Deer Demon Race

Chapter 349: Battle of Saruyama

The Holy Ape borrowed Xinghui, and the Dharma Master lifted the burden of the mountain that suddenly became heavier, and smashed it down!

In this sky, the light seemed to be a bit dim. The originally ordinary Danshandan, at this moment, overshadowed any surrounding things, attracting all eyes!

This is in the holy ape mountain, in the land of the old ape! It seems that there is only this blow with infinite power hidden in the world!

The holy monkey hit with all his strength, and the old miscellaneous Mao Daoxuan was locked on!

Four thousand and four years ago, the old bear who was helped escaped. The holy ape had an enemy and three on the old lion ground. This method also used this method to hit the Dao Xuan master. He chased him and beat him fiercely, but the Great Transformation God couldn't escape after being injured.

Ten years ago, in order to save Yaoyao, he sneaked into the Xuantian Taoist Palace. The Holy Ape had already smashed the two magic weapons of this miscellaneous hair. After losing the magic weapon, Taoxuan was the weakest among the four gods, and it was the old ape’s resentment. The biggest one!

If you don't hit you, who?

As long as it is true, the holy ape is confident, at least he can kill half his life!

The sacred ape borrowed the stars to make a heavy blow. Before the eyebrows were silent, the yin and yang swords flew into two streams of light, with the shadow of the magic phase, the yang sword pierced the sacred ape’s head, and the yin sword pierced the saint. Ape's lower abdomen.

After realizing that the person locked in by the Holy Ape Spiritual Mind was not himself, he threw a piece of straw woven futon at Daoxuan again, and when it opened in the wind, its face expanded, blocking his head first!

Zhongchun flew out a fist-sized purple bead, hidden in the bead were the thousands of heavenly thunders that he had cultivated. The thunder screamed, and went straight to the holy ape's Dharma. Tuan black clouds, gathered under the futon of a man with an eyebrow, seem to be lifting.

Dan Shandan is really sharp, Yimei and Zhongchun dare not let their magic weapons be compacted, and they dare not to fight hard, but this is a good time for a sneak attack, and if you want to protect Daoxuan's life, they will not hesitate to shoot to the holy ape. The most powerful thing to save Dao Xuan is the magic weapon that can overcome rigidity with softness.

Daoxuan has always been wretched. Before this invasion, he had repeatedly shied away from the treasure, and he was forced to agree with him, and he would do his best to protect him. Taiyimen also borrowed a magic weapon to catch the benefits, and then he agreed. .

The Danshan pole is about to be smashed down, caught by divine thoughts, and fleeing is not as fast as the broken pole, so it can only be guarded! Daoxuan felt that the futon and the black cloud of Moyu's suffocated in front were not safe enough, and then screamed: "Hate seniors!"

Between the lightning and the fire, Dan Shan's burden seems to be slow and urgent, and it has been smashed!

At a critical juncture, on the mountain of monkeys, the innocence also does not care about the magic weapon, the high crown on the top of the head flies out of the body, turning into a large white phantom, covering the thunder bead of Zhongchun, and helping the holy ape!

Mrs. Xiwang’s peach stick is not inferior to the Danshandan, but it is still far behind the demon saint. The stick slams down, and the abhorrence is instantly magnified. He swings a three-pointed spear to block him, and Daoxuan calls for help. He roared again: "Sanqi and Liuyi, Dunjia!"

After this sound, the thick armor of Abomination disappeared strangely, and the next moment, he put on Daoxuan instead!

He hated to take off his armour to help Daoxuan, the flesh in the face of the law also had a bronze mirror with foggy face, swaying forward, a purple light flew out, hitting the lady looking west!


The Dan Shandan fell, powerful, smashed the futon and the black cloud, and slammed down on the thick armor that was swollen in an instant!

In order to deal with the sacred ape couple, the translators were prepared. At this time, all the means were used. The futon and the black cloud were extremely soft objects. Although they were hit hard, the magic weapon itself was not damaged much, but their light was dim. Kind of spiritual damage!

