Deer Demon Race

Chapter 323: Cloth rain

The White Deer Demon was still purifying the little demon who had taken the initiative to admit the curse of the middle monk. Goubao, Huanghuaniang, Qingluo, Dajiao, etc., who came from the flying demon from the Chisha River in the original Doufengling Ridge, have been waiting for the sea. The demon arrived together.

The next day, large-scale Japanese and Chinese mining began.

There is a change of heaven and earth in the driving range, and there is a need to build tea houses and grass shops at the foot of the mountain. I don’t know when the construction of the cattle will be completed. While the original holy rhino valley demon and little demon have not been separated, coolies are indispensable. The deer demon ordered Goubao, Qiniu, etc. to be supervisors, and asked the ancestor Bai Ze to help, so that free labor was aroused.

The various constructions under the Drifting Ridge were started again, not to mention that the coolies were still wealthy, and they were also called to send all the soil excavated when Long Po dug out the huge mud pit to the top of the Drifting Ridge, covering the last area of ​​scorched earth.

The demon ancestors of the Beihai Dragon Palace, the Madonna of the Sea Spirit, and the Great Sage of the Tides arrived one after another two days later. He waited so slowly, mainly because each of them pushed a large cloud of clouds from Beihai all the way to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley.

In addition, the demon king and demon generals selected by the old poisonous fish and the old yellow fish to pick the Japanese flowers also accompanied them.

Today, the number of monsters in each of the Japanese collectors is two hundred for the old poisonous fish and the old yellow croaker. The great desolate mountain is two hundred and six, the holy monkey mountain is four hundred and five, and the dragon palace is five hundred. The remaining number belongs to the white deer monster, except for the first. I didn't dare to be dangerous, so I squeezed a little bit later, and it was estimated that I could be settled down.

The two demon kings, Sixteen Niang and Seventeen Niang, came with Dalang, ignoring the people who had fallen at the foot of the mountain, and they flew to Doufengling by themselves.

Seeing Seventeen Niangs from a distance, Baibao yelled terribly: "Lady!"

Water waves flowed in the eyes of Seventeen Niang. First, leaving Sixteen Niang aside, Yingying stepped forward and asked, "The slave is not here. Husband and the female ghost want to have a happy life? Tonight, don’t forget!"

The female ghost in the sea of ​​knowledge buried her head and pretended not to hear.

The deer demon couldn't help but cried out: "It was an agreed matter, but what is my old Lu's heart? And hasn't it been beaten last time?"

The seventeenth mother hummed, "I pretended to beat my husband last time, and it wasn't a slave to vent my anger!"

Qing Luo was flying over to greet her, and when she heard this, she giggled so hard that she couldn't stand her waist up after a dozen feet.

Although Yaoyao had a moth and replaced the supposed fox demon Tianxiang with the female ghost Zixia, but the one who was stunned last time, why should he lose his anger?

Deer Deer was stunned, the Seventeenth Mother pursed her lips and chuckled, then rolled her eyes to him: "Stupid!"

The Bailu Demon only realized that he was scaring himself.

When did this lady learn to joke?

Seventeen Niang waved to Qing Luo again, and when she stepped forward, she called "grandma" in a salute, then she held her hand and said to the deer demon, "Follow the slave's house to see Sister Sixteen!"

The Sixteen Niangs who came along were equally beautiful, with a slightly round face, wearing a black dress, and a faint beauty mole in the center of her forehead. At this moment, she raised her head and looked at the clouds that gathered on the Drifting Ridge.

Layers of clouds converged to the holy rhinoceros valley for thousands of miles, mixing with each other, and they have gathered into black and heavy clouds. It is estimated that the rain is coming soon.

The seventeenth mother led her husband and the Shura girl to her, the deer demon called "Sister Sixteen" and Qingluo called "Girl".

The Sixteenth Mother bowed her head back, nodded lightly, and asked the White Deer Demon: "I heard that your Xinna female ghost came in. Why didn't you call it out to meet you?"

