Deer Demon Race

Chapter 330: Yazhong layout

The heavy rain continued for thousands of miles, the water of Chisha River became bigger, and the water level of Rhino Lake also rose rapidly.

When the torrential rain that lasted for nearly a month came to an end, ten miles away from the mountain gate of Drifting Ridge, there was already another rhino lake with smoky waves, but there was a lot of mud washed up by the mountain torrents, and the lake was still a bit muddy.

The creatures in the lake who were scared away by the Dragon King and Long Po before should come back some time later.

Injecting these many water sources, the upper half of Rhino Lake is no different from other lakes. The water temperature is normal. Only when you dive deep will you know the taste of piping hot.

While getting tired and crooked together, the White Deer Demon and Seventeen Niang agreed. After the lake settled for a period of time and became clear, she asked her to return to her original form and bring some small chicks from Chisha River to Rhino Lake. Although the holy ape has ordered a ban. Hunting for a hundred years, but recovery and improvement are very slow, and the fortune of heaven and earth has not yet been obtained.

Before the rain stopped, Huang Huaniang, Jiugao, Shouling, Mengge, Lao Wen, etc. finally transported the red Ganoderma and Linggen. The only male demons were holding a few huge honeycombs with a large number of swarms of bees. , But they were all obediently obedient, except for the numerous "buzzing" sounds of flapping wings, there were no bees flying in and out.

The strange flowers and weeds of the Wanhua Valley were carried by the four little monsters, including King Da Ni and King Zhu Wei, and they are still behind.

I heard that she really disbanded most of the male demons and little demons under her sect. She also abandoned the four divisions. Later, she will live here, and go to the back door to fully transform the banshee, and her mind is to be a female bodhisattva. The white deer can’t laugh or cry. Only say good things to her. If you turn into a beautiful but unwilling to be a female bodhisattva, send it to Fengling Ridge and leave it to the demon to marry, so as not to force the good to be a prostitute.

It's a good idea to think about it this way.

Huang Huaniang couldn't get used to the lazy little demon in the mountain field, but unfortunately, the remediation of several times did not have much effect. After the old fever had to purify the monk curse, the lazy disease relapsed, and the control was not strict. Now that the male little demon is completely dismissed with a mind to make a living and earn a panacea, how can she count on her to inspect the border?

The demon Bailu agreed with her that since she was only enthusiastic about making a living, Jiugao and other demon generals would be released to separate their families, which would be regarded as fulfilling their duties for Huang Huaniang.

Anyway, this big valley just changed the main house, there is no demon to look after the job is easy to find, to make a living, nine male demon generals are only too many, Huang Huaniang sent out eight branches, the lack of demon Ding Fengling or big hide Wang, Zhu Weiwang and others borrowed it first, and she only left the monk demon who was in charge of the account room with Brother Meng.

Huanghuaniang’s new mountain site is still the closest to Dafengling. In the mountainous area three hundred miles away in the northeast, where it borders Pingba, there will be some chrysanthemums growing there. Because it is a herb, it needs to be planted and replanted every year. , Harvest flowers in autumn and winter, each flower is yellow top grade. The local rhinoceros demon introduced that the spiritual energy of this place is mutated and the soil is special. Only a small piece of land facing the sun can grow chrysanthemums. The chrysanthemums can be planted elsewhere. The planting is only a common product and cannot be relocated.

Huanghuaniang’s mountain farm in Xin’an was named Wanhua Valley, and Bailu Yao and Bai Ze took some time to help her plant the red ganoderma and ling roots.

The four houses including King Dani who came behind Huanghuaniang did not receive such good treatment. The White Deer demon all took defense as a priority. King Dani was water-bound, and the mountain field was still set on the edge of the Chisha River, but the Chisha River entered the holy. The junction of Saruyama.

The remaining three families of King Zhu Fan, King Shan Qian, and King Da Si are also all in the mountains to the east. They retreat three to five hundred miles from the border of Sacred Ape Mountain. Powan, Jiugao and many other demon generals, who want to form the line of defense behind the two ancestors of Huiyu and Mofang, send the little demon to inspect the border at any time.

