Deer Demon Race

Chapter 347: open

The White Deer Demon suddenly became whimsical, and the "hemp" phantom flew out and fell on Ban Xuan. The pain was temporarily blocked, but it was a pity that the divine consciousness was also slowed down, unable to concentrate the divine consciousness to quench the bones.

When you really use this method to quench the bones, you have to extract the bones yourself.

The screaming screams were too unpleasant, the demon Bai Lu frowned and told the dead ghosts to send the bones of the demon back to their original positions.

The black tiger demon became evil. This time it’s all out of order. Anyone who doesn’t cross his eyebrows and eyes with him on weekdays has to be sent back to the bone first. Anyone who has been nasty, stays behind, and the bones were sent badly, called that. The screams were even harsher, and Qian Yao Banxuan was the second to last to be sent back to the bone.

The last one, of course, is to follow the demon Ding Frog and Demon Blue Eyes.

Looking at the Black Tiger Demon again, many demon Ding had gritted their teeth, determined to wait for the Jin Demon General to take revenge.

The dead ghost's wink at returning is anxious, and it's not empty!

The monster group won’t be amiable. The Bailu demon doesn’t care about this. When the blue-eyed bones are finally returned to their original position, he climbs up in sweat before he says to the dead ghost: "This method is still spread out, let him wait to figure it out. It’s good to be able to make one or two."

The dead ghost figured out this method. After all, only the demon Ding Jin demon general has to save some years, except for those who are short of life span, which is not too important. The dead ghosts are also hotter, and I have suffered from my "scorching soul", and the pain is so much that I figured out this method!"

When Master Lu was a little demon, he had broken bones, skinned cramps, and suffered more suffering than others, and his ability to endure pain was also first-rate. There is no shortcut to this method, just one word, "boil"!

As soon as Xiuye ​​felt uneasy, Master Lu said again: "From tomorrow, you will be hot for three days and a few days later. Master, I will reward you for remembering the'burning soul.' I can't use this method yet!"

Over there, the ancestor Bai Ze "hehe" smiled and interjected: "The ancestor also knows a few ways to make him feel unhappy, and the deer demon, your peach stick, just borrow a few sticks at any time!"

The snake demon cried: "Master, I would like to die in the demon realm all the time, even if I don't get promoted!"

Where did the arrogance of being a little demon go? Could it be the reason that the demon who used to be only a little demon, who was not easy to practice, recently took turns to teach him how to be a demon, so that he lost his madness?

This can’t be for him, Master Lu cried: "Doufengling has no white waste elixir! Dead ghost, stare at you two for a while. You have to catch the hottest days of your career, suffer the "scorching soul", pull your bones, and then take the master’s peach stick. Go to the ancestor cave, please ancestors help!"

Hearing so many instructions, the black face grinned: "Master, don't worry, the two of them won't be free, and we are all willing to help!"

The dead ghost smiled ferociously, with a slight excitement on his face. Besides, Hei Mian, Su Ji, Kai Tai, etc. were all unkind, and Xiuye ​​cried again.

When the little demon was in your own house, there was water in your mind, so why did you provoke so many demon?

Master Lu didn't care about him, and blinked at Seventeen Niang. Unexpectedly, he rolled his eyes and went back to the study to polish his consciousness.

In the evening, the white deer demon wanted to give the word "rui" to the two concubines of the holy ape, and did not go to Du Fengping.

In order to match the time of the White Deer Demon, the Holy Ape also worked hard. The **** time mentioned the day before the sunset. When he was finished, the two concubines came out.

The realm of the demon saint is too high, it is not easy to conceive, the same "rui" blessing, the female manatee Dajiao has long been pregnant, but these two female ape demon are still not moving.

The supernatural powers of the word "Swiss" can only increase the chance of fertility. There is no other way to try your luck.

There is sound insulation in the holy cave. The White Deer Demon had long known that he couldn't hear anything, so that he could calmly warm up the pair of big antlers that hadn't appeared in form, and then began to "take off the robe and transpose."

The King Kong Iron Gibbon family reappeared, and the old ape accepted the concubine. Although Xiwang and Yaoyao were dissatisfied, they couldn't stop them, so they went back to Yuanshan Mountain, and the other came to the holy cave.

