Deer Demon Race

Chapter 286: The power of crossing oneself

  The mahogany staff looking west is so fast, even if the deer demon is pleading, how can he speak?

   Fortunately, there is still a question, Xiwang did not intend to take his life, this stick came down, only hit Bai Ze on the shoulder, breaking his shoulder blade, screaming and falling over.

  The three demon saints, the holy ape, the dragon king, and the dragon po, are still staring, their eyes are piercing, and they are all unkind.

   Xiwang didn't make any more moves, Bai Ze stood up, trot to the Deer Demon's seat, and screamed: "Bai De Demon, help me!"

   Deer Deer replied: "Old Ancestor Bai Ze, I want me to intercede for you, and as Master said, I must make clear that Monk Duji and you are in advance!"

   Bai Ze nodded, and then rushed to the west with a wry smile: "Madam, don't fight again, I'll make it clear, so I won't conceal the least!"

   Mrs. Xiwang sneered: "All bones are discounted, and you can talk!"

  The fat old man Bai Ze called: "Listen to me first, I really have to!"

After screaming, seeing that Xiwang’s stick did not move the peach stick again, he hid behind the deer demon and said: “Fu Xi said, the monk’s crossing curse was secretly passed on to the lower realm by the 30-day Great Liberty Bodhisattva, in order to cross the demon more. Saint Master, after the human race and the five continents unify, fight for luck with the Daomen, Fuxi must save a breath for the monster race, my bloodline is useful, and then help me keep a trace of my heart at the end, and I won't really be transformed by the monk."

   Except Yaoyao and Bailu Yao, the rest are all demon ancestors, and when it comes to monk curse, neither the holy ape nor the dragon king called anyone to avoid them, and they all listened together.

"I was originally the white lion demon of Mount Xumi. I was a demon king more than 30,000 years ago, and my blood must be returned to my ancestors. From then on, I don’t use my previous name. I only inherited the name of Bai Ze from my ancestor. It’s a pity that I am a peach... In general, promotion is the most difficult, but there is no hope of the demon saint in the end!"

"It didn't take long for my bloodline to be intact, and the human race of Mount Xumi began to occupy the continent faster. The demon saints and demon ancestors were either killed or detained to visit the mountain guardian. The demon tribe has almost no place to stand. Ability to reduce the evil spirit, change the skin and appearance at any time, and occasionally look at other fate, and get mixed up among human beings, hiding for tens of thousands of years!"

   Hearing this, Xiwang sneered and said, "In that way, are you still a fake now? What about your original appearance?"

   Bai Ze replied: "It's true..."

   Seeing that the peach stick in Xiwang's hand was about to move again, Bai Ze hurriedly changed his words: "It's a fake! It's a fake!"

   Waiting for the peach stick to pause, Bai Ze had no choice but to do the same as the previous one.

   This time I was still in a white robe, but his appearance was a bit handsome, and he was not too old. The deer demon turned his head and looked at it, but there were some guests who were like Huang Huaniang.

   Long Po also hummed, "Is it still fake?"

The two masters of the sacred ape and the dragon king did not speak, and the husbands came forward. Bai Ze hurriedly smiled and said: "Mother Dragon, I know that there are 11,520 kinds of spiritual roots, and there are 11,500. Twenty skins, if you think all of them are fake, then the lion's true nature is true, and how can I speak with its true nature?"

   The three shapes of Bai Ze, it seems that even the body taste has changed, and there are so many shapes, but it is not much hotter than the "change" supernatural powers learned by myself? So he asked, "Can I learn this magical power?"

   Bai Ze shook his head: "This is the skill of my blood, you can't learn it!"

   Bailu Yao was disappointed, Xiwang no longer haunted his appearance, and urged: "Go on!"

Or I was really afraid of being killed, Bai Ze was very afraid of this peach demon, so he hurriedly said: "I have been hiding for tens of thousands of years. While still playing as a woodcutter in the village, he pretended to be a monk for alms. He came to alms every day and went up the mountain to get firewood. He was troubled and changed his skin again. But after a while, he was found again, and if he wanted to Escape from the boundary of Lingshan Temple, you will be intercepted halfway through. For decades, he has even pretended to be a dozen incarnations, and he has been looking for them. "

   "Is the monk curse hot?"

Last time the seventeenth son-in-law Bailu Demon asked to respond to the conch, and it was indispensable. The Dragon Palace knew that the monk’s crossing curse had been spread. At this time, the eight demon ancestors are not surprised. Looking at Yaoyao in her arms.

   Before Bai Ze spoke, the lingering peacock demon hurriedly replied: "Little Sage, it's really hot. When his curse strikes, if there is no golden seal to protect you, it hurts so much that you can't wait to die!"

   Yaozu is still so afraid of pain? Yaoyao had some disdain on her face.

Touching the word "pain" on his shoulder, the deer deer thought to himself that this magical power is now born from the pain of Duhua curse, but unfortunately it is too much stronger than his own, such as the female Tyrannosaurus 17 mothers at home, um, The word "cool" is also invalid.

After a while, Bai Ze said again: "His curse, the more ups and downs of his mood, the easier it is to be transformed when he is overwhelmed with great compassion. The ordinary demon saints and demon ancestors are not easy to be cursed. He went to Luzhou to go to the north of Luzhou to cross the mother. Lion, first went to three demon ancestors, and often chanted Buddha verses in front of the lioness. The lioness was all right. Later, while the lioness was out, he asked a demon ancestor to kill her only son. become!"

   The deer demon asked aloud: "The old rhino family was killed by the holy ape master. According to you, isn't it a Yizhong curse?"

