Deer Demon Race

Chapter 350: The first monk of Kitakura

The dead ghost, who had transformed into the appearance and breath of the white deer demon, was carried by the sacred ape clone and flew around the sacred ape mountain.

Monk Duji was chasing after him, but unfortunately in the Sacred Ape Mountain, the power of heaven and earth was helping the old ape, just like a fish in the water, there was only one clone, and it was rare for him to catch up for a while.

If the Double Saints of the Dragon Palace rush to help, they can arrive at the earliest in the middle of the night, and the time is not so rich, and this clone can not be allowed to play around with his family!

Above the mountain, the earth-shaking sage Lao Xiong had another clone of Duji condensed from him, shouting loudly: "Come here to encircle the clone of the old ape and help Lao Na kill the demon white deer!"

A strand of clone, although it can weaken the old ape a little bit after killing, but at this moment, the key lies in the white deer demon!

The white deer demon who can gather all the demon races with the sun to gather the demon is immortal, and then kill the old ape and mobilize all the gods in Hezhou. This trip is not complete!

And if you don’t respond, if you poison the monk to urinate, you will have to guilty again. I’m afraid it will drag the old bear to stop it.

The White Deer Demon is also important. It is not easy to kill the Demon Sage, let alone the most difficult one, the Great Sage Removal. Now that the Great Sage Disturbing the Sea has arrived, the seal of Bengshan borrowed by Dao Xuan has been swept back, a magic weapon. It's not effective, and it doesn't work much. The only hope is on Yuan Yang, who came later. Daoxuan replied: "The monk rests well, after seeing the results, the poor Dao will come!"

With a few words of effort, cold screen, twenty-one, and round spots have gradually arrived!

In addition to the old osprey, there are still seven demon ancestors near Saru Mountain who are helping each other. Among them, none of the magic weapons are harmed. However, there are one more each for Xiaoyu, Twenty-one, and the end plate, all of which can help the Yuanshan.

Although the old peach demon ape has been wounded, he is desperately posture but not weak.

With the strength of the two sides in front of them, they can definitely support the Dragon Palace, the Mother of the Sea Spirit, etc., but the holy ape finally sensed that another **** invaded the holy ape mountain realm!

The speed of the flying is a bit faster than the old miscellaneous hair and so on!

Although the old elephant was severely wounded and retreated, several Huashens were besieged, fearing that the west would suffer, and he did not dare to go too far away from the monkey mountain to chase and kill one of them, and his demon body was also damaged at all. With the arrival of the gods, the overall situation has not changed much.

The old osprey was fighting with Yimei, the leader of Xiwang and the demon ancestors met and hated, the holy ape alone fought Daoxuan, Zhongchun, and Lao Xiong, all of them were not very strenuous, but it is a pity that today they are no longer able to borrow Xinghui, holy Yuan sternly reminded: "Watch out for each! Another powerful enemy enters!"

For the long-planned blow, Dao Xuan responded to the transitional monk, but did not leave. First, he fought fiercely with Zhongchun, Old Xiong, and Old Ape, waiting for a joint attack!

To the northeast of the Dragon Palace, Our Lady of the Sea Spirit has left the sea and flew to the holy monkey mountain to rescue her. She felt that the situation was not good. Before she left the sea, she gave an order to warn her within the territory. Attack, Wanli Proxima is calling!

If something happens, it can also be called the Great Sage of Tides, Old Yellow Fish or Great Sage of Lunyin. It is nothing to save Sage Yuanshan far away, but it is nothing to save her home.

The sea area of ​​the Great Sage of Lunyin is bordered to the southwest of the house of Our Lady of Hailing.

Although the siren knows the name of Dragon Girl's arrogance, the Dragon Palace has a special status. It is also a good thing that you can't even think of for thousands of years to marry such a daughter-in-law to enter the door and get married with the Dragon Palace! Moreover, the monks in Honzhou have become more and more rampant. The neighboring manatee’s house is a living example. No matter how much help is sought, he can only wait to die and be married to the Dragon Palace. There is more than one alliance in the alliance, the great sage of Lunyin, the old dolphin. Also attached great importance to this marriage.

