Deer Demon Race

Chapter 303: 1 day

After the "Universal Starlight Technique" is completed, the first time you feel the starlight, you will have a hunch, knowing which stars can be pulled to, but after the first pull, the starlight is fixed here, and the borrowed ones can be used again. , And the ones that are not drawn, will not regenerate in the future, and if you miss it, you will miss it forever.

When the deer deer pulls Xinghui for the first time, his realm is still lower. The "10,000-phase starlight technique" is complete, and he pulls Xinghui overnight. For the first time, he sensed that the five stars responded, but when it was really pulled, his life The intensity is only enough to provoke the four-president stars to sprinkle down.

   Sacred Ape and Xiwang have never encountered such a situation. In the original understanding of the couple, they could be traction when they felt it. They never thought about the problem of lack of strength.

After all,    was extracted from the memory left by the mother tree in the west, and Fuxi Da Neng hadn't confessed it back then!

   This is the pitfall of the Bailu Demon. If you understand this truth, you should wait until the Queen of Jin Demon to try to pull the stars. The power of five places is better than Master looking west!

   Of course, a fight with the Xuantian faction is imminent, but I can’t wait.

   The starlight that he sensed was fleeting. At that time, the White Deer Demon had to make a decision in a few breaths to give up a certain place.

   Looking from the west, the deer demon knows that it is best to keep the number of constellations aroused by oneself secret, not to leak out, so as not to be calculated by other stars.

The heavens are also not at peace, and they have something to do with Fuxi's great power. I never dare to say that there will be no great power to calculate oneself in the future. If you guess, the constellation that I have inspired is most likely the one mentioned by Xiwang, which is similar to Lumoto. The relevant three places are Zhang Yuelu, Jing Muyan, and Liutu Deer.

   Fuxi Da Neng said that he was a piece of human luck that he had intercepted from another world. It is probably because of this that he attracted the fire monkey and the water ape.

  In the hypothesis, if you calculate the secret of attracting the four stars by your own power, you can go deeper and calculate the human luck drawn by Fuxi, and guess from it, which four stars should your fate be?

   Ranked by the number of stars that can arouse the stars, the most suitable one is Zhang Yuelu, which fits the original state, followed by the well wood pole, the willow soil deer, and the water ape, and the fire monkey is the least.

   When making a decision in an instant, you have to choose a night to give up. The deer deer didn't give up on the fire monkey, but instead discarded the Liu Tuqi that is related to the truth and provokes the stars.

   There will be a day when the stars that can be counted as one's own influence are more than three constellations, and it is difficult to accurately judge the fate.

   After all, it involves the great power of the heavens, so I have to think long-term and keep an eye on it. The deer demon feels that the theory of willingness should be applied.

   Deer demon wants to be that "not counting" demon!

   Tonight, in the horizon where the sacred ape clone can't see clearly except him, there are four star stars drawn by him, gathered, evenly divided into fifteen parts, and slowly poured into the surrounding magical implements.

   Fu Taodong little demon's noise gradually subsided.

   Accompanied by the stars, the sounds of insects in the surrounding area should be louder. The night breeze blows through the peach and bamboo forests, making noises from time to time, but it still feels quiet.

Bailu Yao has tried many times. The first three stars can only be divided into four magical artifacts at most, and there are fewer fire monkeys, and only three can be divided into them. There are many magical artifacts in the house. There was a deer deer who was gambling, and the others took turns. Tonight, her big white snails and Qingluo's black-bone lancet were not delivered.

   The stars swayed down, and the peculiar brilliance of the original sky nets, gray robes, and Shiyasha's top magical artifacts gradually disappeared under the stars.

   One day, these magical artifacts will be the same as the Danshandan and the peach stick, and they will have no brilliance anymore.

After activating the "Universal Starlight Technique", the stronger the vitality, the more the stars will be attracted. In this regard, he who can use the Japanese to lay a solid foundation will be stronger than the holy ape in the future, but it will lead to the starlight consumption. The demon qi is also very huge. The holy ape and Xiwang specialize in a magical artifact. Each time the Xinghui is pulled, it will only stop when the demon qi is exhausted. The Xinghui attracted by the White Deer will be divided into fifteen magical artifacts. To be powerful, it only takes more time.

