Deer Demon Race

Chapter 326: Arrogant

Several demon saints agreed to come down and negotiate the price. The deer deer was now anxious to get more of the mountain. He glanced at the demon ancestor seat and smiled: "The banquet is almost a mile away. I have learned magical powers for many years, and I have to pick Japanese flowers first. After all, how good is my ability? I should show all the saints and ancestors. Why don't you call out a few and try your skills?"

The demon clan’s admiration of the Japanese sunflowers comes from their admiration of the ancient great monsters in the rumors. The demon of the ancient ancestors of the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain only started to gather the sunflowers this year. Soon, what will be the effect? Apart from a couple of apes, I really don't know.

Doufengling has first collected Japanese flowers for nine years, and can see one or two, everyone is willing, but there is a shrimp demon ancestor in the house of the sea spirit. , Said aloud: "What's so good about the demon fighting? Why don't you end up with Baibao and fight against the demon generals of the same rank?"

The demon Bailu laughed and said, "Ancestor, my old deer will not bully the demon of the same rank!"

He was arrogant, but in this soundproof enclosure, Sheng Yuan, Xiwang, Bai Ze, and Shiqi Niang felt that it was not bad. If they had not already had great confidence in him, how could they not worry about gambling in 41 years?

Two hundred demon kings and demon will gather Japanese flowers in Bailu Demon’s house. The least time is one year. Among them, one of them is his own young son, and he must have the courtesy of being a guest. Our Lady of Hailing doesn’t want the shrimp demon ancestor to be dead with the master’s house. , Said: "The demon will be the demon, let's take a look!"

Therefore, the Dragon King removed the soundproof cover, and the White Deer Demon spoke, asking the little demon to move away from the table and prepare to fight.

At this time, the demon kings all ate the meat they got clean, and they only chatted with each other with their wine glasses, but there were still more demon kings in the turn that hadn't started eating, and they urged them to speed up.

The old Osprey looked at him and laughed a few times, "Hey", "I don't want to urge you to eat. It's better to move down to the foot of the mountain. Anyway, I have to pick the hot demon. The bottom is also spacious, and the old poisonous fish can be covered like an umbrella!"

Today, all those serving as omnivores are the Little Monsters in the Drifting Ridge. The monster servants from the sea monsters did not get up to the mountain.

However, the demon crowds in the Drifting Ridge will not be on the table today. Tomorrow, the demon will open the demon seats together before it is the turn to eat the meat. The demon seats prepared for the little demon have only two demon bodies, one of which is made of steel. Yes, there is also a Mochizuki Rhinoceros that was killed by the White Deer a few days ago, and the Jade Buddha was hidden in his pocket.

In no hurry to clean up the mess, the old Osprey spoke, and all the bigwigs moved down the mountain, depending on the demon fighting.

Except for the Sacred Ape Mountain, the demon ancestors of all the demon ancestors first went down to pick the sun and the demon. On the Bailu demon's side, they opened their mouths for a while, roared, dead ghosts, iron hyenas, and Kaitai.

The deer demon is his own, and now I also want to see the strength comparison between his subordinates and the outside world, so except for the roar, none of them have prominent bloodlines. The three are dead ghosts, iron hyenas, and Kaitai. Their skills are not conspicuous among the demon. Half-Xuan, Chiwen, and Buzheng are so far away.

Yuzhu wanted to play, but the Sea-Monster knew that she was a newly promoted Banshee. Bai Lu Yao thought, it would be better to give the Sea-Monster some face, but she didn't allow it.

To fight in front of the demon saint, the lively little demon, such as Xiuye, tricky, etc., would not look at it. He hurriedly pulled the throat to stop the flying little demon, and squeezed the ride and drove off.

The few flying monsters who hadn't been called, could only stomped their feet and ran down the mountain. It was just such a big driving ridge. When they arrived, I wonder if they can still see the last one.

I walked clean for a while, and there were only some monsters who were still chewing meat on the driving platform. I wanted to fly to the theater, but I didn't want to get the meat. Some simply waited for the last round of meat to come up, grabbed it with their hands, and flew. Eat it!

The huge white umbrella of Our Lady of the Sea Ling is still holding, and the rainwater on the top of the surroundings is "pushing" like a waterfall, and then it gathers and flows to the Holy Rhinoceros Lake. The huge umbrella is held big enough, and some water occasionally splashes around the foot of the mountain. Bead comes in, there is something special about it.

The open space around the foot of the mountain is full of flat dam grassland, which is good for fighting.

To show off their skills, the four families of Dahuang Mountain, Dragon Palace, Our Lady of the Sea Spirit, and the Great Sage of Tides also picked out five Sun Spicy Monsters each to prepare to fight against the Wind Ridge.

As for the Sacred Ape Mountain, there are a lot of unused monsters, and there is no more at the foot of this mountain. The Sacred Apes and the couple know it well, and there is not much of this.

The other four monsters, the old Osprey's subordinates just came in to catch and transport the little monsters, the number is not large, and they are not very strong, and the overall strength is not as good as the sea monster.

After each family has chosen it, the ancestor Bai Ze jumped out and said with a smile: "Dro Fengling Ling, play four games each, you wait for each family to pick an opponent first!"

As a result, each selected an opponent, and the four monsters discussed the order of appearance.

The sparrow demon would be shy and dumb when facing Yuzhu, but even the holy rhino valley was originally a demon crowd. At this time, there were all monsters and monsters in the sky and underground. The surroundings were crowded with water. Instead, he publicized and carried what he had allocated from the arsenal. A pair of mandarin ducks smiled wildly and stood up: "I'll come first! Pick the four of my people. There is no need to sort them. Let's go side by side. I'm not worthy of anything!"

