Deer Demon Race

Chapter 325: Control fee

Please let your father-in-law release the soundproof cover to keep the people below the Demon King outside, and the Deer Demon said: "Holy Lords, I will only kill one holy rhino. The poison monk is not too bad!"

After being laid out for so long, six demon saints gathered together, but only a few clones of the monk were wiped out in the battle from Liyuan, and the Buddha's thoughts were severely damaged. In addition, most of the spies in the Sacred Ape Mountain and the North Sea were cleaned up, and then a great sage was seriously injured. , Completely failed to achieve the expected results.

If only to kill the holy rhinoceros, with the strength of these companies, how can it be so troublesome?

After the war started, seeing that the situation was not good, the monk had no choice but to collect the Buddha's thoughts from the bottom monsters, and the clone's ability increased to a level comparable to that of the main body. If the main body was the main body that constrained the Buddha's thoughts, to what extent would the combat power be increased? It's good to be able to be wiped out once, but as long as you have a hundred years of respite, the Buddha's thoughts can regain the same size as before, and it is not eradicated!

With the help of Buddhism, the severely wounded old elephant may recover quickly from his injuries. If you pass on the spy, you will give time to the monk to cross yourself. Are you afraid that you won’t infiltrate?

Overall, the gains are really not great.

The monk deity is estimated to have logged on to the continent now. According to Bai Ze's introduction, in five or six years, the Lingshan Temple brigade will also complete the voyage and move to Luzhou in North Ju, and then add the strength of an old lion demon saint. , I don’t know how many Yuanying members are under the sect, and the disciples will definitely be able to lay out a great formation to help the mountain!

Once this time, it would be much harder to map the monk's house in the future!

The sea is far away and the tidal sage who is least threatened by the monks said: "The demon sage under the world, like Brother Ape, has little combat power, but not many weak! The old rhino grows on defense and drains the lake first. My five demon saints rubbed him for a few days before he was killed. Where else is it easy to kill? Liliyuan, the old elephant and old bear, with no brute force to defeat Brother Ape, only magic weapon and law are inferior, if It’s hard to fight and kill one if you want to abandon and flee from the original place!"

The holy ape said quietly: "This old rhinoceros, I've been harmed by me, and I've been wronged a bit."

This big truth made me turn my eyes at the twenty-first wait.

Seeing countless eyes looking at him, the holy monkey smiled bitterly: "The old bear and the old elephant are also wronged, but the old elephant pays off. Look at the old bear. Most of them don’t want to fight to death with us. Thinking, maybe you can use the Bailu Demon's magical powers to save him."

Back then, the holy ape rushed into the old lion land to help, and the old bear ran away when he saw it. Now it has been found out that he did not want to pass the monk curse to him, but the holy ape also accepted his love.

The grievancer is dead, and the gratitude must pay back one or two.

For other families, if they can save a demon saint and come back, the strength between one's own side and the poisonous monk Lingshan Temple will rise and disappear. I am afraid that it will not be better than opening the demon saint's face?

Everyone agrees with the idea of ​​the holy monkey, the key is that the old bear is willing to cooperate! The Bailu Yao is only the demon general, and it is too difficult for him to forcefully save the demon saint.

Bai Ze sat in the last place of the demon ancestors, tasting the spirit wine, and whispered: "Listening to the holy masters, the monk avatar drank during the battle, the old bear did not dare to answer. I want to come, or just because I got away. , The monk added a trick to several demon saints, so Old Xiong was happy, and the white deer demon's magical powers would not be able to purify his curse for a while!"

Buddha Nian'er can make life and soul pain, difficult to resist, but easily curses the undead demon, the appearance of the white deer demon, Bai Ze has already escaped, and the important demon sage, Monk Duji may impose an additional insurance method.

Regarding the understanding of the monk curse, no one in the room can compare to him. After Bai Ze spoke out, the holy ape, the dragon king, the west, the white deer demon, etc. all turned their heads and waited for the following.

Bai Ze dropped his wine glass and said again: "I want to come, to save the great sage that shakes the earth. I must first fight the monk Duji and I can't hold it. Even the demon ancestor and the Buddha Nian'er in the sea of ​​demon sage knowledge will be recalled, so that the soul can be purified. Hopeful!"

Earthshaker is the holy name of the old bear. The reason why he is only mentioned is because he is speculated based on performance. The old bear should be like Bai Ze, not completely succumbing to the curse of crossing, and the old elephant should have converted. .

After listening to Bai Ze’s words, several demon saints frowned, and Mother Hailing said: "The monk has turned to the bright face, and if he hits his house again, the monks will come to save again, but in the future, it will be hard to come by. machine!"

The white deer demon interrupted at the right time: "Our Lady, it's actually not difficult!"

The seventeenth woman sitting side by side with him tilted her head slightly and looked over.

When he was timid and cautious, the husband only relied on suspicious guesses, insisting that the 21st ancestors were close to the monk’s home, and he had been living insecure for a long time, and he wanted to move here. !

As the daughter of the Dragon King and the realm of the Demon King, she feels depressed on these occasions, and she is cautious about losing her manners. He is a great demon general!

There is also a very petty temperament in his usual actions, but this time he came back and listened to Yu Wei's words. Master Lu added his body to the demon in the mountain field. Ding can't compare; and beside the wonderful sound bamboo forest last night, he started to discuss with his family, what confidants should pass the "Wanxiang Xinghui Art"! How can this be stingy?

What a weird husband!

Mrs. Ape said that his disciple had great luck, and that she could achieve success with the help of the sun to purify the soul and collect Japanese flowers, supernatural powers to learn, and refining tools. Our Lady of the Sea Ling also felt that it was reasonable. She did not realize that the big demon would offend, so she asked seriously. : "Why not difficult?"

