Deer Demon Race

Chapter 304: Guest to

   After discussing with Mrs. Xiwang, in the end Xu Longgong came to pick up Nihua’s demons, and only five hundred were given, and there was always room for bargaining in the future.

   Among the five hundred, the deer demon is called Shishiniang Chuanyu Longgong. It is best to divide it into two parts. Three hundred are fixed, and two hundred are rotated annually, or all of them can be rotated, so as to calm the anger of those who have not won the quota.

In the Sacred Ape Mountain, it is not difficult to decide. The Sacred Ape’s family is simple, and only one is Yaoyao. Together with the maid Xiaoxiao, eight demon diners are selected from the little monsters that Apeshan is waiting for to fill up their confidantes. The seven demon ancestors in various places may choose fifty from each family, and according to the deer demon, they will rotate every year.

The Dragon Palace uses the ancestral official system. Most of the demon kings worshipped as generals. They were sent to pick up Japanese flowers all year round. They would be deployed. The demon king of Sacred Ape Mountain, even if the demon ancestor is directly under the jurisdiction, is the lord of the mountain field and will not return for many years. Home is not good either, I can only change in rotation.

  The quota of the demon ancestors of the holy monkey mountain is much looser than that of the demon ancestors in the sea monster, but the good things such as the use of Japan to temper the body will not be shared with the demon kings who are not close to them. They are all allocated to their own mountains and the demon kings directly under the jurisdiction.

   At this time, the Bailu Demon borrowed from the sun to pick up the sun, and both Sacred Ape Mountain and Beihai could no longer hide it.

   Dajiao is a thick-skinned person, with his own relationship, I think King Jinyu will let him come, don't worry about it, but Huanghua's family, 21 will not be divided into places.

The deer deer privately gave Huang Huaniang ten names, and told her that King Dayi, King Zhu Wei, King Dayi, and King Shanshang will give her ten more spots to do favors, but she will not be allowed to come to Yangzhou in the future. grind.

   The twenty places given out are counted as those from the mountain range, and the total number is 400, allowing him to wait and live on the mountain range.

   Regardless of whether the Dragon Palace or the ancestors of the various families sent to pick Rihua, the deer demon didn't have the ability to control it. They were all called to settle on the north bank of the Chisha River.

  All parties set off one after another. The first to arrive was the Little Saint Yeyao and his entourage from Sacred Ape Mountain, sent by Sacred Ape and Xiwang in person.

In the presence of this family, the deer deer once again explained that Cai Rihua is risky, and was stunned by Xiwang's clone: ​​"The human race is prosperous, and in two or three thousand years, we may have the scourge of genocide. My mother, this child is indeed everything. It hurts, but as a demon clan, how can he escape? He is the little saint again, and all the demon are watching, can he escape? I would rather he be burned to death when he picks Rihua instead of being abandoned!"

   Sacred Ape also nodded slightly: "Don't worry, it's really going to be burned to death, don't blame you Bailuer, my old ape only blames the sky! Go out and fight the monks at that time, you just move to the Dragon Palace!"

  夭yao cocked her mouth, very dissatisfied: "Do you look down on me? But I will panic?"

   The saint ape said to the deer demon: "There is nothing to do with Saruyama. This saint will live in your house for a few years, take care of Yaoyao, make a new room for the saint, and the old lady will be busy!"

   There is already a demon ancestor in the driving ridge of my old deer. Is this another big guy?

   The deer demon had no choice but to allow it.

   On the second day, dawn broke, and the ten of Yaoyao and Xiaoxiao followed by Cairihua.

   Fortunately, as Yaoyao said, he is indeed a courageous man. He didn't burn up. One of the other eight monsters that came with him was burnt to death.

   Yaoyao lasted for the first time, and the risk dropped greatly in the future. The saint ape and Xiwang breathed a sigh of relief, but they weren't as hard as they said.

   Xiwang then left and went to work with her.

   The Little Demon in the whole mountain helped to create two big holes, one for the holy ape’s family to live in, and the other for the holy ape’s entourage and Huanghuaniang’s twenty places.

