Deer Demon Race

Chapter 334: Waning moon

When the rhinoceros waning moon descended the mountain, he kept sighing.

For errands, the day and night are turned upside down. I slept in Futao Cave for a long time before going down the mountain after waiting for the contest of Doufengping.

He used to hear Langlang's nag said that the master of the mountain was often beaten up badly by his grandmother. He still didn't believe it, thinking it was the wolf demon bragging again, but he saw it today.

For example, the wolf demon blowing, the tooth mark on the calf of the ancestor Bai Ze was bitten out.

If it weren't for the first time to come, and to be a demon with her tail sandwiched, Wan Yue wanted to spit her saliva on the face of the wolf demon!

I really dare to blow!

Is that a demon ancestor, will you bite a little demon? Does it shock your mouth?

After stepping back ten thousand steps, the ancestor was willing to tease him. It really made him bite. The body of the demon ancestor, the little demon's strength, can leave a tooth mark?

That's a wolf demon full of nonsense! If it weren't for the ancestor Bai Ze who didn't have a proper shape, he always liked to tease him, change another ancestor, and dare to arrange it like this, he would have to be fined 30 times a day!

That guy still blew, he used to call the three "brothers" Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan!

I have already inquired clearly, that the three mountain masters’ confidantes are about to talk about the demon generals. Recently, they have been with Yaoyao, half a bit, yelling, half mystery, sickness, indisputable, knowing things, big fools, and black faces. At the same time, the first batch of twelve demons, Master Tong Delu passed on the "Universal Starlight Technique", and they have been practicing diligently recently. I heard that the skill is as hot as Cairihua. Demon? The wolf demon puts gold on his face like this, thinking that my old rhino is stupid because he is thick and thick?

But today's incident, I finally didn't say false, Wan Yue watched the mountain master being beaten to faint twice, this head grandma looked at the tender and tender, really unambiguous when she attacked her cruelly!

No wonder the grandson of the dragon and grandson of the dragon often say "the sun-dragon bag", which is the misfortune of the master of the mountain today!

Those nobles in the demon, the sun-dragon bag that enters the Suilong Palace, are they all like this?

Worthy of being a real dragon, domineering!

But I don’t want to marry such a pungent **** family, no matter how beautiful it is!

I trot down the stone steps, and when I reached the foot of the mountain, it was already dark.

The stars tonight are very good. If you want to come to Master Lu, you have to borrow the Xinghui Refining Device. Those twelve new learners can't just borrow it. I heard that they need to practice that technique to perfection first!

Except for Xiaoshengyeyaoyao, I heard that the "Vientiane Starlight Technique" is only passed on among the demon in charge. After the old rhino becomes a demon, I will definitely seek to be in charge instead of being an idle demon!

Next to the mountain gate, in addition to a few little monsters on duty, there are also two demon kings.

The well-informed sea-mongers are blowing, each demon sacred mountain field rarely makes the demon king watch the gate, not to mention that the mountain master of this mountain is only a demon general, and there are four demon kings taking turns to watch the gate for him. , What a mighty prestige!

While sighing, the audience had a demon voice, but they felt that it should be right!

Under the moonlight and starlight, I saw these two demon kings outside today's mountain gate, the original mountain star king was also there!

The waning moon was originally the little demon in the Meteor King Mountain Field. To avoid embarrassment to each other, he lowered his head slightly and wanted to quickly slip over.

I don't want the Demon King to refuse to let it go, and cried out: "This is not the waning moon? You don't even bother to meet me?"

Although they were complaining, they didn't put themselves on the air, and they didn't call themselves "the king".

Wan Yue turned around in a hurry, with a flattering smile on her face: "Grandfather King, King Rugou, I rushed to be on duty. I didn't meet the two kings, so don't be surprised!"

The one who made the sound earlier was Meteor King rushing the moon, and the one next to it was Rugou King Xuanyue.

There was also a smile on Ganyue's face, not like waiting for the little demon under her original sect: "If you know you are busy, just delay a few words of effort!"

Wanyue knew that he was going to say something, so she put her face on her face first: "Grandfather King, it's not a small Na Qiao! My ancestor's eye that I didn't know how to enter, in front of the master of the mountain, I haven't been able to say a word yet, really. Ability to speak for the four great kings!"

The Crescent Moon stopped the Meteor King and said to the Waning Moon: "Don’t worry, you go ahead, and don’t forget that our four demon kings of the same clan are! You must benefit from it!"

"The little one retire!"

After running a few steps, he heard the Meteor King sigh softly.

The old holy rhinoceros valley became the white lion valley. Although it was of the same clan, the little demon of the waning moon had been taken fortune, and his fate was different from that of the demon kings like him.

The waning moon rushed, and every time he went to this mountain gate, he wanted to escape early, which was really difficult to face.

Good luck in his own family, but Grandpa Wang has fallen to the point of looking at the gate of the mountain!

Previously under the Meteor King’s family, he was regarded as a confidant by the great prince because he was of the same clan, and he had taken care of him a lot. Just a lucky little demon, how can I help Grandpa Uehara?

