Deer Demon Race

Chapter 312: Deer's temper

When the deer deer came back sober, Zixia, who was still intimately entangled in her limbs, glared at him: "When you wake up, let go!"

What's going on outside? There were only gray robes piled on the tea table over there, but the spider monster was gone!

The ghost has a bad tone, but against her, the deer demon is never false: "What if you don't let it go!"

Soon, Zixia screamed and remembered again: "Let go, the dragon girl is outside the door!"

Hearing this, the deer demon's face burned, and she was allowed to turn back into the black mist, recall the gray robe, and hid in the sea of ​​her own knowledge.

The deer deer put on a white robe, took a deep breath, cheeky, and stepped out of the tea house.

It's so lively outside!

There were hundreds of demon kings and demon lords on high places a little further away, and the demon servants of the North Sea and the demon and little demon of Dafengling were even more densely packed.

Before and after the half-hour arrived, the sacred ape clone took the charge, called Yu Wei to lead the female demon, took the spider monster out, and handed it to the sparrow monster, looking for the antidote.

Fortunately, there is a female ghost in her family who can relieve the fire.

According to the original plan, the one who should come can't hide!

Da Lang was pulling the angry Seventeenth Mother.

Tianxiang and Ruwei stood beside Qingluo, Hu Meizi's face was full of frustration.

A mean-tempered female ghost, she will definitely be pampered in the future, she may not be able to deal with her with a gray robe on the bed in the future, and Qing Luo is also stern and angry!

The scene is ugly, and the sacred ape clone and Yaoyao are not there.

On the mountain gate stone, the ancestor Bai Ze and Lang Lang sat side by side, the little mountain spirit stood on the shoulders of the wolf demon, all three mouths were eating pine cones!

These three are from this mountain. Among foreign visitors, there are a lot of people who want to see Master Deer miserable!

This time it was not on the Daofengping Ping, which was set as a restricted area. After Huang Huaniang got the news, she gave up her career and looked specifically at the oddity!

Next to Huang Huaniang, Lao Wen and Jiugao were also there. He waited and later, the two of Powan and Dajiao were the most excited.

You can’t invite the guest of the White Deer Demon to call him a hot day. It’s good to see that he is full of bags!

When the deer deer came out, Da Lang let go of his hand, and Seventeen Niang Fei rushed over and shouted angrily: "God **** it, don't care about the shame, all the female ghosts will do it?"

The lady has a good acting!

Deer Demon hurriedly said: "I died unjustly! Lady, it is Yaoyao's Longlinke!"

Only in time to vindicate this sentence, the Seventeenth Niang's evil dragon pestle was smashed down, and her mouth called: "Your brother brother, you are not a son of man. If you are unintentional, you will be caught?"

These words are not all pretends. The fox demon who said that was eventually replaced by an unfamiliar female ghost, she was really angry!

The deer deer hurriedly flew away!

Shi Niang became more angry, put away the evil dragon pestle, and ejected the dragon's whisker to take him.

Da Lang was over there, shouting: "Brother-in-law, let the Seventeenth Sister beat a few sticks, it would be better to be offensive!"

While running desperately, the deer deer anxiously returned his mouth: "Brother, my old deer is really wronged! Ah! No matter how unreasonable the lady is, I will fight back!"

The seventeenth mother who was chasing sneered: "Please fight back!"

After saying this, he took out the big white snail, and played the "Drunk Fairy Song" to his lips, "Uuuuu"!

If she played for a while, she wouldn't even have the strength to escape. No matter how pretending she was, she couldn't lose too fast. The White Deer Demon had to turn around, wanting to kill the seventeen big white snails.

In all kinds of laughter and onlookers, the unmarried couple fought back and forth a few times. Today, the Seventeen Niangs did not stop. The dragon scale blades and dragon claws all hit the white deer demon really hard. First, he was severely wounded and **** before he arrived. The "Drunken Fairy Song" could not help falling down and was caught again.


"I ask you to be bothered!"


"Call you to play with a female ghost!"


"Call you shameless!"

In the presence of countless monsters, Seventeen Niang held the evil dragon pestle and struck violently, first knocking the White Deer stunned, then waking up, and knocking again!

