Deer Demon Race

Chapter 288: Supplement

   This white lion demon, Fuxi can really move in to help the white deer demon, the holy ape ignores Yaoyao's annoyance, and asks the white deer demon instead: "What does the white deer say?"

   Deer deer thought, there is already a grandmother in Doufengling above her home, this demon ancestor will follow up the mountain again, and who said that afterwards, Doufengling?

   On the Drifting Ridge, the clone of the holy ape is always there, but it has always been hidden in secret, never minding anything!

   This demon ancestor is gone, is it like a sacred ape clone? What to do if you have to take care of yourself at every turn?

  Hua Shen monk is coming to kill his own family, and multiple demon ancestors are not worth it! And if you add this one, the hatred will definitely be higher, and the thing you can't forget about crossing one's own is to put the Daofengling in a pot!

   Yaoyao over there is still glaring at her, and she agrees at this time, isn't it just to make this little junior ugly?

  He replied: "My mountain field is small, the ancestor Bai Ze may not be used to it!"

   Bai Ze Ru didn't see Yaoyao's angry eyes, only shook his head and said: "I don't expect Jin Yaosheng to wander around for 30,000 years. How can it be too small, just have a place to stay!"

   Deer Deer said the most important pass: "According to what the ancestors said before, the deeper the involvement with you, the harder it is to see the future. I still want to stay away and have the opportunity to ask for advice in the future!"

   Bai Ze replied: "My two have been deeply involved a long time ago, how can I see you in the future? Can't think too much!"

Lu Yao smiled bitterly: "My old deer has a good demon general, but he will die quickly with me. The ancestor is different from him!"

A handsome Bai Ze replied with a weeping face: "I'm not the demon general who befriended you! Before Da Neng left, he personally said to me that the farther away from you, the more disasters there will be! Cowardly?"

   The deer deer still hesitated, and Bai Ze faintly said: "The ancestor knows the roots and feet of the ghosts, monsters and demons in the world, and those who have a little rooted feet, but also know a little bit about the way back to the ancestor by blood!"

   How can you control Yaoyao that little kid? The deer demon immediately said: "If I know, I invite my ancestors to live in the mountain field!"

The two of them made it right, and Long Po interjected at this moment: "White Lion Demon, Ben Hou will explain to you first, you live in his mountain farm. If you dare to take care of his couple's affairs, it will hurt Ben Empress’ daughter a little bit. If you are wronged, I will hit the door so that you can suffer the sin you suffered today a hundred times!"

   Bai Ze nodded in a hurry, and replied: "Mother Long, don't worry, he and his wife are all beaten up, I don't even look at it!"

  The demon saints have nothing to say to this Bai Ze, and the twenty-one said: "The Bailu Demon Mountain Field is in the boundary of my family. You are gone, and you are not allowed to compete with me for the power of heaven and earth!"

   Bai Ze has pulled the deer monster up, and sat down on the stone before him: "Move it by myself!"

After    sat down, he returned to the twenty-first words: "Don't worry, brother, I really don't want to grab it!"

   Bai Lu demon had no choice but to move another stone to sit.

   Looking west, he glanced at the white lion demon again, thinking that he would have to add a demon ancestor to the holy monkey mountain with his disciple, which is not bad, now he is even eight.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Long Po said again: "Mother-in-law, Dragon Palace is going to be married to the heirs of the Great Sage Chaos this year. The Great Sage Chaos has been killed by the monks. A dozen demon ancestors from his family escaped and all squeezed towards the Mother Hailing. Home, the Dragon Palace originally wanted to ask four demon ancestors to come over to make up for the damages thousands of years ago. He did not want the old poisonous fish to be righteous. Three of them were sent to live on the island. The island is not enough. After thinking about it, it may be divided into one. Come from your home?"

   In fact, there are thousands of large and small islands in the Dragon Palace waters. How can I not find a suitable one? It’s just that among the four demon ancestors divided by Our Lady of the Sea Spirit, there is a snake demon who intersects with the descendant of the old manatee who is about to get married. He must protect the bridegroom everywhere. Fearing that the snake demon would help out with her husband after marriage, it would be difficult to deal with the trouble, so she wanted to stop it.

   Xiwang has never had a complicated family relationship. I don’t understand the twists and turns. I am only interested in the newly heard demon saint: "The Mother of the Sea Spirit and the old poisonous fish? What is the root of it?"

   Without waiting for Long Po to answer, Bai Ze rushed to answer: "Madam, it's a poisonous jellyfish, also called a jellyfish!"

   He interrupted, looking westward and not appreciating, he gave a white glance, and then said to the holy ape: "We are now far behind the number of demon ancestors than the old Xiong, and the mother-in-law is generous. Why don't you thank the gods?"

The deer demon went to no injustice and glanced at the twenty-one. Who told these demon ancestors to plant middle-grade spiritual plants, harvest their spiritual roots every year, and never thought of helping the demon king. Increase the demon king's luck!

   Sacred Ape captured this realm seven thousand years ago, only grinds his teeth, and the two demon king Jin Yaozu at the end. It is a bit less. I don't know if there are other tricks besides the spiritual root.

  After the old lady came back from Lingtao Peak, she is now in charge of everything about the holy ape. After listening to her, she immediately hugged the Dragon King and Longpo: "Thank you, my family, so that I will add another demon ancestor to the holy ape mountain!"

Looking at Leng Ping again: "You have to add another demon ancestor, you only occupy half of the golden mane realm. There is Liliyuan and the old bear is there, but he has already been cursed by the monk, so he can add a helper to help. Beware of you!"

   originally said that it was not so, but Lengping was a little unhappy.