The demon Bailu replied: "I thought I couldn't beat Liyuan, or because there were not enough demon saints in the alliance, I would like to pull a few more, I am afraid of his family?"

It turned out to be a simple but most effective way to rely on the demons to crush the crowd! Our Lady Hailing nodded and sighed again: "Unfortunately, your secluded sun, it is rare to take a step further, and you can't attract more! If not, the Little Demon of Winding Ridge will cut some quotas?"

The Little Demon, Demon Ding, and Demon Saint Family are close to the Demon King, and the Demon Generals are side-by-side to pick up Japan, or the most dissatisfied thing of each family!

Bailu demon only shook his head: "Among the two thousand and twelve demons who are mining Rihua today, the Doufengling Demon and the Little Demon are only in their early 400s. All of them are reduced, and at most one or two more families are involved. !"

Pulling two demon saints is not worth your little demon?

It made the demon saints uncomfortable, but when he said that, he thought that he had some ways to deal with it. The old osprey, the old ape, the dragon king couple, and the old yellow fish were all interested. Long Po asked, "What do you say?"

Lu Yao replied: "Reservation! As explained by the intention to send Rihua to the next door, although there is no place, but after I have a lot to enter, the place for Cai Rihua can be booked!"

The easiest way to consume in the previous life was to consume in advance, but several demon saints thought for a while before realizing it.

The Bailu Demon also paused for a while, and then said: "If you deserve it late, you won’t have his family's share next time! In addition, the five of you present here contribute the most. If you invite others to rely on you, it’s better to make up for the expenses and help. My old deer tempers his spiritual knowledge, and each family can expand their quotas when they make progress!"

The old Osprey questioned: "The demon ancestor under the sacred sect, better than you are rich, the demon will be more expensive?"

The deer deer smiled and replied: "True ambergris! Just use each family to go to the mountain to learn the magic number of magical powers, and collect two or two real ambergris as a'control fee' every year!"

Sacred Ape Mountain only came to learn, and there was nothing close to the demon waiting to increase the number of places. Xiwang did not believe that this disciple dared to charge his own "control fee", she and the old ape did not say anything.

Our Lady of the Sea Spirit and the Great Sage of Tides are sea monsters. There are monsters of dragon blood in the demon ancestors and demon kings. There is no shortage of real ambergris, and each of them has only one descendant to study supernatural powers, only two or two each year. The amount is not large, and it is silent.

In terms of quantity, the Dragon Palace is the most who have come up the mountain!

Seventeen Niang only felt that she was sighed before, and she glared at her.

The Dragon King was furious, but the Long Po screamed: "Even the'control fee' was received by relatives? I didn't see you being poor! The demon saint Mochizuki's rhino horn has been borrowed for forty-one years. How can you have the face to say this? ?"

Moved to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, according to the previous allocation, the old ape can be assigned to the demon king-level Mochizuki rhino horn, and the white deer has been begging to obtain it. The deer deer is teaching the Mochizuki Rhinoceros King’s origin to "regenerate".

The demon king-level rhino horns that the Bailu demon asked for were given to the Dragon King couple to use it first. It was only after 41 years of borrowing that demon sacred horn that they didn't feel bad at all.

Being scolded by his mother-in-law, the deer deer calmly replied: "Old Taishui, you don't need to go out of the Dragon Palace library! The uncles and aunts all lead the body and want to go to the mountains to learn supernatural powers. The "control fee" can be paid by themselves, no If you want to learn, just stay at the foot of the mountain and play!"

From the Sixteen Niangs and Seventeen Niangs, it is known that the children of the Dragon Palace can receive real ambergris every year.

After listening to the deer's idea, Long Po became slightly less angry: "It shouldn't be a harvest, each is the blood relative of the seventeenth mother!"

Deer deer explained a little more: "If you don’t know that the family’s relatives in the Dragon Palace are suffering from the flesh, you can only treat them as living for nothing, and you should talk about everything. Tai Shui also knows that my old deer is a poor mountain demon. How can you stand it?"

It is still unbearable in this way, Long Po asked: "As for the dragon clan, there are five taels of real ambergris a year is enough, why do you receive so much?"

The deer demon truthfully said: "My old deer has a life and death gambling agreement, it is not too economical to use; on weekdays, he is not empty, and his magical powers are all dog treasures. I have to ask the Dragon Palace every year to get everything ready for her; besides, I still have a female ghost, and I have to consume real ambergris!"

Seventeen Niang's expenses were also included in this Bendang brothers and sisters should support his couple, and Longpo only turned off the fire and stopped speaking.

It’s not the same as the older sisters who hired husbands and sons-in-laws to live. It’s better to be able to earn money with your own skills than to ask for it from the Dragon Palace. You have to listen to the harsh gossip of the nineteenth mother and understand the meaning of the demon white deer. The corners of Seventeen Niang's mouth were slightly tilted, and all the previous unhappiness disappeared.

The fire in the Dragon Palace subsided, and the old Osprey asked: "That's really ambergris, I can't produce the great barren mountain!"

The deer deer said to him: "The great barren mountain is also near the sea! I once heard Master say that tens of thousands of years ago, the holy eagle brought a holy eagle over and occupied the holy monkey mountain. Going overseas, is there no friendship in the sea? Your family’s two grandchildren who have learned magical powers are really at a loss. You can use other treasures to replace them with my Yue Zhang’s family, the mother’s house, and the tidal master’s family. difficult!"

Sheng'e nodded lightly.

ps: Chapter 2 is still late, I can't wait to see it tomorrow.


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