Deer Demon Race

Chapter 301: Afterglow

   "Vitality" has to be used for forty years. Except for "boiling" and "arrow in the mouth", the deer demon has almost used everything!

   The silver dragon shook its body, and the dragon scales that had been tempered for many years fell off and turned into sharp blades, facing the "Boiled Sea", and then shot the White Deer!

   After the dragon trembled, the real appearance of the Seventeen Niang quickly shrank and disappeared in the same place strangely.

   The body of a real dragon can rise and hide, the big one is happy, and the small one hides and hides its form.

It’s not a life-and-death struggle, but also want to win beauty. After picking the Japanese and Chinese, the powerful dragon body strength is not needed. The dragon girl will not give the white deer a chance to fight hard. The deer antlers and the Shura combat technique "cooking the sea" all fell in the empty space.

   No matter how much you can do, what's the point of not being able to fight?

   Waiting for her real body to reappear, she was already fifty feet away, and the distance was widened. With the speed advantage of the Demon King, the Demon General could not catch up at all!

   That Dao sharp blade also retreats at the touch of Bai Lu Yao, knowing that this boy has thick skin and thick flesh, and "regeneration" is also hotter, but like "Miao Claw", they didn't really hurt him.

   In the sound of the big white snail playing, the deer deer's body is already shaking like a drunk, and is about to fall to the ground, pointing to the dragon girl and saying, "You shamelessly..."

  The words are still not finished, and with a touch of his right hand in his mouth, another gold brick is thrown to welcome the silver dragon!

  The magical power "Shishi" from the monkey demon Laoban!

On this golden brick, the four magical functions of "locking the town", "broken bone", "gravity" and "ruyi" are superimposed. Only realized it two years ago!

   In the end, the gods dropped, and the deer demon really lost his strength and fell softly.

  I just used the magical power of the real dragon "Hidden Jie", but Seventeen Niang couldn't avoid it. The dragon body curled up back and forth, and the four dragon claws moved forward at the same time, forcibly resisting this magic weapon.

   Then, the sky full of sharp blades flew back and turned back into the dragon scale possession. The seventeenth mother showed a pretty humanoid appearance, continued to play the big white snail in her mouth, took out the evil dragon pestle, and landed.

Outside of    Doufeng Ping, Ban Xuan and Su Ji shouted in unison: "Extinguish the incense! Extinguishing the incense!"

Extinguish the burning incense, it is longer than yesterday's, but a little shorter than yesterday's. The little demons are much happier, and dragged down with the defeat, but the three of them in the village are going to lose some, Su Ji The strange cry: "I just said, it's not good to partner with Brother Banxuan, he loses a lot of gambling!"

   Xiaoshanjing laughed happily: "I told you not to divide the profit, you should!"

   Banxuan is calling Qu: "Why do you blame me? It's the grandma who showed up early today to let the master throw out the gold bricks!"

   Black Face, Shou Palace, and other winners are calling: "Muduo talk, pay money soon!"

   Seventeen Niang fell by the deer demon, then put down the big white snail, and said, "I want to hit the slave's eyes, and then throw the gold bricks to smash the slave's, and if I lose, I don't admit defeat. Today, I will give three packs!"

After surviving Queri Rihua’s immortality, Bailu Yao is the only husband she only needs to get married. Now, according to Long Po's teaching, Shichi Niang is also enduring her shyness, occasionally showing some tenderness to him. After defeating, she still has to fight. , But not to the death.

   Today, I only mentioned the evil dragon pestle and struck it three times.

The three meat buns quickly bulged, and the head was hot, and the deer demon wailed: "My old deer has thick skin and thick flesh. If you really fight for life and death, you will be hit by your'wonderful claws' and scales, and you will not die. There is still the strength to fight back, how can you deny it when you lose?"

   Seventeen Niang glared at him: "Why do you just want to desperately change your injury?"

Seeing his unwilling appearance, he understood that the husband’s "rebirth" day is hot, and the flesh is hard, and he really wants to fight. How could he not use this strength, and then he pursed his lips: "I'm sorry, it's the slave family who made a few more words. !"

