Deer Demon Race

Chapter 302: Xinghui

  Thinking about the previous tantrum, the Seventeenth Niang's face was a little burnt, and after a long rest, she asked in a low voice: "Then the slave will return to his mother, shall we tell you the truth?"

   Bai Lu Yao stretched out the hand that was thrown off, and shook it in front of him, but only chuckled, staring at her without speaking.

  'S face became even hotter, and after being extremely embarrassed, Seventeen Niang gave him a hard look, and proactively stretched out her hand, holding the swaying hand: "Are you proud?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly exclaimed, but the deer demon was dishonest and stepped forward to hold her.

   The respect disappeared suddenly, and the seventeenth mother hurriedly called: "Let go! But want to fight again and give you a full bag?"

   The deer demon lingered, and said in her ear: "I will hug!"

   With this face, you will not let go of life and death. The Seventeenth Mother trembling helplessly with him: "Hands...hands are not allowed to move!"

   There was no sound in the forest for a while.

   It's a pity that the White Deer Demon didn't hold it back any more. As soon as his hand fell, she was released by the Dragon Girl and no longer gave her a hug.

   His face was hot, and the seventeenth mother straightened down the roots of her hair and gritted her teeth and said: "The slave family will go back first!"

   Bai Lu Yao was anxious: "The words are not finished yet!"

   Seventeen Niang gave another white look: "I told you to be honest, why don't you tell me first?"

   The deer looked awkwardly, and took up the topic just now: "After I have fought with the master and the master, the lady will reply to the Dragon Palace!"

  The deer demon is a landlord. The demon in the Doufengling Mountains have to pick up the sun before the terrace, and they have occupied nearly 400 places. I really need to discuss with Xiwang, the remaining places, how much the holy monkey mountain will occupy, and how much of the dragon palace should be allocated.

The demon Bailu only said this, but the seventeenth mother left and said to him: "The sixteenth sister's wedding date is set for the fifth day of December next year. She treats the slaves the best, but it's not as good as the eighteenth brother. Just like the fifteenth sister and the nineteenth sister, just send the elixir, and Mr. He Lifu also takes care and helps the slave's family find a good one!"

   "There is another marriage in the Dragon Palace?"

   Hearing what she said, the White Deer Demon couldn't help wailing for a long time!

In the past few years, during the three marriages in the Dragon Palace, the White Deer Demon did not take advantage of the good things in hand. The two negotiated, and they were more straightforward, and gave the elixir. Although they were not sincere, the White Deer Demon’s son-in-law was just a demon general. Long Gong didn't expect him to have good things either.

   But giving the elixir as a gift, the brothers and sisters of the seventeen mothers, how much should be appropriate?

   At that time, the nineteen sisters recruited son-in-law, but the mountain field was still poor. She used the private house brought by the seventeenth woman as a gift and gave out 800 top grades.

   When Shiba Lang married his wife, this one was also a concubine. The deer deer had just started to make a living with characters, and his income was far worse than it is now. Only by adding more private houses of the seventeen women, it was still 800!

   The fifteenth mother was married to the house of Our Lady of Hailing the year before, and the deer demon finally became rich, but this aunt is a direct daughter, and she needs more bleeding with her compatriots.

   In the past few years, the Dragon Palace has been holding weddings one after another. The addition of children to the married families is only a small joy, not included. If the white deer had not found the technique of accumulating wealth with the use of superimposed magical tools, all the members would ruin the family!

  Dragon Palace holds a happy event, and the sacred ape’s family should also follow the ceremony. The ritual representing the identity of the demon saint is heavier than the white deer demon. Every time Xiwang produces a top-level artifact, it is already complaining.

   Both master and apprentice now have a consensus, it is not easy to get married with Dragon Palace!

   No wonder that in the past thousands of years, many dragon girls did not get married, and indeed few could afford to marry!

   Seeing Bai Lu Yao's distressed look, Seventeen Niang also frowned. Now the marriage facts are denser.

   My husband really doesn't have the skills, it's a big deal that I can't make ends meet, so I told Ryonggong that he would give away less, but he has the ability to accumulate money, is it possible to be embarrassed in front of his relatives?

   I don’t want to lose the face of Seventeen Niang!

   This boy is so accustomed to it, even if the storeroom is ample, giving gifts is like cutting his meat!

Not happy in her heart, the Seventeenth Mother sighed, and said: "Among the Dragon Palace sisters, the Sixteenth sister has always been the closest to the slave family. If it is not good, she only gives the elixir. Master, buy an artifact with her!"

   Bailu demon turned a deaf ear and was depressed for a long time before raising his head: "Miss, I also take care of the marriage. At any rate, I can receive a gift in return and add some family!"

   For the previous White Deer Demon, giving a gift is now a sky-high price. If you get married, not to mention the amount of money you sent before, the money will be huge, and you can’t afford it if you shoot it?

   Seventeen Niang sipped him: "Before the Jin Demon King, I would like to do more!"

   After finishing speaking, she said again: "It's getting dark soon, don't delay your husband's magic weapon!"

   gave the deer the five top magical artifacts: the bird bell, the dragon beard line, the stone yasha, the dragon scale blade, and the natal dragon ball to the deer demon: "Thank you!"

   After saying this, the seventeenth mother flew away first.

The gambling date with Miscellaneous Mao is terrible. Picking the Starlight Quenching Artifact is a daily homework. I really can’t delay a sunny day. I usually call the little demon on Zhushanding to stare at it. If the sky turns clear again, the stars change. Clearly, we must go and call the sleeping master deer.

   Busy, there are really not many opportunities to spend the past and the next, the deer demon sighed, and then flew back.