So they belonged to the Mochizuki Rhinoceros clan, and Wanyue also felt that the demon saint of his own family who was dead had acted too harshly before. Twelve years ago, he forced the demon of other clan to go to the Sacred Ape Mountain to send him to death. Called the burial of a dozen demon kings and hundreds of demon generals in this valley, and spread the "monk curse" to harm the demon. I can't blame the mountain lord deer for not waiting to see the surviving Rhinoceros Rhinoceros. I would rather introduce the demon king from outside. , The demon will be stationed in the holy...White Lion Valley, there is no need for him to wait.

Wanyue also knew that the four demon kings of the same race, including the Great King Grandfather and King Rugou, in fact wanted to get rid of the current predicament, but also wanted to go one step further.

But Wanyue is just a little demon, and his family relies on his unique magical powers, and he is acquainted with the ancestor's Dharma Eye. How can it be said?

The more than 20,000 demons who survived in the original Saint Rhinoceros Valley, only his waning moon had this fortune, so he had to pick Japanese flowers and learn magical powers!

I've asked the Lord of the Mountain to charge those expensive "control fees" and how much the real ambergris is worth after changing into a panacea. A rotten little demon of his own, not to mention the subsidies for the elixir in Doufengling, is no different from that of the nobles of the demon race. He also has to gather Japanese flowers and learn magical powers. It is already a great good fortune. Expect other things?

In fact, there are still extravagant hopes, and I also want to learn the "Vientiane Starlight Technique"!

My family is Mochizuki Rhinoceros. If he can be promoted to the Demon King, will he be as hot as the mountain lord Lu Master?

Fleeing the mountain gate like flying, ran for two or three miles to the lake, and then entered the bustling grass market.

On the other side of the grass market, near the lake, is a camp for each house, where there are more demon crowds, but the waning moon has never been there.

At this time, it was night, and I ran past the shops, most of them were closed. Except for those who hadn’t sold out and didn’t find it hard to continue setting up street stalls, only the gambling shop and the Huanghua’s next door named "Drunk Flower". The good business has just begun in the "home" beeswax house.

In front of the door of Huanghua's family beeswax room, two Yingyans were soliciting guests.

The blue-eyed Dingmu who was busy practicing the "Vientiane Starlight Technique" hadn't even reached the gate of the gambling house. The rhino demon took a glance at the next door and rushed into the gambling house.

As in the past, the small betting tables of Su Ji and Jin Shaozi were already crowded.

Jin Chizi Dingmu is still going to be hot tomorrow morning. At this time, he gambled happily, at five to six, and he didn't seem to be worried at all.

On the other side, the Demon King and Demon General bet at the table. Only four or five gamblers were at this time. Among them, King Shanyang was also there, and the sheep hadn't arrived, so betting was cautious.

It is the turn of King Shanyang to kill the sheep, and King Jinyu will come today.

The waning moon breathed lightly before the sheep's mouth had arrived.

King Yang glanced at the mountain, and the great king was calmer than him, as if he hadn't seen him.

Lang Lang, the bragging wolf demon, was making tea for the new gamblers. He saw the rhinoceros coming in and he was relieved: "The waning moon is here, come quickly and make tea, Brother Rong rests!"

The tea served to the gamblers is the same ordinary tea, but the tea at the big betting table is always sent by the three demon of Banxuan, the dead ghost, and the head jackal. Langlang and Wanyue only greet the small betting table gamblers.

Two rounds of tea were delivered by the waning moon, only to see that two sheep were present, and he threw the tea delivery to Lang Lang, pretending to sit in the corner and nap, but in fact, his attention had been on the gambling table.

The bowl of the dice is specially tempered to prevent the sense of consciousness and disturb the hearing at the same time, but it cannot prevent the "insight" of the waning moon.

The big bet table is where the gamblers take turns to sit at the bank. The gambling method is the simplest, but other gamblers just roll the dice and let other gamblers guess the size.

On the bright side, there is no demon sitting at the big betting table in Doufengling, so the rhino demon's partner is the king of Shanyang at the advanced door. At this time, the sheep rushed to the king, and the king of Shanyang gradually increased his bet.

When the Lunyangguo was the villager, the hand hanging behind the wooden chair, the thumb is big, the little finger is small, nothing is like a leopard. The Waning Moon has already done so skillfully, and he cooperated with King Shanyang to win over those two sheep. The panacea.

"Another good goat!"

The door curtain was opened again, and a new customer entered the casino. In his ears, he heard the sound of a well-known ancestor.

Is Biyan Chome out? Three goats to be slaughtered today?

He opened his eyes curiously, but saw that the demon king who opened the curtain and came in was Longzi Twenty Lang who had just arrived in Beihai Dragon Palace a few days ago.

The supernatural powers of the true dragon clan, isn't the master of the mountain fail to learn it?

Wanyue was a little confused. The ancestor Bai Ze knew what he was thinking, and then transmitted his voice: "Biyan saw it first, and the original ancestor calculated it. How could it be wrong? He must have got it from the outer monster, and the white deer can learn from it. , What a supernatural power! The Bailu Demon had beaten an uncle long ago, and was afraid to win another elixir? Just kill!"

