Deer Demon Race

Chapter 346: Bone extraction

Master Lu does not make a living in the afternoon because he has to do two things.

The first is to look for a snake and take out the only bamboo sound like ink from the raw material room to make a wonderful sound flute.

The wonderful sound bamboos on the Dafengling Ridge are already in place, but the planting time is short. They are all the worst yellow bamboos. None of them have turned purple. Not to mention the top level of pitch black and ink, which is very good for the white deer demon who has a lot of money now. In terms of it, I still look down on it.

However, after the birth of the Holy Ape, the five factions that guarded the gates of the Xuantian Sect and went deep into the Sacred Ape Mountain were almost destroyed. During the 800 years of the Dongxiao Palace, a total of two ink bamboos were obtained, but none of them were sold. The magical top-level artifact, the other made up his mind to wait for a Yuanying to be dispatched before starting to practice it. It was used exclusively for Yuanying. After years of not being willing to use it, he kept it in the storeroom.

After the birth of the holy ape, King Zhu Wei waited to find his home in Wulao Mountain, and the treasury secretly kept this branch of the demons.

When this branch was handed over to the twenty-first post, the mountain demon among the demon kings was less capable of attacking, and among the directly governed demon kings who only had a mastery at the confidant, the mountain king, he was rewarded to him, and nothing else was rewarded. Yao Shanwang’s own magical artifacts are not weak, and it takes a long time to warm up and raise them. It’s not available for the time being. It’s a pity that no one who runs for a living can afford to buy the raw materials. If it was sold to the little demon running and operating at a higher price, this ink bamboo was sold back at the price of top-quality raw materials for two thousand yellow top grades.

The reason why it is called the top-level raw material is that it is the same as the mysterious jade hidden in the Hundred Treasures bag. It is born with five magical functions.

Two thousand yellow top grades are not too expensive. King Yao wants a hundred treasures to remember his love. When the overlaying method becomes higher, he will bring more magical tools to ask for more elixir.

When he married the Seventeen Niangs, the white deer demon brought out the horns for her own use, but the dragon girl did not accept it, so she only took a bamboo flute, which was made when the deer demon practiced her hands. Too shabby.

The push went well last night, and since then, they have become a real couple. If this matter is not good, she will be wronged again. When she bought it from Yao Shanwang, Bai Lu Yao thought that she personally made a wonderful sound flute that was in the eyes of the dragon girl. Engagement thing.

This ink bamboo flute has five magical functions. The deer demon has already thought about it. First, I will superimpose the first item, and then I will superimpose the “magic sound” that I have practiced less recently. The other four items are left blank for the time being. After ten years of war, if you can win the Xuantian faction bet and add another nine top characters, you will have to plan carefully.

This afternoon, the White Deer Demon stayed in the study, smelling the scent of real ambergris, and concentrated on making a flute with ink bamboo.

You don’t need a whole bamboo stick to make a flute. The cut off scraps will be checked later when you have time to see if you can make a few bamboo whistles and throw them to the police.

Carving has been practiced for a long time, and now the deer demon is skillful, drilling holes one by one, drilling exactly the same.

The Mozhu Miao Yin Flute took the longest time to form. After that, it took the first forty-five stacks of characters to be drawn up. It took only half a stick of incense for the first forty-five stacks. After forty-five stacks, it gradually slowed down, and each stack consumed a lot of demonic energy.

After the fifty-first stack, he still felt a sense of stagnation, and he stopped for fear of ruining the flute. Anyway, when the overlaying of the objects between the couple has improved, just help me to add them.

After this is done, the Mo Zhu Miao Yin Flute will be put in the pocket first, and will be sent to the Seventeen Niangs in the evening.

Then he poked his head out and called out: "Will the dead ghost go up the mountain?"

Heihuyao has already taken leave today. He will not go to the gambling shop, but will hone his spiritual knowledge in the Futaodong room. His promotion time will be pushed into the evening, and no one will tell him. He will be shocked when he picks up the sun tomorrow morning.

Hearing the deer yelling, several little demon playing outside Futao Cave spread words in, and the dead ghost quickly ran out: "Master's name is me?"

