Deer Demon Race

Chapter 292: Daoxuan in action

   In recent days, it’s better to make a living, and the goods brought back from the sacred monkey mountain are 20% higher than before!

   Saying goodbye to the monk, the pheasant demon is contented with ambition, and ran to the hiding place of his companions with some luck.

I heard that this place can be sensed by the Holy Ape’s divine sense, the great monks dare not come, but there are still dangers in dealing with the monks who have been born before. I hope that the next time the lottery will not be drawn to their own early, they will be replaced by their companions. go.

   The deserted fields of the four wilds, some weeds have gradually grown after the beginning of the spring, I believe it will be a good mountain field in a few years, but unfortunately no demon king dared to come over and occupy the land.

The realm is only a demon, not capable of running a mountain farm. In order to get enough elixir to become a demon general, he can only run his head to make a living. The risk is very high. I have never expected my own one to succeed, every time he is with his companions. , The income has to be shared with others.

The five human monks in the Lianzhen Pavilion were almost wiped out. For those who often run for a living like that of the wild, it is actually a bad thing, and the impact is quite big. The face monk is gone, and the network needs to be renewed.

In addition, there are no demon kings or demon generals on the distance of more than three thousand miles, and some down-and-out demons have moved over and started cutting paths, specializing in robbery and business, some just make money, some It's still killing, and it's gradually moving towards teaming up.

   These two reasons make it a lot harder to run and make a living now. Of course, the profits are more substantial.

   Especially this time, when I heard that the Transfiguration Sect was robbed, the prices of the goods brought from the Sacred Ape Mountain have risen again.

   ran across this wasteland, and the silent village in the mountain col in front was also left by the human beings who moved away, and the three despondent companions hid in it.

   During the last part of the journey, he felt that the running was too slow, so he turned his face and spread his wings and flew to the village.

   After stopping on the firewood wall, Mi Ye made three calls of "Kang, Kang, and Kang".

   It was agreed, but there was no voice from the village to answer him.

   What's the accident?

  'S contemptuous heart suddenly mentioned, I don't know whether to go in and check or to run away.

   "Chicken demon, your three companions are already asleep!"

   I hadn't noticed it before, and this sound rang behind him, scared the muscles of the wild strain, and immediately jumped forward, ready to fly away.

   just let his original wings flutter, but his feet seemed to be nailed, and he couldn't fly away at all.

  What is this skill?

  When my ambition and my heart were almost frightened, the voice behind smiled and said: "Master Dao is a clone of the Xuantian School, have you ever heard of it?"

   Gou Ri’s Xuantian Sect Huashen will be so boring, come to scare me a little demon? How can you believe this?

   There was a lot of successful jokes in the other party’s voice, which seemed to scare me very proud, and the scorn flew into a rage, desperately yelling: "I haven't heard it!"

   "Tsk tsk!" The girl behind him praised: "He's a courage!"

   can't escape anyway, Bianye shouted: "I am fat, you have to catch the chicken soup..."

   The voice hummed twice, and said: "Yes, Master Dao will take you back to cook chicken soup!"

Following this sentence, it seems that there is really a big hand to pinch his neck, so scared to change his words: "Master Dao, I am wrong, I am a business man, there are many things in my pocket, I would like to send Dao Master, beg me for mercy. One life!"

As soon as I finished speaking, my hands fell down, but I felt no sensuality. I stopped on my back and stroked the feathers down twice before the voice came up again: "Master Dao doesn't want your goods. Just ask one thing, you have been waiting for a long time to make a living, with good ears and eyes, the three thousand-mile boundary on the east side of the sacred ape, but there are the demon of the original Jingping Mountain?"

   "Jingping Mountain?" The pheasant demon thought about it, and asked, "Where is that? What did the master do?"

The voice behind    was a little dissatisfied, and there was no sense of laughter anymore: "Since I don't know it, I will really take it home to stew the chicken soup!"

   The hand rested on his neck, and he was afraid that he would break it at the next breath. He was so frightened that he screamed: "I really don't know, Master Dao said a few more words!"

  The voice said: "Jingping Mountain was originally the Wangshuiwang Mountain Farm!"

   "The King of Filling Water?"

  Biya suddenly remembered: "Offended Kuli ancestor, was hanged under Pingdingshan for a hundred days, and then was killed by the little-eyed White Deer called two demon kings with good friends?"

The voice behind him said, "The same is what your companion said. The White Deer Demon came from Jingping Mountain. I heard that she is now in the Sacred Ape Mountain and she has accepted her as an apprentice? Do you know his roots? "

   Miye shrank his head: "Master Dao asked, what did you do?"

   The big hand touched the neck again: "Tsk tsk! Look at this, I really know something about it, better than your three companions!"

The pheasant demon hadn’t yet decided to answer, and the voice behind said again: "Let’s tell you the truth, the White Deer demon is a bit of a hindrance to this faction. Daoye wants to find a governor, ask him about his roots and feet, and then do it. I plan! If you don't tell me, Master Dao will really stew you in chicken soup, which is different from before. It's not bluffing you!"

   Hearing this tone, Huye realized that there might be a avatar of the avatar behind him, and shouted: "Master Dao, I don't win eyes like this, can I be spared if I say that?"

   The voice behind him said: "Stop talking, spare your life!"

