Deer Demon Race

Chapter 293: Warehouse

  Didling on the ridge, the fox demon Tianxiang returned, and it was delivered by Mrs. Xiwang herself.

   followed behind and looked west, Tian Xiang smiled.

  When the deer deer and the seventeenth mother saw the ceremony, Mrs. Xiwang's face was a little red, and she said to the dragon girl: "My daughter-in-law, you can wait with me, this fox, my mother will give you a gift!"

   Seventeen mothers questioned: "Xiaoxiao didn't dare to get close. Sister Tianxiang sent it. Isn't there no reason for the master to be around?"

   looked west and hummed: "Why is my old lady so delicate? Don't wait!"

   After she said this sentence hard, she said: "Saruyama has something to do, so I will return!"

   really come and go in a hurry, don't want the deer to send it.

   Seeing that Xiwang looked a little uncomfortable, the deer demon asked Tianxiang: "What happened on the monkey mountain?"

   added incense and said: "Mrs. Slave Ying Guo, I won't talk about it!"

   Deer demon stared and scared her: "From now on, you will live in my house, and the master’s house has changed. Who should you listen to? If you don’t tell..."

   But there was a pause behind, and for a while, he couldn't think of threatening Hu Meizi.

   Seventeen Niang glanced at her and interrupted: "If you don't tell me, which vicious demon is allowed to be a gangster, if you go outside, you will lose your legs!"

   added a bitter face and said: "Grandma, master, the avatar of the holy monkey is still on the mountain, how can I dare to talk too much?"

   changed the title first.

   Deer said: "Master’s family affairs, my apprentice is not a foreign demon, Master is a magnificent man, I asked you, but he didn’t say anything!"

   Tianxiang waited for a while, but he didn't hear the warning from the sacred ape clone, and said with a smile: "Then find a secret place, it's not easy to be heard by someone else, and I was punished!"

   There is also an old ancestor Bai Ze at home. I don’t know if he will overheard. The seventeenth woman nodded and said, "Say in the slave house!"

   took the Deer Demon and Tian Xiang and walked into the main room.

  As they entered, the clam monster doubled up and asked, "Girl, do you have an order?"

   Seventeen Niang replied: "No miles, you are looking outside, no one can come in!"

   The innermost room of the main room is the widest room, which is the residence of the Seventeenth Niang. This is the first time that the Deer Demon has to enter.

   In her room, the surrounding walls are smoothly polished, and there are many night pearls inlaid. The floor is covered with thick blankets. The central bed is made of Luan Yu, the pillow is made of jade, and the mattress is made of whale skin.

The dressing table next to   , the mirror, the bone comb, and the treasure box are all beautiful. They are all brought from the Dragon Palace. The Sacred Ape Mountain does not have these exquisite items.

After entering the house, he looked around, a pair of thieves glanced on the bed several times, making Seventeen Niang's face a little burnt, and slammed the white deer demon, before he calmed down and said: "Tian Xiang said that, the ancestors here can't hear it! "

   In her room, there is also a soundproof magical weapon, which the demon ancestors can hardly hear. Mrs. Xiwang gave the fox demon directly to her, and the identity of the master and servant was determined, and the seventeenth mother was not welcome, so she started to call her by name.

  Looking for a night of Lingcha buds last night, and to continue tonight, Lang Lang was lying in the Futao Cave and taking a nap, Bai Ze beside him suddenly took a picture of his thigh: "Is it rare? Don't let me listen!"

   Langlang was awakened and asked blankly: "How much did the ancestor say?"

   Bai Ze smiled and said: "It's nothing, I scold the monk!"

   The wolf demon nodded: "Monk of the dog day, you should scold!"

   yawned and fell asleep again.

   In the main room, the fox demon opened his mouth and said: "That little saint, asked Lord Long for a bottle of Longlinke essential oil, and the first medicine was given to his old lady, and the saint ape came into the room!"

   This is to ease the relationship between the husband and wife of the sacred ape and Xiwang. There is no problem. Deer deer thought to himself: "No wonder he talked with the clone of the master these few days, he was so happy, I can't guess what a good thing has happened!"

