Deer Demon Race

Chapter 322: Raise chickens and lay eggs

She moved to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, and it was Seventeen Niang who suffered the loss in Doufengling. The road to Jinzu she was looking for had to start again. Nine years in the same place, even wasted, of course, relative to the lifespan of the Demon King, nine years. It's not a big deal.

In addition, he shared the Holy Rhinoceros Valley with the Holy Ape, which originally belonged to the Great Wilderness Mountain. In order to comfort the old Osprey, his family's quota for picking Rihua has increased by 60, and now it is 260.

Our Lady of the Sea Spirit and the Great Saint of the Tides, each Xu Cairihua’s two hundred sea monsters, before the white deer’s sun improves, now the number of Cairihua’s quotas is full. Sit tightly packed.

Xiwang and Bai Ze flew in with them, regardless of the corpse of the holy rhinoceros that was still being decomposed, first flew around the holy rhinoceros valley.

The surrounding borders are all high mountains, except for the vast flat dam in the middle. No wonder it is called "valley". The grass dam around Shengxi Lake is very wide and there are many species.

In the grass dam by the lake, there are the most rhinos, and the rest are wild boars, buffaloes, elk, and then jackals, wolves, and leopards that hunt for food. In the mountains on each side, there are tigers, antelopes and other beasts.

There are also many waterfowls.

Frightened by the monster war, all the nearby beasts were a little sluggish, lost and wandering on the shore of the lake, a few energetic waterbirds gathered in the mud, eating snails and shells.

There are many rhinos on the shore, but Mochizuki Rhinoceros is one of the different species of beasts. After counting all of them, there are only 300 or so left, and the possibility of extinction is equally high.

These three hundred full moon rhinoceros were specially left for breeding, and the holy rhinos did not fully transform them into demons. The fertility of beasts is much higher than that of demons.

The most central place of Shengxi Lake is four to five thousand feet deep, and now, it is just a damp giant mud pit six to seven hundred miles wide, and the once vast lake is gone.

Looking high up in the sky, hundreds of miles of wide mud pits are slanted from all sides. In the deepest part of the center, a large swath of white mist is constantly rising out. It is boiling hot water, the temperature is super high, and it is lost. The huge amount of lake water neutralizes and cools, and when it emerges from the ground, it vaporizes into white mist and rises.

The streams that flowed out from the surrounding mountains are all led to the Chisha River to ensure that the river continues to flow, and there is no water source to inject. It is necessary to rely on the force of nature to fill these hundreds of miles of deep lake, I don’t know how much it takes. Years!

The ancestor Bai Ze was like a roundworm in his belly. He looked at the deer demon frowning and said: "Your Yue family is here, and you are afraid that you can't fill this lake?"

The demon Bailu smiled bitterly: "The magic weapon of Mount Tai is the water that can draw the North Sea, but the lake of Laolu, don't need sea water!"

Hearing their conversation, Long Po's voice came: "Bring the sea to fill the lake. I don't know how many creatures will be killed in the Chisha River. Your father-in-law does not want to be blamed by God, so please feel at ease!"

The unreasonably worried Bailu Demon was relieved.

After looking around, the Bailu Yao finally agreed, and he decided to use the west bank of Shengxi Lake that Long Po had chosen as the top of the mountain, and there are several hundred miles of grass dams around it. Not to mention the Dafengling Ridge, the view from all sides is wide. .

The mountain gate is ready to face the big lake.

The two old ospreys and old yellow croakers, who had been chosen by Long Po before, had led the demon ancestors, demon kings, and demon generals of the great barren mountain, or captured or drove them, and brought the holy rhinoceros valley monsters here.

Now ten miles away, a large number of black and oppressive demons have gathered, and several demonic sages are there, no matter how bad temperament is, they will stand down honestly and don't dare to stab them.

There are also demon and little demon continue to send.

The demon Bailu set a spot, and Long Po came over to help his son-in-law, and chanted a magic trick. Ten miles away from the lake bank, in the grass dam, if the earth dragon turns over, a huge amount of mud rolls outwards, imitating the foot of the mountain. The size creates a big mud pit, and when the holy ape moves over the mountain, the mountain can be placed immediately.

Don't say that several demon saints are there, so I just look to the west and Bai Ze helps each other, and the magical powers of "bath in the sun" can be used more often.

The Bailu Demon didn't want to be idle, so he first recruited the Demon King to come over.

The four Mochizuki Rhinoceros Kings who survived, without exception, were all hit by the Crossing Curse.

Deer deer waited for him to purify the monk curse first, and all his soul power was supplied to the privately-loved ghost Zixia, and waited for him: "I don't want to die, but besides giving the horns, you must act according to my old deer's order!"

This is a fake tiger, he, the big demon will speak, and the four demon kings are only loyal, waiting for the next intently.

After a short pause, the Demon White Deer said again: "My old deer has magical powers, only at the level of a little demon. I would like to ask you to wait to learn it. If the three months still don’t come out, please ask the ancestors to kill and open the Demon King Seat. noodle!"

Little monster-level supernatural powers, what have you learned and done? Is it hard to learn?

Afterwards, the Mochizuki Rhinoceros generals and the Deer Demon were not polite to the twenty-odd famous Mochizuki Rhinoceros generals. After all purification, he hummed: "The Mochizuki Rhinoceros horns can help gather moon spirits, but only the Demon King horns have this effect. Use it, leave it all for the horn, and also come to learn my magical powers. Those who can’t learn in March will also open the table. In addition, they still have to concentrate on promotion and must be diligent! You can see my old deer’s daily activities, not my own Blowing, it will make you wait to understand what is called'diligence'. It's not as good as my old deer, which is to be negligent and kill immediately. Those who are more diligent than me all year round can also get the elixir reward!"

