Deer Demon Race

Chapter 289: Not too much

   gritted his teeth and picked up the two magical artifacts, Xiwang took out three more at once, and said to Xiaoyu: "The Mochizuki rhino horn you got back then did you reward King Jingshan?"

  虺虺 nodded and said yes.

Xiwang said: "Choose one of these three artifacts, take two to King Jingshan, replace the rhino horns first, and say sorry to him, if you can get rhino horns in the future, you must make up for him first! "

For the Monster Race, Mochizuki's rhino horn is still worth more than a magic weapon, and King Jingshan can use it with his confidant. Otherwise, he would not give him a rhino horn. He smiled bitterly, took the magic weapon and wondered how to treat Jing. The mountain king spoke.

   Helped the holy ape to recover a rhino horn, and then looked towards the old Haozhen again: "No injustice, it will cause the death of a dragon king in your family, you also take two magical weapons!"

Fortunately, the green dragon in the zhudi realm has returned to his own mountain field. In order not to make the face of the dragon palace unsightly, he became his green python king, and was told not to leak his roots and feet. He did not accompany his death here, but only folded. Nong Jiao Wang, the loss is not big.

   Then, the new Leng Ping was rewarded with a magic artifact.

   looked west and finally looked at Bai Ze: "White Lion Demon, you don't have your share today!"

   Bai Ze said with a smile: "Madam does not need to give me, I have been a demon for a long time, and I have my own magic weapon!"

   He said that, on the contrary, he grinds his teeth and feels so depressed.

   Leng Ping originally had a magic weapon, but it was a pity that Daoxuan was destroyed when he caught him, so he could only be tempered again.

   Xiwang asked aloud: "Old Peacock, do you still use the same name as before?"

   Leng Ping nodded. He used to be the ancestor of Caiguang, and he didn't need to change it.

   looked west again and asked, "Where is the white lion demon? Does it have an honorable title?"

   Bai Ze sneered and said, "I became a demon ancestor, and I have been in the human race. Before I can get the honorary title, please give me one from my wife!"

   looked west and sneered, but still didn't show his face: "I don't have this ability, take it myself."

   Then, she said to the demon ancestors again: "Lengping goes to the realm and reorganizes. The Za Mao family has to calculate and calculate, and there are disgusting monk curses. You need to be careful when you go back."

"According to my mother's intention, I will join hands with her family to destroy the miscellaneous family, but the benefits are not much. Dragon Palace will not take such a risk. It is only a **** one, and it will be difficult! I have to wait for his daughter to do the marriage Ask for opportunities!"

   Before the holy ape went out to cause trouble, Xiwang had always stopped him, but he and this Xuantian faction had already had a feud with each other, and instead advocated cutting the grass and rooting out!

   Otherwise, Yaoyao is rarely safe!

   Xiwang again told Haechi demon: "No injustice, send another demon king, and the little demon will bring more. In the next two days, we will plant all the spiritual roots! And rebuild the warehouse!"

   The demon ancestors each took his wife's orders, and they were more attentive than the presence of the holy ape.

   looked west again and said to the deer deer: "The two sea monsters who are serving your hunch family will also take them home this time. Go back and ask a bird demon to send Tianxiang back to the old lady!"

The deer demon nodded, thinking that my old deer was not in a hurry to go home. He couldn’t just because he had the demon ancestor Bai Ze, he didn’t want to be the clone of the holy ape. Linggen!"

   glanced at him, and said with an aura: "Is my old lady not capable of planting a job? I'm afraid that your stubborn family, if you don't want to go home, just say clearly, don't use my old lady as a raft!"

Hearing this, the demon ancestors who were about to leave all laughed, gritted their teeth and said: "My ancestor has also heard about the allusion of Rilong Bao. Don't bring bags!"

   I was joked by the demon ancestors, the great demon general has no room to talk back, good things do not go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles, and now they can't get rid of the name of the Japanese dragon bag, the deer demon can only sigh.

   Bai Ze narrowed a smile, but didn't say anything to tease him.

The demon ancestors said goodbye first, the deer demon called the turtle demon to return to one, the clam demon and the accompanying Yoke demon. After a while, the holy ape came back and asked for a clone before leaving the monkey mountain in Yaoyao's unkind eyes. .