Seeing that she was stubborn, her big horns and teeth were sour, she knew that the Dragon Girl was violent. While gloating, she secretly warned her not to provoke the grandma of Fengling Ridge in the future.

Among the siren, the whispers have never stopped, and they are all "Knowing that the dragon girl is not easy to marry", "Sun Dragon Pack" and the like.

She was really angry, and the Seventeenth Mother struck hard and knocked the Deer Demon into a faint for the third time. The Holy Ape clone flashed out, and she persuaded, "This matter is Yaoyao, isn't it? The disciple-in-law's anger is almost the same. , Rao Baibao is a hit!"

The Seventeenth Mother was so angry that she gritted her teeth and shouted, "Don't forgive!"

The saint ape grinned and said, "Why, what the saint said is not an issue?"

Seventeen mothers waited for him: "As an elder, do I have to take care of the disciple's housework?"

This is in the plan, and the sacred ape hurriedly confessed and said unreasonably: "Marry a deer with a deer, marry a deer at the temporary sacred ape mountain, the old lady and disciple, you must keep your face! And it is indeed not his fault!"

The seventeenth mother was extremely angry, put away the evil dragon pestle, and turned back: "Brother, there is no good family in the family, the seventeenth mother broke off his marriage with his family today!"

Da Lang appeared astonished, and hurriedly flew over to persuade him: "How can the two important things be a trifling matter? This brother-in-law is unintentional, but also intentional, and only occasionally absurd, which is rare among male demons! Seventeen sisters can't help it. Acting with your own temperament will provoke the father and queen to anger!"

The seventeenth mother smiled sadly: "I don't care about my sister's life, because this big event has been missed?"

Da Lang shook his head, just persuaded, and persuaded the Dragon Girl to get angry again: "If you wait for a big deal, the girl will not be able to control it, and you will never marry him again. Then you will return to the Dragon Palace and be punished by the father and the queen!"

He shouted: "Guiyi, Shuanghe, Hanging hook, Dayu, pack the things and return to the Dragon Palace!"

The sea-mon who came to pick Rihua could not move, but these monsters and little monsters on the Drifting Ridge were counted as her dowry. The seventeenth mother was determined to leave, and Huiyi and Da Yu wanted to stay with Rihua again. , It's only for obedience!

The sacred ape clone was so angry that he said to Da Lang, "Your family is a good daughter!"

Da Lang's complexion was not good, he bowed and replied, "Holy Ape, I can't do anything about this matter. The Seventeenth Sister is upright, so she won't listen to persuasion. Let her return to the Dragon Palace for a while. If you will persuade, you will not be able to persuade, and there must be a decision to not make the two big things bad!"

As a male demon, the master of one party accepts enchanting enchantresses, which is a common occurrence among the demon clan, so she looked to the lady to marry the holy ape back then, and also tolerated the existence of the enchanted enchantresses before. The monsters present did not expect the deer demon. Just because the little saint was framed and received more personal female ghosts, the Seventeen Niang was so decisive, and today was the marriage changed?

Many parties have to appreciate the wonderful sea monster, can not help but feel anxious.

Qing Luo also knew a little bit about the plan today, but the Bai Lu Yao was still fainting, and the Seventeenth Mother had already flown back to the mountain. She hurriedly went after Master Lu to persuade her grandmother.

Yu Wei's identity is one level lower and can't speak.

In front of the demons in the driving range, the seventeenth mother did not give Qingluo a face today, and did not listen to her left or right. She only called Xuan Hook and Da Yu: "Don’t worry about the ones that have been sent out, and don’t care about the things in the warehouse. The rest of the belongings brought by the Dragon Palace. , Don’t leave a night pearl, take it all away!"

In accordance with the order of Dangling and Da Yu, the flying little monsters called back to dig the night pearl from their caves. In response, the snails and the indispensable treasures came along with the mattress, dressing cabinet, etc., all to be taken away.

Gou Bao also knew the inside story, so he just yelled: "Grandma waits for the master to wake up and then decides to go. Where can I go now?"

