Deer Demon Race

Chapter 324: Holy Rhinoceros Feast

There were six demon saints who participated in the banquet on this day, including the Great Sage of the Mountain, the Great Sage of Stirring the Sea, the Dragon King of Beihai, the Dragon Po of Beihai, Our Lady of the Sea Spirit, and the Great Sage of Tides.

The demon ancestors are eight in the holy ape family, eighteen in the dragon palace, sixteen in the old poisonous fish family, eleven in the old yellow fish family, twelve in the Great Desolate Mountain, plus the Bai Ze from the holy rhinoceros valley, for a total of sixty-six. !

Six and sixty-six, the mouth color is very good!

For today's banquet, several territories have emerged from empty nests, and there are only some useless demon kings to watch the house. If there are foreign enemies, it will be ugly. However, even the Beihai Dragon Palace, for the start of the battle, all the valuable treasures in the home except for the spiritual roots and spiritual plants have been carried with them, and there are only some large-scale goods in the warehouse, so I am not worried.

In addition, the five six demon saints joined forces, and the demon saints with grievances around them heard the wind and knew each other, and no one should dare to commit another crime. Among the monks, the Lingshan Temple was hit hard, and it is still busy to settle down, the Xuantian Sect and the Sect. The invasion of the far Antarctic Palace didn't do much, but it was possible that the six demon saints would immediately counterattack, and he would not act rashly until he came up with a countermeasure.

The above are the big guys who have tasted the saint rhino meat, and among them, there is only one exception demon king, and there is also one big demon general.

It is the couple of the Dragon Girl 17 Niangs and the Deer Demon Baibao who are half of the master's family!

The body of the holy rhinoceros was huge, and the Dragon King was cautious when dissecting the body, and it took a day to get rid of all the meat.

But the demon saints will have an effect if they eat it. Although it is not good to have no skin and bones, each value is only the medicinal power comparable to the ground-level high-grade and the heaven-level low-grade. Who cares about the taste? After they were given a share, the six demon saints were at the desk and horrified the demon with their appetite, and the demon ancestors were not far behind!

Seventh Niang was given a large piece of watermelon, was eaten so hard, and sat quietly to digest.

As the person with the lowest cultivation base, the White Deer Demon was even more unbearable, so he picked up the Japanese for a long time, and was afraid that he would be eaten to death.

In order to gather Japanese flowers, Doufengling is in a special position, and every family must take care of it. As the landlord of the Holy Rhinoceros Valley and the provider of the Youyang, the Bailu Yao, the seventeenth mothers got his light, and each got this.

The other grandsons of the dragon, the sacred apes, the two grandsons of the old osprey from the Great Desolate Mountain, the young son of the Virgin of Hailing, and the grandson of the great sage of the tide do not have this treatment, and the descendants of the demon sage cannot sit with the demon ancestor!

According to the importance of Dragon Palace, Sixteen Niang's status is not as good as Lulu, and of course she doesn't have her share.

The holy rhino went crazy before dying and cursed a dozen demon kings to death. Today is a big scene. They are all cooked. The demon king seats and the demon general running water seats below are not bad, but the taste of the demon king’s meat entrance is only known. .

The main seat is the old ape and the old osprey. After all, they will depend on them to protect the white deer demon couple. The Holy Rhinoceros Valley belongs to both the Holy Ape Mountain and the Great Barren Mountain, which is different from the sea monsters. Only considered the real landlord, the White Deer Demon is only half a small.

The wine brewed by King Zhu Wei's family and the wine stored in the Doufengling wine cellar were not qualified for the demon ancestors' dinner, so they could only be sent to the demon king and the demon general's dinner.

The drinking water that the demon saint and demon ancestor drank was reluctantly taken out by Mrs. Xiwang. It was all the good wine robbed by the Xuantian faction. Last time, she didn’t give up points to the deer demon. This time 72 big monsters are going to drink it. How many?