The demon spirit that his great demon general can use is only enough to support half an hour now, just like the superimposed character. When it is exhausted, he will take the elixir out to replenish it, sit for a while, and wait for the demon spirit to be full again. Traction again.

   In addition to the consumption of demonic energy, it also took a lot of attention. After four times, Shenyi was extremely tired and drowsy, so he stopped and got up and went back to the study.

   It's midnight now.

   In front of the study room, the clam monster waited together, and when he saw him, he said, "My uncle has worked hard!"

   The deer demon nodded, and handed her all the magical artifacts such as the white shirt of the seventeenth mother.

   The two were joined together, and he returned to the main room in his hand.

   The gray robe flew away from the deer again, and fell on the pole in front of the study.

   The deer demon enters the study, takes a few deep breaths, it is really ambergris and refreshing, and then some fascination is eliminated.

   If you use this real ambergris to supplement, on the night of the stars, the deer demon could have been quenched all night, but the price is too high, and currently he does not consume so much.

   After the identity of the Seventeen Niangs was revealed, the incense burner for setting the real ambergris incense has been changed to the study, just don't want to waste any more.

  The Shura girl couldn't wait, she slept for a while, and was awakened again when she noticed that the deer came back.

   The sound of intimacy and romp is audible, and the gray robe hangs at the door without any wind. It drifts into the study, wanders around, and secretly inhales a little real ambergris before it floats out again.

After leaving the study, under the gray robe, there were waves of dark mist rolling. In the mist, two white feet were first exposed, followed by ankles and calves, and then gradually upwards, arms, heads and faces appeared, and it was solid purple flesh. Body, dressed in a gray robe.

   With a light sip to Li Jian, Zi Xia sat down cross-legged in front of the study, practicing her own "Guishui Yin Lei".

   The murmur in the mile, she has become accustomed to it, and it has no effect.

   Until the sound of the goblin fighting completely disappeared, a calm and steady breath came out.

After more than two hours, the rooster crowed for the third time, and there was noisy under Futao Cave again, and there were noises in the study room, and Zixia hurriedly gathered up and got up, and then attached herself to the gray robe. Float back to the pole and hang it up, as if it hadn't been moved overnight.

   After a while, Bai Lu Yao went out first, rubbing her eyes. She didn't seem to notice that she was sniffing the real ambergris, retracted her robes, and flew to the top of the mountain.

  The sky is still unclear, the demon under the door and the little demon rushed to one after another. While waiting, the deer first took out a half-carved jade scrap, took out the small toothed blade, and practiced the carving at hand.

   Such a suitable carving knife, he now has a set, which the King Tokinyu asked for from the monsters who run the monk's realm to make a living.

   Carved on ordinary stones for five years before he replaced the jade scraps that could not be used much.

   Nowadays, if it is only a sculpture, the deer demon is no problem. However, like the mysterious jade, there are spiritual lines hidden in the jade.

This piece of jade in your hand follows the spiritual lines completely. If it is carved well, it should be able to have two magical uses. However, with the hands of the White Deer Demon, it is good to be able to hold one item. After it is completed, it can only be rewarded. To the little demon, the demon will dislike it.

  Drifting Ling Yao has become accustomed to it, and no one will bother him at this time.

   Before the arrival of the first ray of Rihua, nearly four hundred demonic races, including Seventeen Niangs, had gathered on the top of the mountain. Master Lu had to be reminded, so he put down his possessions and released Youyang instead.

   Only under the Demon King can we gather Nikka. The strengthened body is to lay the foundation, and it will become stronger again as the demon ancestor and demon sage are promoted. It is also a good opportunity for the seventeenth mother, and cannot be absent every day.

   Rihua body tempering is better than any kind of body tempering method for the monster race.

   Moreover, even if it is overcast and rainy, the sun will arrive at the break of daylight, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are the only ones to pick from the sun, regardless of the weather, and rain or shine throughout the year.

  I have been collecting Nihua for nine years, and the demon crowds have been able to collect them for a long time.

   Depending on the strength of the body, the length of time is different. At this time, the benefits of the alien beast becoming a demon are reflected.

   Goubao and Yuanxiang are not as good as Biyan.