The three companions in the village, as the Taoist said, were they fainted or lost their lives. It is important to protect themselves. The pheasant demon said anxiously: "Last year, I had a demon under Longtou Mountain. He was also from the King of Filling Water, because he didn’t want to live with the king, he wanted to run with me, and he didn’t want to open the New Year. After the New Year, I heard that the white deer demon was taken as a disciple by the ancestor of the west. Even the King of Filling Water was killed. He was so scared that he did not dare to stay in Sacred Ape Mountain and ran back to live here. This time he met him again when he was out of the house and talked privately. He told me that Ying Sheng did not dare to run, but went Later, you will find a helper, if you are not in Sacred Ape Mountain, you can call him again!"

The voice behind    was a little joyful: "Take the Dao Master to find him, and I promise you three Huang Zhongpin!"

   hurriedly said: "The place where he currently lives is said to be at the original Ziyun Taoist Temple. I also said that on this return trip, I should go and take a look!"

  The voice said again: "Ziyunguan Taoist Temple? The Taoist knows how to open your eyes, so you can guarantee that you are not so fast!"

   Then, the pheasant was immediately lifted up, feeling so fast, and as expected, he hadn’t seen flying so fast, just a few breaths, it seemed to have reached the ground.

   This speed, my God, is really a avatar!

   In the original Ziyun Temple, before the monks moved away, many places had been hollowed out, and the columns, doors, and windows of the pavilion had all been removed, which looked a little bleak.

   arrived here, but there is no need to look for it anymore, the voice said first: "Golden Core School, so petty!"

   then flew up again, and then landed in an attic. On the animal skin cushion in that corner, isn't the one who sleeps on his stomach the demon?

   Just thinking about it, the pheasant was thrown "bang" in front of the monster.

   The demon was awakened, got up and jumped up, transformed into a human form in disdain, and turned around anxiously, seeing the owner of the previous voice for the first time.

   This old man with small face, small eyes, and rotten robe is the avatar of a god? Seeing nothing prestigious, I was so scared!

   The awakened demon came back to his senses, and asked him: "Is it a monk? I'm so kind to you, how can I bring him to harm me?"

  The pheasant demon whispered: "God!"

   The demon Dington "puchi" smiled: "My demon, a golden pill is enough to be scared to pee. How can I get the **** of transformation?"

   The old man with small face, small eyes and ragged robes grinned and stretched out his hand. A white cloud actually floated down from the sky and fell on his hand. After a few squeezes, it turned into a rocking chair made of clouds.

   Throwing the white rocking chair to the ground, there was a "boom" sound on the floor. The old man lay comfortably on the rocking chair and asked: "What's your name, this monster? Know the roots and feet of the white deer who went out of Jingping Mountain?"

   The demon's opened mouth has not been closed for a long time.

   Just by making a rocking chair from the cloud, at least it must be a Yuan Ying, the doggies did not say false!


  The demon Ding knew the current affairs immediately, his legs softened, knelt on the ground, and said, "Grandpa forgive me.

   I saw it, I just wanted to come back, and my life was hanging by a thread, and I knelt down when I was busy.

   The old Dao still smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will spare your life. Only the white deer's roots and feet will be explained clearly to the old Dao!"

When    was busy with the wind, he exposed the roots and feet of the white deer that he knew from the time when the wild little demon had known to his escape from the holy monkey mountain.

The old Dao smiled and said: "The old ape in the west is not awake in his mind. The Tao Demon is happy to be quiet and not moving. Listening to you, the White Deer Demon is very clever, resilient, and ~ It is indeed a rare demon. Maybe it is his idea to marry the Dragon Palace and robbery in the New Year. How can the old couple listen to him as a demon general?"

Rongfeng shook his head: "Grandpa, I really don't know. He has supernatural powers and black hands. After planting my soul, I was afraid of him. I have not seen him for many years after getting out. I really don't know how he got his own. Lord Ape is happy!"

   didn't get the answer, and the old way didn't force it, just said: "Sure! If the Bailu demon sees you, will he really kill?"

The wind nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice: "Grandpa, the belly is very small. I heard that King Fillshui does not have much hatred with him, but after he has developed, he is better than the ancestor of the sacred mountain. The banshee kings were all good, so they called two banshee kings to calculate the king of water filling! Back then, I was promoted to the demon king, but I first voted to Jingping Mountain, forcing him to untie the soul tie. Before fleeing, he was always held vengeance. , I dare not stay in the Sacred Ape Mountain again!"

   The old Dao was silent for a while, and then said: "Also, if you have enemies with him, you will not be sent and spare your life, but the old Dao seed has to cast a thought curse, and then let it be called!"

   I didn't want to eventually become a demon slave, and in front of the god, I had to nod in frustration.

  The old Dao turned to the pheasant demon and said: "You sibling, I will spare you not to die, but you must take a clone of the old Dao and go to the Bailu Demon Mountain Field to see. If you can kill him, you may be a hundred middle-class yellow!"

   The three yellow middle-grade plants that were promised to find the wind before have not yet been fulfilled. You are a godless mouth and white teeth, where can you believe it? ?

   is just a fight between the gods and the fish, how can there be room for resistance? After following the tiger demon, Yan Ye nodded tearfully.

  PS: Sorry, yesterday the name of the pig demon in Chapter 291 made a mistake, and the big pick was repeated. The pig demon in Chapter 291 was renamed Tie Xi.

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