   The Dragon Girl is fast. He has just landed under Xingtan. The Seventeenth Niang has changed into a suit and flew back, and handed her white shirt and Qingluo's neon clothes together: "No!"

   Deer Demon took it, picked up the white shirt that was still warm, and sniffed in front of his nose: "Fragrant!"

   Shigong's clone may be nearby. This fellow is still always shameless. The Seventeenth Mother gave him a fierce look, but she couldn't bear to see her white shirt not quenching Xinghui, so she turned around and fled away.

When Mrs. Xiwang borrowed the Xinghui Quenching Artifact, she was not as wealthy as the Deer Demon. Later, I saw that the mahogany stick became more and more powerful, and she simply specialized in this. After achieving great success, diligence was difficult, and then he got up to quench the second piece. Unfortunately, the magic weapon for promotion depends on chance. Xiwang prefers the mahogany stick too much, and the second piece has not been promoted so far.

   The saint ape took the same path, and it was not as long as looking west, and the second one was not completed.

   The demon saint’s sovereign, with the Danshan Dan, how can I use the magical tools?

The deer deer and the holy ape are different. They have too many magical instruments in their hands. After learning the characters, several magical effects can be added at the same time. There is no need to slowly warm up from the beginning. "The seventeenth mother of the Hun family is tempered, and the magical tools can't take the road of specialization.

  Okay, my old deer has shallow eyelids and has many treasures. Win by quantity!

  Even if every piece is not as powerful as a mountain pole and a mahogany stick in the future, the deer demon will not regret it. Whoever calls his name is Baibao. It is to blame or fill the water B for not giving it a good name.

   Although Xiwang once said that the "all-phase star technique" allowed him to self-determine, it hasn't been passed on for the time being. The main reasons for not being passed on are, one is that it is hindering the steel frame and does not want to be transmitted to Liliyuan, and the second is that Goubao and others are all monsters, and the realm is lower. After the practice, I am afraid that it will be rare for more Xinghui to respond. .

   After Goubao and other demon generals are promoted, he should not go out and stand on his own. In addition, it is time to close the net for the steel-boned guy.

   Have a few words with the avatar of the holy ape. When the stars faded, the deer demon sat down by the Xingtan, laid out the artifacts of the seventeenth mother one by one, and then began to dig out his own.

   The first piece, stubborn horns, after "tearing", "destroyed", "sturdy", "shocked".

   The second piece, Tianluo Net, "Rain Net", "Zhang Zhang", "Soft Tendon", "Lock the Town".

   The third piece, deerskin white robe, "firm", "flying", "melting", the rank of the robe is not enough to add the fourth magical effect.

The fourth piece, tied the fairy rope, "bound", "tighten", "zhang", "scorching soul", the last magical effect is not a character, but the deer demon cultivated on the basis of the original soul rope. , The time is short, and the power of "scorching soul" is the lowest among all magical uses.

The fifth piece, the big antlers, "breaking armor", "sturdiness", and "breaking method" can only add three magical effects. The deer demon is going to temper it into a pair of thunder halberds, but the shape has to wait dozens more. In years, I asked the ancestors of Bai Ze for advice. For things that have not taken off the body, they have to find the way of "removing the robe and transposition", but it takes longer. This is the third induction matching "replacement of the robe" "Only God knows when it will be achieved. The magical effect of the "fragmentation method" is also derived from the top magical weapons of the Xuantian Sect of the robbery, and it is extremely difficult. At the beginning of this year, I only figured out the nine stacks. The power is still shallow, and it is more powerful than the "scorching soul" of the immortal rope. Slightly stronger.

   The sixth piece, gold bricks, four magical functions of "locking the town", "broken bone", "gravity", and "ruyi". The "locking the town" and "ruyi" come from the artifacts robbed by the Xuantian Sect.

The seventh piece, the gray robe, "blocking", "zhang", "melting", and "soft tendons", is the host of ghost Zixia, which has been refined by her to become a destiny. The first item is " "Danger" has eighty-one stacks", "Ablative" has more than seventy stacks, all of which are original, but the "soft tendons" complement the deer demon gang's overlapping depiction , Only more than fifty stacks.

The eighth piece, the four hoofs taken by the "Exiting Body Curse", on each hoof are "Flying", "Overturning" and "Broken Bone". This thing is learned from the musk demon ingot, but unfortunately there are only three. Not to mention the magical effect, the tempering has just started this year, and it hasn't been able to fly out to hurt the enemy.

At present, for these eight pieces, the many mysterious jade robbed by the Xuantian faction, among them there is a gem that can add five magical uses. The deer demon is not yet home to the craftsmanship, and he has not dared to sculpt by hand, nor dare those four magical uses. Carving.

Seeing him put them one by one, they all have the hope of magic weapons, as if they are not enough, the avatar of the holy ape hidden in the dark couldn't help but twitched twice. Not so many!

   All placed around, the deer deer sat down and looked up at the starry sky.

   The stars are very good tonight.

   After taking a good look, following the white deer demon's heart, Zhang Yuelusu was the first to influence the twenty-eight stars, and then Jing Muyan Su Xinghui, Fire Monkey Su Xinghui, and Sanshui Ape Su Xinghui were thrown down together.

   Six years ago, the deer demon’s "all-phase star-spreading technique" had already been accomplished. He was worried, and he practiced repeatedly for another year before finally feeling complete and starting to arouse Xinghui. .

During the first traction, he realized that, based on the memory of his two lives, Zhang Yuelu, Jing Muyan, Liu Tuqiu, Fire Monkey, and Sanshui Ape Wusu Xinghui could all borrow them, but they were not strong enough, at most. Can only lead to four places.

   Hearing what Xiwang said, for fear of being calculated by the mighty power, he had to give up one night on the left and right, so the deer demon gave up Liu Tuqi.

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