If it weren't for the lady of the holy ape and the teacher of the white demon, she would have to gritted her teeth to hold out the scene, she would really not bear so much.

After the saint rhino meat was eaten, the wine passed three rounds, the tidal saint hiccuped, and said: "Stone, come to meet your Baibao brother!"

There are two "stones" in the head of a yellow croaker. They are white like a chess piece and are called fish brain stones. Therefore, the yellow croaker belongs to the stone head fish. For this reason, the tidal sage gave this name to his favorite grandson, but the stone and the Just like Yaoyao, he was also a demon boy who had nothing to do with his real life. He was even younger, only more than eight hundred years old, looking at his head and brain.

When the stone demon ancestor rushed to the house, the old yellow fish asked him to visit a few demon saints. At this time, he called up again, only to meet the white deer demon alone, and the holy ape was a little confused.

The stone stepped forward, and according to his grandfather's words, he bowed to the demon white deer and called it "brother."

The first-class drink Xiwang brought out was also too powerful, and it was not as good as the Bailu Demon. At this time, the wine bowl in Baibao's hand was only the wine in his own wine cellar. When the child came to see the ceremony, he hurriedly put down the wine glass, and said to the Great Sage Tide, "Don’t worry, it’s harder to pick Rihua in the first day. I don’t need to take care of the rest. I don’t dare to neglect this young man. Holy!"

Hiccuping, the old yellow fish shook his head and said, "Why is this saint worrying about that? It's the magical power taught by your family tutoring demon. Don't go the wrong way, think carefully but be thorough. It's rare to have it in every school. The little demon talks. You said it was passed on?"

This is the wisdom of the eyes and the supernatural power, to beg for your grandchildren?

Bailu Demon answered in doubt, "Yes!"

Sure enough, the old yellow croaker continued: "My grandson, stay here to pick the sun and flowers. I am far away from home. I am afraid that I will only play with it all day. Keep him in the Drifting Ridge and learn some magical powers leisurely!"

Hearing what he said, the holy ape was a little embarrassed. After eating a lot of sticks from the deer demon, Yaoyao was so upset that she was urged by the old woman. If she didn’t say anything, she would only suffer a loss, and listen to some magical powers to earn back, so as to deceive Yaoyao. The bait was not what he meant by the old ape.

The old yellow croaker has a stone in his head, but it is not a stone head. It's faster than my old ape!

In the city of Caopufang at the foot of the driving range, there will be a demon ancestor who will be sent by the five families in turn. Hearing the meaning of the great sage of the tide, his grandson will not only learn supernatural powers, but also want to put it on the driving range. Stay in Fangshi.

The deer deer looked at the stone for a few moments. In today's big scene, it was a little honest, or not as abhorrent as Yaoyao, but how can the superficial skill be real?

Therefore, he replied: "I am only a demon general, how can I control this little saint?"

The Great Sage Tide hummed: "Hands in your hands, just like your junior brother, you can beat and scold at will, don't beat the cannibal to death!"

In the past few days in Saint Rhinoceros Valley, he has heard a little bit about everything. The supernatural powers of the sun are more capable of being the demon clan's reliance than spells.

The demon saint spoke up, and all the people below pricked their ears to listen. Yaoyao heard tears, bad things spread for thousands of miles, I was beaten to death by the white deer demon all day long, and I was about to spread the seas farther than the North Sea. went!

Huang Huaniang also listened to her. She didn't expect that the Great Sage of Tide attaches so much importance to the supernatural powers of the White Deer, so she should pay less attention to making a living in the future, and follow the big horns and poo stubborn to go to the earth building to listen to it? The demon saint’s grandchildren can learn it, and the old lady also learns magical powers from the demon, so she won’t lose the demon!

The other kings of Shanyang are calculating, if there are magical powers to sell the White Deer, should the price increase?

The old yellow croaker is not a joke, the old ape. After speaking, he took up the wine glasses and the pilgrim ape said: "My grandson, the family committee is a bit too spoiled. I still see Brother Ape and his wife teaching children. , I understand the truth, I respect Brother Ape and Mrs. Wife a bowl!"

