Deer Demon Race

Chapter 305: No. 3

This day happened to be the night of the full moon, and the demon heavens from the Dragon Palace went up the mountain before it was dark.

The dead ghost women, Shi Jing, Mao Nu, Chao Xi, Qing Hong, etc. who have not participated in the mining of Rihua so far stand up and look aside.

Facing the five hundred sea monsters newly added on the mountain, the deer monster stood up and reiterated the points of attention of Cai Rihua again.

Hearing a few words from him, a 14-five-year-old half-year-old in the Dragon Palace group shouted: "Seventeen-uncle, we are still in the Dragon Palace, and I have heard the cocoons in my ears. I know it! Not as good as your little demon? Just long-winded?"

Speaking of this servant is Long Sun, named Pan Qiu, his father Ba Lang did not have a turn to come, and gave him the opportunity.

No wonder he was not convinced. The five hundred Japanese pickers sent by Dragon Palace were also demon generals with the lowest cultivation base. The demon ancestors in Sacred Ape Mountain, including Huanghuaniang, came mostly from demon generals. The scene is low, except for Yaoyao, all the eight survivors are demons.

This is the case for foreign visitors, and there have been several disputes in the Dragon Palace for a place!

But when I saw it on the driving range, all the little monsters were qualified to pick Japanese flowers. Because of the shortage of places, his father Hachiro had to stay at home. Several younger siblings also had to wait for rotation.

The grandson of the dignified dragon, the demon king and the demon general, can't be compared to a little demon in the driving range?

In vain, it is still a relative. The little monsters in your family have been cut out, and there can be no more than 300 places. As for the dragon palace, it is so tight?

Yaoyao is over there, slapped and shouted: "Oh, you're here! When it's fired into a torch, but you can't say anything, you need to talk a little longer!"

Pan Qiu glared over there, the kind of holy ape, Grandpa Long couldn't beat his father, so he didn't dare to return his mouth.

Before the first picking of Rihua, Yu Ji was intimidated, and Lu Yao hurriedly said, "Junior Brother, silence!"

Yaoyao rolled her eyes and didn't give the cheap brother a face: "Is it a stupid? I don't appreciate if I help you?"

In fact, since he was rescued, the little saint had never called a senior.

Regarding the nephew of Panqiu, the seventeenth mother consciously did not expect to drink a stop, frowned and said to the other direction: "Ler, restrain yourself!"

Lulu is the eldest grandson of the Dragon Palace, Da Lang's eldest son, is already a grown-up demon king. He has acted steadily since he was a child. He is a rare character among demon. His father looked at the sky again, and when he heard the call of the seventeenth mother, he also spoke against him. He said: "Adi Mo speak again, the seventeenth uncle is an elder, there is no disrespect!"

There are still many uncles from the Dragon Palace, who were not in the turn of the dragon and grandson to make a pretense, but relying on being favored at home, did not hesitate to say a word, first was wiped out by Yaoyao, and listened to this remark. , I didn't say anything again.

The Demon King, who has been collecting for a long time, didn't have the atmosphere. The beast mother, in front of such a kid, the Demon King would have no face.

Among the twenty-one demon crowd, the big horns also lowered their heads, and the grandchildren only care about you, it has nothing to do with grandpa.

Huang Huaniang stared at the Long Sun long ago, and looked at the gentle and gentle voice, and the more important thing is, Long Sun! Look at the things on your body, look at the style!

Dragon clan, and still so handsome, my old lady has never been better!

More and more demon kings and demon generals accompany Cai Rihua. To that horn, Doufengling's own demon and little demon don’t care much about it. It’s hard not to take care of the family in the sun of the master of the mountain. If you fail, you are still waiting for the foreign demon? What about grandma's family? The same is a foreign demon, grandma marries the deer with the deer, it is my grandma who is the head of the driving range!

A few daring ones still secretly commented on the Sea-Monsters who came today. The Tiger Demon Sui Ji was secretly calculating, and today he bet with the Golden Strider, what should he bet on.

Ding Dingmu Yuzhu in the tea house, looking at Huang Huaniang's fiery eyes, and then at the new good forest, his heart was so sorrowful and jealous that he suddenly turned his head and swallowed the sparrow demon fiercely.

The bully who slayed this day was unreasonable, and he took over the flower of the old lady, and he didn't have much taste!

Amidst all kinds of miscellaneous things, Niu Yaogoubao burst out loudly: "Da Bai Xing Da Bai Li, all calm down, ready to pick Nikka!"

So fast?

Looking to the east, she was indeed turning white, and then she was busy returning to her posture when she collected the moon essence, taking a breath, and recalling the words that made her ears callous.

The Seventeenth Aunt married the White Deer Demon, and had released that very dark sun in mid-air. After being photographed by Guanghua, there was not much warmth in her body.

Earlier, the demon was shouting again: "Japan is coming!"

Soon, in the sense of letting go of the coiled hair, there were indeed dots of scorching sun flying around the body, but every little bit was entangled with the cool brilliance sprinkled by the sun, and was wrapped in a small layer of cool air.

Just like when collecting the moon essence, he was completely out of his own control, and the tiny sun was floating, entering the body from his mouth, nose, and sweat glands.

Next, we must pay more attention to the physical endurance of the body, and don't take care of Rihua!

Just thinking about it like this, a pillar of fire suddenly rises from below him. The sound of the burned person can't start or move, but it burns silently, illuminating the surrounding area!

Isn't that the General Shark sent by the Mai Xiang family?

How can it be so useless for the dignified Demon King? Bai let him grab the spot!

Where is my grandson?

What do you say next? Oh, who is burned around, don't let him be distracted! Don't panic!