These two caves, the one near the tea garden in the high place, is called the Holy Cave; the one left for Huang Huaniang to live in is next to the old ancestor cave, called the Yingke Cave. I am afraid that the Seventeenth Mother will not be lonely. Called to build a special home for her.

In a few days, the 21st dispatched people will first arrive at the foot of the mountain. After that, those from the end of the game, no grievances, teeth grinding, hysteria, cold screens, and round spots will also arrive. These will not be left on the mountain, but they will all be resettled. Go across the Chisha River.

   Round spot is the demon ancestor from the North Sea Dragon Palace. It is the subordinate of the original primordial chaos sage old manatee. The honorable name is the old ancestor of Tunkun. His body is round and his face is a bit pointed. He is a viper demon.

The two foundations of Round Spot and Leng Ping are weak. In comparison, Leng Ping is connected to the Golden Mane Mountain and has spiritual roots, but there is no team; Round Spot comes from the sea and has several subordinates who escaped with him. There are also some stocks in the bag, but I have to re-operate this mountain. The two families are almost the same, and now they are looking for some unsuspecting demon kings.

   These selected demon kings were originally mixed in the Golden Mane Mountain Field, but they were difficult to mix with the middle grades. They were all difficult. Now they have climbed up the high branches, and they all have good luck. Now they flatter the two ancestors very hard.

When    cold screen sent the door down, he smiled at the white deer demon: "From now on, your great demon will drink no more innocent wine, and no demon will laugh anymore!"

   After not knowing whether it was a compliment or a derogation, he turned to Yaoyao, and gave a thumbs up: "I heard that the little saint is also good at picking Rihua? Really hot!"

   This old ancestor loves to flatter Yaoyao, but he doesn't wait to see each other with the deer demon.

After listening to the demon ancestors, the demon ancestors have arrived, and the Huanghuaniang who thinks that they want the first class are also there. I didn’t say that in the first year, Lu Yao allowed her to be a favor of several demon kings, and her family occupied all of them. One quota, and the rest are demon generals who should be used by various families. Among them, Lao Wen is the only demon who was brought out by Huang Huaniang for the demon’s face of Bailu. The rest are divided between Jiugao, Shouling, Mengge and her. The pig demon at home will wait.

   If there is a chance to pick and temper the body, the demons in the mountain farm will all herd sheep, and it doesn’t matter! Moreover, he is close to several houses, so he can go back after picking up the Japanese flowers and take care of the mountain affairs, but he doesn't have to be in Dufengling.

   The great event that the demon saints and demon ancestors participated in together, Huang Huaniang and others did not believe that any demon dared to risk death to steal the red Ganoderma lucidum. If the demon ancestor did not take the lead as a thief, the spirit root would be even more afraid of stealing.

   In addition to his own home, King Da Ni brought only one demon general. After listening to the introduction, he was known as the stubborn leopard demon. He was also a leopard demon with a head and eyes, and he looked vicious.

This boy has a very bad temper. The demon sage is at home, and the demon ancestor speaks in a low voice. The demon king wants to stay low and be a little boy. The deer demon is not afraid of him. Wang's subordinates escaped, but the supernatural powers are getting hot?"

In order to win over the hero, Bai Ze’s ancestor asked the old ancestor Bai Ze to move the spirit roots, and the King of Dani promised two plants for the Powan Mountain Field. , And now I come to pick Rihua again, it is all about the love of the Bailu Demon, and he stubbornly replied truthfully: "It depends on two magical powers!"

   Deer Deer said with joy: "I haven't learned spells so far, but I have been able to survive with magical powers. Maybe my brother's ability can teach me?"

   Seeing that he was a little unhappy, Lu Yao added: "If your brother is willing to teach, you will not receive your elixir if you find magical tools for your own use in the future!"