The old Osprey's subordinates had been busy for a long time, and only a few hours later, did they send the remaining demon and little demon together.

In general, there were nearly 20,000. When the demon saints fought, the Great Barren Mountain and the Sacred Ape Mountain were blocked, and they were frightened, and few dared to escape.

Nearly 20,000 monsters, of which I don't know how many have been cursed by the monk, it will take a few months to purify all of them. The White Deer monster has precious time, so where is it willing to do it?

Flying into the air, the white deer demon shouted to all the demon and the little demon below: "My old deer can solve the monk's curse, and the curse's surrendered himself, but only this time. If you find out later, it will be If you kill something, you will never forgive!"

Listening to him, there were more than three hundred little demons who wanted to go out one after another, but unfortunately they only moved their steps, and the curse in the body broke out, and each twitched and screamed. It was carried out by the surrounding companions.

Because the holy rhinoceros is good for soul-binding, most of the demons in the holy rhinoceros valley are violent.

Only need to purify more than 300, which saves much effort and can be done in two days!

Among the remaining demons, there may also be those used by monks willingly, or those who have not yet given birth to the Buddha's thoughts after listening to the Buddha's sutras. They are not guaranteed to be clean. After the rhino banquet, the little demon invites all the ancestors to take them out and settle them. Great barren mountains and Liliyuan can be used, but if you realize that it is the Zhongdu Huaming Curse, you can kill it directly, and you don't need to send it again!"

Xiwangqi asked, "Do you not leave more demons in this huge sacred rhinoceros valley?"

The scope of the demon saint and demon ancestor's divine consciousness is indeed wide, but unless special attention is paid from time to time, the creatures of too low level will not be able to sense it.

The deer demon laughed and said: "I have to add a little demon, and it is not as stable as Xinhua. I dare not stay! And I thought, at the beginning, I asked the neighboring demon kings of Dahuang Mountain and Sacred Ape Mountain to help them. This You don’t need too much in the valley!"

The holy ape was holding the Cycling Ridge, flying very slowly, and the deer demon first purified the more than three hundred little demon that he carried out.

The holy ape flew up in the middle of the night, and according to the position required by the deer demon, he slowly put the Drifting Ridge into the big earth pit created by Long Po. After a slight shake, the holy ape recites the spell, flying into the mud to fill the incompatibility. Then cast the spell to make the roots of the mountain and the soil firmly unite, and slowly let go of the magic phase, it is already stable, and it will not move even if you push it lightly.

The peach tree side of the mountain faces the original Shengxi Lake, while Li Shulin faces the west.

After a while, in the bamboo forest in front of Futao Cave, a few bamboo rats probed their heads out of the hole to observe what was happening on the day.

It's a pity that their eyesight is too weak, so they have changed the world outside the mountains, and they don't know anything, they just treat it as a familiar home.

After purifying the little demon who took the initiative to stand up for three hundred, seeing that Mrs. Xiwang was a little tired, the deer demon turned to the holy ape for help, and then purified the alien little demon who was about to leave behind.

No matter where they are, the alien beasts and demons are only a few. Together with the Mochizuki Rhinoceros and the demon who have been taking care of by the Great Sage, there are only less than a hundred. You can't be too cautious about using it down, except for purification, you have to look at the contents of the pouch.

One of them, Mochizuki Rhinoceros Ding, knows that there is still a Monk Duji chanting the Dharma in the sea. The deer deer is purified first, and his soul power is supplied to the ghost, and then he personally kills him.

In this sack, there is a yellow jade Buddha, which was crushed by the white deer demon.

After crushing, there was a hint of yellow mist floating out, but Duji did not form a clone.

After that, the demon ancestors who arrived first checked the Bailu demon and asked the demon to drag the demon king out to kill the little demon who was sent to the holy monkey mountain.

The number is not much, only three were found.

The White Deer Demon looked back at the Demon King and Demon General's pouch who had left his life. Among the four demon kings, the name Xianyue and the name was Ru Hook King, and a Topaz Buddha was also found in the pouch.

Stared at by the Bailu Demon, he cried and cried, "I was picked by the monk to spread a message for him. Besides, I have never harmed anyone. The Buddhist scriptures have never been passed on!"

Turning his head to the other three demon kings: "Brothers testify for me!"

The three Demon Kings were afraid of being implicated, so none of them dared to speak.

The Demon White Deer snorted coldly: "A supernatural power will be born in March. My old deer won't kill you, just keep it!"

The Bailu Yaocai sent another word, telling the little demons to expose each other, and usually I heard that who would reciting the Buddhist scriptures to the outside world.

You can't be too careful about that Du Hua curse. UU reading

After sorting out this way several times, all Mochizuki's real monsters, from the Demon King to the Little Demon, were there, and they looked at the Bailu Demon's supernatural powers one by one.

What he was waiting to see was "rebirth". The White Deer was unwilling to kill chickens and get eggs, so he wanted to use "rebirth" to raise a group of Mochizuki Rhinoceros demon kings and take horns regularly.

Raise that hen to lay eggs!

Although the demon king-level Mochizuki rhino horns are newly developed, they need to produce the magical effect of helping the moon gathering, and the flower will last for a long time. If you learn "regeneration", it may be more difficult to grow than the antlers he is tempering, but it is only three or four. It takes ten years to get one, and raising it slowly is more cost-effective than killing the Demon King.

Then try to expand the size of the Mochizuki rhino group. A few hundred years later, I don’t have too many Mochizuki horns in my hands!

At that time, besides picking Rihua, will there be more demon begging to come?

Deer deer race


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