   Before leaving, Xiwang threw another small cloth bag to him. It was the spirit peach core sent by the King of Mad Cow and the King of Clouds, a waste of immortal seeds.

   I didn't do anything, so I offended this junior, which is really wrong.

   Come out to save you little boy, my old deer puts out a lot of energy, I don’t know what a good bastard!

   On the way, the deer deer said to Bai Ze: "Old ancestor, change another skin, it's uglier!"

   Bai Ze blinked: "I coaxed your mother-in-law before, but in fact there are only three skins. Where can I change this appearance?"

   The deer deer doesn’t believe it, but people don’t want to change their appearance. What can he do with the demon ancestor?

  Looking at the deer demon depressed, Bai Ze said again: "Don't worry, my bloodline, I don't dare to find the female bodhisattva and confess it, so I will hide far away!"

   The deer demon and so on approached, and the snails in the study room of Doufengling rang out first.

   Seeing that it was the deer demon heading back to Fengling Ridge, there was a smile on her face.

   Finally seeing the Dragon Girl, the two of Guiyi and Shuanghe were overjoyed, the sacred ape clone disappeared into Xingtan again, and the deer demon introduced Bai Ze and told the ancestor that he would live in the mountain farm for a long time.

   Seventeenth mother thought about it, and decided to ask clearly in person: "Is it a teacher? A master?"

Regardless of whether she is the master or the master, the main cave where the Seventeenth Mother currently lives must be let out, and the deer deer stared at Bai Ze, and Bai Ze smiled and said, "Be a guest! My ancestor lived with the little demon. In a few days, reopen a cavern and it will be done!"

   This is very convenient. The seventeenth woman breathed a sigh of relief and said to the deer demon: "The husband will lead the ancestors to look at Doufengling. The slave family will go to Huaniang's sister's house and call Qingluo and Goubao to come back!"

   So first used Ying Shengluo to record the breath of Bai Ze, and led him to He Guiyi and Shuanghe for a stroll.

Bai Ze grinned and was very satisfied with this driving ridge. On the contrary, he returned to one and joined the two demon and looked cool. This uncle’s house is more dilapidated than Saruyama. The top and the back of the mountain are full of dark scorched earth, which is obvious. It is the poor, but there is more wind, no wonder it is called Joyride Ridge.

   Poor Seventeen Niang, who was married to this poor country, is there any decent dragon girl?

When Seventeen Niang asked to build Ding Ying’s main room, a large conference room was first expanded outside, which could also be used by guests. There were also several small side rooms on the side door, which were reserved for Guiyi and Shuanghe. However, they lived before A fox demon.

Next to the master bedroom in   , there is actually a special room where Demon Ji lives, but she is not yet married, it is impossible for Shichi Niang to ask Qing Luo to move in.

Guiyi, Shuanghe is used to doing chores in the Dragon Palace, take a tour around Fengling Ridge, go back to the main cave, look inside the room, go back to the outside, there is nothing to do, so I ask my uncle for advice, and take the initiative to go Pack the rooms in Futaodong for the demon ancestor of Baize.

The three buckets of night pearls leaking from the nails of the Dragon Palace have been inlaid in the various caves. The caves in the Doufengling Mountains are bright and swaying like the day. It makes some little monsters uncomfortable, crying that the cave is not dark and cannot sleep. Instead, cover the pearly luster.

These night pearls can only be bright for a few decades after they are taken out, and the light will be exhausted, but the seventeenth mother said that she can ask the Dragon Palace again at any time. There are so many things, and they are useless. They usually occupy the warehouse, little demon. We picked it up, and only followed the roundness of the beads, and didn't need it if there were any flaws.

   Liu Gou Bao led the walking demon slowly, and Seventeen Niang, the flying little demon, and Qing Luo returned first.

   It didn't take long for the little demon of Jing Shanding to circle the surrounding areas of the Drifting Ridge again and start flying patrol.

   The first thing after coming back, the Deer Demon, Gou Bao told her that the steel frame had been in Wanhua Valley and had never been out.

