Deer Demon Race

Chapter 321: Holy Rhino Valley

The holy ape, the dragon king, etc. went back to Fengling Ridge, after the white deer demon "bathed through the quiet day" to purify the sea of ​​knowledge, the Virgin of the Sea Spirit stayed on the Doufeng Ridge to guard, and the other four flew straight to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, ready to meet the old Together, the ospreys work together to kill the holy rhino in the boiling water of the potential lake bottom.

The dragon king transformed into his real body and wandered in the lake for a few times. First, he drove all the fish and shrimps into the Chisha River, and then took the magic jade bottle, directly pumped the water from Shengxi Lake, and moved it into the North Sea.

At the bottom of Shengxi Lake, there is a water outlet, and the underground water is constantly coming out, but it is boiling so badly that it is all pumped to the North Sea.

The dozens of rivers and streams that flowed from the mountains and rivers were led by Long Po, and first gathered to the Chisha River to ensure that the water of the Chisha River continued to flow.

When the Dragon King and his wife pumped water, the old Osprey told all the monsters in the Holy Rhinoceros Valley. Those who dare to flee, kill them!

Now the five demon sages enter the valley, and at both ends of the Great Desolate Mountain and the Holy Ape Mountain, there are also demon ancestors leading many demon kings and demon generals to prevent the demon who has been hit by the Crossing Curse from escaping.

While maintaining the magic weapon, the Dragon King joined forces with the four demon saints, surrounded the old rhinoceros, and had a good fight.

The old rhino skin is hard and hard, so the holy ape is the main force, and it took four days to grind it to death.

At the last juncture, he expected that there was no way to survive, and the holy rhino was crazy, not afraid of the catastrophe, and first spurred the many soul ropes he planted!

In order to harass the Holy Ape Mountain once in two hundred years, most of the demon kings in the holy rhinoceros valley were planted with soul-bound cords. He was inspired by this to seek burial, and curse and kill all the demon-masters who planted soul-bound cords!

This is totally unreasonable, so he went crazy before he died.

The Holy Rhinoceros Valley is not big, and the mysterious level elixir is no longer produced, but the Huangzhong grade and below are rich. In the past, in order to disturb the Holy Ape Mountain, the Holy Rhinoceros did not hesitate to raise a lot of monsters!

The powerhouses of all realms caused Heavenly Tribulation because of their killings. It is the demon general slaughtering the mortal beasts, the demon king slaughtering the little demon, the demon ancestor slaughter the demon Ding, and the demon saint slaughter the demon general, corresponding to the first level.

At the last moment, the holy rhino acted crazy, or thought, to lead the catastrophe, and drag these demon saints to accompany him!

Even the leopard demon Fushan who was captured last time was also wiped out by the soul.

Compared with the soul-binding rope, the curse of crossing the demon is more powerful, but since the holy ape killed his wife and children, the old rhinoceros has been full of hatred in his heart. I can't help it, and I haven't been able to spend much.

The last madness of the Great Sage of the Moon, wiped out the lives of most demon kings and demon generals in the valley. In the end, only four demon kings and more than twenty demon generals were left to survive. Those who have not planted souls are all of the same clan of the old rhinoceros. , Mochizuki Rhinoceros looks like a demon.

Then, Shengxi wanted to blew himself up!

If a demon saint-level self-detonation is activated, it is afraid that it will not spread to thousands of miles. Even if the demon saints on the scene do not die, they will be severely injured!

However, the tidal sage of Na Ran’s bloodline is far away from the Dragon Palace. After being broken by Bai Ze, Dragon Palace is willing to form marriages and alliances with Bai Ze. Demon energy can be stagnant at critical moments!

He had never exposed this ability in the previous battle with Liliyuan, so that when he faced the old rhinoceros, he might as well try to plot the most precious, demon-sage-level Mochizuki rhino horn!

If it were not for the demon saint-level Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn, he would not be willing to let him explode. Dragon Palace and Sacred Ape Mountain had already called the old Osprey and they would fight together!

As the tidal saint sang, the old rhinoceros disappeared, and the demon spirit stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, the holy ape borrowed Xinghui, and the last shoulder fell, causing the great sage holding the moon to fall to the ground.