Huiyu and the peacock demon knew him under Lao Xiong. Knowing that he was a little bit twisted, he smiled and said, "A few families, my unquenched strange land has the widest range. It's better to take the original golden mane to the North Sea." During that period, let the brother from Longgong, let the cold screen come out a little bit more!"

  虺虺 is a kind of weird type. Back then, the old bear was driven away, and the sacred ape was sent to the sacred ape. At that time, the Sacred Ape Mountain only looked westward, without injustice, and twenty-one three demon ancestors, looking westward with the holy ape, without any territory or injustice. The land with 21 points is bigger, but afterwards, Jinmane moved out, gritted his teeth and was newly promoted, fearing that he would not accept it, so they only separated new land from Wuyi and 21 land. Two old officials The land is reduced.

Xiaoyu was willing to give up some part, and Xiwang was also happy, and said to Long Po: "Today's festival, I got a helper from my in-laws before I was able to save this child. I also grabbed a lot of things, so I should be thankful. It’s just that my mother-in-law is also watching, and Saruyama has been robbed by the old rhinoceros again, so my concubine has to be brazen and take advantage of it!"

Long Po was still waiting for the following, Xiwang himself blushed first, and then said: "The dragon palace is not lacking for the robbed magic weapons, magical artifacts, artifacts, and elixir. Outer Linggen and 500 more plants, the mother-in-law is looking at it?"

   Long Po just smiled and said, "You really robbed that monk school!"

After discussing a few words with the Dragon King’s secret language, Long Po said: "To be honest with you, I used to look at your little family, but I only pursued the benefits. Today I said that in the bright place, I don’t need magical instruments anymore, and there will be a hundred more spiritual roots. The two demon ancestors who settled on the island are in need of land spiritual roots, and it is not easy for us to buy the Dragon Palace!"

   There is a big bag of waste immortal seeds that can give birth to the roots of the old lady. Madame Xiwang was overjoyed. The world has always been a foot for a foot and she took the initiative to say: "Add three hundred more to you!"

  This is much more comfortable than bargaining with each other before, Long Po said again: "It is already a marriage. From now on, I hope the two will watch and help each other. It is just a mountain demon with a wild temperament. I hope my mother-in-law will be more restrained and don't be provocative!"

   The face of the holy monkey is a little burnt again.

Finally, these words express the heart of the Dragon Palace. In the past, with the presence of the Double Demon Saints of the Dragon Race, the Dragon Palace could already look down upon the surrounding waters. Not a sense of crisis?

   The monk's problem is imminent. After returning from Saruyama, the first thing to do is to start a thorough investigation. See if there is a middle monk curse among the sea monsters!

   This in-law sacred ape is good, and if he is a helper in the future, he is indeed a powerful one, and Dragon Palace is willing to show his favor and come closer.

   Of course, I am also afraid of the sacred ape's temperament that is causing trouble everywhere, and I am really watching and helping each other, and I am afraid that it will be dragged to the Dragon Palace. Only then did I confess that Xiwang should be more restrained and restrain the sacred mountain mountain demon. In fact, it is restraining the great holy iron skin of the mountain!

   Xiwang nodded and nodded, telling the holy ape to count eight hundred spiritual roots and go out. The Dragon King and Long Po asked the demon ancestors to accept them, and they all said goodbye.

   The snake demon ancestor will send over in a few days, and will not stay in the Dragon Palace any more.

   The sea monsters left, and the sacred ape from the west watch escorted them for a ride.

   All that are left behind are their own monsters.

   Xiwang took out the two magic treasures that he had stolen, one was a heart-piercing awl, and the other was a mysterious iron whip, both of which were better than the ingots cultivated by Zhen Zhen Yuan Ying Cicada.

   That ingot, the holy ape has given a reward to Xi Xiaoguai, the son of Xiaoyu.

The sacred ape has a load, a peach stick to the west, and is still self-cultivating a second magic Those who have been tempered by Xinghui, don’t look at these two, they are divided into the demon ancestors. , Strengthen the strength of subordinates.

   Among the demon ancestors present here, in terms of merit and hard work, the most deserving is Wuyi and Twenty-two, but Wuyi has a magic weapon in his own, and there are also 虺虺, and the rest are not yet.

   Look at the three-seven demon who grew up, if nothing has happened, but he is actually working hard under his feet, why don't you know that his heart is fiery? Xiwang chuckled, and finally said: "Twenty-one first choose one!"

   The holy monkey snorted, but he didn't stop it.

   came up on the ground with joy on the twenty-first, wanting to take the penetrating cone that looked more powerful, but didn't want Yaoyao to say again: "No, you can only take the iron whip!"

   This little **** has known since he was a child that his family and the old ape are not dealing with him, and he is not happy to see that he is taking advantage of his family.

   no injustice, 虺虺 has a magic weapon, the new Lengping, Bai Ze can not be ranked, gritted his teeth with joy, is it hers?

   I didn’t want to look to the west and thought about it for a while, so I took two top magical artifacts to her: "Take it back to my own tempering, this is a very rewarding endgame!"

   But I want to think about it, new players in the late game, I need to win more.

   grind his teeth and slumped his mouth and said: "Thank you, Madam!"

   West Wang stretched his hand back: "If you don't like it, don't ask for it!".

   In fact, the two artifacts are both top-notch. In the 21st century, when I got the sapphire lion seal, I was very happy. How could I not like grinding my teeth? It's just that the top magic weapon needs luck to advance to the magic weapon, and it is always inferior to the ready-made magic weapon.

   The squirrel demon ancestor changed his smile back: "Madam, don't bully me! Where's not happy, is it possible that I should show my buck teeth again?"

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