The deer deer had to let out a cloud of black mist and gloomy wind, and it quickly solidified into a purple cloud in a gray robe, tweaking and saluting the Sixteenth Niang, just like Qingluo, whispered: "Girl!"

The Sixteenth Mother glanced at her and said with dissatisfaction: "I don't look very aggressive, and I don't act well. Your grandma is also here. If you haven't respected tea before, why not bow to her?"

With such a strong temper, Zixia was so embarrassed just now that she didn't dare to salute Seventeen Niang. Master Lu was beaten up by this grandma at any time, how could he protect her?

Her identity was so terrible that she couldn't stand a fight, and she was said to be a big red face. Zixia hurriedly made up for a gift, her voice softer like a mosquito: "Grandma!"

The Shura girl was beside her, her heart was very happy, she suddenly felt that this grandma's sixteenth sister was pleasing to her eyes, and she yelled: "Oh! There is always something to poke your face!"

Fearing the grandmother, but not afraid of this female monster, Zi Xia glared back.

The two concubines are at odds, and the sister is better off. Sixteen Niang didn’t reprimand the two who were confronting each other face to face. She only said to Bai Lu demon: “Although I heard that I was acting according to plan, I have not yet married. My brother-in-law has already accepted two Ji concubines. Enter the room, this time it's fine, I will try to restrain myself later, and save some face for the slave girl!"

In the Demon King Cave of the other house, dozens of demon girls are just commonplace, and my old deer is already very constrained!

Unexpectedly, the first time she met, she would be criticized by her aunt, but she was also good for the seventeenth mother, and a relative, the deer demon should have bowed her head.

The Sixteenth Mother said: "My sister is a happy sex, I don't want to blame my brother-in-law! This ghost is connected with you, you have to be with you, and it is not easy to be ignorant everywhere, so let’s make a joke. Just enter the door newly, first send the girl to her side, and make some rules!"

Lu Yao was a little surprised, but Zixia's temperament was indeed all sorts of awkwardness, and in the presence of Seventeen Niang, he was right in front of Ji concubine, and he couldn't object.

Grand Master Luoxiaguan became a ghost who couldn't help but fell into the hands of the ridiculous and shameless Master Deer. He became a thug and became a plaything. His fate was already miserable enough, and he didn't want to be called to the grandma of the main house anymore. Standing in front of the rules, the ghost suddenly dumbfounded.

When I was alive, I used to fight against the head of the golden core. Do you still dare now?

After the Sixteenth Mother had established her majesty, she found a small piece of real ambergris in her sleeves: "This thing is a great ghost practice, even if you pass it, it is also for the brother-in-law's family harmony. If you don't see anything wrong, just accept it!"

Being beaten and rubbed, Master Lu was trying to temper the Youyang, the real ambergris was not enough, and it was not a problem to steal it.

She used to chat with the Seventeenth Sister. The sixteenth sister’s temperament was better, but she was not very afraid. She held hands with the grandmother in the house, giggled and condemned: "Girl, even girls who don’t know how to be ashamed It's good, but there are slaves too?"

Sixteen Niangbai glanced at her: "It's a shameless one!"

Turning out another black bone in her hand, she said: "A hundred years ago, the ray slayed a rebellious demon king of sharks, and he dismantled the body quickly. I didn’t want the bone under the shark's fin to be different. Later, it was Mizuyasha who said it was broken. Dadao bones are useful for monsters. When you go out this time, you will exchange them with him and count as your meeting gift."

The jade bones that Master Lu brought back from the Xuantian Sect were sent to Mengluo Mountain, and Qingluo never got it again. In the battle between Liliyuan and Saint Rhinoceros Valley, Master Deer did not follow him. For the dozens of corpses of the Demon King in Saint Rhinoceros Valley, Master Deer had poured five demon pills, but the corpses had cooled down and a piece of jade bone had not been obtained. , I even sighed for her, but she didn't expect Sixteen Niang to take out one piece, happily took it, and said: "Oh! Thank you very much, the girl is thoughtful and magnificent!"