Of course, blue eyes, steel bones, Xiaoshi, Xiaoqu, old spots, etc. are not comparable to the growing bloodline of Suiji and Qiniu, and among the monsters that have been collecting Japanese flowers for the longest time, they are indisputable, roaring, and red lines. indivual.

   The demon on the road, I can only say that each has its own way of fate.

   As the sky gets brighter and brighter, Rihua is getting more and more violent. When the final roar gets up, only the deer demon and the seventeen mothers are left on the field.

   The Nihua that the deer demon can collect is far inferior to the Seventeen Niangs. After the family is over, they will maintain the Youyang for a while, and wait for the Seventeen Niangs to finish collecting.

   So far, no monster has dared to let the sun shine directly on him, and the sun has not yet risen when the seventeenth mother opened her eyes and stood up.

  After the sun-gathering is over, the deer deer puts away the Youyang, and together with the dragon girl, chats about the mountain affairs with the guardian demon such as Gou Bao, and then goes down the mountain.

   Afraid of being held by the public, the Seventeen Niangs would fly away first, while the White Deer Demon went to the gate of the tea garden. The Shura Girl had practiced for a while, and the Deer Demon had also practiced for a while, and then played against her, using only Shura combat skills.

   Now Qingluo is already practicing the third form of "cutting the land", and the second form of the Bailu Yao is still a little hotter.

   went to Futao Cave and called for breakfast, and the two went back to the study together and washed separately.

   After breakfast, the white deer demon first quenches the big antlers, four hooves and white robe. After that, he wants to take a nap and rest for a while, and he will go to the tea shop to earn the elixir after noon.

   But today, after refining three things of himself, the deer deer decided to sacrifice some nap time, walked through the bamboo forest of wonderful sound, and went west along the path next to the study to find the ancestor Bai Ze to speak.

   The improper wolf demon Lang Lang slept in front of the ancestor cave again.

   has been living in Doufengling, so you don't need to say anything to Bai Ze, just enter the cave.

   Bai Ze also took a nap every day, feeling the deer go into the cave, lazily opened his eyelids, and asked: "What's the matter?"

   The deer demon asked him: "I just ask, the ancestor thought that the demon from Rihua, how many demon is suitable for Xu Longgong?"

   Bai Ze yawned, shook his head again, sober, and then said: "After all, it is your Yue family, with a large family business, and a double demon saint. When you arrive at the other two families, you are close to five or seven hundred!"

   is similar to my own The deer demon asked again: "Sumishan Zhouhuashen sect, really will not come out together in advance?"

Bai Ze was dissatisfied: "I told you earlier, he is not waiting for his heart, he will be noisy wherever he goes, and the monk sect that has taken root like Luzhou in Beiju, all wants to grab more In some places, I didn’t want to let him wait. It’s all ridiculous. When the mountains and rivers are exhausted, most of them can’t come out together.”

  The deer demon pondered for a long while, and asked in a whisper: "It's been nine years, can you give the thief monk a trap?"

  The spirit of the ancestor Bai Ze finally picked up, and nodded wildly: "If you find the opportunity, I will give the dog's diary ruthlessly, and let him know that it hurts!"

   It's time to get off the hook, Bai Lu Yao nodded: "The Unjust ancestor's ancestors day is near. When the time comes, the ancestor will go with me and go to Saru Mountain, and then care about with Master and Master!"

   After Bai Ze agreed, the deer demon curiously asked, "What is the Wuzhou Borderland like?"

The sleepiness has come back again, and Bai Ze impatiently said: "The land bordering the five continents has hundreds of thousands of miles of wind. Except for the protection of the **** of transformation and the demon saint, only the sea monster below the demon king can travel from the deep sea. Some paths are found, but they can’t be considered stable. If you walk in the air, you will lose your life if you don’t have the protection of the god-level transformation!"

   Seeing him thinking again, Bai Ze asked: "What's the matter?"

   The deer demon sighed: "I just don't know why the sky is round? What is the edge of the square in a very distant place?"

   Bai Ze rolled his eyes and said: "There is also a wind that can melt everything on the four sides of the earth, what's weird?".

   Deer demon shook his head: "It's not surprising, I'm thinking about it randomly, you go to sleep, and I will also get a good night's sleep, otherwise I won't have the energy to earn a panacea!"

  Ps: After half an hour, I’m sorry, the compensation is nearly 500 words, the tiger apologizes.

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