   The deer deer immediately rubbed and sneered on the ground: "You will pay if you fight too much!"

   Seventeen Niang gave a white look and took out the medicine: "There are so many little demons looking at it, regardless of the main body of the mountain? Is it worth it for the slave family to help you apply the medicine?"

   The little demon who won the gambling over there yelled strangely.

It’s not that the seventeenth mother didn’t want to go back to the house and help him with the medicine. She was really used to getting into the house. She really went back to the house. She might have to move her hands and feet when applying the medicine. It’s better to be in front of the monsters and laughed by the little demon a few times. She can still face it as usual.

   "Get up!"

   So, the deer deer sat up and was on this riding flat, and the seventeenth mother helped him put on the anti-swelling medicine.

   The excitement is no longer to be seen, the grandmother and the master of the mountain show affection, and the sickness and the golden shot are not vigorous, and they shouted: "Go! Go and play for a while!"

The sky was not dark yet, after applying the medicine, three bags on his head quickly cooled down, Bai Lu Yao's soft thoughts rose again, and whispered: "Lady, we are going to the back mountains, the flowers are blooming these few days. Great!"

   Seventeen-mother hesitated, and she nodded slightly instead of being called Qingluo.

   So, the unmarried couple took back the sky nets, stone yaksa, dragon's whiskers and other objects on the ground, and flew to the edge of the ridge and circled the back mountain.

   During this period, the plum blossoms bloomed most splendidly, and the back mountain became white. Although the fragrance of the flowers was not strong, the scenery under the sunset was really good.

   It’s good to watch in mid-air. It makes the heart relaxed and happy. After stopping in the air for a while, the deer deer shouts: "Go on!"

   No stone steps have been built on the back mountain, only a few small dirt roads that the little demons stepped on when they planted trees.

   The deer demon greeted him, and the seventeenth mother followed him and landed in Li Shulin.

   As expected, as soon as he entered the forest, his hand was held by the White Deer Demon.

   This is a common occurrence, and the Seventeen Niang didn't break away again, but be careful not to make any unruly actions in the next step.

Holding hands and walking in the forest for a while, the seventeenth mother first spoke: "The husband has acquired the body tempering of Sunhua, the Xinghui magic weapon, and his skills are getting better. !"

   Previously, the Dragon Palace evaluated that in the Sacred Ape Mountain, there were not many people below the Demon King, but somehow the two alien species, the Sacred Ape and the West Looking, were defeated by the top level of the Dragon Palace.

   The green dragon escaping marriage to the Sacred Ape Mountain does not need a dragon soul lamp, and is stronger than King Zhu Wei, Huang Huaniang, etc., not to mention the demon kings who were born in poor villages such as chasing the wind and filling the water.

   As a real dragon, the Seventeen Niangs are not to mention, Zhibin, Jingu and other sea monster kings also have to be stronger.

   This is the case for the Demon King, and even more so for the more unbearable demon generals and demon Ding in the Sacred Ape Mountain. Of course, this is a common phenomenon, and the Da An Wang family Powan is a special case.

After winning the praise of the Dragon Girl, the Deer Deer didn't feel very ecstatic, and only sighed: "The Xuantian school's miscellaneous hair is calculated to be the hottest. Since I have opened an appointment to gamble, it will not make me feel better. The Taoist book wants to take it back for nothing. Say, I still want to take my old deer's life again, it's still far short of it right now!"

  Who told you to die, for the unclear human female cultivator, you must bet against the miscellaneous hair!

   There are only three packs today, but I still missed it!

   Dragon Girl gave a roll of her eyes.

But I have heard from Mrs. Wang from the west that my husband has good luck, I think that Fuxi can choose the best, and Youyang can get it, and she will not easily die on the calculation of the gods, not the seventeenth mother. Too worried.

   But I didn't want to tell him this today. The seventeenth mother said: "Yesterday, the queen's letter arrived, saying that since the body tempering of Rihua has been stabilized, some children should be sent over to get in touch with her."

   This is the intended meaning, otherwise, why should the Dragon King and Dragon Po be married to the holy ape, and let the dragon girl be married without saying, and also allow the babes such as snails, must-have, and real ambergris in advance?

