Deer Demon Race

Chapter 311: Changed plan

After the mother and son had talked, Yaoyao got a "tea bud" made from a medicine. The whole body was transparent and clear as liquid. Put it in a tea bowl and immediately melt away. Little demon must be hard to detect!

Made by the demon ancestor himself!

"My mother, get another one!"

Yaoyao wanted to keep one more spare. Facing Xiwang's suspicious gaze, he explained, "What if something bad happens? My mother will not be there by that time, and I won't have this medicine on my father!"

Xiwang asked: "Why isn't my old mother?"

Being guarded by my old mother, Yaoyao said dissatisfied: "My old mother, if you are so stable, and you let go of the big trouble, don't the monk have any doubts? I really think I don't know?"

Mrs. Xiwang laughed angrily at him: "Such a clever child, would he not know what to do and be stupid? I have to make trouble with your brother to be reconciled!"

Yaoyao smiled and said: "What do you know about it? The child should take advantage of the unsatisfactory growth, and have a lot of fun for hundreds of years!"

A demon boy like Yaoyao who has no real life, is born extraordinary, and is born with some kind of pro-law and supernatural powers, but the disadvantage is that the development is slow, and the mind is roughly similar to the appearance, but because he lives for a long time, he has more knowledge and skills than the real one. Year-old human children are stronger, and the rest are just as if they were.

It will take another four to five hundred years for Yaoyao to grow up, and it is true that there will be "hundreds of years of fun" before she matures.

Yaoyao is the lifeblood of Du Miao, and he feels distressed that he was caught by Miscellaneous Hair and suffered for thousands of years! When he was snatched away, he was only about the same size as the Zixi of the 虺虺's family, but still a small one, but he was already half a teenager when he was rescued. In the past ten years, the strangeness between father and son, mother and son has only disappeared, but there is a strong guilt. The feeling has not faded, and I have been rescued after all the hardships. No matter how big the mistake is, the holy ape and Xiwang are reluctant to take a heavy blame. .

In the past ten years, every time Yaoyao made a mistake, Yaoyao has not yet defended one sentence. Holy Ape and Xiwang have already found an explanation for their children!

Xiwang decided today to let Yaoyao join the big event for the first time. The cause and effect were clear, and he was afraid that he would commit nasty things. He repeatedly exhorted him and raised the importance again.

In the end, the demon boy said helplessly: "My mother, do you think I am a father? I won't wait to see the White Deer Demon again, I can tell the severity!"

The holy ape was there, his mouth twitched twice, and he was not ashamed to maintain his dignity as a father.

Three days later, Xiwang set off for the desert to deal with the violent flying sage. The sage relatives sent it out to wait for the response at the border, leaving only the clone in the driving ridge.

As soon as Xiwang went out, all the monsters were summoned on the Sacred Ape Mountain, and the deer said: "With the sun of the master, the sun is stable, and the monsters who have obtained it can benefit greatly. It is precisely because of this. Foreign aid, guard against miscellaneous hairs and monks at a distance, and far guard against the many gods of Xumishan Island! My master has gone out today, and the first one is looking for the flying saint in the desert, and begging to turn the enemy into a friend like the dragon palace! In the future, the desert , Dahuang Mountain, and volcanic land may have demons to come, work harder to build, and then set up more camps by the Chisha River, and build more shops for later self-built residences! Busy this! Array, you can rest again!"

Qi Niu got up and took the order.

It was the first time that the Bailu Demon made public the news of the many gods of the Xumi Mountain Continent in Doufengling. Hearing the demon in an uproar, the little bit, Biyan, Dawei, etc. were busy asking for details.

After answering several questions, the deer deer warned again: "Wait for you to tell the little demon, to save your life in the future, and to be less greedy! If there are prominent blood ancestors, look for the ancestors of Bai Ze for advice; Good bloodlines, magical powers, spells, body tempering, magic weapons, go diligently!"

