Deer Demon Race

Chapter 291: No way out

   Of the ten prisoners tested on the first day, only three remain.

   One of the demons finished picking Rihua and got up and cried, "Master Bai, if I pick it down again, I will be burned too!"

   was escorted here. He still didn't know the name of the master of the mountain. He only saw that he was wearing a white robe and he was called "Master Bai".

   The remaining two also climbed up.

   Bai Ze yelled: "Yuanxiang, the two cunning behind, pretending to be sly, they hadn't picked up Nikka before and killed Kaiximen!"

After   , the two who climbed up were only monsters. They were not wearing the pipa bones, and they would not be Yuanxiang's opponents. The musk demon stepped forward, chopped over with two swords, and asked Xiuye ​​to send them to the room along with the goose demon plucking their hair.

   The possibility of a demon with jade bones is lower, and Qingluo is nearby. Without Shura eyes, the deer demon curiously asked the one who survived: "Can you know that the demon is about to burn?"

The demon shook his head and said honestly: "With the help of the master, every grain of Rihua is wrapped in it. I don’t dare to care about it. God’s sense only senses the flesh and bones of his own body. The flesh and blood melted away, and I never touched the demon. I don't know how long it burned, but the flesh and blood seemed to be too much to eat, and it was gradually not being collected!"

  I don’t focus on Nikka, but on my own musculoskeletal system. How much can I understand?

   Is this a clever demon, or is it a mistake?

   Bai Ze has passed over: "My ancestor has the ability to distinguish lies, what he said is true!"

  How much ability does the ancestor of Bai Ze have?

Previously, there was no stipulation on how long it would take to collect Rihua to pass. Although the time was too short, this was the first one to return useful information. The Deer Demon decided to keep him alive for a few more days and asked: "What's your name? "

  The demon hurriedly replied: "Master, my name is Bagou, I am a badger demon!"

   "If you pass today, you will have to live for another nine days!"

He took You Yang again, and turned to other prisoners: "Those who want to survive, learn more from the Eight Dogs, and have a more stable heart. Don't be alarmed when you see others burned! Master, I look at those who are It's so scared!"

After    finished speaking, he took out a large stack of leaves: "Come and smoke tomorrow!"

It’s a better chance to only break dawn every day. Today is no longer possible. Even if the first day passes, I have good luck. I survived one, and it’s still going well. The main reason is that my own Youyang is really useful. Wrong material.

The surviving prisoners had to draw lots to determine their fate and determine tomorrow’s unlucky ones. Although they have never heard of it, the cold day released by this mountain lord seems to be really effective. If there is a demon detecting thunder before, the failures will be turned into ashes. Of course, the farther behind, the more stable you are, and you won't be drawn.

   drew out the leaves. If it was blank, he breathed a sigh of relief. The ten scratched leaves suddenly burst into tears and were called out to gather on the other side.

   Ba Gou can survive, and the other prisoners also saw some hope, especially the ten who had just been drawn, and asked him repeatedly. After asking, Ba Gou was a little erratic, and his words had been exaggerated many times.

   Including the Eight Dogs, eleven prisoners picked Rihua on the second day. In the end, Bai Ze identified four of them who had survived without telling lies.

  According to Baguo, after the next day, the flesh and blood can indeed be re-absorbed again to avoid contact between Nikka and the evil spirit.

   The three who survived were all learning from him. They did not care about Nikka. They only focused all their attention on sensing the flesh and blood and bones. They got up when they felt unable to absorb them. Of course, all of them panicked and died after Nikka entered the body.

   Bai Ze’s ability to discern lies is really good, and the deer demon looked at being pulled away from the table with two expressions, and he also concluded that it was a lie.

   The survivor’s feedback, the deer demon should remember it first, and write it on the animal skin after returning to the study for a summary.

   After that, every day, by the tenth day, although there were still a lot of burnt ashes, nearly forty survived. The Eight Dogs have been lucky, careful enough, and stable in their mentality, and they have lived until this day.

   During this period, Xiaoshi sent the fox monster to Saruyama, and had already returned to the mountain field.