The corners of the deer deer's mouth twitched, and the arrogant mountain breeze of Doufengling was all taken up by this fellow, and would he find some suffering for him later?

Everyone picks out all the Japanese hot monsters, who is not arrogant in front of the same interface? Seeing that the short man was so frantic, his four opponents didn't talk to anyone, so they all frowned.

The Bailu demon fanned the fire and said: "He wants to be beaten by himself, so all four of you will get together, beat him down, and each will reward a piece of yellow middle-grade. If you break the skin, reward the top-grade yellow!"

Hearing the meaning of the Bailu Demon, the ancestor Bai Ze added some more oil: "This sparrow demon has always been hateful. You four will work hard, beat him, and the ancestor will make a few points and teach you to wait for your blood to return to your ancestors!"

These four monsters were different from those around Lingtao Peak that were known as "Sun Spicy". They were all heterogeneous beasts becoming monsters. Hearing what Bai Ze said, his eyes became red.

Different species of beasts have different paths to return to their ancestors. Most of them don’t know how to purify their blood. Gouri’s Daofengling demon fate is bad. Not only does it depend on his family’s master to pick Rihua, but there is also a Bai Ze who knows his roots and feet. The ancestor mentioned something, how much jealous did he wait for the demon servant who had nowhere to go?

Bai Ze's words are more effective than Bailu Yaoxu's elixir!

Therefore, the four demon looked at each other for a few moments, and they rushed forward together, regardless of the fact that they could not work together to win. Two of them even instantly activated magical powers similar to "boiling", desperately!

The sparrow demon paid the price for his own arrogance.

The four sparrow monsters joined hands, and in the crackling sound, spells, magical powers, and melee combat were all thrown up and beaten up, making the sparrow feathers fly!

In the audience, the big horned bull demon's eyelids began to jump, as expected from the demon saint's family. Among the four demon who beat the sparrow demon, except for the one from the Great Wild Mountain, any of the other three were more powerful than when he was hot demon. !

So that the two spells all have magical powers called big horn jealousy, and the spells are better than him!

The four Japanese spice monsters worked together, and the sparrow demon was dizzy. In a flash, they ate seven or eight of them, two of which were magic tricks!

It's just that these attacks fell on the sparrow demon with unhardened armor and feather clothing, and the damage was not too big. It was only a little burnt by the electric. He resisted the equipment, and guarded against the vital points. The rest was punched and kicked. , Almost invisible injury!

With the help of "stabilizing" magical powers, this servant has never fallen down!

In addition to "unloading force", "heavy fat", and "steel bone", it still has the effect of using Nikka for nine years!

Then, after the first round of blows, the sparrow demon decided not to be beaten again. After the "low hiss" sound, the "bulge" and "bulge" were launched, which supported countless times, incited two wings, and contributed to the red lines. His new magical powers were used "by the wind", smashing the sand and walking the rocks, his own "illusion" launched, transforming into a group of huge gray sparrows, flying side by side.

After breaking out of the siege, it's time to fight back!

The violent wind blowing from the sparrow demon's wings was used by the magical power "by the wind". The spell he really mastered was thunder!

Driven by the deer Lord Deer, the sparrow demon thunder method is just a cover, the real deadly is all supernatural powers!

And the demon saints and demon ancestors counted, there are more than 30 magical powers released before and after this fight!

This is released actively, there are still many passive skills, and the side door that is difficult to understand for a while is also among them.

Sparrow demon was originally the one who learned the most magical powers except for Gou Bao.

When the four opponents were defeated one by one, the last one could not get up. Yuzhu cheered and threw himself into his arms. The sparrow demon hugged the spider demon, and then raised her head and said: "I can't learn to'boiling', and there are' Vitality is unused!"

The demon ancestors were speechless, with big horns and frowning faces. As a subordinate of King Jinyu, the main family would definitely not allow their family to pick up Japanese flowers year after year. Anyway, they would go back to Huagai Peak to respond to Mao. But look at this sparrow demon, you will know. If the delay continues, the gap between his family and the White Deer Demon will grow wider and wider!

The identity of the White Deer Demon has become more and more important, and he has a good relationship with King Jinyu. As long as he is willing to speak, it will not be a problem to send his family back to the Holy Rhino Valley, but when he thinks about calling that servant "Master", Dahorn's heart will be broken. NS.

The second roar on the field, the ancient beast is a dragon that can be a dragon. He has a lot of heterogeneous bloodlines, and the gray sparrow dared to pick four. He didn't want to lose face, and he did the same!

And this boy, his supernatural powers are equally changeable, and he also possesses something unique. It is the "breaking law" that Master Lu saw from a rabbit demon many years ago. After guessing some principles, he was really surprised. He originated, and there is only one family in Doufengling. No one else has learned it!

Relying on the thick skin and flesh after Rihua tempered his body, he was also beaten for a while. The "breaking method" was used at the critical moment, and he was shocked. The four demon Ding Qi Zhen fainted.

The black tiger demon who played the third place was finally not so with a bitter expression: "I don't have those two hot days, so I only pick two in a game!"

The monsters and monsters who watched the battle finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't want to be vicious. The two Japanese hot monsters didn't even touch his body.

It was the same in the second game. It was impossible to win, and the dragon king said bitterly: "This is a horrible boy, dare to make the demon saints wait for a long time, and punish him soon!"

The demon Bailu nodded and responded: "Yue Zhang, don't worry, he will call him hot three times a day!"

Dead ghosts are accustomed to hot weather, so you don't need to care about it. Tie Hyena and Kai Tai who are playing behind will not dare to play anymore, just honestly win the fight.

In the past few days, the demon saints and demon ancestors have already made it clear that among the demon in charge of the Daofengling, the white deer leans the most, and the one who is not far from the demon general is Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan. None of those three have yet played.

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