The human monks who have to expand rapidly are undoubtedly bad news for the creatures of all races. Unfortunately, the little monsters at the bottom always feel that they are too far away. How do the higher-ups remind them, and they will rarely feel a sense of crisis and change their attitudes. After all, two or three thousand years later How many things can have confidence to become kings and ancestors, and live until then?

That's why the holy ape said, the little demon and the demon are useless!

However, no matter whether it is useful or not, there is always a warning, Master Lu must first be ashamed of his own heart!

In the tea shop at the foot of the mountain, Yaoyao still has a hippy smile and goes every day.

When I went there for the first time, the ostrich demon saw it properly, and spit out the yellow lower product that had been kept after receiving it, and smashed it over to return him.

From then on, the ostrich demon looked upon the little saint if he didn't see him. Although he didn't dare to speak harshly, Yaoyao wouldn't take the initiative to speak to her.

Yaoyao had a hippy smile and deliberately moved forward when making the tea properly, which made her nervous a few times.

But Mo said, when faced with such a sincere and sincere job, Bailu Demon was willing to cooperate, and Yaoyao couldn't find a chance under his eyelids.

However, the little demon is not on duty every day. It was only when she was changing the tea for her to find her empty space, and the transparent thing Xiwang compressed into a tea-like shape was ejected into the tea bowl.

That is Longlinke essential oil!

According to Xiwang's confession, after Yaoyao was done, King Shanyang would send a signal to the mountain, and the seventeenth mother "coincidentally" sent the fox demon to the teahouse to find the white deer demon.

Then, the fox Meizi was caught by the deer deer. After a meaty, the seventeenth mother knew that the couple would turn their faces and fight again, let the deer eat some skin and bitterness, and the dragon girl angrily returned to the Dragon Palace.

Seeing Yaoyao bombing the transparent medicine into the tea bowl, King Shanyang was about to send a signal as instructed, and Yaoyao whispered: "Don't worry, you don't have to be near and far!"

While speaking, Little Saint raised his chin to the door.

Knowing what he was referring to, it was the spider monster outside the door, who only wanted to be a female bodhisattva, so he accompanies his master mountain master for a love affair.

King Shanyang paused, but according to the little saint's intention, he did not issue a signal.

Over there, Mao Nu had already sent tea to the White Deer Demon.

After the last incident, the deer demon would never be fooled again. When the spirit tea was delivered, he would take a sip, knowing that it was added.

Xiwang asked Yaoyao to participate in the big event. Although there is a prank ahead, the plan is indeed more complete, but I am afraid that this bear child will make a moth again. The deer demon has asked Bai Ze to pay attention to it in secret for the past few days. At this time, I don’t think much. Drink it.

The effect of Longlinke essential oil is so powerful that Yaoyao has seen it on his old mother. The demon saint and demon ancestor are inevitable!

After a short while, the deer deer's nose began to gasp, his face flushed first!

The reaction came quickly and fiercely. Although it was destined to lose ugliness today, the demon king who was waiting for the scanner a few times before the case said: "Please go outside first!"

"Tricky, the master has important things, please step back, and don't stay in front of the teahouse!"

Although he didn't know what Master Lu meant, he gave orders that Yuzhu and Diaozuan cooperated with the clearing of the field.

Yaoyao smiled "haha" and said to the king of Shanyang: "The master is chasing guests away, and I will leave too!"

When going out, Yaoyao called: "Yuzhu!"

The spider demon listened and looked back, and he trot over: "I have something to tell you!"

Then, in the surprised eyes of the demon general and demon king waiting for the tracer, the little sage shot and grabbed the jade pearl!

If you know in advance that the little saint has bad intentions, Yuzhu, a wild little demon who was born, and who has grown up in Doufengling for nine years, could have jumped twice, but he just showed off with the waiting demon generals and the demon kings. , Asked him to wait to quit, and then Little Saint trot over innocently, and suddenly shot at close range, making her unresponsive.