  On the first day, it can only be picked for a short while, after that, the time has gradually increased, which shows that the ability of flesh and blood to absorb Japan is strengthening.

Mrs. Xiwang asked the sacred ape to tell that the other eight days were missing. The deer demon’s sun was only a manifestation of divine consciousness. It was much more dangerous than the ancient sky for ten days. At least in the ancient times, it was quenched by the moon spirit. Like the qi, the Yaozu was born to pick Japanese flowers, and has never heard of anyone being burned to death.

   Yue Jing tempered the demon qi, and Rihua tempered the body, which was the foundation of the ancient demon clan's foothold. The starlight tempering method and magic weapon were only mastered by a few people, and they weren't the same general merchandise as the Rihua Yue Jing.

   No wonder Fuxi didn't talk much about how to borrow from Japan before he left, but he didn't have much experience if he was acting on the fake sun like the deer demon.

On the tenth day, when the picking of Japanese flowers was completed, in the eyes of Ba Gou and all the prisoners, the deer said: "The King Jinyu’s family is thousands of miles away from the southeast. If Ba Gou dares not to go, he will be caught next time. Kill it!"

   Ba Gou hurriedly nodded and bowed, repeatedly saying yes.

   Deer demon shouted again: "Come to loosen his leather strap, and the white-shouldered boy will go down the mountain, look for a mountain that can be seen on the top, and leave his house and come back!"

   Listening to the master's instructions, Yuan Xiang came to untie the leather rope tied to the bones of the Eight Dogs Pipa, White Shoulder mumbled the badger demon and flew down, and landed on a hill that can be seen from the top of the Winding Ridge. Putting down the Eight Dogs, he turned and flew back.

   On the top of the mountain, the prisoners cheered and thundered!

   The Badger Demon Badogs were free, and rushed down the mountain in a hurry. After running for a few miles, they turned out to be true, and then drilled into the dense forest.

   Deep in the dense forest, Bagu took some pine resin and grass juice and smeared it on his body, before drilling out in another direction.

  According to the white deer demon's instructions, he was told to go to Jinyu Wang's house by himself, but Bagou was not stupid. He didn't want to wait on the uncle.

   ran for more than ten miles like a wild badger, and no longer saw the cols of the Cycling Ridge. Suddenly a giant owl flew out from behind, and his claws grabbed his back!

   Hearing the sound of the wind, the Eight Dogs rushed to the ground and wanted to leave!

   There was a chuckle on the owl's back. Then, before the owl fell to the ground, he jumped off a demon general and stomped on the ground with his feet. After the "shock and trample", the surrounding soil turned to stone again.

   The stone shattered, and when he saw the badly injured Badger Demon, the demon would take out the horn knife and cut off his head with a single knife.

   Ba Gou's curse stopped abruptly!

   The owl fell to the ground and transformed into a human form, but it was the demon general Ye Xiao from Pingdingshan. He shouted to the previous demon general: "I haven't had a fight for many years, Big Horn brother somehow let me try!"

Previously, this demon general was a bull demon with big horns. He laughed and said, "It’s not that my brother didn’t let you. General, if he is taken off carelessly, don't want to have a face in front of the White Deer Demon in the future!"

   Seeing that the underground corpse was still twitching, Ye Xiao said, "Baobao brother didn't leave the house, so he only asked us to come and kill the evildoer. This boy died too badly!"

   Dajiao glanced at him, and hummed: "Since I believe in Buddhism in Liliyuan, it is difficult to chant sutras and come back to Sacred Ape Mountain by anti-submarine. How can I die?"

   Hearing that Dajiao's tone was a little uncomfortable, Ye Xiao hurriedly smiled and said, "I was jealous, Baibao brother, who became a teacher of the Holy Ape Master Husband, and married the Dragon Girl. I complained a few words, my brother is not surprised!"

   Big Horn cursed: "My old cow is more jealous than you, but what is the use of complaining? It's the one who just cursed the dog!"

   Hearing what he said, Ye Xiaodun felt that he could make an agreement with the bull demon, and nodded in a hurry.