  When I was in Saruyama, the deer demon thought that Monk Duji should be another channel for news, not just the steel frame.

   Back to the study room with Qingluo in the evening, the deer deer took out two blood-red jade bones: "Little grandma, this is your body!"

   Qingluo jumped for joy, she threw herself in his arms, took the jade bone, and played with it for a while, before asking in doubt, "Can you produce jade bones of this quality, what a monk?"

   held her waist, the deer demon smiled triumphantly: "It was cut from Yuan Ying's body!"

   "So good fortune?" Qing Luo was speechless, even more rare, and asked: "This bone looks strange, which bone is it?"

When    asked, the deer demon was a little embarrassed, and he hesitated to answer: "Pubb! He is going to be born there, and I am helpless!"

   The Shura girl chuckled, threw away the jade bone, and rushed to the deer demon: "Grandma uses this, does the master taste it?"

   It took a lot of time to take care of the master deer. Qingluo snuggled in his arms and tentatively asked: "Since the master is not happy, can I send it to Mengluo Mountain?"

Nowadays, I have a lot of contact with Seventeen Niangs, and I have gradually touched my temperament. I am no longer too afraid of being bullied, and my desire for promotion is not so urgent. She said again: "The jade bones on Yuan Ying’s body can be cut back. It’s indispensable, and it will be with me next time I send my body away!"

Lu Yao thought, her family accidentally abducted Qingluo. King Shura didn't want to see him, and at first he was reluctant to admit his relatives. Now that the seventeenth mother enters the door again, Qingluo will lose her hope in the house, and she will be even more despised. Reluctant to share with her brother, she sent these two jade bones over to ease the relationship. Anyway, if Qingluo eats another man’s pubic bone, her family will indeed respond, so she said, "I will ask Xiaoshi to send you tomorrow. !"

   Qingluo was overjoyed, like an octopus, entangled again.

   Goubao and his party returned two days later.

The deer demon asked the steward demon to discuss matters outside the main cave. When they were all there, she glanced at the quiet Seventeen Niang, and the deer said: "Everyone rests for a day, and the next day, the little demon and demon without errands Ding Quan went to the back mountain to transport soil and plant trees, remember to move more plum trees!"

   He wants to start planting all over the mountain again, Yuan Xiang asked: " I still want to pick tea and open a tea shop in spring. I'm busy, why don't you plant again in autumn?"

The deer demon shook his head: "If you are busy with something, if you have nothing to do with the soil and planting the tree, it is not easy to delay! Follow Ding picking tea, the demon Ding Hun family takes turns to open the tea shop; in addition, the building Ding is also free, and I will do two things first. It was Futao Cave that was dug deep, and a warehouse was built in the middle, and another place was found to dig an ancestor hole for the ancestor of Bai Ze!"

   Looking at the housekeepers, they all nodded, and the authority of the master was finally there. The deer deer breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "In the future, add another housekeeper to take charge of the warehouse, so I will draw a snake!"

   The disabled toad demon, I heard that he was once the master of the mountain lord. He has been friends with him and let him take care of things. No one dares to say anything.

After not wanting to hear the wind, the toad demon ran to find the deer master: "I just want to ask you, how can the Huang Zhongpin sent out a few days ago have my share? If I don't ask the master to pay you back, is it possible that you are uncomfortable? "

The deer deer laughed when he said: "Where is the word? You can't be promoted to the demon general if it is not disabled. This is the rule of I Doufengling. The demon all have their own self! Knowing that you are hot after the calculation, and your hands are clean, so I won't call you. Which is the name of the warehouse?"

   Painted Snake sighed: "I will be promoted to the demon general, and the disabled will be disadvantageous to the fight. How much can I help you? Why waste the elixir!"

   The deer demon said "Bah": "When you were not maimed, Fushan couldn't fight against the rubbish, do I still expect you to fight?"

When the toad demon fire started, the deer deer said again: "The Jin demon will add some lifespan, and can accompany you to talk a few years of gossip, and it is also worth a few copies of Huang Zhongpin. You are the poor ghost of filling water. ?"

   drew a snake and hummed: "Don't call you a master, you can just send it to yourself, it's not too much!"


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