Driving in front of the gate of Lingshan, what does the little sage want to do? What can this age do? I really want to do it, say it well, avoid it for a while, and the slave family is not against it!

In Yuzhu's doubts, the little demons such as Diao Zhuan and Mao Nu were shocked!

Yuzhu hadn't figured it out in her mind, Xiao Shengye stretched out her hand on her chin and squeezed her chin. When she was forced to open her mouth, she quickly bounced into something, and then chuckled: "Your master is waiting for you to put out the fire!"

"White Deer Demon, pick it up!"

Throw the jade pearl to the white deer demon inside, and Yaoyao will call King Shanyang again: "Keep the outside room, don't come in!"

Among the clueless female demon, Tricky is the first to respond. No matter what the little saint’s reason, Lord Deer did not come out to stop him. He stomped his feet and rushed to the mountain gate and shouted: "Is the Shougong blind? !"

The little monsters at the mountain gate didn't know what was going on, but after listening to the tricky words, the lizard still took out the smoke cannon, ready to ask for help from the mountain.

He just took out the smoke cannon, and suddenly some Konoha flew over his hand, and then the smoke cannon disappeared.

Then, Yaoyao appeared and knocked on the heads of the three little demons, and all of them fainted.

The avatar of the holy ape hiding in the dark is anxiously calculating in his heart, the matter is already here, how can he not affect the madam's plan?

There are several demon generals, demon kings, mountain monsters and sea monsters gathered outside the gate of the teahouse. I don’t know what the little saint of the holy monkey mountain is going to go crazy. Anxiously rushed to find the principal.

When they move in, there should be a fierce battle inside, and Yaoyao is not afraid!

In the teahouse, when the White Deer was in deep water, he received the stunner that Yaoyao threw in. Fortunately, he still had some sense of reason, knowing that it was the jade pearl that was kept.

The Xiong Haier of Gou Ri did not play the card according to the routine, he screamed: "Old Ancestor!"

Bai Ze's voice came from ears: "If the ancestor shows up, you will be fake if you look at it, it will be a bad thing! Yuzhu, you can deal with it by yourself, and the ancestor will ask for a little bit!"

After speaking, there was no more voice.

With these few words of effort, the effect of the jade beads has also taken off, and all the scaffolds and hands are entangled, making the deer demon even more contemplative and extremely angry!

The sound of a jet in his mouth sounded like a bellows, and the demon Bai Lu hurriedly yelled: "You...Nie Guier, catch... catch her!"

After giving the order, the gray robe flew out of him and wrapped Yuzhu's body.

The magical effect of "soft tendons" came into play for the first time. Yuzhu was just a newcomer who lost his sanity again. He quickly lost all his strength and turned back to the essence of a spider.

The stunner in her arms turned into a big spider, and stopped the demon Bai Lu's evil thoughts: "Throw...throw away!"

According to his order, the gray robe wrapped the spider monster, flew to the tea table over there, and fell together.

The preset Hu Meizi didn't come to put out the fire on The white deer demon panted roughly, and ordered: "Donguier... come here!"

For the ghost, the host's command cannot be violated, and Zixia turned into a black mist, screaming at the master deer!

The black mist gathered around him, and the deer demon said again: "I have stolen a few...years of real ambergris, it has already...has been solidified, don't...don't think it's old...Master I don't know! ...Consolidate!"

As a result, the pure white body was revealed, all in the arms of the Bailu Demon, before it fully appeared, it was pinched and rubbed heavily.

On the driving range, a gray sparrow swept down like a cloud-piercing arrow.

In front of the teahouse, the avatar of the holy ape first appeared, frowning and said to Yaoyao: "Why are you so ignorant? Do you want to cause trouble?"

Yaoyao rushed over: "How can you be the cause of my fault? My old lady will not be forgiving when she comes back. You must protect her, otherwise you will not be called your daddy, and you will not be able to have **** with your old lady. Believe it?"

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