Deer Demon Race

Chapter 335: Xuantian

In front of the gate of the Xuantian School, the fat monk Duji looked at the small eyes in front of him and said in dissatisfaction, "I borrowed two magic weapons from Lao Na, but he was not allowed to enter the door. Which one is the truth?"

Glancing at the Taoist with an eyebrow standing a little further away, Daoxuan jokingly replied: "The monk curse is powerful, although I haven't seen it used against a monk of the same race, it's not a big deal to be careful!"

The monk "haha" smiled: "The traditional way is different, and there is always the friendship of the same clan. Lingshan Temple dare not act like a demon and be a public enemy in the world!"

The old Taoist shook his head and said nonchalantly: "Nowadays, all schools and sects take care of the friendship of the same clan. You can't say for a few thousand years. The poor way is not stupid. Keep your eyes on it! More than two thousand years, I saw it again. The monk is true, he has something to say, except owes two magic weapons to your family, there is no other friendship, what is the matter when you come to my door today?"

No matter how much the monk uses his tongue, this miscellaneous hair must put on a posture that he can't trust!

When the human race unifies the five continents, what will happen to the general trend of the world in the future? Between Buddhism and Taoism, between Taoism and Taoism, no one can tell. At this time, the theory is useless. The fat monk just said leisurely: "Beihai Dragon Palace, Next year, I will be married to the Great Sage of Lunyin again, I'm afraid that Sacred Ape Mountain will have more friends in the family!"

The Yaozu has become smarter, and they have joined forces more and more. It will be difficult to resist in the future, and it is indeed annoying.

If all the demon races of Luzhou in Beiju move towards unity, they can only ask for assistance in advance from Mount Xumi. By then, how much land will be needed? How many disciples do you raise? What if one of them can promote God?

Feeling uncomfortable, Dao Xuan hummed: "My family is not big, nor does it border the Dragon Palace and the Great Sage Lunyin. It can't tell me! The monk should go to the Antarctic Palace and Taihuamen to discuss. Fighting an old manatee to death, and dividing the land of the old manatee, it appears that it will not be successful. Go and talk about asking his family to grab more land. I think it is bliss!"

Really can't look down on this miscellaneous hair with no great monk, Du Ji sullen his face: "Now in Luzhou, North Ju, as long as the demon saints who have contact with the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain, you still expect two or three monks to kill. ?"

Dao Xuan cried: "The sky is falling down from the top of a tall man, and the poor Dao is not that capable! Before the old lion arrives, there are still two demon saints under your door. They are much more powerful than my Xuantian faction. What is the old way? I don’t look for the Antarctic Palace and the Taihua Gate, and I just discuss with the two great gods of the Donghua Gate. The old way really can’t control it!"

This servant looked like a rogue. He really didn’t entertain. He smiled bitterly and said: "The magical method that Lao Na has realized more than ten years ago is really domineering, so that the daoists are all jealous. Too malicious? It is only out of public heart, not dare to let the demon clan become a force, so that the situation of Beiju Luzhou is ruined like Xihe Niuzhou, then this discussion is raised! But if Lingshan Temple is in the first place to mention something, or again After being jealous of various schools, I came to invite fellow Daoists to do their best! Taking advantage of the fact that fellow Daoists have not returned to Jiuyou, there is a chance to win the Sacred Ape Mountain, isn't it good?"

Why don't you do any good? Daoxuan squinted his eyes: "Oh, poor Dao doesn't have such a skill!"

After refusing, he asked the back Yimei again: "Brother Yimei, the monk has occupied Liliyuan, and your home cannot be made in the north. Did you grant the Holy Ape Mountain to you and come with you today? I want to come soon. Replace the land of the original Taiyimen with my home? Tsk! I don’t want to have only a few years of effort, the Xuantian faction will be as good as the original Taiyimen, and it will completely lose the way to expand!"

