Deer Demon Race

Chapter 331: No refund

In front of the Tulou, there are two mobs who are joining in the fun at this time. They are the Zixi and Xiaoshan Jing of the ancestors of the 虺虺. The family of the 虺虺 is close to the White Lion Valley. It has not been a few days after returning. Sent to Joyride Ridge.

Zixi’s mother is a rabbit demon. She was only a demon cultivator when she gave birth. Now she has been promoted to a demon general. However, she is a guest on the Drifting Ridge. Taking care of her own child, the seventeenth mother named Zao Ding helped her open a cave near the holy cave, and she would also talk to her when she was too busy.

The little monster Zixi, after spending a few days in Doufengling, fell in love with the hills shorter than him, and ran wildly up and down the hills together. They were even farther than peeing together every now and then, calling Jinshuizi and Su Ji to bet against each other.

After standing upstairs and looking at the God of Wealth who came up the mountain, the Bailu Demon took out the peach stick and said, "Brother, come out!"

Yaoyao trot out of the queue, first to behave in a proper manner, and shouted, "Brother!"

Then he shouted angrily: "I was punished early for my previous mistakes. I've been honest in the past few days, I haven't done anything wrong!"

The deer deer jumped from the earth building and sighed lightly: "The younger brother has never gone wrong, only these many new masters have been added up the mountain. The family is harder than the family. The brother can't afford to provoke it. It is very difficult! Let's use you as a raft. Borrow a stick to him and wait and see, and make mistakes later, you will lose a stick!"

It's a shit!

Yaoyao was tickled with hatred, but he already knew that if the brother wanted to fight, he would dare to run away and abuse him, and he would suffer more. He could only watch the servant lift up the peach stick that the old lady actually took off.

When a stick fell, it was indeed the pain that was already familiar, but it would not reduce the slightest, the pain made him roll again, and his heart-piercing shouts resounded through the sky!

The raft Yaoyao was knocked over and screamed, and Ryuba Lang laughed twice: "I heard about the great demon general's prestige, and I saw it today, really! Don't kill the chicken to show the monkey, the brother-in-law beat the little monkey. Are you scaring me?"

In the holy cave, the holy monkey cursed: "Bailu demon is hateful! This dragon is even more hateful!"

West Wang frowned: "Don't be impatient, let's listen again!"

Downstairs, Bai Lu demon raised his head and followed him with a "hehe" without a smile: "Uncle Eighth is very true! My brother, Lao Lu, is not enough to scare chickens, and add another dragon. How is it?"

Before leaving, although the mother and queen had already sternly warned, but looking back at the large group of Dragon Palace children, Ryuba Lang really didn't believe in this evil!

He also picked Nihua for a few days, and he didn’t feel it was dangerous. He had already found out from the dragon palace children who came first. The kid in his own family was embarrassed because of a few words with the demon white deer, he was frightened by his younger brother. , Did not survive the first day, was burned to death by Japan.

The dragon clan has a long life span, but there is a limit. Nowadays, among the dragon girls and dragon girls, except for Dalang and Sanniang as the demon ancestors, many of the other ones in the front have passed away. He has the longest life expectancy, nearly two thousand years old. He doesn't believe that the White Deer can do anything to him.

Right now, Ryubaro’s arms crossed his shoulders, and his head tilted and shouted: "Ten brother, twelve brother, nine sister, sixteen sister! Only the seventeen sisters are soft-hearted, not wanting to be so useless, so let’s call the dragon bag to play this day. Awe-inspiring, but playing on my head, even my brother is disrespectful!"

When Bai Lu Yao glanced over, Shi Lang, Shi Er Lang, and Jiuniang all grinned, but did not make a sound, and Shi Liu Niang did not move his eyelids.

No one said to help, the deer demon sneered out: "When we meet today, my old Lu will have to kill his mighty stick and set the rules! You have to bet hard, come and try, and I have to respect my brother?"

"Knowing the ancestor..."

Long Ba Lang has been the Demon King for a long time, much more powerful than the Seventeen Niangs. The Bai Lu Demon will not be so stupid as to be stupid.

