Deer Demon Race

Chapter 327: Parting

Although the Bailu Demon didn't appear to compete with the demon generals, the five demon members could guess what he was capable of.

Among the demon generals of the same rank, should he be invincible?

There are a lot of good things in this Drifting Ridge, and Nikka must follow along with it, and learn from its magical powers!

The former ancestor of the demon shrimp asked again: "My ancestor produces real ambergris, and I can go to the mountains to learn magical powers when I get close to the younger generation?"

The deer deer nodded: "Pay the real ambergris, and you can go up the mountain, but you need to be under the control of my old deer!"

A certain demon ancestor of the Great Tide Family interrupted again: "Without real ambergris, other treasures can be made?"

The little monster not far from the Bailu Demon figured out what he was waiting to say, and shouted boldly: "You can also be away from the water!"

The Essence of Lishui is the treasure of water magicians, and the level of preciousness is still higher than that of real ambergris. Which silly person is willing to pay for the "management fee" of the Lao Shizi?

The small monsters dared to interject indiscriminately. Just now, the demon ancestor looked at the deer and asked, "Big demon general, your little monster is so unruly? Do you want to take care of your children for each family?"

It has been nine years since the small mountain spirit has not finished digesting the first drop of the spirit from the water. Although there have been two more sea monsters, they are slowly looking for opportunities. What is so anxious to do?

The Bailu Demon was speechless, and stared at Xiaoshan Jing: "How can you speak!"

Anyhow, it is an ally. Seeing that the demon ancestor is angry, the Dragon King kindly persuades: "Yao Yao, don't be familiar with that little monster, that squad can't have a bad relationship!"

That old ancestor was a mackerel fish demon, and I was puzzled by hearing it, thinking that you are such a favored son-in-law who is a son-in-law, and your children and grandchildren will be in charge of this son-in-law?

The Dragon King ignored him, and only whispered a few secret words to the Great Sage of Tide. The old yellow fish glanced at the small mountain on Su Ji's shoulder and called to stop.

When the ancestors of the mackerel disappeared, the demon Bailu thought and said: "Now I am anxious that my spiritual knowledge is not polished enough. I really benefit from it, and everyone will benefit from the expansion of the quota! Although it is possible to say that other treasures are available, they will be discounted. Don't say my old deer's heart is black!"

When he said this, the demon ancestors in the great barren mountains who could not find the true ambergris nodded in agreement.

The demon ancestors were busy considering their own descendants, and Mrs. Xiwang came over with a voice message: "There are four families of no injustice, teeth grinding, end game, and round spots. There are also descendants. Should the disciples want to reap the benefits?"

I went to the ancestors of Sacred Ape Mountain every year for the white mixed spirit wine, but now it’s widened, and the wine is not good enough to mix it up, but in the future, he will have to wait in front to prevent monks from invading and spies to infiltrate. If he had to wait for his heart to become successful, there was no reason for the world to take advantage of it. The Bailu Yao lightly shook his head at these four, indicating that he would not accept it.

This white deer demon, and Sacred Ape Mountain are indeed their own demon!

Obviously, he was looking to the west who asked in secret words first, grinding teeth, round spots, etc., but did not change his face, and got the free benefits, and each knew it, and there was no need to laugh out to smash the big demon general's place.

After a while, Xiaoyu carried Zixi and squeezed forward, and said with a smile: "The big demon general, my ancestor Zixi, I will talk to his mother when I go back, and I will send it to you to take care of you in the future!"

The demon Bailu said with a cold eye: "Old ancestor, your family is a strange place! You can't count on picking Japanese flowers and learning supernatural powers. The place in the Thunder Mountain is more suitable for the cultivation of Thunder Monsters. What do you want to do here?"

Xiaoyu replied: "Zixi is born with a thunder seal, so he doesn't need to stay in the mountain. You can ask Bai Ze for advice. I'm afraid I will not make some detours. If I am not familiar with him, I will only entrust you! He won't be able to learn. The magical powers of the monster clan can't be used by Nikka, so should the'control fee' be exempted?"