Yimei’s Yang sword was pinched by the Holy Ape’s Faxiang with one hand, but the Yin Sword pierced his Faxiang and pierced into the Holy Ape’s body!

In the middle of spring, the Thunder Zizhu was shrouded in a white crown, and instantly burst out all kinds of thunder, turning the unjust white crown thunder into darkness, almost completely lost in spirituality, and fell back feebly.

Detesting the purple light from the bronze mirror, most of the peach petals flying behind Mrs. Wang withered when she swept across it!

At the place where Faxiang fought, the handle of the three-pointed gun was smashed and bent by the mahogany stick!

In any case, he has survived the sacred ape's attack by Xinghui, and today is much safer!

With the help of futons, black clouds, and thick armor, Daoxuan was almost unscathed, and he was immediately happy, took out the golden seal of Bengshan borrowed by Taiyimen, and threw it to the monkey mountain!

This seal is made of pure fine gold. It is already heavy and has a few magical blessings. When it is shot, it becomes countless times larger, and it smashes down with the wind!

Right now, he was not ready to take back the Taoist ancestor tree, he wanted to smash it with the peach tree looking west!

Ignoring the monkey mountain, he moved the great saint iron skin back to the original form of the King Kong Iron Gibbon. The huge form and the law form are combined into one, so tall and upright, he raised his head fiercely, and shouted again: "Borrow the stars from the sky! "

Under normal circumstances, the sacred ape can only borrow Xinghui once a day, but this is not normal today, don't worry about the evil consequences of borrowing Xinghui the second time!

The second time the stars have not been spilled, and countless pieces of flesh on the body of the tall King Kong Iron Gibbon disintegrate and fall!

Borrowing beyond the physical strength will hurt the demon body!

On the mountain of monkeys, there was a roar without injustice, transforming into a giant beast, and its elevation slammed into the smashed seal of the collapsed mountain!

The unicorn on the giant beast's head is already scorched, and his high crown is made by this horn!

The hidden spiritual peach tree suddenly grew madly and jumped up, and Mrs. Xiwang disappeared in front of the hatred, and it was also completely integrated.

The magic weapon of the peach stick turned back to a huge branch on the peach tree, and rushed to the Bengshan Seal before the deathless innocence!

The huge King Kong Iron Gibbon roared in pain, anger, and madness, and Dan Shandan was ready to make the second blow!

In front of him, Hate, Yimei, Zhongchun, and Daoxuan have fled side by side!

The towering King Kong Iron Gibbon roared and chased after him. In the Sacred Ape Mountain, no one could fly him!

Sensing the poisonous monk rushing into the White Lion Valley, the sacred ape clone lifted the "Hundred Treasures" and jumped out from the Joyride Ridge, and flew towards the territory of Molar!

Du Ji hurriedly swept away his consciousness, and saw that what he was carrying was indeed the white deer demon with the words, leaving a cloud of yellow mist in place, and the deity rushed to chase after him!

The Bailu Demon is immortal, and the Crossing Curse is almost useless, so you can't let it go anyway!

The yellow mist he left behind became a fat monk again, a clone.

If you can't take the Buddha's thoughts to strengthen your body, the clone of oneself will not be able to compete with the famous demon ancestor, this clone is not for fighting, but for investigating the White Lion Valley.

Flying around the white lion valley, Duji avatars and chanted: "There are countless Bodhisattvas in the sky, the so-called: the heavenly king of wonderful flames, the king of freedom, the king of pure merit eyes, the king of love and happiness, the king of unmoving light and freedom. , Miao Majestic Eye King, Kind Thinking Light Tomorrow King, Lovely Le Dazhi King, Puyin Majestic Zhuang Tian King, Extremely Diligent Name Guang Tian King... If you wait and be the first, it is uncountable, all are diligent in observing the law of formlessness, and they are equal. !"

Following the sound of his chanting, the clone entity flying around the valley gradually became void, and the voice became smaller and smaller.

Thousands of Buddha thoughts spread, and this clone became extremely weak.