The White Deer asked with a stern face. It is the first priority to prevent the unknown little demon from entering the valley. If it is spot-checked by the Daofengling policeman, the little demon is not able to patrol the mountain more than three times a year, regardless of whether it is a demon or a demon. Wangshanchang, please move out, there is no emotion to talk about.

When the four demon kings said this, the deer will be majestic.

In the future, the policeman of the White Deer Monster will no longer be tasked with patrolling around the Drifting Ridge, but instead will go to the east side of the mountain to spot check the situation of the mountain.

In fact, the two demon ancestors in the east, Huiyu and Mofang, have been harassed by the original Saint Rhinoceros Valley once every two hundred years, and demon kings and demon generals have been placed along the White Lion Valley for defense. It’s still safe to guard against advances in the future, but who would call the White Deer Demon to be peace of mind, and the more security measures, the better? The demon king and demon general's homes on the defensive line have all been dominated by weak gaps on the opposite side of Sacred Ape Mountain.

I beg the two Banshee Kings from Shiliu Niangmen to come later, Bai Lu demon let her choose two mountain fields, the Banshee named Wangji is in the west, and the hidden female Flood Demon is in the west. At the northern end, each side blocked the White Lion Valley. The two used to be generals in the Dragon Palace waters, so they didn't have a king title. The White Deer Demon borrowed some demon generals and demon Ding to go out, and then the two of them transformed the little demon to support two mountain fields.

At the southern end of the White Lion Valley, a lone demon will stand alone. This demon is named Big Horn, a bull demon, and the first time he became a householder, the white deer demon also borrowed some alien demon.

After some loan, all the alien monsters left behind by the original holy rhinoceros valley were borrowed, and the monster general also borrowed most of them. But they all agreed that all the demon generals and demon lords who borrowed will be returned in the future, and during the loan period, all the mountain owners secretly noticed the abnormal situation.

After the families were resettled, the White Deer demon imitated a large number of spirit wood plaques like the Valley of Flowers, and sent letters to both sides of the Great Desolate Mountain and the Sacred Ape Mountain. Those from the south enter the Dajiao Mountain Field, those from the west enter the Gull Demon King Mountain Field, and those from the north enter the Jiao Demon King’s Mountain Field. When they leave, they will exchange their waist cards. Below the Demon King, those who have not taken the waist card Anyone who enters the country will be held accountable, the lighter ones will have skin cramps, and the more serious ones will be brought to the table.

In order to pick up Japan, the demon kings and demon generals who beg to move, except Huanghuaniang, will have to work harder in the early stage.

However, this is more than a month later. By then, there are already thousands of demon crowds waiting to enter the valley outside of the Wangjia Mountain in Dani. You have already seen Zhihai Qingbai, just waiting to get it. After the waist card, enter the valley to make a living.


Master Lu is so busy that he rarely visits Zhushan Ding Tulou.

Although the sky was still a bit gloomy, it rained in the middle of the night last night and finally stopped this morning.

The demon who filled the burned places like Beihai Longgong Hachiro and Shiineniang also rushed to them, and they also had to listen to the supernatural powers. This is the first time that all the members of each family went for a ride to learn supernatural powers after receiving the "management fee". The White Deer Demon was also exceptionally present.

Gou Bao, who is responsible for teaching magical powers most of the time, is just a demon, and nearly a hundred "students" who go up the mountain to listen to magical powers, except for minors, are also demon generals at the lowest. Goubao is difficult to convince the public. Master Lu sees it. He can't tell about the magical powers of the Demon General and Demon King at the moment. Sometimes, Master Deer must go into battle in person.

After paying the "control fee", among the "students" who learned magical powers in the Tulou, the most distinguished ones are the only son of the holy ape, the only son of the holy ape, the white skin of the virgin virgin of the sea spirit, the eldest grandson stone of the great sage of the tide, and the two old ospreys. Juvenile grandchildren Limu, Tianjiao, and Longgong are the most frequent ones. Longzi Balang, Shilang, Shiliang, Dragon Girl Jiu Niang, Sixteen Niang, and Nine Niang, etc., Lulu and other dragons and grandchildren are even more numerous. In addition, the descendants sent by the demon ancestors, the deer demon were too lazy to remember their names.

