Deer Demon Race

Chapter 333: The power of Dragon Scale Ke

The blessings of heaven and earth do not fall all at once, but continuous and continuous, saving the little creature Xi Chi. I feel that the blessing gained is much less than that of the last time the lives of three thousand li people were saved. Most of the points!

He was also thinking about improving the supernatural powers of the word "Rui", share some good fortune, and try to source the supernatural powers of the Demon King!

This time, the supernatural powers will be soaked, and it will be good to make the word "rui" improve!

The Bailu demon was stunned, and the seventeenth mother was completely surprised!

She only set out to help the Bailu Demon earn the fortune of the world, but in the process of helping, the situation of the little creatures like Faxiang was really worrying, and she felt more energy when she felt soft for a while.

This heavenly Dao is really unreasonable, and she didn't even think about gaining the fortune of heaven and earth!

Obviously, the fortune of heaven and earth cannot be given to each other. What is the use of her Seventeenth Daughter?

Don't want to help, it's a waste!

It was the White Deer Demon who reacted first and said, "Knowing the ancestor!"

The sky is not yet dark, and the gambling shop at the foot of the mountain is not very hot. You don’t need to look after it at this time. Bai Ze is still in the demon ancestor cave and feels the power of the world. , Can Mo be surprised and scream? What's the matter?"

The demon Bailu asked: "My Hun's family has won the blessing of heaven and earth, where should I use it?"

His own blessings were all imported into the word "rui", and he only asked Seventeen Niangs.

To my surprise, Bai Ze finally flew over and stared at the dragon girl for a while, "tsk tsk" sighed: "It's really good, it's good for not wanting! Good luck is related to good fortune, there is no other use, introduction method It is also a good opportunity to increase spirituality!"

Once a magic weapon is born with spirituality, it is a magic weapon, but the difficulty of this step, such as twenty-one with poor luck, can not be obtained for tens of thousands of years!

Before sending Seventeen Niangs to Cycling Ridge, Long Po was given a magic weapon at the bottom of the box, which has not been revealed yet, but who would think that there are too many magic weapons? De Baize reminded that she was busy taking out her own magical instruments and hesitating which one to choose.

"Fortune comes from Xi Chi, you'd better choose the one that fits Chi Chi, and the chance of spiritual birth is higher!"

After reminding this sentence, Bai Ze lost interest again and flew back to continue his homework.

When I got a point, I made up my mind. Although Xi Chi is small, she has a dragon spirit, and of course it fits with the artifacts made by her dragon body!

And the group of small chicks gathering and swimming is like dragon scales shot out by one's own body!

The strands of blessing that gathered were eventually introduced into the dragon scale blade armor.

After guiding the fortune, the seventeenth mother apologized to Bai Lu demonly: "I was divided by the slave family, I'm sorry, my husband!"

The demon Bai Lu shook his head: "Each has its own fate, and Lao Lu has other methods!"

The other way is naturally to continue and improve the Mochizuki Rhinoceros and Diamond Iron Gibbon races, but it will take a while to talk about it after the word "Rui" is improved.

At this time, the White Deer Demon didn't have the usual petty temperament, but Seventeen Niang also poured out some honey.

Taking a ride on the flat at night, after catching the White Deer Empress, the Dragon Girl was willing to tap it symbolically, and the White Deer did not lift the bag on her head.

Small chinchillas lay eggs in large numbers in the Rhino Lake, and it does not bring much luck to the world, and there will be no follow-up in ten days.

Over the past ten nights, the whole set of dragon scale blades was helped by the white deer demon and tempered by the stars.

Seventeen mothers have come for good luck, and with this good fortune, the dragon scale blade really gave birth to spirituality, and since then it has made great progress.

It's only a pity that before the magic weapon was promoted, the time for her husband to help Yinxinghui tempering was too short, only nine years. Although the magic weapon can be further tempered after the promotion, the effect is far inferior to the previous one.

Each has its own fate.

Bailu Yao finally took a small step forward with the little blessings he had received.

This progress is far from the subtle control of the word "Rui" itself, and the factors that promote the growth of the fairy species are still far from being fired, and it is still not able to cure the original state of Xiwang, but it was not bad before. After further, "Rui" The word supernatural power can finally play some role outside the vegetation.

Therefore, the White Deer Demon formally discussed with Xiwang to elect one or two demon girls for the division.

This made Mrs. Xiwang irritable, but it was another matter of business, and she couldn't object to it, so she said indifferently: "Call Huang Huaniang to transform a few ape monsters, and the old lady will choose two for him!"

If the Xinhua little demon is promoted to the demon, if you not only use medicine to grow into the least capable vase, it will take more than ten years at the earliest. However, the Xinhua little demon is loyal, so that you will not be angry with the west in the future, the white deer demon I can't say "no" either.

After more than ten years of work, the deer demon was a little disappointed.

The holy monkey was excited, but it was a pity that he didn't dare to show it, he only tried his best to suppress it, and he was very careful when speaking in front of Xiwang.