Bai Ze shook his head: "At first, he believed that I could not escape, and loved to talk to me. Later, when the lioness came back, my curse was slow. The thief monk waited impatiently, so he was greedy for my blood, and wanted to raise him. He forced me to breed with a lioness, but there can only be one Bai Ze in the world. If I have a heir with a strong blood, I may be killed by a monk, how can I dare to respond to him?"

"Fearing that he would use Longlinke to steal the seed, I just pretended to take refuge, saying that I was sincere to the Buddha and would never marry. Fortunately, I had the help of the demon at this time. The monk has become suspicious, and many things are no longer said, the old rhino I don't know it!"

"The lioness followed him back to Mount Xumi. The monk said he would pay her for her baby, and look for lion monsters everywhere for breeding. The cubs have given birth to several litters. The golden mane is also the species of the lioness. He has listened since childhood. Buddhism, it claims to be a guardian of Buddhism!"

"Beijing Luzhou, after I only learned about the lioness, the Holy Ape Lord drove the old Xiong over. The old Xiong Fang lost his home and lost his home. He was frustrated and he was cursed quickly. The old Xiong fled to Liyuan and was cursed. The old elephant fainted and rescued him, but unfortunately he couldn’t bear the pain, and occasionally a few words of Buddha chants went out. It happened that the last few beasts of the old elephant contracted a sickness, and they all died. Curse!"

   Hearing this, the holy ape, Xiwang, Dragon King, and Long Po all changed their faces, and most of the demon ancestors were also uneasy, and Yaoyao put away the previous contempt!

   This monk curse, three demon saints are known to have been recruited, but the suspected old rhinoceros is not included!

In the shock, the deer demon thought again, that the old bear is also interesting. The holy ape has an enmity with him. He is afraid of passing the curse to the holy ape, so he will run away when he sees it. The old elephant is kind to him, but it is said that the Buddha Succeed, and the opponent was hit!

   How is the journey of the holy bear?

  The Dragon King asked first: "Lili's two demon saints? How many demon races have been transformed by monks now?"

Bai Ze nodded: "The two demon saints are here, but they are usually hidden, and it is difficult to find out! The demon saints start, and the demon ancestors and demon kings are passed back and forth. How can anyone escape? It is a monster Buddha country. !"

   The North Sea Dragon Palace thought that Sacred Ape Mountain was in front of Li Li, and that the monk was still far away from his home. It was not too urgent. How can I not be shocked by what I heard today? If Bai Ze has not lied, Beihai is no different from Sacred Ape Mountain!

   The peacock demon asked coldly: "Old Xiong has sincerely converted to Buddhism?"

   Bai Ze replied: "Thousands of years ago, the monk told me that the old elephant has converted, but the old bear is still fighting, and now I don’t know it!"

   Leng Ping said dissatisfied: "Can you see another destiny?"

Bai Ze called Qu: "It is thirty-three days of power, and I dare not say that I am omnipotent! I have the ability, I need to be in touch to see some future things occasionally, and I may not be able to do it accurately. It is deeply related to me. I can't see it again! Have you never heard that it is difficult for a healer to heal himself?"

   The peacock demon was speechless.

   Looking west and tilting his head, he saw the holy ape's face pale.

   A husband and wife who have been playing since childhood and growing up, tens of thousands of years, how can he not know what he is thinking about?

   The same clan who had been killed this day died, their wives were scattered, and they were almost insane. Isn't it the monk's best target for transcendence? Had it not been for him to become a clan and hide in the mountains just before the monk curse was passed on, he might also look after the mountain guardian for the monk's family now!

  The monk Duji, wholeheartedly spread the curse on the holy monkey mountain, and the goal is to move the mountain to the great holy iron skin!

   Fortunately, Fuxi's help, and now there is an apprentice who can eliminate the curse, the child has been rescued, and he reluctantly returned to Saru Mountain, the original injury is expected to be healed!

   This **** killed me, I think it's time to return to my state of mind.

   Be quiet in the Seeing that there is no big boss to speak again, the deer demon asks: "In this world, the elephants are dead?"

Bai Ze explained: "Where is this? There are also several elephants in the north of Luzhou, in the desert! Liliyuan's old elephant with roots and feet was originally a mammoth. It only loves to live in the cold. It's a pity. The beasts of the same clan are sickened, except for the demon saint and old elephant, the mammoth elephant is dead."

   The deer demon suddenly understood that it turned out to be a species similar to a mammoth. When I saw the linden tree in the sea with Golden Mane, I asked about the climate of Liliyuan. The old ape answered that it was colder. At that time, I didn't really think about how elephants exist in cold places.

The Great Sage Liliyuan is already the last mammoth in this world, but as a demon saint, he has the most difficult childbirth, so he gave birth to other banshees, and the birth may be Yaoyao which is not true to life. Demon boy, that's why he is desperate.

   The mood is ups and downs, so I simply escape into the empty door, the Buddha's mind is easy to give birth, and the monk's curse is easy to pass?

I sighed for the mammoth that was as extinct as the mammoth in the previous life, and suddenly remembered that a few days ago, the seventeenth woman and Qingluo said that her nineteenth sister had decided to hire her son-in-law, and the marriage had been killed by the monk. The heir of the Great Sage Chaos asked Qingluo to tell Lord Lu to go to the Dragon Palace for some time. The Great Primordial Chaos was originally a manatee, and his family was the only one of his family. He was very lonely. According to the appearance described by Qingluo, it looked very much like the extinct Stella Manatee on the earth in the memory of previous lives.

   are already critically endangered species. When you can save it, save it?

   I was not a fanatical animal protector in his previous life, but it was too regrettable to see a creature disappear from his side. .

   Moreover, this is my own avenue!

   No matter how God cares for mankind, he should also give other creatures a way of life!

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