The nineteen brother-in-law Zhi Gen, if it were not for the life and death of the Great Sage Chaos, he was originally a descendant of the demon saint, and his status was not lower than that of the nineteen mothers. Unfortunately, now he can only live by the Dragon Palace.

The second and third generations of these noble monsters, some have to be replaced after a year of residence, and some are eligible for permanent residence, and their circumstances are different.

Based on these, the Bailu Yao has made a fortune from receiving the "control fee". Even sleeping with Qingluo and Zixia at night, he lit incense, and called Shiqiniang to sigh the prodigal family: "Dragon clan son, use real ambergris on weekdays. There is no such extravagance as a husband, it is too fragrant."

The Bailu Demon doesn't care, and only uses it for the most extreme, hurrying to hone his divine consciousness, if there is a miracle, can he form a demon pill before gambling, and become a demon king?

With the help of the demon pill distributed in the holy rhinoceros valley, with the help of the holy ape, he has only taken the first one for refining, and there are four others waiting to be used! After full refining, it would take a big step to reach the conditions of the Jin Demon King, only that opportunity.

Of course, if you had your own Jin Demon King before the war, the Xuantian Sect would definitely have to change the Golden Core during the gambling battle. The newly promoted Demon King might have a greater disadvantage against the old accumulated golden core.

Moreover, the Golden Core and the Demon King are all magical treasures, and they are just magical weapons in their own hands!

Real Ambergris received a lot, not only the two scores of Shichi Niang and Gou Bao, but also the steward demon such as Biyan, Yuanxiang, Bandian, and Banxuan, who also received some rewards.

The big horns and stubborn stubborn people who have always come together to learn supernatural powers are not there. They are busy with the mountain patrol at the Anshan field. At the beginning, they were the most relaxed, afraid that the police would find their shortcomings and make trouble in Bailu. Faceless in front of the demon.

But Huang Hua's family's old plague arrived.

Lao Wen, who used to be difficult to learn supernatural powers, seldom went to this side after collecting Nikka. It’s a pity that some days ago, the disagreeable handsome demon was dismissed a little better, and he forgot to form. He exposed his great ambitions in front of Huang Huaniang was dismissed by Huang Huaniang, so she stopped being close to him. He was also asked to change from the case-finding party to the dung picking party, and to bring some banshees turned into five big and three thick, to pick up the dung full-time.

The large group of demon crowds gathered at the bottom of the driving range had a lot of feces. The deer master didn't pay much attention to it before. Huang Huaniang thought about this, and asked the old Wen leading the little demon to pick it up and send it back to Wanhua Valley for composting.

Wanting to reverse the situation, Lao Wen came to listen to the magical powers.

Bailu Yao would not sympathize with him.

There was no wood demon in the driving range before. The only planted spirit plants were wild tea whose main body was mortal, and the roots of spirits could not be fertilized, so the demon dung was not taken seriously. But now in the middle of the valley, the top grades of Huanghua are moved to drive around the mountain. Manure is also important. When Huang Huaniang reminded him, a new manure picker was also set up. The demon, plus the alien little demon picked up by the original holy rhinoceros valley, went in and formed it. But they have to choose cheaply. Every night, after the old Wending picks up and organizes them, Tie Hui takes the little demon to pick most of them up the mountain. He and Lao Wen are pig monsters, and they are easy to talk to each other, and they are thicker than their skins.

Hearing from Mrs. Xiwang, Huang Huaniang once approached her and asked about the method of arborizing demon. She wanted to raise a few female wood demon for a living, and she had to charge a high price. Before the demon was transformed, the trees couldn't see the male and the female, the deer demon thought, and the deer demon thought that he could use the Ten Thousand Flower Valley to collect a few wood demon, even more dung.

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