Deer Demon Race

Chapter 294: nervous

   Hearing his own name, the dead ghost glanced at the pig demon iron hyena next to him, his nostrils greeted the sky, and he walked into Futao Cave.

   After all, I was also the second to last to enter the warehouse. It was a voluntarily picking Rihua every day. Later, Bai Ze's ancestor saw that it was the pig demon who wanted to steal the bargain!

   is not as good as the blue eyes, steel bones, and the half-hearted holding two magical artifacts, and the rankings are not high, such as red lines, long tails, head jackals and other idle monsters. They are all normal. I just can't figure it out, why can the black and white scorpion mix two magical artifacts?

   That guy is just a tired man. It used to be better. Now I mostly sleep on my stomach during the day. I don’t want to see Master Deer. Apart from my thick skin, what’s the hotness of the day?

   Fortunately, there is no room for my dead ghosts to talk on this driving ridge. Hearing Nagao said that the black and white skills are also hotter, I have learned this for a long time, and I will find this guy someday.

  Doufengling Grand Appreciation of Dharma artifacts, but there are still two monsters who have not been able to obtain them, that is, the father and mother of the dead ghost. According to the words of Master Lu, he can cook with a good couple, and he can't use the artifact.

  The one with few arms in the warehouse is still mixed up, why can't my parents get it?

   In the big cave, those who can be selected in the front row are showing off, all kinds of coldness, looking at many of the same appearance, the hands should not have been selected, the amount is a lot, should it not matter at the end of the row?

   is not just picking up the leftovers.

   I caught a glimpse of the black-and-white kun, holding a meteor hammer in his hand, and a pair of nets under his armpit!

   It's a shit!

   Biyan had already looked at him diagonally again, and the dead ghost snorted coldly, straightened his chest, and walked into the inner passage.

   Under the lighting of the night pearl, the passage is also bright and shining.

Walking down the passage to the deepest point, the poor ancestor had already planned to dig the ancestor’s cave two miles away to the west, but was called back. The demon ancestor dared to neglect the work of digging the wine cellar and the pharmacy. The Bailu Demon is really courageous!

   There are so many tricks to create a Ding, that idiot is silly, regardless of the demon's decent, and with the little demon's efforts, it should be the life of hard labor!

Although I recently moved the soil and planted trees in the back mountain, the idle monsters were all driven to go. They also have no idleness, but how can they be better than building trees. They have a lot of idle work and there is not so much dust. .

   I saw earlier that what the silly cow was holding seemed to be a big mountain axe?

have to! Take the mountain axe away, it should be a coolie!

   Just listening to the Crane Demon Chiwen said, the silly cow had a few words from the ancestor Bai Ze, the blood is thicker than before?

   Chiwen Nai was triumphant when he said this, claiming that Bi Fang's blood was also recovering, and he deliberately said that he should respond to me.

   God, why is there so much injustice? Why not give Lao Tzu a good blood?

  The ancestors are also unconvincing, so why not climb up to the white tiger master, just like the white ancestor and the white deer demon, give me a white skin? If you can't climb the white tiger, you can be like a sick man, and you can climb the scorpion!

   What kind of ancestors can I have with this black skin?

Cursing and walking to the end, the toad demon with few arms was at the door of the arsenal, saw him, and said: "I will explain to you first, only one piece is allowed in the warehouse, and if it is no longer used, I must return it to the warehouse! Use weapons are not allowed in a fight, and they are damaged during a fight. Master Xulu allows him to let it go before he can pick it again!"

   will be broken in the future, do you have a chance to pick it again?

   Newly built warehouse, a lot of treasures!

   This disability is later, and he rarely squints at his own family. The dead ghost doesn't dislike him, and nodded in response: "I know!"

   The disabled took a step back and let him in.

   Fox Meizi was also inside, sitting at a small desk with animal skins spread out on the desk, and pen and ink on her hand.

  In terms of figure, appearance, and temperament, she was born a good female bodhisattva, but it was a pity that she was taken over by the great deer of good fortune, so she didn’t dare to tease her, what a pity!

