called the old ape to catch, and Fang found your body!"

   Yuan Yishou added: "The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is also to be robbed by him!"

   Daoxuan gritted his teeth: "The evil barrier! I must look for an opportunity to kill!"

Yuan Yishou said again: "Master, the peacock demon caught in the door, don’t let the old ape save him. The old ape took the white deer demon to see before he rescued it and took it away; the white lion demon in Lingshan Temple, before Hidden outside the Taoist Palace, when he was leaving, he also called out to help him!"

   Daoxuan suddenly raised his head: "What does this mean?"

   Yuan Yishou shook his head and said that he didn’t know, Daoxuan closed his eyes and thought for a while, and asked: "How many people have traveled to Lingshan Temple for a thousand years?"

   Yuanichishou said: "The clues are hard to find, and the disciples don't know it, so the Peacock demon he caught back has looked at it in secret for more than a thousand years, and it has never seen anything strange!"

   Daoxuan snorted coldly: "Do you believe that monks can be honest?"

   "Is it possible to be the enemy of the third Na Dadao and also hinder the old monk of Lingshan Temple?"

After being silent for a while, he laughed out: "The white lion is originally the beast of heaven and earth, Bai Ze, the one who can benefit and avoid disadvantages the most, so I was greedy. Kill? Lingshan Temple got rid of him, distressed the undead old monk! Haha!"

   laughed twice, and then changed to sigh: "No matter how miserable the monk is, there is no such thing as a miserable life. Raising a bunch of useless disciples, after so many years of hard work, will be defeated in a blink of an eye!"

   Yuan Yishou was busy and knelt down again: "Master, please punish me!"

At exactly this time, Qian Yilu had seen several warehouses and flew back to report: "Master, secret warehouses and several large warehouses, as long as you can see them, heaven and earth spiritual objects, magic weapons, magical elixirs, and artifacts. The materials have been evacuated by the ape woman, so...the gold core is no longer useful!"

   Hu Yizhen also flew back, tremblingly: "Master, the upper two-story books of sutras and techniques have all been emptied!"

   Daoxuan touched and faintly ached his heart, yelling, "Zhiniang thief! You beast demon, what do you send Daoxuan to do?"

   Hu Yizheng said: "Master, other things can make up for it. The'Yu Xu Zu Yang Jing' is the foundation of our school. Don't lose it!"

The "Yu Xu Zu Huang Jing" is the most fundamental sutra of the Xuantian School. It has a lot of background. There is no written record in this sutra. Not only the Tao Xuan itself, but the Yuan Ying, Jin Dan, and the roots and feet of the Dao Xuan. Most of them are derived from this "No Word Sutra".

   The books of sutras contained in other texts can finally be written silently. Only this "Yuxu Ancestor Sutra", Bian Daoxuan, the God of Transformation, cannot be made into a second book.

   Daoxuan touched his body, but the broken whisk was not by his side. He wanted to draw this unscrupulous disciple who had even pierced his own heart.

  Who knows that the book has always been placed on the top floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

   couldn't find anything that was easy to come by, he changed his feet and cursed: "I didn't lose it, it's always my shameless ancestor!"

   Yigan Yuanying lowered his head anxiously and was scolded honestly.

   After a long time, Zhang Yifu boldly said: "Master, there is still Lei Zhenmen's'Du Tian Shen Lei Decomposition', although it can be copied again, but it will be exiled from our school. It is not good to be known by his family!"

   Daoxuan was dumbfounded, and then asked for a long time: "His family's fundamental Dafa, how can there be one here?"

   Yuan Yishou explained: "It was the youngest who went to Xumeshan Island. His family wanted to move out and he volunteered to give it to the youngest. The disciple did not dare to give him permission, so he gave five Taoist fruits as a gift in return!"

   Daoxuan sighed: "Is the Xumi Mountain Continent more and more depressed?"

Yuan Yishou said: "The alkaline land and sandy land are difficult to reverse, and the people have less land to cultivate. They have to expand the mountains and forests. The natural disasters such as locusts, plagues, droughts, and floods are frequent. New spiritual roots!"

Daoxuan was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Old Ape and our family feud, you can't wait to lose the demon boy, no coercion, the Soul Tribulation Sword estimates that it will take a hundred or twenty years to achieve success, I do not have enough skills. How to stop him in these hundred and twenty years?"

   Yuanyishou said: "The disciple is ignorant, and there is nothing to do, so I asked the master to come back and call the shots!"

This is not useful, after all, I still have to rely on my own, Daoxuan hummed twice, looked at the other Yuan Ying, and then began to solve the problem. Say, if you can do anything, let his house come over!"

   Zhang Yifu asked: "Master, what do you want from his family?"

   "It's not difficult, just ask Senior Zhongchun to come over and help our family defend for more than a hundred years, and when my sword becomes successful, I will help kill the old ape!"

When Zhang Yifu took the order, Daoxuan said again: "You and Senior Zhongchun explained that he must come first, and Dao Palace cannot let him live, but in the southeast, first borrow a piece of land for him to use, and wait to kill the old ape, Sacred Ape Mountain. The 虺虺地界 at the northern end belongs to his family!"

The people under Lei Zhenmen’s rule had moved out of the Four Continents for many years. Under various natural disasters, they were hungry all over the ground. Not many left. Although Dao Xuan promised to be a demon ancestor realm, his family was only a picture. If the path to the outside is not enough, then the picture from the outside is that Beihai, Liliyuan, and Dahuangshan all have opportunities.