Actually, there is also a calculation. Seeing that the conflict with the monks will become more and more fierce, he has to go to war. Every family's sons and grandchildren have stayed in the driving range. The sacred ape and the old osprey dare not let go. Others The demon saint will also pay attention to it!

Children often stock the Drifting Ridge, is it not more stable than their own Ji Lei Shan? In addition, he can have a good relationship with the second and third generation monsters of each family, and Zixi's children will have a life in the future!

My Lao Lu is not just a military school, or a nursery school?

He couldn't find a reason to oppose, so he had to agree.

After the 虺, the demon ancestor no longer made a sound, and he looked to the west and said, "Tui'er, you are a big mountain field, but the holy rhino meat has been eaten up. Later, I will change my name to it?"

The deer deer smiled and said: "My couple are discussing. Although my name is a landlord, I have to take care of the ancestors of Baize. The valley is called Baishigu!"

West looking asked: "The lake?"

Seventeen Niang blushed slightly, and rushed to reply: "Although the holy rhino is dead, there are many rhinos in the lake, so it is called Rhino Lake!"

Yesterday, when the couple were discussing in the Miaoyin Bamboo Grove, the Bailu Demon suggested that the Great Lake should be named Bailong Lake, and wanted to take the opportunity to please. Insist on calling Rhino Lake.

The old Osprey nodded first: "Rhino Lake in the White Lion Valley, also easy to remember!"

Bai Ze laughed and said to the deer demon: "If this place uses the original ancestor's name, the original ancestor should also have an ancestor name! The Bailu demon gang will take one?"

The deer deer was so scared that he shook his head: "My old deer is only a demon general, how dare to get a number for the demon ancestor? And I still have a place name, but the name and slogan is not good, please don't be the ancestor!"

Bai Ze insisted: "My ancestor still has to ask you, the true landlord, to take the number! The thirty-three days of power can't figure out the affairs of the world, how bad can your mouth color be?"

When he was rescued, Bai Ze asked Xiwang to take the ancestral name. Unfortunately, Xiwang didn't show him his face. Why did he have to take it himself at this time?

It’s just that Bai Ze said solemnly, and he is someone who can foresee some future things. He was afraid that there would be any problems. Bai Lu demon pondered for a while and tentatively asked: "The ancestor knows the roots of the lives of all races, and can foresee some future things. How about saying that you know the ancestors?"

Bai Zeton nodded in response, smiling so that his eyes were narrowed: "Knowing, knowing, and ancestors for thousands of years, you have to settle down and find the way to sanctification!"

After speaking, he shouted: "Below the Demon King, I will write the name of the ancestor I in the following, so that you can know the ancestor! Anyone who calls it wrong will be hot for ten years!"

Twenty-one waits and all squats, and the demon is much worse than them.

Bai Ze agreed with the ancestral name he took, and the deer asked Xiwang: "What is the ancestral name of the master? My old deer has never heard of it!"

Looking to the west, he took a look at the holy ape and snorted coldly and replied: "I want to become a holy demon, what is the name of my ancestor?"

There was a "pouch" smile over there, and the three holy monkeys, twenty-one, and Wuyuan eagerly looked away and looked away.

Now under the banner of the Holy Ape, the Peacock Demon opened his mouth twice coldly, not daring to tell the truth.

In fact, after looking to the Jin ancestor to the west, the first thing she did was to settle her outdated accounts with the sacred ape. The sacred ape was beaten so badly, and out of revenge, she took an ancestor name for her, called the "evil wood ancestor". ", and announced it, Xiwang never admits it, and is so overwhelming that no one dares to scream.

The sacred rhino banquet was over. The demon saints and demon ancestors stayed for one night. The next day they watched the Japanese first pickers survive the risk, and burned two more before leaving. The ancestors of the siren have to work hard again to carry clouds over for the White Lion Valley to increase the amount of rainwater filling the lake.

When the twenty-first day left, Huang Huaniang took the lead, and the five demon kings, King Da Ni, King Zhu Wei, King Da Si, and King Shan Qian, gathered in front of him, begging for permission to move to the White Lion Valley to live.