Most of the artifacts in the arsenal, dead ghosts have been seen in the Immortal Cave. It is not uncommon. Some of them are even made from the parts of the monster race from his pit. However, despite seeing many of them, the monks of the Immortal Cave have never rewarded him. .

   He was only surprised by the amount, such a spacious arsenal, which was occupied by a half of a mile.

   The white deer demon is really favored by the holy ape couple, what can he rely on? I don’t look like a tiger demon yet!

   There are a lot of vestments and robes hung on the other side. Unfortunately, those things are not as easy to use as their own skins. Except for the insect-infested demon and female bodhisattva, almost no demon will take it.

As a tiger demon, the 20 true sharp claws of the dead ghosts are refining flying blades. After arriving at Jingping Mountain, the previously unrefined tiger teeth are prepared to be used by the new learners as "arrows in the mouth". In addition, there is a long tail. He could only pick one for the whip. He wanted to find something for melee combat, catching monster nets, hanging ropes, etc., and just swept it away.

   walked at will, trying to find the one that closes his eyes, the disabled toad demon followed him step by step, staring at him, for fear that the thief would go along with him!

   I want to come to each one like this, not specifically aimed at, the dead ghost is not relieved.

  The black tiger demon hammer, knife, and mace looked over, and saw the hook in the corner. Not only the hook tip is sharp when you look at it, but the halberd blade on the armguard is also shining with cold light.

   There is a halberd blade on the guard, so you are not afraid of being bullied close to the enemy!

   is just a weird shape, I am afraid it is not easy to make it easy, of course, it is really easy, this side weapon is definitely a weapon.

   The dead ghost was a little excited, looked at the side, there was no second one like that, so he picked it up and asked the toad demon: "How many artifacts are there?"

   Toad demon has a good memory, so you don’t need to look at the fox demon's record, and just answer him: "This is the only item in the warehouse!"

   is not the same as the others, the dead ghost is more happy, and said: "Then I want it!"

   My tiger demon is different from those stupid demon, making it easy is not a problem!

   Toad demon nodded: "If you choose, then go!"

   The dead ghost took the hook and halberd and went out, listening to the toad demon yelling from behind: "Hous Meizi, the tiger demon dead ghost takes the Kang silver hook and halberd, and it must be deducted from the ledger!"

  The female bodhisattva replied in a soft voice: "Knowing, my disabled brother, I have to teach the slaves every time? Could it be the opportunity to get close?"

   is really a good female bodhisattva!

   The dead ghost didn't want to show off to someone else. Before leaving the cave, the pair of silver hooks was put in the pocket.

   Watching him come out, Gou Bao shouted in the big cave: "I'm coming in!"

   The pig demon who wanted to take advantage of Nikka ran in, and he nodded and bowed first: "Okay! Thank you Brother Goubao, I will go in!"

   It’s okay, it’s not as tired as a sleeper, it’s not as a silly cow who can only work hard, it’s not as crippled as a sour stomach, it’s better than this broad-hearted pig demon.

   On the Cycling Ridge, there is finally a demon standing behind my dead ghost!

   Black Tiger Demon thought this way, and the idle demon Ding Tou Ying asked out aloud: "Dead ghost, what did you choose? Let me take a look!"

   Just as he was about to answer, outside Futao Cave, there was a sudden "boom boom boom" three times!

what is this?

   did not react for a while, but Gou Bao suddenly shouted: "Beware! Everyone recruits little monsters!"

   The dead ghost remembered that the sound should be the demon-gathering drum that the Lord Deer snatched from the unlucky water-filling king. He once confessed to the public. Hearing the drum, all the monsters in the mountain field must gather at the riding ground. If there is any negligence, peeling and cramping!

   Goubao already said to the bewildered pig demon: "Tie Hyena will take it later, first go to Doufengping to listen to the order!"

   In the passage, the built Ding Shao Niu, the disabled warehouse, and the female Bodhisattva have all rushed out.

   ran out of the cave, and Gou Bao also ran out of the cave.

   The dead ghost followed behind him and rushed out of the cave.

   The ancestors of Bai Ze and the grandmother in charge were all flying in the air. Next to the drum that was dragged out in front of the study, there were one or two of the little grandmother Qing Luo and the turtle demon.

   Gou Bao raised his voice and asked, "Little grandma, what's the matter?"

