Deer Demon Race

Chapter 290: Nikkei

   After Xiaoshi returned from Meng Luoshan, he was sent to the monkey mountain by the fox demon Tian Xiang.

   Meng Luoshan collected both jade bones. Qingluo didn't have the chance to go up the mountain, but when he came back, there was joy on his face, and the relationship seemed to ease.

   After returning to the mountain, everything went as usual, and he refused to admit defeat. Every evening, he still made gestures with Shiqiniang to Doufengping. Unfortunately, the result has never been changed.

   Bai Ze has been in the human race for tens of thousands of years. He really enjoys the life of monsters. He quickly became acquainted with the monsters and little monsters.

   Of all the little demons, he loves staying next to Lang Lang and scolding the **** monk with the wolf demons.

   Afterwards, the wolf demon was a little strange, why he fell in love with this ancestor so much? He didn't even know that this was the "Miaode Monk" in his mouth.

   Bai Ze actually has the name of a monster, which is a "wonder" that a wonderful hand occasionally gets, but in the 30,000 years, the monster who has been called this name has long since died, so I won't mention it again.

  The monster under the gate had been transported back to the mountain for a few days, and the deer had secretly planted more than 30 Tao Ancestor fruit cores. He had to wait for the true roots to grow, and he was sure that it was the same as the spiritual peach core, and it was a waste fairy seed, so he could be relieved.

   When Li He secretly buried Li He, Bai Ze emerged from nowhere, squatting next to him, with light in his eyes.

   A few days later, the snails will be heard "whooping" again, and the color must be changed. The big guy who comes should be innocent.

   Waiting for the police Shanding to report back, it was the late ancestor who sent more than 300 prisoners under the command of the Golden Mane Benshan and the Demon King directly under the Central Government.

At the end of the game, I got the body Ji from Mrs. Xiwang. I heard that among the demon ancestors, he and Twenty-One got the magic weapon. This through-the-heart nail was even hotter than Twenty-One’s Black Iron Whip, which was very touched. , The big disciple of Kaishan who looked west sent a prisoner, saying that he was related to the demon ancestor's internal traitor, and he was afraid of being robbed or killed.

   is really the demon sage in the desert. Yu Xia has always been brutal, and has never been compassionate. The old ape of the holy ape mountain has a bad temper, but he is not cruel internally, and there is a virtuous lady.

  The temperament of the end game, some loyalty of "dropping grace, repaying by the spring", several demon ancestors cut the land for him to live, and he went to join him every year on the ancestors' day, and he remembered the kindness.

   delivered it in person at the end, and the deer demon asked Bai Ze to pick it up.

After the meeting, the deer deer asked about the situation of the Demon King directly under the jurisdiction of the Golden Mane, and sighed in the end: "When I pass, it is too late. I ran to Liliyuan for five times. Only one is waiting honestly and has been sent to Yuanshan. , Please ask Mrs. personally."

Pointing to the prisoners who were all put on the pipa bones, he said at the end: "It's all Jinmane and his confidant of the Demon King, who fled together. He waited halfway to stop him. The wife said that most of them were from Liliyuan. Yes, the realm is low and it is difficult to know the secrets. I only asked to send a few past, and the rest were too lazy to spend time and interrogation, and they were all sent to you! Be careful, don't let you escape!"

   Lu Yao introduced Bai Ze to him with a smile, and said: "Don't worry, ancestors, I also have ancestors sitting in battle, and I will never escape!"

   I was surprised at the end, Bai Ze now looks so pretty, and I saw the male demon really want to punch him, and he was next to the deer demon, he had only thought that he was a demon!

   Bai Ze is very proud. If his blood can't be fooled by the sense of consciousness, how can he hide it in humans for tens of thousands of years before?

   There is Bai Ze, so I can rest assured at the end of the game, so that the demon king who is detained by the detainees: "You wait to help take it to Doufengling, and then return to the mountain field, I will go to Saruyama for business first!"