   The deer demon has heard of his name, the method of the monk character of Bailu demon in Doufengling, can add a magical name to another magic weapon, how can you not know if you are stubborn? If it hadn’t been heard that the white servants were ruthless, the elixir would be much more. The main king, Dani, once again fought against the Guangmang King, and then bought Qihua everywhere to give favors. This caused the whole family to be poor, and Powan would have come to the door long ago.

   The deer demon can make this condition again, without threatening to pick Nikka, and the stubborn face immediately looks much better, nodded and agreed: "Brother's love!"

   After he nodded, the deer demon was very excited.

   The Seventeenth Lady got Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn, and she had her own help with the Xinghui Quenching Artifact, and along with the picking of Sunhua, now she is more thorough in her cultivation than her own. In front of her evil dragon and pestle, how can she turn her back?

   of course, from the time when I was a demon, it was regarded as a magical power to rely on!

   As the flesh becomes stronger, the supernatural powers become more and more hotter, but this is not enough. New powerful supernatural powers are a must!

   The magical powers that stubbornly rely on to get away from the demon king, there are two doors, one is "Escape the Golden Cicada" and the other is "Flashing"!

"Golden Cicada's Escape" is similar to Deer Demon's "Robe-off and transposition", but what is left in place is a remnant of the Tao, not the main thing left by the "Robe-off and transposition", and the distance to escape is not far away. , And encountering capable people will be seen through, far inferior to "turn off the robe and change positions" to change positions safely and suddenly.

"Escape the golden cicada" is not very useful to the deer demon, but another "flash" made him laugh from ear to ear. This supernatural power is at the level of the demon general, and it can flash within a certain distance. "Take off the robe and change position" is far away, but within the distance, it completely ignores the space movement, but consumes a lot of demon energy, and the number of continuous activations per day is limited. The stronger the magical power, the farther the distance, the more continuous activations. , Powanxian can be activated three times a day, with a distance of more than thirty feet.

This magical power is enough to make the deer monster a means of pressing the box, just to deal with the "Yinjie" of the dragon clan. Looking at the origin, it is also difficult. I may not succeed in a year or a half. He decided to teach Goubao after he learned it. UU reads the book www.uukanshu.cOM, but it is not allowed to go down for the time being, until he surpasses the grandma of the house.

  The Dragon Palace has five hundred places, which hurts my brain a lot. It was not until the Uninjustice Patriarch's Day that the list was finalized and the Dragon King personally sent it.

   In addition, the eldest son of the Dragon King, Da Lang, is also here. He will stay here for a year to control the sea monster as the demon ancestor.

Among the five hundred monsters sent by the Dragon Palace, the monster king accounted for more than one hundred, and the rest were all monster generals. Among the monster kings, the dragon son and dragon daughter accounted for fifteen, and there were seven juvenile dragon grandchildren, all of whom were identities. Noble, except Dalang, it's really uncontrollable.

   In addition, there are more than a thousand demon servants who come to serve and do not pick Rihua. Fortunately, Guiyi and Shuanghe are followers of Shishiniang, otherwise it is just one of them.

   I didn't say anything, they all live across the Chisha River. The deer deer wants to be a master, not a grandson.

There are so many demon races living on the other side of Chisha River. The rations of each family will be arranged by Twenty-one. They will be delivered from Pingdingshan and each demon king. Of course, it is not for free. They all sent gifts to Pingdingshan. At ordinary times, there are also some demon and little demon who are not influential, and give rewards and rations.

   When the Dragon King arrived, he smiled at the sacred ape and said: "Old Ape, the seventh day of July, the Dragon Palace is happy, the sixteen daughters are married, you couple bring the demon ancestors to drink!"

   Without looking to the west, the holy ape sighed: "The demon ancestors are poor and can't afford to give gifts. Except for your son-in-law, the saint and the old woman will go with you at that time!".

   Dragon King responded with a smile, and didn't force it.

After    was delivered safely, the Dragon King left on the same day. But because of the news from him, as a gift, Master Lu and the grandmother in charge then confided a few words. On the driving pad in the evening, Master Deer was beaten up again and fainted, making the whole mountain known to everyone. .

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