Knowing that the deer deer stood up this morning, Bai Ze didn't even go down the mountain, just waiting for this call!

Bai Zefei appeared: "Oh! What do you call the ancestor?"

Towards Ryubarou, the demon Bailu gently lifted his chin: "Please take it down, please!"

"Oh! Let's do it!"

I heard that Bai Ze was captured by the monk for ten thousand years before he was rescued. How much can he have? Ryubaro’s many years of demon king, among the siblings and nephews present, most of them are demon kings. They really make trouble, so why are you afraid of him?

After a ridicule, Long Ba Lang tilted his head and shouted: "This big demon will ask the demon ancestor to take my miles, the child of the dragon clan, can it help me?"

In the previous conflict of tongue, the palms and backs of the hands were all fleshy. Ju Lang, Shi Lang, and Jiuniang were just watching, but they really wanted to ask the demon ancestor to do something with the eight brothers. He just refused to follow him and wanted to help!

There is a violent factor in the blood of the dragons, and the dragon king and dragon po's instructions before leaving, have long forgotten to clean!

Breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, the seventeen uncles used the demon ancestor to beat the eight uncles, and Lulu went down, but a group of Longsun and Longgrandson were also rubbing their hands!

Of course, for the grandson of Long, it was Uncle Seventeen who wanted to beat Uncle Eight, but they all grew up eating Dragon Palace meals, and they recognized themselves as relatives of Dragon Palace.

Fa didn't blame the people. After the incident, the Dragon King and Long Po became angry again, and they were involved in such a lot of flesh and blood. In the end, could they only be with the mud?

It is the Demon King who is eager to try!

There are many powerful demon kings, and they can completely resist the demon ancestors. It's really making a lot of trouble. There is a gull at the foot of the mountain. If you don't believe him, he won't help!

Niu Niang's eyes turned anxiously, and she looked left and right. Sixteen Niang did not move, she also decided not to move for the time being! As for her husband-in-law, well, the manatee clan has always been good-tempered, and always looks like a gentle one, don't need to look at it, there must be no idea.

Many dragons had ideas, but in the blink of an eye, a burly man appeared in front of Ryuba Lang. He threw his arm away and slapped him with a slap in the face. He slapped him out, and he lost three teeth!

This is the holy ape!

Once called the Dragon Palace to remember a thousand years of hatred, but in the end he could only choose the demon saint who turned his enemy into a friend!

Juro, Shijuro, Lulu, etc. were so scared and sweaty that they hurriedly retracted the feet they had just stepped out!

Your lone seedling is used as a raft, how can you help that guy?

In all kinds of puzzles, the holy ape stopped by Hachiro, and asked with a sneer: "Is it not enough to scare you by hitting that little monkey?"

Bai Ze chased him with a smile, stepping on Ba Lang, with a flat smile on his face: "Holy Ape has heavy hands, don't dirty hands anymore, I will do it!"

The holy monkey tried not to look at Yaoyao who was panting behind him, and he was too lazy to stare at the unscrupulous White Deer Demon, consciously let out some anger, helped again, and flashed back to the holy cave.

Baipi, Limu, Tianjiao, and Shishi have no backing, and each of them is not enough to be enchanting and crowded, and they are all just for theater.

The overall situation is set, and the little monster Zixi and Xiaoshan Jing laughed again.

The Bailu Demon slowly approached, with a constant sneer on his face: "The ancestor can step on it firmly, my old deer can't beat the Demon King!"

As he spoke, the peach stick slammed down with the wind.


The peach stick with the thickness of the thumb looked at nothing special, but only this time, the sound was not very loud. The dignified elder Ryoko Hachiro was beaten to the truth, and his mouth was screaming. Tears and nose all down!

On the ground flicking his tail desperately, trying to bounce, but unable to stand up against the great power of the demon ancestor, was a blue dragon all over.

The first time I tasted the painful feeling of this monk crossing the curse, with the longevity of the dragon clan, he has been pampered for nearly two thousand years, and he is even more unbearable than Yaoyao!