The sky is gloomy tonight, the starlight is not visible, the big demon will help breed, the holy ape is also regarded as paying a "diagnosis fee", he personally took him, flew out of the cloud-shrouded area of ​​thousands of miles, together to attract the starlight quenching magic weapon and magic weapon.

Before midnight, the deer deer had finished guiding him four times, and then flew back to Joyriding Ridge with him.

It was still the demon saint sun, this time, there was not much time wasted on the road.

The holy monkey went back to accompany the concubine, and the deer demon went to the main room again.

Hearing the sound of Shuanghe calling, the Shimen in the bedroom was held back by the Seventeenth Lady, leaving only the cracks to transmit the sound. From behind Shimen, the voice came out: "Just leave the artifact in the outside room, and the Shuanghe will bring it for a ride. There are many ling monsters, and the husband will spread it like this. I can’t hide from the Dragon Palace, where can I tell the face of the Nu Jia? From now on, I will ask Qing Luo and the female ghost to accompany him, and don’t harm the Nu Jia again!"

The deer deer almost laughed and shouted, "I'm here to give you things!"

The dragon girl didn't believe him anymore: "Why don't you give it in daylight?"

Lu Yao chuckled: "If you don't believe me, I will show it to Shuanghe first, then let it go, and pass it to you!"

Hearing the envious exclamation of Shuanghe and Tianxiang, she couldn't resist her curiosity after all, so Long Nuqing withdrew back a little bit, making the crack of the door a little bigger as expected.

She was still worried about the door, and the White Deer Demon could only pass in the self-made flute.

Under the halo of Ye Mingzhu, some bamboo spots on the ink bamboo seemed to be alive. The divine sense covered it. After checking it carefully, the seventeenth girl said bitterly: "This is such a good material, and its magical effect is not worth the slave's white snails. What a pity!"

The deer deer knows the meaning of the dragon girl.

On the magical instrument owned by Dragon Girl, the effect of the big white snail and the wonderful sound flute are repeated. It is impossible for her to play two instruments at the same time. Although the base material of the Mozhu wonderful sound flute is much better, the magical effect of "Miaoyin" matched with the wonderful sound bamboo is more complemented and increased. It is large, but the number of overlays is few at present, which is no better than the large white snail that she has been nurturing for many years and is only a magical use.

Lu Yao confidently replied: "Maybe the old miscellaneous hair of the Xuantian School will take a few coincident characters as a bet. For the remaining four items, my old deer will slowly stack up for you, and the "good sound" will also be heard. With diligence, there will always be a day to surpass the white snails!"

In the final bet negotiated with Old Miscellaneous Mao, there are nine new characters. What Bai Lu Yao said "coincidentally" is actually a very high probability. In order to avoid premature ejaculation, the characters that they have already learned did not tell the pheasant demon. They had to wait until the day of the gambling fight. When the bet was checked, the Xuantian faction took out many characters, and the Bailu demon chose nine of them.

The magical artifacts robbed from the secret storehouse of the Xuantian Sect are mostly the basic characters of the Xuantian Sect. The Bailu Demon has gradually realized it, but with the urinary nature of the old miscellaneous hair, he is unwilling to vent more important characters. If he does, he must find a side sect to make a bet, and he may make up the number. His family will rule the various sects and be robbed again, or ask the Lingshan Temple, Lei Zhenmen and other big sects for more.

The White Deer Demon has learned characters, hid in the White Lion Valley, superimposed on the artifacts, and also widely harvested the raw materials of the artifacts. The Xuantian faction has already understood clearly from the rising raw material prices and the evil spirits of the holy monkey mountain.

Even the White Deer Demon has been able to overlay up to forty-five stacks, and the old miscellaneous hairs are already clear about which characters can be overlayed.

Yin Gong was originally a partial spell, and Bai Lu Yao chose to be heavier, and there was no unreasonable reason.

This guy had a good calculation, but Seventeen Niang pouted and asked, "So sure, will you win?"

Across the Shimen, the demon white deer laughed "hehe": "My old deer can't beat a foundation-building monk this day with a dragon bag?"

Listening to him mentioning the "Rilong Bao" at this time, the Seventeenth Lady immediately gave her cheeks and sipped her cheeks, shouting: "Get out of here!"