   "Taiyimen, Lao Qi is not suitable to go again. A few days later, I will personally say that the boss is planning to move out a plot of land that borders Liliyuan to the north and assign it to his house. The favor is returned!"

   Beihai Dragon Palace double sage, Li Liyuan old elephant is strange, the Tao Xuan feels that these two places can't eat it, it is better to take it out for a deal, and let the martial arts live through these hundreds of years in peace.

When Yuan Yishou received his order, Daoxuan looked at him again: "The tribulation in the door caused my heart and liver to suffer from the damage. Although your response is not a big problem, but if you don't punish you, you can't convince the public. The big latrine under the east door From now on, the dung will be yours to pick, no generations, no tricks, and a hundred years of picking!"

   Yuan Yishou nodded tearfully: "The disciple feels distressed, I beg Master to punish him heavier!"

   "Bah!" Daoxuan said with disdain: "Then go to the Patriarch Hall and kneel for a hundred days!"

   Yuan Yishou nodded, Daoxuan said to the other Yuan Ying disciples: "You can't avoid a few of you, take your turn to pick the hut of His Royal Highness West, and the third child will make it up when he comes back!"

The Yuanying disciples had no objection, Daoxuan said again: "The Chuanyu vassalizes various families, and the Xuantian faction protects him and waits for many years. After this catastrophe, each family will not be able to save money! Yuanying sect, the spiritual roots will be paid to 50 plants. , Jindan sect, twenty roots of spiritual roots, are limited to hand over within a hundred days; in addition, all the craftsmanship materials are also picked up and sent, what to hand over, how much is the amount, the boss, the old bachelor will take a look! "

"The third child went to Xumi Mountain Island, and he also looked for broken sects, inquired about the ancestors of Taoism, and because of lack of spiritual energy, he went to the door to negotiate. , Discussing with your big brother, replace it sooner!"

   "If you have been punished for waiting, I'll be the one who will break your heart. I will give you a few broken heads and tails. After a delay of ten years, I will return to the Jiuyou Refining Device!"

  Zhao Yimeng called: "Master, nothing else, I will definitely find the ‘Yu Xu Zu Yang Jing’!"

   Daoxuan scolded him angrily: "Get out and pick dung! You sucker, you are not a son of man!"



  The Buddha Nianer in the sea of ​​wonderful virtue and knowledge is finally purified.

  The sacred ape couple returned, and the four demon ancestors hurriedly gathered around. Wuwu, Twenty-one, and Zhuo Ying curiously stared at the old acquaintance of the peacock demon for a while, and then looked at the bald monk before opening his mouth to report the loss.

The world affairs, one report pays one return, the Xuantian faction was full of snatches, not wanting to go back to Yuanshan, looking west from Lingtao Peak, it took him back to plant the spiritual roots that didn’t take long, but was also robbed by the holy rhinoceros. , These spiritual roots will be transplanted for the second time in the short term, which is still related to "natural".

   How can the spiritual root that the old lady brought back from Lingtao Peak is 10% of the Xuantian faction? The holy monkey smiled and said: "It's okay, and the spiritual roots can't plant the bottom of the lake. When he feeds, after a few years, the holy will go and get it back!"

   In front of a big family in the Dragon Palace, he had no injustice and said: "We are all fine, but it is a pity that King Jiao did not escape and was killed by that servant!"

   Just listening before, Bai Lu Yao hurriedly asked: "Yao Ancestor, Fushan Mile?"

   answered without injustice: "I was captured by the old rhinoceros!"

  The deer demon took a light breath. If the holy rhino is not related to Monk Duji, it would be really weird!

   Looking west also sneered twice, holding the child in his arms and shouted: " The mountain dwelling is simple, please come and talk on the mountain!"

Leading the Dragon Palace and his party up the mountain, looking for some unbroken stone and wooden benches, all were invited to sit down, and Xiwang let the demon boy lean in her arms, and said to the cowering Miao De: "Fake monk, take your Root feet, Monk Duji Root feet, everyone listens!"

   Can't hold back any longer, Miao De stepped out, first nodded and smiled around him, then stretched out a finger and stroked his bald head.

   Following Miao De's finger, a red mark appeared in the center of his forehead, which quickly expanded and opened.

It turned out to be a piece of fake leather outside. After taking off together with the monk robe that was draped on him, he made a wrinkled white and fat old man with white hair and hair. Lord, Madam, Lord Dragon, Mother Dragon! Brothers!"

   Hearing his registration, the demon ancestors and demon saints present were a little surprised, and looked west and narrowed their eyes: "Bai Ze, who knows the roots of the world?"

   Bai Ze smiled and nodded: "That's my ancestor, my bloodline has only been over 30,000 years since I returned to my ancestors. Jin Yaosheng is very difficult, and his skills are not as great!"

He spoke modestly, but Xiwang sneered, with a mahogany stick in his hand: "The Mochizuki rhinoceros roots and feet have been hidden for some years, and the old lady said, across the holy ape mountain, how can the miscellaneous hair be clearer than me? Use this to calculate the goddamn!".

  The Dragon King and his wife also reacted, and after looking west, Long Pozi immediately asked: "The Dragon Palace has the secret method of the heavenly demon, which you vented?"

"The Sacred Ape Boy has been retaken, and the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain have reconciled their enemies. How can I still care about it? Back then, I had to settle in Beiju Luzhou, all of which was forced to..." Waving it down, Bai Ze hurriedly changed his words: "Bai Lu Demon save me!"

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