The deer deer, please go to the mountain field to drink tea, and said at the end: "Your mountain field will have tea wine that your ancestors will admire? We don’t have to be arrogant about the monsters. You don’t have to wait until you are developed and it’s really good. Please open your mouth, my ancestor will come too! It's the second day of March, don't forget to come to Chongtushan for a drink!"

   The second day of March is his Grand Ancestral Day. As I said before, the deer deer wants to congratulate her on behalf of her teacher, take the elixir and take it in a hurry.

The demon kings who escorted the prisoners were all directly under the control of the ancestors in the end. After they were sent to Doufengling, they stayed for half a day. They had to drink a bowl of spiritual tea robbed by the Xuantian faction and flatter the deer demon for a while. Each went down and flew back.

   It is a way of tempering the body for exploring Japan to come to these prisoners and monsters, which are mostly bewitched.

  Be prepared well beforehand. After Deer Deer thinks about it, he asks the ancestor Bai Ze to take his own home and fly to Pingdingshan.

   To his deer demon, Bai Ze is responsive to big things.

   After hearing the deer demon's request, the 21st Ancestor also responded.

When Pingdingshan came back, he called for the first half, the steel bones and other demon. The deer demon shouted the prisoners who were detained under the Futao Cave to feed the beasts, and waited for him: "You are all the spies of the monks... .."

   just say one sentence, the following shouts of grievances, each telling his own grievances.

   The demon who grew up in Liliyuan, like the golden mane, is sincere towards the Buddha. In the sea of ​​knowledge, you can't see the crossing curse, and not all of them are embodied in the Bodhi tree, and the deer demon can't find it.

The Demon White Deer snorted coldly, calmed the noise, and said: "It's really wrong. The Holy Ape is too lazy to ask. You deserve to die if you only talk, but I have to wait for you to wait for you to die immediately. !"

   Hearing the key point, the prisoners held their breath and waited for him to follow.

  The deer demon looked around, then said again: "Master, I have magical powers, and I can use Nikka to temper my body, so please wait and try first!"

After    understood, the prisoners were in an uproar!

   A demon general came out and said angrily: "Nikka tempers the body, it is no different from standing death!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, a handsome white-robed monster flew out from behind the deer demon, holding down the demon general's shoulder with one hand, grabbing the hair with the other, lifting it up, and suddenly raised his head, leaving his body still on the ground.

   The demon general's blood was like a fountain at the decapitated head, and his body stood for a while before he fell forward, and then turned back to the sumo wrestling.

   The deer demon took a look at Shura, poor ghost, no bones!

   Demon ancestors help, the scene is easy to hold up!

   Putting Shura's eyes away, the deer deer looked calm, and ordered: "Steel bones will be sent to the room, and dinner will be held at night!"

Turning around, he said to the prisoner monsters: "Either try Nihwa's body tempering, or die immediately! Everyone who has the ability to live for ten days, the master I was released, and went to the Jinyu Wang's house on his own to be exonerated for a hundred years. !"

   asked again: "Do you have any objections?"

   The demon general before, was gently pulled out, the pretty monster in white robe was far more terrifying than the unscrupulous appearance of the white robe with words, no one dared to object.

   So, the deer demon took out a handful of leaves and said, "You wait until you all go to the top of the mountain tonight. The ten that you pulled out first will be tempered tomorrow morning!"

   If you don’t pull the leaves, you will die immediately. There is still a difference between early death and late death.

With so many monsters in the mountain field, try to take criminal prisoners who should be put to death. They can't hide the steel bones with the help of the Youyang to temper their bodies. The demon ancestors who are married to the Dragon Palace have already figured it out, and gradually they will know more and more. It was only a matter of time before the monks knew it. The Deer Deer was thinking of finding out how the steel bones could contact the outside world. Apart from the name of "Secluded Yang", he didn't hide it at all.

   Before dawn on the second day, there were a lot of demons and little demons who rushed to the top of Doufengling Mountain to watch the show. There were all dead ghosts, steel bones, and snake paintings.