Thousands of Buddha Nian'er quietly sneaked into the hearts and souls of the White Lion Valley demon who heard the scriptures.

If the deity can kill the White Deer Demon, this White Lion Valley still belongs to Lingshan Temple!

Before the mantra gave birth to the demon of Buddha Nian'er, some unstoppable thoughts will soon come out in this life, and the word "卍" grows much faster than the initial growth under the beating of the Buddha's Nian'er Muyu, almost the same. Make a mark!

Fortunately, most of the demon crowds in the original Saint Rhinoceros Valley have been driven away by the Bailu demon, leaving only some alien species. Because the Saint Rhinoceros will force an invasion once in two hundred years, not all of them have been cursed. The four Mochizuki Rhinoceros The Demon King has been taken away by Bai Ze again.

A demon general who was only temporarily loaned to the house of the Jiao Demon King Diyin, when the Duji clone flew by for the second time, he was controlled by the Duhua curse and shouted: "The Zen Master save me!"

The Banshee King Diyin also fled, not in the mountain field, otherwise he could resist the monk's bleak clone!

The monk avatar floated towards the mountain field, and the remaining demon generals, who were also borrowed from Doufengling, hurriedly dispersed, fighting to flee.

When several monks were discussing matters, it was Daoxuan and the other four who deceived the old ape to take advantage of the Xinghui attack, and waited for the Lingshan Temple to arrive, so that they could really encircle him and kill him. However, the old ape would rather the demon sage suffer. If you lose a lot, you must also take the lead and issue a second blow!

The futon and Mo Yuyu's black clouds were greatly damaged, and the four gods dared not block the second blow just by referring to the thick armor of the deteriorating gods!

Daoxuan, Hate, Yimei, and Zhongchun flee in the direction from which the old bear and the old elephant came!

The second attack of the holy ape has been accumulating power and has not been wasted. When the unknowing Great Elephant and the Earth-shaking Old Bear arrived, the holy ape slammed on the unhealed old elephant. His blood was gushing and he was almost killed!

The same fundamental loss!

Staying in this holy ape mountain, the old elephant will fall after another blow!

Another clone of Duji appeared on the old elephant, and sighed, "Go back to Liliyuan first!"

He angrily cursed Daoxuan, hatred and others who kept their distance and did not remind them: "I'm already on the same continent, and I only care about calculations, regardless of the general situation, you are too stupid!"

The old bear and the holy ape have already fought so loudly, and in the Hua Shen that flashed back again, there is Daoxuan's laughing voice: "The monk should not commit anger, there must be someone who eats this. The old elephant is seriously injured. , Good value!"

Lao Na's clone can see clearly, the old ape is clearly injured in the front, how can we get in an old elephant?

This miscellaneous hair turned black and white upside down, making Du Ji's clone speechless, but Buddha Nian'er has suffered a lot, and he doesn't want to break his clone again today. At this time, this scene is not a good time for I have to dive. Return to the jade Buddha on the old elephant, and then withdraw first.

In any case, the sacred ape couldn't make a horrible blow today. After surrounding him round and round, the man with an eyebrow smiled and said, "It's almost a mile!"

Daoxuan is even more hippie smiling: "We will come to your house to celebrate the New Year!"

Mrs. Xiwang had separated from the peach tree again, and flew to her with gritted teeth, helping the holy ape to fight the other side!

A penetrating nail hurriedly shot towards Dao Xuan, the ancestor of the earth evil rushed to the end!

虺虺, teeth grinding followed closely behind!

Amid the roaring sound of the air, the Great Sage Osprey flashed up and thundered at the Daoist with a brow!

Except for the injury of the sacred ape, the situation seems to be improving! !

But at this moment, a white light passed over the Yuxiao Gate and entered the realm of the Xuantian School. Without stopping, it flew towards the Sacred Ape Mountain!

Different from the roaring sound of the Great Sage of Disturbing the Sea, this white light swiftly flew at an extremely fast speed, but there was no sound at all.

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