I was busy feeling inside my own body again. At this point in time, due to the ups and downs of the mood, a lot of the evil spirits were agitated and spread away. The speed was a bit fast, and even passed by the Rihua who entered the body!

so close!

Don't panic! Don't panic! Big deal stand up, just don't pick it up!

The more you think about it, the harder it is to stop and calm down!


The turbulent demon spirit has flew more and more!

Pan Qiu was about to stand up and end the picking, but he was filled with fluttering demonic air, and finally a star point came into contact with Nikka, who had just exhausted the cool air on the outer surface.


There was brilliance in the body suddenly, and in an instant it caused the whole body of demon energy, a series of explosions, under that huge force, there was a tearing pain, the sound could not make the slightest, and the body could not move the slightest!

My dignified grandson is actually burning?

After an instant, even the spirits seemed to ignite together, making him unconscious again.

In the sky, Long Gong Dalang wailed: "This boy from the eighth brother's family has always been favored, and the eighth brother is the root of his life. How can he burn him?"

He was afraid of disturbing the demons who were picking up Rihua, this wailing was only heard by him.

The white lion demon Bai Ze, who was sitting in the pavilion on the top of the mountain, watched the show, ignoring the Da Lang in the sky, and glanced on a cloud in the mid-air to the west.

Among the clouds, there are three big monsters covering their figures, the holy ape, the west and the famous eagle-eyed man.

Xiwang said: "Old Osprey, can you see clearly? You are not much worse than my wife. You should understand, it's not our family who begs you, just say it if you want to!"

The Osprey is the Osprey. The sage owl did not speak, and stared at the top of the mountain for a while. At this moment, the little demon who could not bear it stood up, and the collection of Rihua was almost over.

Those from the Dragon Palace eventually burned a demon king, two demon generals, and a juvenile dragon grandson.

He just asked, "Is there really no risk in the first day?"

Xiwang sneered and replied: "If you say there is no risk at all, it would be deceiving you! But this lady, the disciple, has been collecting for nine years, and the little demon has survived so much except for the first burned to death!"

The demon saint nodded lightly: "I also have some juniors who want to take care of, add the demon ancestor's family under the door, and come three hundred!"

He agreed, but Mrs. Xiwang quit: "I want to be beautiful!"

When he was drunk by the sight of the west, this sea-troubled saint was a little startled.

Xiwang said again: "How much effort did the Dragon Palace give, marrying daughters and taking babies, and helping our family fight miscellaneous hairs to save the children. The two-demon holy family that has passed on for thousands of years only allowed 500 people. You are so empty. In a word, you have to go three hundred?"

You can repay the price on the spot. Seeing Xiwang's resolute opposition, Sheng'e said, "Ape-in-law said clearly, how many demons can let the great barren mountain come to light?"

Xiwang explained to him: "It’s not to embarrass your family. My lady’s disciple is a long-term planner. In your house, I also told you about the state of Mount Xumi. If we want to block the monks, we just have to wait for two or three houses. Enough? This **** has a bad temper, and he will only cause trouble when he goes out. It’s impossible to get things done. It’s impossible to hope. Every family in the sea has to go around in the Dragon Palace. You wait on the land before you leave my wife to run. Every family has to come and ask. , There will be no quotas for picking Japan and China, how many are happy?"

Sheng'e sighed and turned to the holy ape: "You silly family, you haven't been a demon for the least, nagging for a long time, don't say a lot of less to the sage, I am afraid that it will be old, and it will be boring to chew, old. Ape won't add a few young enchantresses?"

Xiwang gave a "pooh" and exclaimed: "Send a litter from your house, and the old lady will pick it for him personally!"

The saint ape who was in the audience grinned at Sheng'e: “Brother, I was also a joke back then. There are a lot of enchantresses in the room, but they can’t live up to the limit of life, and they are all dead. It's an Ann birthday! Old and old, the taste is still there, chewy!"

Sheng'e turned his face back in disdain, and said to Xiwang: "To tell the truth, I am afraid of being killed by your couple when I come to your house, and I will come with my heart! Since the Holy Ape Mountain is your mother-in-law, there are so many A few? Say it well, Ben Sheng will go back!"

The **** answer barely passed the test, Xiwang smiled and said: "The old lady said, wait for a few, if you only want to reach the monks in two or three thousand years, and usually don’t come to contribute, then only 50 will be allowed. Do you have any strength? Hundreds of them!"

The eagle-eyed man was angrily laughed by her: "This saint was wrong before, isn't the ape woman in charge, or your demon general and disciple in charge?"

Said this so that the holy ape couldn’t hold his face, and Xi Wang didn’t care: “My old lady, that disciple, has great luck, and always speaks accurately, so how about listening to him? I don’t think the amount is too Just wait for another hundred years. He should grow up in this secluded sun. If you go up high, Guanghua will be useful. You can increase the number of places. If not, you will go back to the old Osprey first, and then come and see?"

Sheng'e sighed: "It was originally intended to help the saint to help your family, let's talk about it first, what do you want to do?"

After stirring up the sea, Xiwang said his request, and finally said, "This matter is also beneficial to your family!"

Sheng'e hummed: "It doesn't matter, this saint is not in your urgency. You have to make great efforts. You must allow two hundred demons to come and pick Rihua, and it won't happen if you don't have one!"

Looking west: "One hundred and fifty, no more!"

The two wrangled for a while, until the Great Sage of the Sea of ​​Disturbance allowed to add more, and Xiwang reluctantly agreed to send two hundred monsters from his family.

PS: Ask for recommended votes on Monday, brothers, don't waste it, just drop it.

(End of this chapter)


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