What Gou Bao did was also useless. The flying little demon from Beihai finished collecting things, and the Seventeenth Mother led them, hula la and flew away.

When the white deer demon woke up with her head full of bags, she got the little demon newspaper sent by Gou Bao. Grandma had already brought back the four demon of Yi, Duo, Dangling, and Da Yu to join all the flying little demon from Beihai. The mountain returned to the Dragon Palace, and the whole mountain was waiting for Master Lu to make a decision.

"She's going to leave, how can she chase after?"

What decision?

It was acting, but now even Master Lu doesn’t want to stay in the Sacred Ape Mountain more, is it possible to chase it back?

The demon kings and demon generals who watched the show were dispersing. The Da Lang, who was in the body of the demon ancestor, felt that he was not performing enough, so Shang flew again and explained to the Bai Lu demon: "Brother-in-law, the seventeenth sister is a little bit more willful, father and queen, mother and queen. After learning about it, I must explain it! Pick Rihua these five hundred sea monsters, and don't let him wait!"

The white deer demon with his head full of bags said in an angry voice: "Brother feel at ease, can't afford to push! Don't dare to push!"

After sending his eldest brother away, Deer Deer asked the monsters around him: "Where are the little saints and King Shanyang? A little bit?"

I heard that the sparrow demon had returned to Futao Cave while holding the jade beads.

As for the whereabouts of Little Saint and King Shanyang, where did the little demon and demon know? Without seeing him, the deer deer snorted coldly, and ordered: "Xiao Shi, go to ask the old ancestor Bai Ze, where are the little saints and the king of the mountain? The others who still recognize my old deer as the lords, all go back to Futaodong and so on. Command, let yourself go if you don't want to admit it!"

Being teased by the little saint again, the master and grandma's husband and wife turned against each other, the deer master was very irritated, and the demons and little demons broke up in a hurry.

The deer deer waited for a while in front of the teahouse. Xiao Shi went to the casino to ask questions and came back, reporting: "The ancestor said, the little saint has returned to the holy cave! King Shanyang is at the Chisha River in the law of Taizun's home In the camp!"

Deer deer snorted, and flew straight back to Cycling Ridge, heading straight to the holy cave!

In front of the entrance of the cave, the sacred ape clone spread out, and asked in a cold voice, "What is the big demon going to do?"

What to do?

Xiwang made a plan, and Yaoyao changed his mind halfway through the plan. He changed the fox-monster in the plan. He was involved in Yuzhu. He really wanted to have no female ghosts to fight the fire. He wanted my old deer to lose his face, and also involved the sparrows under his command. Demon bit?

Want to provoke the relationship between your subordinates and your own family?

Where is this still in the category of naughty?

The face of the sacred ape clone is ugly, and the deer demon does not give a good face: "The holy ape is going to protect the shortness to the end?"

Deer deer must vent his anger? The sacred ape clone sneered and said: "If you kiss the disciple again, how can you have your own child! The sage capital of Yaoyao can't bear to touch a finger, does the big demon general want to be wrong?"

My family is just a monster. In this monster I live on the nose, relying only on the holy ape family. It is really too thin, and it is hard to let my life. It should be teased, and the deer will take a deep breath. Tone: "Holy Ape Lord is right!"

After speaking, I ignored the holy ape, flew back to Futao Cave, and shouted, "Qingluo, beat the demon-gathering drum for the lord!"

The demon gathering drum rang loudly, and Yuzhu rushed out wearing clothes.

Before the little demon gathered, in front of Fu Tao Cave, the deer deer had already screamed: "Everyone tells the little demon to go to the tea garden, dig up all the tea trees, pack up the things, and I would like to follow my old deer to the North Sea to find you and your grandma to live. Depart tomorrow morning! I don’t want to go!”

After saying a word, the White Deer Demon flew to Xingtan again, and this time he personally pulled out the first wild peach tree!

In the induction of the sacred ape clone, it was clear that the white deer demon had pulled out the Roots of Windling Ridge!

Little Sheng Ye Yaoyao's actions are not planned, and the same is true of the White Deer Demon!

Even the spiritual roots are pulled out, the White Deer Demon really wants to leave!

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