This Huang Huaniang also hesitated for a long time, until after hearing that Bai Ze ancestors became ancestors for thousands of years, she began to find the way to become sacred.

This side is too far away from the original mountain field, and it will not be possible to quench Rihua all the time in the future, and fly back at any time. There is no time to take care of the two places, and it is bound to give up.

Here, I can't bear to give up picking Rihua, and I can't bear to have a mountain farm that has been in business for many years.

After receiving so many benefits, it is the uncle that each family sends to Cairihua, the demon servant only serves the uncle, and will not help patrolling the mountain. The garrison demon in the White Lion Valley is not enough. She is waiting to move over. The White Deer demon who is in charge of the house cannot refuse, but the Demon King is unwilling to move to the mountain field lightly. Every migration will stop the way of Jin ancestors who have been exploring for many years. , To start over.

Ten Thousand Flowers Valley is big, so how easy is it to relocate Red Ganoderma lucidum, Ling root, and exotic flowers? Had it not been for the supernatural power of the white deer demon's "Swiss" to grow plants and trees, it was estimated that the ancestor Bai Ze, who had a good temper, would be able to help move the spiritual roots, and Huang Huaniang would not have this heart.

King Da Ni was instigated by Powan Nai.

Powan said to him: "The White Deer Demon has already learned the magical powers of the Demon General and the Demon King. It won't be hotter in the future? If the king doesn't want to move, please open your favor and allow me to come over and become a single demon general! "

That is to be beautiful, the King of Anecs will never let this servant leave himself, and come alone for good.

A wealthy sea monster with plenty of elixir, occasionally can show off the Xuanzhong grade, thinking about the lively market that will arise later, it is enough to make the king of the big hidden heart!

The same is true for Zhu Weiwang and others. Of course, he said that he was waiting for the red ganoderma. Huaniang wants to move to the White Lion Valley, so don't leave him and wait!

In fact, they have to rely on the relationship between Huang Huaniang and Bailu Yao to live here.

The five demon ancestors moved out together, and it was a bit painful for Twenty-one, but this White Lion Valley was already where the hopes of several demon saints were, and it was not easy to stop them, so they had to nod and agree.

Huang Huaniang said again: "In Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, outside the demon generals, the slave family only brought a few middle-class male demon, and the rest, together with the male little demon, must be dismissed. I beg the ancestors to transfer to different families, but if you have to take them, just take care of them. Come to find!"

When she heard all the consternations, Huang Huaniang smiled and said, "In the future, Xinhua Banshee will be the only one to make a living in Xinshan Field.

She is determined to make her own business bigger. Twenty-one sighed: "The little demon in your family, which one would you want? Tell him to wait and go alone!"

In addition to Huanghua's family, the original demon ancestors of the Saint Rhinoceros Valley, Dahuang Mountain and Saint Ape Mountain are divided into thousands of little demon and demon ancestors, I don't know which one of the basics wants? It’s better to take him in and wait for him to stay in for the 21st resettlement, just point out the way, tell him to find his own way, and then all the orders, if you want to escape, you have to move him elsewhere. It doesn't matter.

These five demon kings are not directly under the jurisdiction of the demon ancestors, so they dare to speak. The other king Jinyu is envious and does not have this blessing. He can only leave after a year from Nihua, facing the big horns who want to go out and go alone. After a sigh, he had no choice but to agree.

Before the demon sages left, in addition to inviting each family to invite foreign aid, the White Deer demon also asked for a separate conversation with the Tide Master.

In front of the great sage, the White Deer Demon twisted and said, "The saint is a sea monster. I think there is also Longlinke essential oil at home? Let me use it!"

This kind of thing is not easy to ask for from the Yue family, and Great Sage Tide despises: "You are only a two-room demon girl, why can't you? Will you ask for this medicine?"

The deer deer hurriedly called Qu: "Which is for my old deer's own house? It is Mochizuki Rhinoceros by the lake. Hearing from the local demon, it will only be drafted every few years. How can I wait?"

(End of this chapter)


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