While thinking about it, the fox demon grinned again: "After the incident, the lady was not ashamed to scold the little saint, but the saint ape is too much to praise, and I don't want to give me medicine again after a few days! The lady has guarded him, and has not succeeded. , I asked, but I still need to find a demon girl for him, only to realize that although he is young, he already knows something. It is because my family wants to accept me as the first demon girl, not for him!"

Tian Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes, gloating with misfortune: "Now, the essential oil has been collected by the wife, and she will no longer stay in the mountain of slaves. It is said that the little saint has not grown up, and when he meets my blood, I really hooked up. It hurts the spirit of the little saint!"

   The deer demon "tsk tsk" twice, and chuckled: "This junior is really small and ambitious. The first time I have a knife, I will find a professional sacrifice flag!"

  Fox demon was sent to Doufengling, and he decided to recruit the little kid again to hate him, but Bai Ze had already done so, and deer demon was not afraid of debts.

  The deer demon said it badly. Seventeen Niang gave him a glance and asked, "Since Tianxiang is living in our house, if not, let her husband's house go to be company with Sister Qingluo?"

   Hearing the sound, Tian Xiang "chuckled" and smiled, beautiful eyes glanced over.

   The deer deer heart "cocked", knowing that if he answers a bad question, he will be waited on by the evil dragon and pestle again. Tonight, he may add dozens of more packages to his head. If he faints, he can wake up again.

Busy and sternly said: "It's better to stay with the lady! And she is not bad at her writing now, and the warehouse is about to be completed. I still think that there are many objects and only draw a snake and a pipe. I am afraid that something will happen, but it is good now. Call her. Go and keep an account, the lady and I can check it anytime!"

   As the demon king and the dragon girl, the seventeenth mother is not too small to understand the words, and it is no problem to understand the ledger.

If you want to add an account, it’s the Deer Demon who is sincere, fills the water, Wang’s family is poor, and there are only some inflows in the warehouse. You can’t go wrong with painting a snake, but you can kill the fat sheep of the Xuantian faction, but you can’t get it. Little things, just rely on the toad demon's brain to remember, afraid he can't remember.

   It is not distrust of the snake, but like accountants and cashiers, one in charge of the account, one in charge of the money, division of labor and cooperation is the long-term solution, and the system cannot be abolished by people.

   The fox demon knew a lot of words with his family, and it was just right, and she was waiting next to the Seventeen Niang. In a disguised form, she let Dragon Girl take charge of the warehouse and also took the opportunity to please.

   can't forget the strategy of both soft and hard!

When    Deer Demon said like this, the seventeenth mother nodded in satisfaction: "Yi Fujun! Just listen to the secrets, please go out!"

   "My old deer will live in sooner or later!"

   greedily looked at the room a few more times, secretly cheered himself up, Bai Lu Yao turned around and exited.

   Two days later, in the innermost part of Futaodong, Jian Ding finally completed the warehouse that Mr. Deer confessed.

   is surrounded by stone walls. After a while, after Baize’s Demon Ancestor Cave is rebuilt, he plans to let the builders burn some molten iron, pour and reinforce the stone walls, completely eliminating the possibility of thief spells slipping in.

   The warehouse door is not big, it is made of the worst combination of profound iron, fine gold, sky copper, and kang silver, which is extremely heavy and strong.

They were called by the white deer demon and entered the warehouse with Goubao, Biyan, Yuanxiang, and Tianxiang. They painted a snake and said dissatisfiedly: "White deer demon, if you don’t worry about me, just change to a warehouse demon, why bother to call another one. Hu Meizi is here to watch!"

  The fox demon glanced at him, hesitating whether to release his own charm and supernatural powers on a disabled demon.

   The deer demon said with a smile: "I told you three-footed golden toad long ago, don't think it's the house of the poor ghost who fills the water, I have a lot of things to pile up in this warehouse!"

   Painted Snake disdainfully said: "I have a good memory, add more animal skins to record the number, how many things can't be remembered?"

  The warehouse cave is large and dry enough, the deer demon looked satisfied, and said to the demon: "Yes, I will take them out. If you can remember everything without errors, you will tell Tianxiang to leave it alone!"

   A dozen treasure bags were taken out, and the deer demon opened the first one and fell to the ground. Suddenly, there was a lot of things in the place.