   Sparrow monster is carrying a little monster three inches high on his back.

   Xiaoshan Jing is happy recently. Brother Baibao said that if the plum trees that can be alive on the mountain are planted, he will not be sent out before he is promoted, and he will play on the mountain again.

   Seventeen Niangs and Qing Luo also came, and of course Bai Ze was also by, sitting beside Lang Lang.

   The avatar of the sacred ape is also hidden, watching the results.

   After all, in ancient times there were ten days in the sky, so the sun was opposite to the sun. It could really neutralize the Japanese and Chinese. Without the other eight days, who knows the result?

   The double sage of the Dragon Palace and the old lady, this is just speculation!

  Unfortunate luck, first drew out the ten monsters and sat trembling on the top of the mountain, almost as if the twinkling Taibai star was a reminder.

   At this time, the darkest period has passed, and there is a little glimmer. The deer demon said to the ten demon: "What did you do when you borrowed the moon?

  The Eastern Taibai Star is getting brighter and brighter, and the deer demon releases its own soul embodied in the sun, and releases a cold brilliance in the sky.

   It was really ambergris fragrant to help, and after spending more time, the deer demon consciousness has risen rapidly recently. This round of Youyang, living in the sky more than fifty feet high, has a big grinding plate.

Although    is the product of divine consciousness, it also has substance after appearance, just like the ghost race that can transform between the virtual and the real, and the cold sunhua swaying is also like the substance.

   Deer demon cried: "Master, my supernatural powers can neutralize Nikka and make you not easy to die, but only at the beginning Nikka is the most vigorous, and there will be no way to survive later!"

   After a while, Dongfang, first began to turn white!

   The deer demon shouted sharply: "Quickly pick Nikka, the offender is the banquet of the mountain this morning!"

   Hearing his voice, the onlookers breathed lighter.

   tried his best to restrain the panicked ten prisoners, gritted their teeth, and began to gather the moon spirit, preparing to gather the sun!

   It's a pity that no matter whether you gather the moon or the sun, you should relax your mind first. In such a panic, where can you get into the state for a while?

After a while, there was the first one who risked his death to gather in Nikka. Unfortunately, after three or four breaths, the Qiqiao suddenly started to breathe fire, and then every sweat gland in the entire monster body was on Burning!

  Onlookers, the prisoners and monsters all screamed in surprise!

   Many years of legends, the horror of Nikka, really appeared in front of you, you have to be frightened!

   From the beginning of the flames, the demon can no longer move anymore, can't howl, just crawl, let the flames rise higher and higher, in this dawn, the flames spread far and wide!

   Fortunately, there is scorched earth on the top of the mountain. The color around him burns no longer, nor does it ignite anything else.

   The first one to be collected from Nikka was burned to death, and the remaining nine became more frightened and more difficult to enter the state!

The burning flame over there has not been extinguished. As time goes by, Sun Rihua will only become more and more violent, and the deer demon can’t wait, saying: "He also burned for a while, there must be a way to survive! Yuanxiang comes out, no longer concentrate All the Japanese pickers will be killed to open the noodles!"

   When Yuan Xiang took the double-headed ox horn knife from Master Lu, he stood over with a murderous look, and was forced to grind his teeth and concentrate on collecting Japanese flowers.

   Soon, the second flame rose.

However, Bai Ze, Deer Demon, Seventeen Niangs, and the avatar of the holy ape hidden in the dark can all see that there is indeed brilliance in the body. The second one persists for a longer time. It should be more than ten breaths after Nikka enters the body. From.

  You Yang is indeed effective!

   Affected by the reignited flames, the three of Nikka's hearts were panicking and they ignited at the same time.

   Soon, it burned two more. .

   The fire was extremely fierce. The first one burned had burnt out the internal organs and bones, leaving only a pile of ashes on the spot.

  Ps: Monthly ticket at the beginning of the month, recommended ticket on Monday, can the brothers give me a gift?

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