   Many early investments are made for today's harvest!

   The deer demon didn’t object, she just asked: “Have the lady ever made it clear that she would still die in the first day of picking Rihua, especially if her mood is bad. Don’t blame me for failing to take care of me!”

On the Drifting Ridge, except for some female demon who were waiting to be a hunk, almost all of them were already collecting Rihua, so the black tiger demon and his father Dashun joined them, but they were burned to death in nine years. There were also a lot of monsters, three monsters died, more than 80 little monsters.

   Among the three demon who burned to death, there was one demon who was in charge, the black-winged demon Yufeng of the original police Shanding, whose deficiency was covered by the crane demon's red pattern.

Forced by the sacred ape, Bai Ze personally followed Nikka for a year. According to his insight, the cultivation of Nikka must start from the basics and slowly replace the old flesh and blood with the new life, but the demon ancestor is not a physical body. Extinguish, immortal, there will be no new life, although there is no limit to the number of lifespans, but it is too late to start picking Japanese flowers, it is really useless.

   is only effective for those below the Demon King. I would like to know that if you take the opportunity of Rihua to temper your body, how can Dragon Palace give those demon without roots and feet? Most of the people sent were directly or close to them, and they were all important roles. They might have been in contact with relatives, and some were burned to death. The grievances could not be found. Will it be spread on Lao Lu and Shi Shi Niang?

At this point, the Seventeenth Mother is confused after all, and there is no Deer Demon thinking thoroughly. After listening to it, she also thought for a while before saying: "After the slave family replied to her mother, she must make it clear before calling her. !"

   The deer demon asked again: "How many demon to choose from the Dragon Palace?"

   Dragon Girl replied: "The slave family doesn't know it, but there are always thousands!"

   Bai Lu Yao stared: "So many?"

The seventeenth mother smiled bitterly: "The Dragon Palace is originally a big family. There are more than 30 brothers and sisters of the slave family. There are more than 30 cousins, in-laws, and 18 demon ancestors to take care of. Bring your own body, you can't eat it!"

   The deer demon shook his head anxiously: "No! I am afraid that the sun will not be enough to borrow two thousand demon to gather the sun. How can the Dragon Palace divide more than half?"

   Hearing these words Seventeen Niang was a little angry, and she threw her hands away: "Saruyama has only one junior, and there are only seven demon ancestors outside. How much do you want to take care of?"

  The deer demon smiled bitterly: "Lady, how come you only look at the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain?"

The Seventeenth Niang hasn't calmed down yet, and the Deer Demon explained in a secret language: "The thief monk Du Ji has already darkened four demon saints. Among them, the old rhino can still stab the knife in the back; the Xuantian school miscellaneous hairs are also newly invited. The two transformation gods come to help. They must try to conspire on the Sacred Ape Mountain and the Dragon Palace. If they do not move, once they move, the thief monk and miscellaneous hair will have no means? How can we stop it now?"

   In the past few years, the Dragon Palace has secretly searched, and there are many sea monsters who pass on the Buddhist scriptures. Some have directly killed and killed in private, and some have been sent over. Ask the deer to purify, and the seventeen women also know about it.

  Dragon Palace remembered to get married everywhere, it was also to prevent the monks from coming.

   Bai Lu Yao wanted to be farther away, so she blushed slightly and asked in a low voice, "What should I do then?".

Through the gap between the trees, facing the last afterglow to the west, the deer demon sneered: "My old deer likes to gang up, fight and play with him! There are still many deities coming out in Xumishan Continent sooner or later. How can I miss this opportunity? The old Osprey’s family, the old beast’s family, and the southern volcanoes. I heard that the old phoenix is ​​the head of the volcano group. There are more demon saints in the waters around the Dragon Palace and the Poisonous Dragon Palace, don't let it go! If you are willing to send your children, we will accept them, and slowly entice him to form an alliance. After two or three thousand years, it is possible to fight the monks! "

   The husband-training strategy taught by the queen mother requires the husband to be afraid, then respect, and finally love her, but at this moment, the seventeenth mother suddenly felt that for the first time, she had a little respect for the husband with shallow eyelids and chicken intestines.

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