At this time, even looking towards the west made a red face, and the holy ape was even more embarrassed, but the people praised it sincerely, and did not deliberately laughed at it, and awkwardly forced a drink with it.

The Dragon King and his wife, who knew the inside story, had already laughed, but they were also in-laws. The daughter-in-law of Shiba Lang was the old yellow croaker concubine, and the concubine married the concubine. Speaking of which, the old yellow croaker's family has no relatives, so it is not easy to withdraw on the spot. Taiwan just pretended not to hear it.

The Great Sage of Tide drank, put down the wine glass, and asked the White Deer Demon again: "The Great Demon will be more refreshed, is it allowed?"

The demon saint himself spoke, if only this stone, Bai Lu demon would not fail to agree, but to prevent him from being too busy, he nodded and said: "The great saint is willing to suffer from his grandson, how dare my old deer refuse? Driving around the hills is small, only accept the little saint!"

The Great Sage Tide was pleased: "The Bailu Demon is not used to going backwards, just call him by name, and fight if he doesn't listen! Here, does he have a little sage to line up?"

The stone was uncomfortable, he looked at the Bailu Yao fiercely, and then looked back to look at Yaoyao.

Will you really be beaten in the future?

Did you fight hard?

The demon Bailu hasn't been humble yet, and his father-in-law interrupted: "The descendants of the Dragon Palace are all your dearest relatives. You have not only opened a mouth, but also moved up to the Drifting Ridge. You can control it well. At the foot of the mountain?"

I have known that the magical powers of Doufengling Mountain are not difficult to learn. They have a lot of skills without pressing down. According to the gift of the seventeen mothers, the White Deer Demon is already learning the magical powers of the Demon King, and it will be even more impressive in the future. He could talk to the Seventeen Niang secretly first, and then the Dragon Girl and the White Deer Demon would discuss it, but he was afraid that it would be difficult for his daughter to do it, so he simply talked to the son-in-law.

There is only one grandson sent by the Great Sage of Tides, but there are forty or fifty of the dragon son, dragon daughter, dragon grandson, and grand grandson of the Dragon Palace. Among the dragon grandson and the dragon grandson, all of them are grown up like elders. , And even the elder sister of the seventeenth mother, where can I manage? The White Deer Demon resolutely refused: "Old Mount Tai, I have to go down, and when I receive it from the mountain, do they care about me, or do Lao Lu care about him?"

Shouldn't it be mentioned in person, and being rejected as a father-in-law is not shameful? Long Po couldn't help but stared at the Dragon King. After thinking about it, he said, "Dragon Palace descendants, no matter what status you are in, you can control it! Doesn't you have a demon ancestor Bai Ze in your family? Tell him to be arrested and punished. It’s a serious business. Whoever dares to talk too much, the queen and the king will be the masters for you! There are many descendants of the Dragon Palace, and it is inevitable that the good and the bad will be uneven. Huang Yu knows what happened? The empress talks today. If he doesn't kill or mutilate, he will be skinned and cramped, and I can't ask! That peach stick, use the empress to temper you a couple of times, so the demon king can't escape the pain. !"

Long Po has already said this, and I'm afraid I will turn my face if I refuse it!

She glanced at the dragon girl at the same table. Although she was still smiling on her face, the deer deer believed that she dared to say "no" and couldn't make the word. There must be a bag on her head tonight!

Had to bite the bullet and promised, Mother Hailing and the Great Sage Stirring Sea again spoke, and they couldn’t help but provoke the demon White Deer to scream: "Ming’er will give you a killer wand, and ask you to take a look at me. The old deer is amazing!"

To come and not to be indecent, the peach stick was first handed to the mother-in-law, and she helped to temper, the Bailu Yao turned in her own mind, ready to open her mouth to ask for benefits.

Supernatural powers teach foreigners, and the tuition must always be collected. How can it be passed on in vain?


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