Huang Huaniang worked as a female bodhisattva, and was instructed to choose a dozen female apes from the mountains when she transformed the little demon. I hope that one or two of them are acceptable. However, if Xiwang is not happy, he might deliberately choose the ugly ape to give birth to the holy ape, but the holy ape dare not object!

In six or seven months, the female ape was able to transform into a little demon. Looking west, staying irritated in the White Lion Valley, she finally decided to set off to the south of the desert and to the home of the old phoenix of the volcano group.

After all, there is a desert in the middle. The last time I looked west, I had touched the old beast. The old phoenix hadn’t been in contact with him. She didn’t know her temper. In the worst case, she would face two hostile demon saints, which was very risky. In order to show his loyalty, the holy ape decided to go with him.

"Don’t worry, old lady, you are discussing business with Fire Phoenix, I will not say much! Baibao is timid and guarded, and there are snails in the driving range, and it is indispensable. I will tell the old osprey before leaving and call him more. Looking at the White Lion Valley, nothing will happen!"

Bailu Yao secretly asked the ancestors who knew well, but Bai Ze couldn't tell the result of this trip, but he agreed with the holy ape to accompany him to look west.

A day later, the two sacred apes and Xiwang disappeared silently from Joyride Ridge.

There was no sound in the holy cave for a few days, Xiaoxiao and Yaoyao didn't say anything, and no one dared to investigate.

There was no threat of the White Deer Demon's stick in such disasters, and Yaoyao didn't dare to break through, and didn't want to be captured by the monks again.

There is no hope of making heaven and earth from the holy ape for the time being, and the white deer demon can only stare at the hundreds of moon-kissing rhinoceros by the lake.

It is a pity that the growth of the Mochizuki Rhinoceros group is different from the Xizhi, and it can't be achieved overnight.

The first pair of Mochizuki rhinoceros used for experiments, the cubs of the female rhinoceros have been snatched away by the beasts for more than a month, and the current irritability has been reduced.

The male rhinoceros was picked up by the crescent moon, and there are many interlaced scars on his forehead. I don't know what he suffered when fighting against a beast, and his physique was stronger than other similar ones.

In addition to the pair of Mochizuki rhinoceros, which are separated by a wooden fence more than ten feet apart, another wooden fence in the distance also houses more than a dozen female rhinos of other species prepared by the golden hammer.

The demon qi will startle the beasts, so today, the rhino demon king Xuan Yue will accompany him to help ease the rhino's emotions, and the three demon present will try to restrain the demon qi.

However, I don't want to use the crescent moon. In order to generate several Demon King-level supernatural powers in advance, Bai Lu demon decides to do everything himself, what if he is divided into good fortune again?

Seventeen Niang didn't come to see it directly.

The several large wooden fences enclosed here are more than 30 miles away from the foot of the Doufengling Mountain, and they are used to breed Mochizuki rhinoceros in the future.

Under the gaze of the crescent moon, the golden hitter, and the lively Xiaoshan Jing and Zixi, the white deer demon personally threw a few bunches of tender grass soaked with diluted dragonlinke essential oil into the wooden fence of the female rhinoceros.

Then, the White Deer Demon stepped back and guarded with him.

All the turf in the fence has been eaten up. These rhinos have been hungry for at least a day. Although they are wild feet, they should be able to eat.

Xiaoshan Jing handed over two fried chestnuts: "Brother try it!"

The right hand was stained with some Longlinke essential oil. Bailu Yao didn't want to administer the medicine to his house, so he took it with his left hand, and threw it into his mouth first, chewing it was sweet and sweet.

"It tastes good!"

Xiaoshan Jing laughed and said: "The ancestors taught the king of Shanxian to cook. It is said to be from the human craftsmanship. It was only sold in the grass shop yesterday. Although it is a common thing, it is really not bad when it is a snack. Bag, enough to eat!"

Hearing that the new snacks were on the market, the deer demon called the rat demon: "Go and ask the lord for a bag later!"

Jin Jizi nodded, and then stared at Master Deer fiercely.


"Master, buy fruit to eat, always give me a magic medicine?"

Seeing that the female rhinoceros over there is still staring suspiciously, and refuses to eat the grass, the white deer demon sneered at what the mouse demon said: "Now, how can I not put the elixir on my body? Don't think the master doesn't know, you and Kaitai Two, did not take advantage of filial piety to the elder and grandma, but did you misuse the benefits in the grass shop? When you really want to respect the elder, you have to ask for medicine to buy it? How filial is so filial?"

Jin Jizi stuck out his tongue and said with a bitter face: "Master, the few times I had lost sperm in the gambling shop, I did some silly things!"

The deer deer nodded: "I know! So you are hot three times in the sun, and Kaitai will peel for three days! When the fruit is delivered, you will send a message to Kaitai and ask him to find Yuanxiang by himself. You two will be tortured. Cao Shi! After being tortured, I invite myself to draw snakes and add incense, and to pay for the elixir of the family. No one is allowed to fall into the stream!"

Jin Jizi replied in frustration: "Knowing! The bag of fruits from the Shanxian King's family, will you also pay for it?"

This boy is so ignorant, Bai Lu Yao said with shame: "Master, I eat his fried chestnut, because I look down on him, and his family won't lose it!"