When the body died, the curse of Duhua disappeared, his demon soul emerged, and finally recovered some soberness, and yelled at the holy ape: "Damn monkey, I've hurt me to this point, I can't wait to be a ghost, and curse you for thousands of years! "

The holy monkey did not say a word, watching him dissipate in the wind.

When the holy rhino fell, Xiwang immediately sent the order, and the monsters on the driving range began to pack their belongings and prepare to move.

Facing the west, Bai Ze whispered: "I'm sorry, I hurt you, but you stand there, and you are destined to die. Mo Tai blames me!"

Mrs. Xiwang sent a message again, calling the holy monkey to ask the rhino soul: "In the holy ape mountain, there is a famous tiger demon who can accept ghosts, and old rhinoceros is willing to be his ghost? Although he is only a demon, there are many things. Scold me for a few years!"

Rhinoceros was startled for a moment, before answering, a thunder fell gently from the sky, the power was extremely small, only enough to blast his soul away.

When the robbery arrives, it is not allowed to take over the moon and transform the ghost.

If you can't borrow the power of the heavens, it may be the mighty heavenly might that comes to kill the surrounding creatures, but if you want to borrow, it will definitely not make him what he wants!

This is the tribulation of heaven, the impermanence of heaven, and it is impossible to be figured out by any realm or creature.

This saint rhinoceros fell to this day, and it was indeed his own harm. The saint ape sighed and then told the truth to the west, then he packed his mood and began to distribute the spoils.

The most important trophy is the demon saint-level Mochizuki rhino horn. For this calculation, the Dragon Palace has helped the most, and it is the family of the two demon saints. This Mochizuki rhino horn will belong to the Dragon Palace, but his seventeen son-in-law, the White Deer Demon, will have it. The battle of life and death has already been agreed, and it must be borrowed for 41 years.

Next is the defensive power metamorphosis, but it has been broken and rotten. The magic weapon rhino leather robe that needs to be repaired slowly, the tidal sage who returned to help, the demon general can't use the magic weapon, this white deer demon could not be borrowed.

The rhino bones belong to the Virgin Mary of the Sea Spirit who stayed in Doufengling.

The demon sacred meat is all used for the opening ceremony. After this battle, the five families are formally allied, and the demon ancestors are coming to the banquet. Not to mention the demon-eating sacred meat, they need to know each other and deepen the alliance relationship.

There are four Mochizuki Rhinoceros demon kings alive, but this happens to be that apart from the Dragon Palace, each of the remaining four families has a Demon King-level Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn.

After discussing this, the holy ape listened to the sound transmission again, and then said: "The old woman has passed the word, and the surviving Demon King and Demon General are the real appearance of the Mochizuki Rhinoceros. They are not allowed to be killed. Still useful!"

The holy rhinoceros died, leaving him to wait for his way to survive. The four demon kings would not dare to resist, and would obediently hand over the rhino horns with the "Escape Curse", without worrying about life and death.

After the allocation was done properly, the Dragon King personally disassembled the corpse of the holy rhinoceros. Long Po laughed and said: "The sixteenth lady will come out of the pavilion on the fifth day of December next year. At that time, everyone will come to the dragon palace to have a wedding wine. some!"

The previous rumor that the Dragon Palace will marry her daughter on the seventh day of July is just false news. The real marriage date of the sixteenth mother is scheduled for the fifth day of December next year.

This in-law is really hard to do, the old woman complained a lot secretly, and the holy monkey sighed to Sheng'e: "The old Osprey saves trouble, I don't know how much to save money if I haven't been the dragon palace in-laws!"

Great Sage Tidal laughed bitterly, and felt the same.

Because of the nether sun, the old osprey went to the Dragon Palace to have a wedding wine, and he was free to follow the gift. Unlike the old ape and the old yellow croaker, he would bleed heavily. He laughed and said: "This holy family also wants to marry a dragon girl. Entering the door, it's a pity that the holy horn disturbs the sea and rushes with his family. How can you get married?"

He got a bargain to sell well, the holy monkey sighed, and then said: "You wait for the first to work, this holy to do coolies!"

The Dragon King raised his head and asked, "Can you ask me to help you?"