Wanyue is obedient to his orders, so join forces with King Shanyang and kill one more!

The tea shop refining business is prosperous, but there are also some high-profile customers who rely on the lack of elixir, and are unwilling to give the deer master the magical powers, so they only ask for the refining device to honestly produce elixir, and understand the unique little demon of the waning moon. After the supernatural powers, the ancestors of Bai Ze came up with this method, the gambling shop exclusively wins these high rollers.

Gamblers all over the world are most likely to end up with big wins. Since then, they will no longer be gambling, but all those who lose hope to make a profit. When gambling every night until midnight, most of the remaining players are losers, and the winners have been withdrawn. At this point, the Tapir Demon is the opposite of others. When he bet on money, the more he wins, the more he wants to bet again. He fears that he will never win. If he loses, he will not bet for a long time.

According to the ancestors of Bai Ze, it is to ask King Shanyang and King Jinyu to cross over to help, no matter how long it takes, be sure to make this high gambling, panacea, and magical high-roller lose eagerly and want to make a profit. At that time, he inadvertently informed that those with magical powers can go to the main office of Lushan in the tea house and change to the elixir.

There is a lot of money in Doufengling. Doing this unproductive thing is not for making money. The owner of the mountain, Mr. Lu, said hello long ago, and only for those who have good magical powers, so who is the sheep, it is determined by the "identification" of the magical powers. Biyan first made the judgment, and then the ancestor Bai Ze assessed the judgment, except for the sheep's mouth, they only gambled seriously.

If you exchange magical powers for the elixir, and then come to the gambling shop, Wan Yue even has to cooperate with King Shanyang to send out a thousand and vomit some elixir to prevent others from losing too much.

If this matter is exposed, Lord Linglu will lose face, so seeking stability is the first priority. King Shanyang increased his bet and won't win too much in one night. So far, none of them are due to thousands of games. The two who sold magical powers in the tea shop had lost all the elixir in their pockets, but they only wanted to sell the raw materials of the equipment, and didn't want to shed their roots.

For this, as long as you continue to bet, if you don't say anything, you will only have magical powers when you win!

The ancestor Bai Ze said, don’t be anxious, take your time, Lord Lu will not have much luck to help out.

In the recognition of the waning moon, he came into the ancestor's Dharma Eye because he was able to help the gambling shop win the elixir!

With his secret cooperation, the first half of the night was not over yet, and Huang Shangpin had piled up a small pile in front of King Shanyang. He stretched his waist and said: "I'm sleepy, go back to sleep!"

If he wins, he runs. The gambling is not good. Two Demon Kings are scolding, but they know his temperament and good luck, but they refuse to bet until dawn.

For King Shanyang, who won the elixir again, Huang Huaniang, who had mixed in early to solicit guests, was not so active, she only had to ask: "The king is lucky tonight, can you go to Drunk Flower House to relieve your fatigue? A new figure? Good, scented Wood Demon Girl Bodhisattva!"

Her self-contained wood monster has not yet been completed. The new wood monster rushed to the White Lion Valley to make a living. For the beautiful wood monster girl sold, Huang Huaniang first spent a lot of money to buy two support scenes to seduce the sea monster.

Although King Shanyang won a lot of elixir, he has to pay 90% of his money to the gambling shop when he turns around. He only has a hard money in his own house. How dare he go to Huanghua's family to sell the gold cave costume uncle? As usual, he replied: "Hua Niang knows, this king is not good at that, please don't go!"

Huang Huaniang suddenly changed her face: "The useless plague, win such a panacea, only mold is hidden! It is better to go to the west while the white deer demon breeds rhinos, if it fails, Just ask for Longlinke essential oil; if it's still useful, borrow a female rhino from his family and let it go!"

Huang Huaniang has a good relationship with the Bailu Demon, but she doesn't know the inside story of this matter. Although she was so fiercely assaulted, King Shanyang didn't know anything about it, she just bowed his hands and left the house.

At the small betting table, Tiger Demon Su Jiqiang pulled the golden hitter and left the gambling shop to return to Futao Cave in the mountain field.

This tiger demon is also a different kind of gambler. No matter how he wins or loses, he will return to the mountain field at the point. He said that it is not good to delay tomorrow's errands.

King Shanyang left, Wan Yue no longer had a partner, got up and worked with the wolf demon until dawn.

In the second half of the night, the twenty uncle of Master Lu, the mountain lord, turned around when he was down. All the elixir he lost before was won back, and he made a small profit. He smiled and said to Huang Huaniang, "Cai Rihua will come back and take care of her family." Business, told the two Wood Demon Girl Bodhisattvas to wait.

Hearing that both wooden monsters wanted them, they were willing to spend a lot of money. They were much bolder than King Shanyang’s plagues. Huang Huaniang couldn't help but said with joy: "Oh, Huaniang hasn’t gotten close to Long Zili! If my brother is willing to give a panacea, So Huaniang is also willing to make an exception and accompany you in the end!"

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