To get married, you have to not talk about several demon saint alliances, and you will also have a relationship with the White Lion Valley. The Dragon King and the couple agreed. When the white deer demon spirit becomes stronger, the old dolphin family can also choose two hundred close confidants. The demon goes to the White Lion Valley to pick up the sun!

With great attention, the divorce is still more than ten days away, the Great Sage of Lunyin is already busy, and the demon ancestors and demon kings in the sea area have also arrived in this palace early to listen to their orders. Smile from the heart.

At this time, I realized that the sparse relationship was that the more you were supported, the more you would get the name of the white lion valley.

While busy with joy, I don't know that the three demon saints of Dragon Palace and Hailing Mother have all gone to Sacred Ape Mountain for emergency.

Then on this day, the old dolphin suddenly shouted: "There are four strong enemies invading, beware!"

His home is also bordered by the original Primordial Primordial Chaos Great Sage. The fate of the old manatee's house has long been spread among the sea monsters, and the neighbor of the old dolphin knows more about it!

After the warning sound was issued, the old dolphin was a little confused. The human monk hadn't fully eaten the sea area of ​​the old manatee, so how could he rush to occupy his home?

The four invaders of the same rank all came from the southeast, judging from the direction and state, they would only be human monks!

Flying low, it's an enemy or not a friend, it's definitely not passing by!

But the foundation of tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to panic for a while, and abandon it when you say that it is thrown away. The other party may not be the most malicious, and as a demon saint, he has confidence in his ability. It is the worst case. Eleven demon ancestors under his command help. , In my own realm, I am also confident that I can carry it to Our Lady of the Sea Spirit and even the Dragon Palace to help!

Out of the difficulty of understanding the intent of the incoming enemy and the confidence of his own strength, the old dolphin did not send a warning message to the surrounding area immediately, nor did he evacuate the descendants!

After a shock, a joke was made, what did the long-sighted Longgong family think?

The four gods who were about to invade flew over the old dolphin's main palace, and they could see clearly that one was riding a vermilion gourd, another was riding a jade ruyi, the other was carrying a banana fan, and the last was barefooted and empty-handed.

At least two are the chief culprits who killed the Great Sage Chaos!

Flying over the Old Dolphin Sea Palace, the one who Tayu Ruyi exclaimed: "After today, the demon crowds who have to flee to spread the word for me, and those who dare to get involved with the White Lion Valley will be like this old dolphin and leave. No matter how far away, I will punish the monks!"

Really want to occupy one's own land, but still looking for excuses?

The old dolphin sneered, but he was different from the old manatee. He was supported by his in-laws. The relationship with the house of Our Lady of Hailing was not bad before, and the two were close!

After listening to what he said, ignoring the four enemies of the transformation gods, the Great Sage Lunyin first called: "Children tell the story of the Dragon Palace and the Virgin of the Sea Spirit, for help!"

When news from his house came out, he was transferred to Our Lady of the Sea Spirit. The old poisonous fish jellyfish took a deep breath, and Yu Feikui shouted angrily: "All the monks of a continent have moved? Tell the old yellow croaker, ask him to rescue him, and tell the old dolphin to guard strictly. Waiting for help, this saint first solves the holy monkey mountain encirclement, and then comes back to rescue!"

No matter how good neighbors are, they can’t compare to the life of the youngest son of the Daofengling. Everything must be separated from each other!

And fighting within the boundary, waiting for the help of the great sage of the tide, the two demon sages plus many demon ancestors, always support to get their own help back!

There are a large group of dragon descendants and grandchildren on the Dafengling Ridge. The Dragon King and Dragon Po are also on their way to catch up. They heard the words of help from the Dragon Palace Proximate Conch. They talked a few words, weighed the two, whether the Holy Ape Mountain is more urgent, the Dragon King replied It is similar to the old poisonous fish: "Spoken to the great sage of the tide, please help him! Then tell the in-laws, wait for the solution of the holy monkey mountain siege, the king will come to rescue!"