She was flattering over there, and the ghost couldn't help but roll her eyes again: Bitch, who is this shame?

The two sides have already seen each other, and the seventeenth mother said: "Sister, go see my sister's room!"

Master Lu hasn't been able to live in officially yet. Hearing what she said, the sixteen mothers came as a guest, and the two sisters thought they were going to sleep together. The last time Seventeen Niang pretended to be angry, the things were moved away, and she brought them back in her casual bag, and she had to spend time arranging them. Qing Luo hurriedly called Yu Wei and Tian Xiang to help.

Last time she feigned anger, all the Ye Mingzhu were taken away, and the dragon girl took out three buckets of new Ye Mingzhu and asked the deer demon to arrange for the little demon to inlay each room again.

When the deer deer accepted Pearl, the two dragon girls held hands and went to see the house.

Seeing the ghost hesitating in the same place, wondering whether to go with grandma, the deer demon cried, "You also go with the lady!"

Rules will be set if you go! Zixiabai glanced at him, gritted her teeth, and chased afterwards.

The clouds and mists gathered more and more densely, and there were already broad bean-like raindrops falling, and it quickly turned into a downpour.

Suddenly, the natural thunder was triggered again, and the lightning thunderbolt.

There is still a holy rhinoceros mat on this driving ridge, which is not so wet. The Virgin Mary of Sea Spirit shook her body, and her white umbrella magic weapon refined from the body flew high in the sky. The ridge is covered in it.

The white giant umbrella is getting bigger and bigger, and it also covers the foot of the mountain, so that the little demon of the original holy rhinoceros valley can continue to rush to work without being affected by the heavy rain.

The rain was really heavy. On all sides of the big white umbrella, the collected rainwater quickly washed down like a waterfall.

This is the case on all sides, under the huge white umbrella, the whole Drifting Ridge looks like a hole in a curtain of water.

When the deer deer looked around the big white umbrella and sighed, at the foot of the mountain, a Mochizuki little demon who built the thatched cottage yelled, "Send a flood of water!"

All the supervisors looked over, and he hurriedly shrank his head.

The pig demon iron hyena reprimanded: "Work carefully and scream indiscriminately?"

The rhinoceros demon whispered: "Master, my name is Wanyue, I have the magical power of'Insight', and I know a little about things around me. I was surprised by the flash flood, not shouting!"

After he said this, the ancestor Bai Ze flew quickly and said: "Negligence, negligence!"

Flew to the front, mentioned the rhino monster, and flew back to Joyride Ridge.

It didn't take long for the master deer to pass the order, and the rhino demon's remnant moon would later fill in the half-xuan Ding, and from tomorrow onwards, he could follow the sun.

If you fly out of the joyriding ridge, you will rise a little higher and look around. In every valley, new streams will come together, and the original stream will rise sharply.

As the little demon said, there was a flash flood.

Long Po's spells have been maintained After the water surges, only part of the water flow into the Chisha River to ensure continuous flow, and the rest is allowed to flow into the Holy Rhinoceros Lake.

It usually rains heavily, and the time will not be too long, but dozens of demon ancestors worked hard to gather all the clouds. In order to fill the holy rhino lake, the holy rhinoceros feast was carried again, making the holy rhinoceros valley thousands of miles away. , There was a full month of heavy rain day and night, and it was raining thousands of miles at the same time! When the full moon was hit, all the demon of Drifting Ridge took the rain to fly to the boundary of the old ancestor of Sacred Ape Mountain to collect moon spirits. Fortunately, by then, the flying little demon that the Seventeenth Mother had taken away have returned, enough to ride. .

After the ancestors of the North Sea arrived, the sacred rhino banquet was held on the riding flat, making countless little monsters speechless, and they have seen this, so that this monster is not in vain, enough to brag for hundreds of years!

In the past, the Demon King was already terrific, but on this day, the Demon King could only walk on the running water seat, and many people who had no seats could only wait for the change of seats!

The demon general is even more so!

Deer deer race


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