Yimei smiled and said, "Don't laugh at fellow Taoists anymore. How can the poor Dao be enough for the old ape? The monk is Xu us and Lei Zhenmen, and the three are divided into the Holy Ape Mountain!"

"To share the holy monkey mountain?"

Seeing Daoxuanjia’s doubting appearance, the monk laughed "hehe" and threw the bait out: "Now Honzhou, I will move my whole body with one move. Please help me to tell the two of Donghuamen, Hezhou. Huashen is divided into two roads. In the east, please ask the Antarctic Palace and the Taihuamen to attack the Great Sage Nalunyin. If the old ape and the dragon king go to rescue, let's take the opportunity to take the holy ape mountain on the west road. Bai Ze and Bai Lu Yao, who were against Buddhism in Li Zhuan, will have their lives divided by your three families. If the old ape and the dragon king are not saved, we have to stay still and kill the old dolphin by the east road. In the sea area of ​​his home, cut the home of the Dragon Palace Alliance!"

The monk is preparing with two hands, and it is implemented according to it. No matter how you look at it, it is very beneficial to the general situation of Beiju Luzhou.

The old lion of Lingshan Temple has not yet arrived, but there is also a lineup of the gods and two demon saints, so Yuxiaomen hates them and is unwilling to take action. With the three gods of Taoxuan, Yimei, and Zhongchun, the strength of West Road is also strong enough!

Even if the Great Sage and Old Elephant has just been severely injured, they can't have much strength, but if the holy ape and the dragon palace are both powerful demon saints, there is no need to ask for foreign aid!

Taiyimen and Leizhenmen are eager to expand outwards. Facing the monk’s proposal, it is impossible not to be tempted. Once they rush into the Sacred Ape Mountain, nothing else is in a hurry. They will definitely move in with the two sects first. , When the old ape turns around, the three families may help each other, or they may have enough!

If the two Donghuamen were willing to come to help West Road, they might be able to make the old ape suffer a big loss!

The monk meant that he wanted his own family and a brow to make sense of other sects, make a big move and still have a big hatred last time, if there is a loophole, he must go to kill the hateful white deer who hid in the holy rhinoceros valley, what? Want to come, it's a great thing!

It's just that Dao Xuan definitely doesn't get involved easily, and said with a smile: "In this way, Donghua Gate is not very good, and the two big monks are not easy to nod!"

The monk was full of stern expressions: "Every family in Xumi Mountain Continent is coming out soon. If you don't have to be tighter, how much land can you grab? There are good things for the weak monster race to strengthen yourself, but it is very good? Old Na doesn't believe in Yizhou Niu Er. There is no such measurement!"

Hold a continent of cattle ears, who sealed it?

The monk admired Donghua Gate so much that Daoxuan was sour when he heard it, and he hummed to find him: "The monk is more clarified, but is he ridiculing the poor?"

Du Ji rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to talk with this pomp again: "Friends of Taoism hurry up and do things, Lao Na will get back to the original news!"

Daoxuan exclaimed: "Oh! Poor Dao didn't agree, how did you go?"

Just let him call, the fat monk turned a deaf ear, and flew away.

Daoxuan looked at the one in midair: "Brother Yimei..."

An eyebrow said: "Uh! Fellow Daoists hurry up and go to Lei Zhenmen to ask for a few words from Senior Zhongchun!"

He glanced at an eyebrow and then flew away, Daoxuan stomped his feet and cursed: "Zhi Niang thief! Don't be a son of man!"

Donghuamen is the orthodoxy of the prince of the East. The aging **** Yuanyang in his family has a big killer in his hand. He first logged onto Luzhou in Beiju by his own power, and led Donghuamen to gain a firm foothold. , The follow-up monks arrived.

Donghuamen has the merit of opening a continent. After so many years, Yuanyang has not been killed by the catastrophe. There are more than a dozen demon saints killed and squeezed away by him. It must be good fortune to raise the second **** of transformation, Danyang, with strong lethality. Not to mention a double **** of transformation, the combat power is amazing!