The Virgin Mary and Dragon Palace in the sea are both inconvenient, but fortunately, there is still a tidal sage, the old yellow croaker, who will come to rescue, and the great sage of Lun Yin also feels a little rested and decided to stand by for help!

It’s a pity that when they really fight, they know that these four gods cooperate wonderfully. The one who rides the vermilion gourd has a billowing fire spewing out of the gourd and sealed the sea; the one who carries the plantain fan, the sundae cuts the bones, and still helps The fire is rising; the other jade ruyi is out of the ordinary, knocks on the key, blocking the old dolphin's back path!

Surrounded by those three, the old dolphin is difficult to fight against. There is still the **** of transformation with bare hands. He comes and goes. He is very heavy with one punch and one foot. He can fracture when he is next to him. If he doesn't fight him, he only goes to the sea. Count on the demon ancestor!

After staying for a long time, I was connected by wind and fire, and the demon's body was greatly damaged by burning. Not to mention, two demon ancestors in the sea had been killed, and one was blew up!

If it were not for all the gods to attack the Sacred Ape Mountain, the old ape would definitely not say a word, and would immediately pull out the peach tree of the original ape woman, and then take a few demon such as the white deer demon and the demon boy to abscond, which would be troublesome. The monk did not need to Split the soldiers!

Violent battles in the sky above the mountain were endless. The four transformation gods, the three demon saints, and the eight demon ancestors spared no effort. The violent spiritual fluctuations could be sensed by the little demon thousands of miles away.

Such a big scene is related to the life and future of thousands of demon crowds, and it can't help much. Many demon kings only lead the demon crowds and kneel down to pray to the world!

The white light flew from the Xuantian faction into the holy monkey mountain, UU reading then looked for the direction and rushed to the fierce monkey mountain!

In the white light, he was a Taoist with black hair and black beard, his eyes were sharp, his figure was straight, and his square face was full of majesty!

When he rushed to the battlefield, the old osprey fighting Yimei took advantage. The old ape was wounded, and the Great Sage, Dao Xuan, and Zhongchun did not lose the wind under the siege!

Only Madam Xiwang waited for the demon ancestors, the scenes were beautiful, but they couldn't help but hate them!

The old osprey is not worth the trip. If you are far away, the Taoist will say: "Old ape, I heard that the demon saint of Luzhou in the north is the most difficult enemy, Yuanyang is here to find a battle today!"

The killer has arrived. Hearing this shout, the spirits of hatred, Daoxuan, Zhongchun, and Yimei are all lifted!

How about adding another one? The holy ape in the fierce battle greeted the later transforming god, roaring angrily and replied: "Come on!"

Yuan Yang let out a cold snort, then turned into white light, and slammed into the King Kong Iron Gibbon, who was in the same form and form!

Today, the power of Xinghui has been consumed twice, but the holy ape is not afraid of it, and Danshandan slams it easily, smashing into the oncoming white light!

The first monk of Luzhou in Beiju, he had faked a collision before, but he had just lied to Danshan!

He was extremely fast, turning around in midair, avoiding Danshandan, flicking his fingers, and greeted him with a small metal saw.

At the same time, Yuanyang groaned again: "The world is shining, and Wujin is the real fire!"

Flicking his fingers again, a ray of sparks shot at the giant King Kong Iron Gibbon!

The small metal saw magic weapon was completely unaffected in front of the extremely heavy Danshan Dan. It was flying flexibly, and after getting close to the Danshan Dan, it began to saw it on the waist of the shoulder!

There is a huge amount of horror in the tiny little-sized sparkle, which cannot be provoked, and the holy ape wants to escape, but the giant palm of the old bear, the thunder bead of Zhongchun, and the seal of Daoxuan's collapsed mountain are all issued at this time. Force, all work hard to lay down, and don't let him move!

(End of this chapter)

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