Having had a conversation last night, he was not so awkward to call him "Master".

Seeing that he is really there, the deer deer temporarily puts out his mental consciousness for a while, and walks out of the study: "It is said that your bone-hardening method is painful, don't take it anymore. Master, see it!"

This is the second thing that the Bailu Demon will do in the afternoon. He also called: "Little demon, go and call all the demon back!"

Before the monsters gathered together, the deer monster took out the jade to practice carving.

Seeing a flying little demon flew to the grass market down the mountain and called, the dead ghost hurriedly sat on the ground, chanting Fa'er, and pulled out the last foot bone, dripping cold sweat to temper the traces of incompleteness on the spot.

When I ask the black and white tapir to see it again, he is already a demon general!

He only missed the last few beards. Sure enough, when the tapir and the head jackal arrived by flying little demon, the dead ghost had already flew in mid-air to greet him by his own strength: "I'm taking leave today, and I won't come to the gambling shop again. Hard!"

Show off brightly!

The head jackal is all right, the black and white tapir opened his mouth, forgetting to jump off the flying little demon's back, and it took a long time before he cursed: "Dogday!"

He is also a thick-skinned person. He doesn't know why this servant can be promoted to the demon in front of his own house. After swearing, he jumps to the ground if nothing has happened, and decides to pretend to be grandson first. When he is promoted to the demon general, he will teach this Be a demon!

Master Lu ordered all the monsters to be called back, so the Shanxia Animal Collection Store closed, and the rotating Longtail rushed back; in the raw material shop, everything was left to the Asura girl and Ruwei, and Tian Xiang also rushed with the little monster.

In the past at Lingtao Peak, Huangxiapin and middle-grade elixir were scarce. The ancestors of Xiwang did not look for elixir specifically for Tianxiang and Xiaoxiao, and the spiritual peaches of Xuanzhong would not be eaten. If it weren’t for wealthy after going to Sacred Ape Mountain A little bit later, if she wants to be promoted to the demon general, it is a little bit later than the sparrow demon who teased the steel bone to be injured many times and delayed the promotion.

Connecting to return to one and double together, there are now seventy-four monsters in Doufengling.

Bai Ze and Shiqi Niang also came to watch.

Master Lu said in public: "Dead ghosts have the ability to harden bones quickly, but they say that the Daofengling demon can't bear the pain of bone pulling, so I told you to wait. Would you like to try?"

The black-and-white tapir who was just about to swallow his breath opened his mouth and cursed: "This black-skinned boy, heart-wrenched, is not lagging behind in the use of Japanese and Chinese magical powers, and he has the ability to hide behind him, no wonder I get promoted earlier than me!"

The demon really couldn't beat the tapir demon, but at this time he was able to bully, so he won't be afraid of it in the future. To borrow the words of the little demon in the driving range, it is not worth it! The dead ghost stared at him: "Don't call the general? Can you believable to teach you to be a demon?"

The tapir demon sneered twice and stopped making a sound, just waiting for later.

My heart has made up his mind, after he is promoted, he must have a fight with this guy, so that he will also become the eyes of a black and white tapir, and please have a hot day!

How about he advances first? My old tapir is favored by the master, and I have to pass the "all-phase star technique", and later, see which one is hotter?

Among the demon group, Biyan also sneered.

Not only Half-Xuan and Biyan, as the Tapir Demon said, this fellow hid his skills, and only took out his own Jin Demon general, and many demon were a little dissatisfied.

The mountain breeze in Joyride Ridge is not like this!

The demon on the scene dared to accompany the deer to pick up Japanese flowers, and they were not afraid of death. If they could advance early, who would be afraid of the pain?

In the middle of the field, Master Lu asked again: "His method is to take the bones out for tempering, saying that you can't stand it for a long time. Which one would you like to try?"

Banxuan jumped out first, followed by Biyan.

Then, Goubao, Yuanxiang, a group of demons gathered around.

The dead ghost "hehe" smiled: "All those who want to try are sitting down, today I will get your bones, and I will pass on the method later, I will draw and pick it up!"