   Dajiao wanted to curse a few more words. King Jinyu flew over from a distance: "The mountain has uploaded news, and there will be two coming down tomorrow. This is the smell of the flying demon carrying them. Hurry, it's gone!"

   In his hand, two feathers plucked out of nowhere.

  Wait to remember the taste, and Dajiao said: "In a few days, more people will go down the mountain. This servant is mostly cunning. Even on Ye Xiao, the king only brought six demon generals. It's not good to get out of one!"

King Jinyu replied: "The ancestor was thinking about it. He has ordered the King of the House to bring a few more demons to help. If they are not enough, they can be sent again. Only one of them is not allowed to escape. The movement is smaller. Don't disturb the top of the mountain. superior!"

Ye Xiao smiled and said: "My demon general kills the demon general, and the demon king kills the demon general. How can I get away? If the movement is small, King Jinyu must be careful. Start!"

King Jinyu hummed: "Be careful, you forgot about the stubbornness of the King's family? The king of Guangmang suffered a loss in the hands of the demon general, causing a catastrophic disaster, and later killed a King Ruyi! The prisoner! Li Wanyi also has a stubborn mile? The ancestor has already spoken, who let him go, causing him to lose face in front of the ancestor of the west, and also learn the customs of Fenglingling, 30 times a day!"

   Big Horn "Tsk Tsk" twice, and laughed: "The White Deer Demon insists on spreading the customs of our spirit peach peaks in the Sacred Ape Mountain!"

   King Jinyu looked at him: "You also came over there, so I thought it would be good to be hot?"

The body of the badger demon was completely cold, and the big horn dragged it out and put it into the bag, before shouting, "I really don’t blow with the king. I am the hottest demon in Jingping Mountain. Not punished!"

   The deer demon promised to go to Jinyu Wang’s side to be exonerated for a hundred years. It was originally a lie, but I didn’t plan to let it go!

   As Dajiao said, the demon sent from Liliyuan was not at ease, and the killing was not injustice.

   The days of driving on the ridge continue.

The deer deer received more and more feedback, and the prisoners behind were not fools. When the fear of Nihwa faded The panic in the middle of quenching Nihwa diminished. According to the previous experience, he survived. Gradually began to increase.

   After ten days of tempering, more and more demons and generals were sent down the mountain.

   Among them, Ban Xuan secretly pulled out the steel-bone feathers. The deer demon was mixed with the steel-bone and sent down the mountain twice. The sacred ape clone followed in secret, but the servant was careful enough that he had no conversation with the prisoner who was sent down the mountain.

On the 19th day, there was a pig demon who survived life and death. He cried and cried: "I really didn't believe in a monk, nor is it a foreign demon. It's different from the one who deserves a thousand swords. It's just born simple. In the past, he would only flatter the king. He was flustered when he ran away, and he was out of ideas. He also ran around and was caught here, Master Bai for his life!"

   Bai Ze stared at this boy, feeling no lie.

   The deer deer asked: "Your name is Shiming? Don't panic. You will be exonerated by staying at the side of Jinyu Wang's house for a hundred years!"

The pig demon replied: "My name is Dayu, I won't go to the Jinyu King's house if I am waiting for a thousand knives! I would like to risk my death to collect a few months of Rihua for Master Bai, and only ask Master Bai to assign another place to go. !"

   Bai Ze passed the phrase "what he said is true" in secret, so he no longer cares about the life and death of this stupid pig demon.

   The deer deer stared at the pig demon for a while, and laughed: "I have been with the demon king directly under the jurisdiction of the golden mane for a long time, and I want to know a lot of secret things?"

   The pig demon called Qu said: "Master, I am not even a confidant. I don't even like it. How can I know the secret?".

The deer demon looked at it again with "The sun is bathing in the quiet". He didn't want to pass on the golden mane realm. He didn't let any Buddha thought pass. He couldn't see anything, but the spiritual consciousness was already embodied. The head was in the mud pool. Big fat wild boar rolling around.

  Ps: The tiger demon begs oneself, monthly and recommended tickets are required.

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