The monk is not wrong. Donghuamen is a big sect that really clings to Taoism, Daoxuan, and it’s useless to put acid water in the belly. The background, the methods, the disciples and the people, no matter what, are far better than nothing. superior.

When I couldn't see the Taoist with an eyebrow, Daoxuan turned back to Dao Palace.

The Xuantian Taoist Palace has been repaired for nine years, and now it finally looks like an immortal family, and most of its aura has recovered, but the newly planted Taoist ancestor tree is only a supreme high-grade, and I don't know how many years it will take to get promoted.

Daoxuan returned to the palace, and first went to the side hall of the proud disciple He Yilei.

He Yilei, a charcoal-like person, was the most diligent. He was practicing qigong when nothing happened. When he was awakened by the master, he gathered up to give a salute and asked, "What's wrong with the master?"

Daoxuan asked: "My second child, have you tempered the two magic weapons that Lingshan Temple asked for?"

He Yilei frowned and said, "Master, no matter how great the White Deer Demon is, he is only a demon general. It is really impossible. The disciple can still reach the realm of battle. If he does not concede early, it will not be troublesome to kill! Why bother to kill Master. Name, two more magic treasures to come?"

Daoxuan "pooh" and cursed: "You don't know how hungry you are, so uneasy! The door is so catastrophic, the storeroom is empty, and you dare not look at two magic weapons? Besides, where is a teacher? I've agreed with the monk, just borrow our home, and when you use it, you can return it to his home!"

When He Yilei was speechless, Daoxuan cried out again: "You have been tempered earlier, and you will cut your cultivation as a teacher!"

The demon generals and the foundation-building cultivating bases, magic treasures such as the child dance sledgehammer, can be used at most once, not to mention, they can easily hurt themselves, which is too reluctant. According to Daoxuan’s original calculation, it was to weaken the disciple to the foundation-building cultivation base. At least the spiritual knowledge and spells are far better than the real foundation-building. It is still in the realm of great perfection. Rogue, you can make a breakthrough and return to the golden core monk without breaking the oath made before the heavenly path. At that time, the magic weapon that was tempered and confessed before can be used in an instant, and it can be killed before the White Deer speaks to admit defeat. he.

But in He Yilei's view, his own combat power is also the leader of the same family Yuan Ying. He already has a sharp magic weapon. He didn't want the master to be too inadequate, and he deceived two powerful ones from Lingshan Temple.

To that white deer demon, he was too careful!

Only by relying on the master’s efforts to turn the tide, did the Xuantian Sect, who had almost become a second-rate sect, be brought back to its current position. The master’s actions were beyond the turn of the disciple to say anything. He Yilei only asked: "It’s not that the master only cut back before returning to Jiuyou. Is the disciple's cultivation?"

Dao Xuan said angrily: "Today the old Dao's heart is not smooth! The monk is very good this time, but he does not dare to do it! If we still can't find the Sacred Ape Mountain, we still need to rely on ourselves to refine the killing weapon as soon as possible. It's the right way!"

He Yilei doesn't care about the monk's calculations at all. Master and brother have to worry about this kind of thing.

He was bored and did not ask questions, Daoxuan sighed, and said: "The time of the monster clan is running out, but in the event of a co-clan crisis, there will be outstanding heroes! Then the white deer monster, you must not underestimate the news that the spies have come back. , Which one doesn't surprise us?"

He Yilei nodded.

Tao Xuancai said: "Thank you! I hurry up to refine two magic weapons, Mo spends all day thinking about Lei Zhenmen's "all gods and thunder", and be careful to become a silly person! Find your junior sister for your teacher!"

He Yilei bowed and said, "Master, go slowly!"

At a certain residence, the Tiger Demon Servant was telling Zhang Meigu: "Master, I have searched for so many demon who run for a living, and they all said that Drifting Ridge has moved to the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, and there is no more news!"