It turned out to be a real fight, not at all mercy!

The heart-piercing howls of Ryuba Lang scared the descendants of Ronggong to tremble!

Yaoyao sighed lightly, a little bit more, thinking this guy is playing jokes with you? That father and mother, the little master, now all elbows are turned here!

When the old man's howl faded, the demon Bai Lu didn't change his face, and the stick with the wind hit it again!


As a result, the Canglong who had just settled down again shook his head and flicked his tail in the mud, screaming and hissing again!

After he howled, without breathing at all, the White Deer Demon drew again.


When the blue dragon screamed for the third time, Bai Lu Yao raised his head and said leisurely: "It's okay, but I was holding my anger to find my old Lusa! The wooden stick tempered by Lao Tai Shui himself will hit you. Long-grandchildren, good use! I previously wronged my junior, but I didn't scare you. Uncle Eighth would like to come forward to help, it's just right!"

No one dares to answer the question!

Bailu Yao waited for Ryobaro’s horrible howling to stop, and then asked: "Dear guests, dragon sons and grandsons, and other little saints, are you going to hear hello in the future on Laolu Mountain?"

The blue dragon on the ground knows that this is mainly to ask his own, but the nearly 2,000-year-old dragon, in front of his younger siblings, nephews and nephews, feels ten times more painful, and he really can’t afford to lose his face. Kill me!"

The demon Bailu looked disdainful: "May I be a fool. How rare is it to kill you without relying on the face of Lao Tai Shan and Tai Shui?"

After speaking, draw a stick!

After a while, eat another stick!

After howl, another stick!

One stick on the left and the other on the right, not to stop, Yaoyao is stunned, he has never experienced so many sticks before!

This old man is stupid looking at him, afraid of being beaten even more stupid?

Every time that icy "pop" made the dragon sons and grandsons shudder, listening to the old wailing, the white skin, the stone, etc. were frightened, and the descendants of the demon ancestors behind, even held their breath.

Seeing that the White Deer Demon didn’t know how to see it, he just accepted it. He didn’t stop his hands. It was more violent than the dragons. Long Changsun Lunlu endured his fright and spoke out to persuade him: "Uncle Seventeen, Uncle Eighth is wrong, he will be punished slightly. That's enough, it's all relatives!"

Before the ancestor Bai Ze came out, you all wanted to help these eight men, thinking that my old deer didn't see him?

Bailu demon slandered in his belly, but finally gave him a face and stopped first.

Hachiro no longer had the strength to scream, and when his dragon body twitching ended, Bailu Demon asked, "Can you be convinced?"

It's the same problem as before. In front of a brother, sister, nephew, and nephew, there is no step down at all, and they can no longer bear the pain. How can an old face say the word "take it"? Only relying on the Bailu demon did not dare to kill him, and tried his last strength, Hachiro hissed angrily: "My dog, I will never die with you!"

He still has a stiff so there is no need to fight again, the deer demon sighed: "But I am embarrassed to die, it's really hard to kill you!"

Looking up, the White Deer Demon shouted to the sky: "Ouxiang, come and bring this fellow!"

Today’s movement on the mountain, Ou Xiangquan could hear clearly, and he was sweating in a hurry below, and when he heard calling him, Chang Shu exhaled and hurriedly responded: "Come! Come!"

When he flew up, the descendants of the dragon clan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Lu said demonly: "Ouxiang, please send this servant back to the Dragon Palace, and tell my Yue family that Brother Eight regards the old deer as an enemy. From now on, if he is not good enough, let him go again, otherwise he will be killed. Don’t blame me. Lu is not authentic! Head back to the Dragon Palace, I have seen Brother Twenty, which is very appropriate. Please let Brother Twenty make up for the missing! From now on, there will be no one from the Balang family.

After playing so badly, you will be driven away in the end?

Ryubaro reacted and cursed: "Dog Ri's reaped the benefits!"

Bailu Yao shook his head: "I am driving on the ridge, not refundable!"

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