Where is the white deer demon willing to go? He coaxed and said, "We are two people! We just finished the house yesterday, and we are going to sleep tonight. Hu Meizi, Shura girl, and Nan Guier, all have to be suspicious, and chew their tongues more!"

Tian Xiang and Shuang stood shoulders behind him, and said dissatisfied: "You and grandma can't sleep, do the slaves chew the tongue?"

Seventeen Niang's face was even redder, but the guy outside the door was talking, and his hands were already pushing the Shimen hard.

Busily putting away Mozhu's wonderful sound flute, Seventeen Niang wrestled with him, and asked, "Why are you suspicious?"

"Is it because the master is inadequate and didn't serve his grandma comfortably? Or is the grandma not in good shape and can't keep the master? If you don't believe me, ask Hu Meizi!"

He said with a hippie smile, and the Seventeenth Mother couldn’t stand it, so she had to use the Demon King's brute force to close the door. The servant added: "Qingluo enters the door, the master I wake up three days late; accept the female ghost, also I was alone for two days. How could it be that grandma is not as good as both of them? It’s good to make Lao Lu unable to remember the lady?"

Hearing the last two questions, the arms that pushed the door were a little weak because of the ghosts and gods. The power of the demon king didn't know where to fly, and the door was pushed a little bit open, and the servant squeezed into the smallest body.

Hugging her, the demon Bai Lu was very proud, and exclaimed, "Lady, come and listen to your husband again?"

At this time, she was called "husband", but it was different from usual. The seventeenth mother was hot all over and had two punches, but her body was soft and she was hugged to the bedside without any effort. She screamed: "Heaven Killed! Door!"

There were two female demons standing outside the door, not wanting to be heard from the corner, Bai Lu Yao smiled "hehe", put her on the bed, turned around and closed the door completely.

Shuanghe folds and walks away first, and the fox demon hums twice and shakes his hand back to the room.

The good night was short, and when I woke up, the Seventeenth Mother felt a little bitter about picking the sun, and what did she do so early every day?

In the evening later, the dragon girl did not block the door.

After five days of being together, the White Deer Demon said to her that it’s not good to leave the Shura girl and the ghost girl out for too long, and she will go back to the study room to sleep tomorrow night, but Dragon Girl is unhappy, gritted her teeth in his arms and said: "Yu Wei Said, the little monsters know everything they know and they have been cheated badly by their husbands! But let's take it away. I will simply roll up my bun tomorrow and ask Qingluo to also move over and take my grandma's name. Which one dares to chew tongue jokes?"

Previously in Doufengling, the seventeen mothers had been combing the hanging hair and dividing the shawl into buns, which were shared by the creatures of the six races, which was the style of combing the hair of the girls who did not come out of the pavilion.

The lady went out of her way and made the Bailu demon laugh "hehe", teasing her: "The original lady has a thick face too!"

The seventeenth mother suddenly became angry and squeezed him fiercely, and said angrily: "It's not you yet! The slave family is black near the ink, and the thick-skinned ones will follow!"

Sure enough, when Cai Rihua came back the next day, the dragon girl combed her updo and asked Qingluo to move to the house next to her bedroom, while Ruwei asked to sleep with Shuanghe.

From then on Seventeen Niang took up the shelf of the grandmother of the Daofengling family, and interrupted the discussion at any time, and took over the mountain chores.

There are Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan, and Yu Wei. Although there are not many chores on the mountain, the White Deer Demon doesn't have enough time, and it is good to share it with her. The Dragon Girl director is very clear, and only occasionally asks about it.

When Qi Niu led the Ding Zuozheng living room according to the intention of the seventeenth woman, the space inside was very large. In addition to Qingluo, all the books and incense burners of Master Lu were also moved in, and the study room had been changed.

The female ghost does not have a separate living room, she usually lives in the sea of ​​knowledge of Master Deer, and hangs her gray robe out when she is in the way.

In the original study room, Seventeen Niang asked to set up a new bed. Later, there will be close female guests going up the mountain. If you live in Yingke Cave, you can settle there.

Ps: Returning to the hometown to worship the ancestors on Ching Ming Festival. Three days after the Ming Dynasty, there is only one watch every day. I hope to forgive me!

Strive for three more compensation next weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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