Gu Mei frowned and said, "It's really the Holy Ape who moved him? Where is his face?"

The Tiger Demon shook his head quickly: "Where do I know? Or get married with the Dragon Palace, taking advantage of the Yue family?"

Aunt Zhang Mei said coldly: "He deliberately said that he had come to **** me off? Is it itchy?"

The tiger demon has a bitter face, and has not yet spoken, there is a shout from outside: "Little Thirteen! The pill room has a new "Yang Yan Pill", let's go and see, if you go too slowly, you will be robbed by your nephews!"

Aunt Zhang Mei glared at the tiger demon again and pushed the door out: "Senior Brother, even if you rob them all, you haven't used up the last one!"

Zhang Yifu stared, "I used the'Yellow Pill' to make my skin white and beautiful. The more I used it, the more elastic I was. Which female nun would be too much? You're the youngest 13, don't care!"

Aunt Mei covered her mouth and chuckled: "Thank you for your care!"

Zhang Yifu "hehe" replied, "Except for the brothers and sisters, the two of us are still our own family. How can we not take care of you as a brother?"

I don’t want to hear another cold voice from behind: "I can smell the dung odor all the way, so I’m not afraid of damaging your younger sister, and come to take care of her?"

Zhang Yifu was taken aback, turned around abruptly, and greeted the opposite Mei Gu, "Master!"

When he straightened up, Zhang Yifu said again: "I just picked up the dung and came back. I listened to the'Yan Yan Dan' coming out of the oven. I rushed over and forgot to change the robes! The younger sister and the master talked to me. I will help you **** the smell for my brother. Get it!"

The third disciple hurried away again, looking at his back, Daoxuan lightly sighed, and said to Aunt Zhang Mei: "Your third brother is really afraid of the enemy of the great road, so you seem to act urgently. Don't hate him!"

Aunt Mei nodded and asked softly, "Master, is he so fierce now? The second brother is going to fight for his life, and the third brother also said that he is the enemy of the Dao!"

Daoxuan smiled bitterly: "You don't believe it, we are the best! There is also a monk's family who unites with the cultivator of the **** of transformation, just for convenience, so as to break into the holy rhinoceros valley to kill him for revenge!"

Gu Zhang Mei pursed her mouth, did not speak any more, Daoxuan stood with her all the time.

In the back chamber, the tiger demon was trembling.

Look at Daoxuanjia’s puzzled The monk laughed twice, and threw the bait out: "Now Hon Zhou, I will move my whole body by one move. Please help me and tell Donghuamen. Those two, Hezhou Huashen, are divided into east and west. In the east, please ask the Antarctic Palace and Taihuamen to attack the Great Sage Nalunyin. If the old ape and the dragon king go to rescue, let's take the opportunity to take the holy ape mountain on the west road. , Lao Na only needs the lives of Bai Ze and Bai Lu Yao who are against Buddhism in the Holy Rhinoceros Valley. The Holy Ape Mountain will be divided by your three families; if the old ape and the dragon king are not saved, we have no choice but to fight from the east. Kill the old dolphin, divide his sea area, and reduce the Dragon Palace Alliance House!"

The monk is preparing with two hands, and it is implemented according to it. No matter how you look at it, it is very beneficial to the general situation of Beiju Luzhou.

The old lion of Lingshan Temple has not yet arrived, but there is also a lineup of the gods and two demon saints, so Yuxiaomen hates them and is unwilling to take action. With the three gods of Taoxuan, Yimei, and Zhongchun, the strength of West Road is also strong enough!

Daoxuan smiled bitterly: "You don't believe it, we are the best! There is also a monk's family who unites with the cultivator of the **** of transformation, just for convenience, so as to break into the holy rhinoceros valley to kill him for revenge!"

Gu Zhang Mei pursed her mouth, did not speak any more, Daoxuan stood with her all the time.

In the back chamber, the tiger demon was trembling.

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