Seventy-four monsters, except for Shuanghe hesitated, Dashun and Dashun directly stepped aside, all the others sat down, and Gou Bao was no exception.

With a lot of bones and heartache, he learned "vitality". If there is no other means, it is impossible to cultivate a demon general before his life is limited, let alone to say.

Sea-Monster Return, Big Fool, Hanging Hook, etc., are full of expectations. Who knows that they can get these many benefits when they are sent by Dragon Palace to the remote mountainous driving range? Nowadays, in the Dragon Palace, how many demons and little demons have regretted the intestines, why didn't it have the turn of the seventeenth mother to be the dowry?

The dead ghost smiled grimly, and began to draw bones from Banxuan.

Asked a certain bone that was being tempered, he touched it with his hand, touched the edge of the bone, and cast a spell to pull the bone out like a carrot.

The black and white tapir was the first to cried out heartbreakingly.

Losing that osteotomy not only hurts when I pump it, but the pain continues all the time, unabated!

The dead ghost stuffed the white bone into the tapir demon's hand and sneered: "Mo howl, get the bone quenched soon!"

Don't care if you finish talking, go and get the bones of Goubao instead.

This bone has its own demon energy, so there is no need to draw the demon energy in the body anymore, but the tapir demon held the hand of the white bone, so he did not mourn, and trembled so badly. Apart from the severe pain, how can he concentrate his consciousness to quench it? Practice?

The dead ghost said, this pain is not lower than the "scorching soul" of Master Deer, but there is no lie!

The training demon Goubao, after all, is the first of the stewardship demon. The general under the command of Master Lu, scrupulously gritted his teeth and did not scream like a tapir demon, but the pain was also unbearable and his hands tremble. , Tried several times, but couldn't concentrate on quenching the bones.

The first Banxuan was already screaming: "Brother Dead Ghost, I am wrong, oops! Help me get the bones back!"

The black tiger demon turned around and sneered: "I can't get too busy, wait until the smoke is over!"

So, the black and white tapir took his bones and continued to tremble and howl.

Yuanxiang, Biyan, a little bit, and shouted one by one, but none of them could harden the bones, but they screamed.

The dead ghost was not at ease, allowing all kinds of pleadings and cursing, and every bone was drawn, and he didn't help send it back.

Yuzhu and Dazhen were born as wild little monsters, thinking that they would not be inferior to the dead ghosts, but they also failed to concentrate their spiritual consciousness under the extreme pain.

Sometimes, it’s not what you want to do, it’s really powerless!

The black tiger demon is really ruthless, not only ruthless against the enemy, but also ruthless against himself!

The demon screamed in front of Futao Cave, frightening the onlookers.

Bai Lu Yao frowned and said nothing.

The monsters in the front of the row were all hotter, but they didn't hold back the pain. Bat Yao Yuwei was the first to stand up and give up. I believe Gou Bao couldn't help it, and she couldn't help it.

Then, Tianxiang, Guiyi, and Kaitai were not afraid of embarrassment, and stood up to admit defeat.

Seeing that the dead ghost was about to come, Su Ji took a cold breath and said to the fidgeting Jinzizi next to him: "I don't know what to do, bet either of us can take the bones out and temper!"

Jin Haozi nodded, staring at him: "Buy it!"

Su Ji said: "Change to the next to be brewed!"

Following the black tiger demon's bone-extracting direction, Su Ji was in front of him, and the mouse demon white gave him a glance, resolutely not changing his position.

When the black tiger demon walked in front of him, Su Ji immediately stood up: "I admit defeat, don't smoke!"

The rat demon then got up: "I don't smoke, it's a draw!"

Su Ji smiled and shook his head: "You can't be fooled!"

Behind the monkey demon black face was boned again, and he couldn't bear the pain.

Afterwards, Dayu, Tie Hui, etc. all got up one after another. Only the one who cultivated, finally saw the dawn of advancement, he had to try it anyway, but it was a pity that he soon joined the screaming and scolding, and he couldn't quench his bones!

After studying, there is no more.

Today, the wailing demon were tossing over and over, but the black tiger demon laughed very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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