Far away, his few words did not scare Mochizuki Rhinoceros, and couldn't bear the hunger. The female rhino finally stepped forward, after a little sniffing, she began to lower her head to eat.

The female rhinoceros eats, and the white deer demon is busy throwing the same bundle of tender grass into the other wooden fence where the male rhinoceros is.

The female rhinoceros reacted first, and when the male rhino's breath became heavy, the deer deer stepped forward and opened the two opposite wooden doors.

Attracted by the aura of the opposite sex, a pair of wild beasts came together, and soon, the male rhinoceros with interlaced forehead scars climbed onto the female rhino's back.

I don't know how long it will take to end, Bai Lu Yao took out a piece of jade and began to practice carving.

Longlinke has a strong medicinal effect. After the male rhinoceros finished one time, it didn't take long to continue. The white deer demon who was reminded refused to comply, transformed into a big body, and stepped forward to hug the female rhinoceros into the wooden fence and close it.

The medicinal effect of the female rhinoceros has not passed, and it still emits a seductive smell inside.

The male rhinoceros had a temperament, and no longer feared the traces of demon spirit that came out when the Bailu demon transformed into a big body, he lowered his head and chased him.

Just like tickling it, the Bailu Demon didn't care at all, patted its head: "Don't worry, there are more than a dozen alien beasts over there, I can always make you happy!"

Send another bundle into the fence of the spare female rhino, after a while, open the fence door and send the panting male rhino in.

After watching for a while, Xiaoshan contemptuously said: "For such a big man, his legs are soft when drafting seven or eight. It's really useless!"

Zixi touched his head and sighed: "Such a small person, not even a drafter can be found, so sad!"

Xiaoshan Jing slapped his hand away, and said angrily: "My brother and I are dating, don't poke their hearts!"

Zixi had already "chuckled" and rolled around with a smile.

The Bailu demon once again threw away the jade in his hand and called the crescent moon, who had never dared to say anything, to call out the male rhino. She took the first female rhinoceros into the moon, and the "rui" phantom came out and enveloped all the female rhinos.

I don't know how many people can get pregnant?

Looking back, Bailu Yao said to the weakened male rhinoceros: "Thank you!"

In order to avoid inbreeding in the future, this male rhino should not be allowed to keep too many species, but this number is obviously insufficient. Its actual combat ability is indeed lower. The White Deer demon just pulls out the stalemate: "Reward you, Jincheng spirit beast, I want to be able to fight a few more at once!"

The golden hitter was by his side, tears almost came out: "Master, you obviously have it with you!"

When the deer demon returned to Fengling Ridge and not long after washing his hands, Jin Jizi had already sent the fried chestnuts from the grass market shop of the King of Shanshang.

After all, it's just a mortal thing. The bag contains fried chestnuts, which is a full load of seven or eight catties.

Leave some for Qingluo, and the deer demon enters the main room with the rest.

"Sister Sixteen isn't there?"

The seventeenth mother replied: "I said that I went to visit the Caoshi shop at the foot of the mountain!"

Mortal female ghosts can't eat them, so you can divide them to add fragrance and fragrance. The demon white deer waved: "You go out first!"

Knowing that the deer master was going to be alone with Seventeen Niang again, he ran away with a smile, and before Hu Meizi left, he rolled his eyes at the deer deer.

The female ghost also floated back to the study.

The seventeenth mother blushed and asked, "What do you want to do?"

In a while, I will fight on the Doufengping Ping. Soak you softly for a while! Bai Lu said demonly: "I peel chestnuts for the lady to eat!"

Crushed the shell, peeled one, and handed it to Seventeen Niang's mouth. Seeing as she chewed in her mouth, the deer deer's heart was moved, and after a light "cough", she asked, "The woman didn't eat it. Out?"

The Seventeenth Mother asked puzzledly: "What did you eat?"

The White Deer Demon leaned over and pressed her forehead and said, "I have stuffed dragonlinke essential oil in the chestnut!"

The dragon girl was dumbfounded, she was only concerned about feeling honey before, and she didn't have any precautions. She really didn't eat it!

She wanted to swear, but the demon Bai Lu's mouth was closed, blocking her.

After a while, the Sixteenth Lady in a black dress flew down the mountain and walked into the bedroom, shocked: "Ah! What are you two doing?"

The Bailu demon ran away in Seventeen Niang hurriedly arranged her dress: "Ah... Sister, how come... come back?"

Sixteen Niang glared at her: "My sister is trying to persuade you to seduce him, but she will give it to her without asking you!"

Seventeen Niang covered her face with her hands, and said with a crying voice: "It's him...he said that the chestnut has the essential oil of Longlinke!"

Sixteen Niang stared at her suspiciously again: "I said, he was uneasy and kindly asked for essential oils and told you to be careful! It's just that the effect of the medicine is what you look like?"

The Seventeenth Mother stomped aggrievedly: "He's a girl!"

"Has he succeeded?"

Seventeen Niang flushed and shook her head resolutely.

That night, the grandma of the house gave Master Lu a bag again.

ps: Too busy, change first and then change

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