   The female monster replied: "There are monster ancestors and monster saint-level clones that have entered thousands of miles, not from Sacred Ape Mountain!"

   The dead ghost heard it inexplicably, the mountain field still has this ability, can you know the demon ancestors and demon saint-level clones within a thousand miles? Can you recognize that it's foreign?

  The demon and the little demon are already running to the riding ground, looking at the crippled toad demon's nest, the dead ghost has many eyes, and they will listen for a while.

   Goubao asked: "Where is the master?"

   "You can't just stare at it!"

   In mid-air, the grandmother Seventeenth Mother said: "Gubao, after the little demon Jingshanding flew back from the sound of the drum, don't call out again!"

   The dead ghost can understand that if the opponent is a demon saint or demon ancestor clone, the little demon will send it out for fear that it will only die.

   Gou Bao turned his head and said to the disabled toad: "Get the little demon, you just guard the storeroom, you don't need to come out!"

   The disabled toad nodded and called, "I dare not leave the warehouse, Goubao go to Doufengping, and help me call the little demon back!"

   Goubao nodded.

  Thousands of miles, how did you know that it came from Dashing Fengling? Want to go all the way?

   Someone behind him was pushing him, the black tiger demon looked back, it was his parents, and the family ran to the Doufeng Ping, no matter what.

   rushed to Doufengping and saw the wild little demon who hadn't been up the mountain for a long time. The dead ghost remembered that he had been transferred to the warehouse, and passed the word casually, telling him to recruit Ding Xiaoyao back to the warehouse.

However, it is strange that I was invincible at Baizhan on Doufengping for a day, and did not issue an order to disband. After Zhigoubao arrived, he ordered the police to return to the top of the mountain and guard the remaining prisoners on the top of the mountain. If there is an enemy, they will all be put to death.

  Dead Ghost and Doufengling More than four hundred demon and little demon stayed on the Doufeng Ping for another night, but nothing happened.

   When the day broke, Lord Deer didn't ask the criminals to pick up the sun, but let the true evildoer live one more day!

  After the dawn of heaven, Lord Lu flew over and ordered: "Everyone on duty will be on duty as usual. The rest are scattered, so they are not allowed to go out!"

   The rotation is on duty as usual, but not allowed to go out?

   Houshan stopped planting trees?

   Has the enemy police been disarmed?

   Everyone dispersed, the steel bones and others flew away first, and Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan circled the deer master again, walking back, and inquiring about the situation.

  Master Lu waited to talk and walked away, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com tiger demon was a little itchy, calling the head jackal standing next to him: "Are you going to ask!"

  Head jackal smiled and ran to Su Ji and asked: "Sick tiger, what do you think the master and Goubao are talking about?"

This fellow has the magical power of "listening". He overhears the master talking with Goubao and Yuanxiang, but he doesn't avoid the black tiger demon. He said to the jackal: "The master didn't hide it, no secret words. He said to brother Goubao, I think it’s the walking demon who is possessed. It walks slowly, and the snail keeps ringing. There is nothing but no movement. I am afraid that there are still seven or eight hundred miles away. It is really coming to our mountain field. Two or three days!"

The dead ghost understands a little bit. First, go back to Futaodong with parents .

   The next day dawned, Lord Lu told the prisoners who had drawn the lottery from the top of the mountain to pick Rihua as usual, and of course there was a pig demon who took advantage.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who are being burned to death in Rihua. Every day there are about six or seven new ones who can survive. Hearing from the old ancestor Bai Ze told the little wolf demon, after all, he is a prisoner of crime and was forced to collect Nikka will panic, and his family is willing to pick it, almost stabilized.

   So, the little wolf demon became the second willing to take the initiative to gather Japanese flowers.

   The black tiger was heart-stricken, and some wanted to learn from the little wolf demon.

   I wonder if my parents will agree? ?

   On the fourth day, in the Shanmen Little Demon News, there was a pheasant demon named Mi Ye, who was originally a professional runner, Mr. Mu Lu, his name, would like to dedicate all his belongings and ask for worship.

   In the first day, the mountain field has become nervous again. According to the news returned by the jackal, Master Lu said that it must change color.

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