The holy monkey shook his head: "The old Osprey is stirring the sea. I'm moving the mountain, so why don't I need any other help?"

He flew back to the Sacred Ape Mountain for a ride, and the demon crowds on the mountain had already cleaned up, and they were all waiting by the Chisha River.

Seeing the sacred ape back, the mother Hailing who stayed behind asked: "Old ape, do you want this sage to help?"

The saint ape shook his head, still refusing the kind intention: "No need!"

Over there, looking to the west, Ti Yaoyao, Bai Ze Ti Babao, first go to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley to choose a location.

The Seventeenth Lady of the Dragon Girl, who pretended to run away with anger, took away most of the flying monsters in Doufengling at that time. Fortunately, the demon servants by the Chisha River were also able to fly, and all the walking monsters on the Doufengling could board them.

The Demon King, Demon General, and Demon Servant took off one after another, standing by the Chisha River only twenty-one, sighing for the local hustle and bustle.

The saint ape ignored him and landed directly on the ground, walking along the foot of the Drifting Ridge, step by step, step by step, and it took six hours to finish it all.

Then, he shook his body to maximize his facial expression, stepped forward to hug the mountain and shook it twice, along the footsteps of the footsteps of the mountain, cracks were born and enlarged.

You must move the mountain all over, and ensure that the roots of the mountain are intact. When the mountain is shaking, the holy ape has another clone and flies to the bottom of the Doufeng Ridge to protect the roots.

Then, the sacred ape's giant dharma exploded and screamed, with his arms exerting force, he hugged the whole of the driving range and flew up!

The vegetation shook violently on the driving range, but it was just shaking.

The Mother Sea Spirit who was about to protect her could not help being stunned: "Sure enough, with brute force, it is true that she moved the title of Great Saint of the Mountain!"

The sacred ape hugs the driving range, the Virgin of Hailing, the twenty-first and so on along the way, fly to the direction of the holy rhinoceros valley!

In that place, only a large concave pit was left. After a short time, it would be filled with water from the Chisha River, rain, and streams, turning it into a small lake.

The Saint Rhinoceros Valley was originally a part of the Great Wilderness Mountain, with an overall oval shape, north-south direction, more than seven thousand miles long and three thousand miles wide, surrounded by continuous mountains, with a flat dam in the center, and the vast Shengxi Lake with a radius of more than six hundred miles. The east side of the dam is also the source of the Chisha River.

Doufengling is too close to the monks and not safe enough. After Bailu demon thinks about it, the place he wants to move is Holy Rhinoceros Valley, but he is a small family, and he is reluctant to give up the mountain field built by his own hands. Fortunately, the holy ape has the ability to move mountains. , Rushed with Yaoyao, and got angry. When West Wang wanted to hear the conditions, he asked the holy ape to move the whole mountain into the holy rhinoceros valley.

After killing the old rhinoceros, this holy rhinoceros valley, the white deer demon wants it.

Shichiniang once thought that the Chisha River was narrow, and although the large lake in Shengxi Valley was not comparable to the Beihai, it should be enough for her to swim.

The Holy Rhinoceros Valley was originally owned by the Great Barren Mountain. Due to the insistence of the White Deer, the sacred ape couple and the old Osprey negotiated, from now on, the Holy Rhinoceros Valley is independent and no longer belongs to any family. At the same time, knowledge must be distributed.

The Bailu Demon gained a little independence with the power of, and the Holy Rhino Valley became independent, but at the same time, she was protected by the two demon saints.

From then on, no longer relying on only the holy ape, there is more leeway, and far away from the cultivator of God, the safety is much better!

To kill the White Deer Demon, please come across the entire Sacred Ape Mountain, and the Osprey is always ready to support!

There is more than one benefit. If you want to land on such a big land, the ancestors of Bai Ze will be able to use the Holy Rhinoceros Valley boundary to refine the heaven and the earth.

However, the head of the Holy Rhinoceros Valley is not the ancestor of Bai Ze, but the great demon general Bai Lu Yao, um, or the grandmother Dragon Girl Seventeenth.

The holy rhinoceros is dead, so it seems that holy rhinoceros valley and holy rhinoceros lake should also be renamed.

ps: The next chapter will be late

Deer deer race


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