   Mountain Axe, Horror Spear, Sky Bronze Rod, Cold Moon Halberd, Yuanyang Yue, Armor-piercing Knife, all the weapons of the 18th squad, and several sets of demon catching nets.

   The leftovers from the west, these are not considered to be the first-class magic weapons, but they are extremely useful for the demon and the little demon.

   "Goubao, you three clear things, add notes for fragrance, toad's mind, reconcile it in a while!"

   Bailu Yao only opened the first treasure bag, looked at the remaining pile of bags, painted the snake and swallowed its saliva with difficulty.

   No wonder the warehouse was built bigger than the King's House of Filling Water. It's such a big beast mother!

   confessed in his mouth: "In front of my grandmother in charge, I care about with a disabled person, so I have a face?"

   Looking at the toad demon looking for the steps, the seventeenth mother covered her mouth and smiled.

Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan were also frightened. After listening to Master Lu’s instructions, they barely managed to clear up their moods, so they went forward to sort out the account and drew a snake and patted his head and shouted: "There are many objects, I call the little demon under the door. Come and help, don't go anywhere else!"

  Master Lu said that a new warehouse was established, and Gou Bao transferred eight little monsters to paint snakes. Unfortunately, it was all right before, and they all moved soil and planted trees in the back mountains with the others.

   waited for the snake to call a few flying monsters to help, and brought their own little monster back. Goubao, Biyan, etc. had already ordered the first pile of magical artifacts to the fox monster.

   Then, the second Hundred Treasure Bag opened, and it was the same pile of magical artifacts, drawing snakes, dog treasures and other "treasures" in the eyes.

Back then, the white deer demon snatched a demon-catching net from the air cultivator. Filling the water B couldn't help but interfere with the ownership. The big horn of the net is now used as a treasure. There are so many treasures in front of him. If you remember mistakes, even if you don't make mistakes, the value is really high. It is time to add another supervision!

   Toad demon said to Master Deer whisperingly: "There are so many artifacts, which are all stacked on the ground? Each has its own way of placing it, and there is no need to add boxes, racks, and cabinets!"

  The few little monsters who drew the snake storehouse had not yet recovered their dazzling eyes, and the deer demon recognized that one of them was an ordinary sheep monster who had seen fights.

Waving for the little monsters to help, replace Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan, and then the deer said: "It's not everything for a while, don't worry! I robbed these many and came back, not for letting go. You three tomorrow. In total, we have compiled the list of monsters. The ones that have to be used will be given two artifacts, and the remaining one will be selected according to the order of storage. Reward! When the demon is finished, the cabinets left in the library will be put in the cabinet, but don't ask the builder to do it. Chi Niu is too busy to come, Jin Chan'er has his own idea!"

   After picking up a batch, the only work left is to wait and do it slowly, drawing a snake and nodding in response.

   Then, in addition to the artifacts, all the materials, wine jars, and robes were all taken out, and half of the storeroom was piled up. Only the tea leaves were handed over to Shuanghe for storage, kept for guests, and not put in the storehouse.

The bowl of netherworld ink durian fruit belonged to the ghost Zixia. The deer demon kept only a hundred pieces of profound jade, plum kernels, and purple silkworm cocoons. No, the wordless book doesn't make sense.

   I only know that the master is following the sacred ape couple and the Dragon Palace to robbery the God of Transformation School. I don’t know there are so many things. Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan and the little demon are all speechless, and Tianxiang’s writing is soft.

   The corners of the mouth of Master Lu kept cocked, very proud, not wanting to make his arrogance too high, the seventeenth mother asked: "My husband, how come there is no elixir?"

  Master Lu snorted: "The elixir has been wrapped up by the master, so I didn't keep it!"

   Seventeen Niangs smiled and threw out a treasure bag: "No! Yellow top-grade 1,000 copies, medium-grade 800, low-grade 1,000, non-traditional 900, and put it in the warehouse today!".

Like Gou Bao and others, Painted Snake was stunned for a while, and then cried out miserably: "Grandma! White Deer Demon! I said earlier, let the building be divided into wine cellars, medicine warehouses, and arsenals. Curry, what about the taste?"

   Lu Yao and Shi Shi Niang glanced at each other, their faces blushed, they were really inexperienced, they didn't expect it!

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